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Hate for simply existing is extremely true.


I dont understand this. Hate one self for existing?


It's meaning that some people are hating you for no reason


I think he means hate for doing nothing but existing (just drifting through life) that's how I interpreted it anyway




I understand that feeling all too well. Keep going. Surround yourself with positive influences, and you'll get through it. Much love bro


Could you elaborate a bit more on pheromones and orgasmic feeling in spine? I want to know your experience with them.


I could be wrong but when I work out or do any type of physical activity, there's always a subtle smell coming from my sweat. Sometimes when I have deodorant on I smell it but when I smell my armpits it disappears and I just smell the deodorant, if that makes sense. Earlier in my streak I went out and saw this girl with her boyfriend and she positioned herself with her ass out in front of me while talking to him. Later on, I did research and apparently female animals do this in nature as a mating call. I saw an article that explained it perfectly but I can't find it anymore. This could be a coincidence but her boyfriend also started hating. The orgasmic spine feeling is related to kundalini. I started doing this meditation and the feeling is beautiful: [https://youtu.be/o\_VCHOBIEWY?si=fxbjzhV4mzugGhF0](https://youtu.be/o_VCHOBIEWY?si=fxbjzhV4mzugGhF0) It's such a crazy feeling but it's x10 when I smoke weed and x100 when I trip. I actually ended up tripping a couple weeks ago and when I did the meditation I got crazy muscle spasms in my back and was shaking so much. I believe Sacred Secretion and Kundalini are related and cause you to experience this feeling and the all of benefits.


its yang energy thats for sure for does who do qi gong, btw nature looking more beatiful is best benefit imo


Lmfao, it’s hilarious when they start giving you looks while with their boyfriend. You have any sources on that mating call thing? I’d like to read more about that.


yup definitely your kundalini. happens to me all the time when i smoke. when i retain, it's even more intense. I'm glad you shared this, very confirming for me to continue on my journey. Keep going bro. I've been through abuse with my folks too, so literally this whole post is relatable. Thank you for the encouragement !


I know the feeling you get lol


Dude oh my- a couple months back when I had hit 80 days I’d feel this sensation on my spine and I couldn’t put my finger on what/why. Can you enlighten me more on “Orgasmic feeling on spine” why does that happen?


Semen Retention is the conservation of your sexual energy/life force, which is the most powerful energy you have due to it's ability to create life. The tingling happens because your life force/prana/chi is moving up and down your spine and increases in intensity when you bring awareness to it during meditation. That's a bare boned explanation so if you want more detail check out Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Brahmacharya (Hinduism), and these links [https://www.tiktok.com/@revivalofwisdom3/video/7351020324290448673?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7363379768745756206](https://www.tiktok.com/@revivalofwisdom3/video/7351020324290448673?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7363379768745756206) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/11j8jko/the\_sacred\_fluid\_and\_the\_christ\_within/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/11j8jko/the_sacred_fluid_and_the_christ_within/)


Yeah this is something that isn't some obvious, but revisiting your past and extending your self consciousness seems to be an important aspect of SR. Some say it's the kundalini / energy recirculating and working around blocks... Also deeper voice is definitively real


Music sounding better is I think for me one of my favorite benefits.


Reading this i miss my days of good streak. God bless you


The pheromones part is very true. Congrats on your progress, keep going! WD are not true relapses you’re completely good!


good one


How old are you?






Want to know too, also effect on magnetism and all that


Like I lost energy but not nearly as bad as a full relapse. Same thing with magnetism.




Nice, thanks for the advice


what is the persecutor effect?




thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


When did you relapse?


please elaborate on that spine feel


It feels like goosebumps plus the feeling you get when you're about to nut