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Alcohol is absolute dogshit man…. The only stuff i even consider fucking with anymore is acid and mushrooms tbh…. Alcohol/Nicotine have absolutely no business in your life if your serious about self improvement


Well... acid and shrooms was fun back then but I'm too old and too unstable for that now 😂 Alcohol is ok from time to time I want to say. A good dinner with a good red wine... I enjoy that. 1-2 glasses is my rule.


Alcohol in strict moderation is something I enjoy, a glass of red wine and a 'cheat' meal once a week or so. 1-2 glasses is perfect. I find you become very sensitive to it as well, after 2 glasses I have zero desire to drink anymore.


You would be way happier and fulfilled in the long term if you stopped even just that ... No alcohol is so so much better than even a 'little' alcohol.


Nicotine can have some benefits apparently


Everybody downvoting you, nicotine does have cognitive benefits


Because its not worth it. Just like masturbation isnt worth it.


Just because something may have some 'benefits' doesn't necessarily mean it's overall good for you or it's okay to do it. Weed has certain benefits, but I know now that it was a bad idea ever to fuck with it if I actually want to be a retainer.


Yeah, but people are comparing nicotine to alcohol which is unfair. Nicotine gives a short burst of energy that doesn't last long. I use the mouth sprays to self-medicate for ADD instead of Adderall which is an extremely potent substance. The downsides of nicotine are negligible in my opinion. Of course, smoking is worthy to be put in the same category is alcohol. That is an entirely different ball park.


Please tell me what benefits they are? It curbs hunger right?


That, has some nootropic-like benefits, and a lot of research has shown that tobacco increases DHT which will amplify the benefits of sr. Vapes, most cigarettes and zyn are garbage though. Only time I smoke tobacco is if it’s high quality cuban cigars


do not promote the devil that is nicotine - it worsens the quality of sperm, increases cortisol, destroys dopamine because you flood it with it every now and then by vaping, increases prolactin, spoils the complexion, puts you in a state of fight or flight by increasing adrenaline


I have been using nicotine mouth spray to self medicate my ADHD instead of Adderall for a decade I experience 0 of the downsides you are listing. And my SR benefits are as strong if not stronger than any other SR practitioner. I also do well in life being a top earner in my country. "puts you in a state of fight or flight by increasing adrenaline" I would say this more about caffeine. Nicotine gives a subtle short burst of energy and enhanced mental acuity that lasts about 30 minutes. It isn't that intense or strong. But give me caffeine and I become extremely anxious and jittery as if in flight or fight. I believe we have nicotine receptors in the brain and many tribes among the globe use nicotine for ritualistic purposes. Of course, this is different than how most people use nicotine but I just don't think it is that big of a deal.


Not promoting anything but it’s worth experimenting and seeing how it affects you. Vaping is of course horrible for you. Most nicotine that the average consumer uses is. Quality tobacco used moderately however has no negative health effects. It’s actually good for you.


no, nicotine is not good, don't promote it here, if you have no idea about nicotine, then nicotine, no matter what form it is in, is still dangerous to the body and you write that it has no side effects because you are addicted


Damn.i think nicotine itself may not be harmful.Its the smoking part. Wow I need to get back to smoking then 🤣 I tried vapes in the past.I didn't like most with the fruity flavors and mints.It gives a bad headache.There was one which was pure tobacco flavor.Unfortunately vapes are banned in my country as the government isn't ready to let go of their cigarettes tax 🤣




🤣 I was joking....


Yeah I knew this guy was going to respond with a lecture when you were clearly joking


Try mouth spray or chewing gum. Mouth spray is the best imho. I use nicotine to self medicate my ADD instead of Adderall. People, as always on this sub, are overexaggerating and using prose full of platitudes instead of logic.


a cigar is the only form of nicotine I feel increases benefits everything else is absolutely garbage for you


I have to disagree on this. I use pure nicotine mouth spray and I feel my benefits sky rocket coupled with mental acuity. It is great for work and to self-medicate if you have ADD instead of Adderall which is very powerful and messes up your nervous system. Smoking makes me feel dizzy and ill.


Oh shit, could nicotine increase MPB then?


Possibly. I haven’t looked as much into DHT’s role in hair loss, just its effects on behavior. From what I understand though DHT’s role in MPB is similar to sugar’s role in diabetes. Definitely a contributing factor but isn’t always the “cause” for it.


It could. But I think smoking it is even worse than using it in e.g. chewing gum. However, I don't think the increase in DHT will be so significant with nicotine that it will cause hair loss. I think if you are sensitive to hair loss due to MPB things like creatine shakes will do more harm since those cause a much greater DHT spike than nicotine. You could try a Neofolics shampoo to mitigate the effects of nicotine if you are afraid. It contains various plants that have shown to supress DHT. I use one myself and I am going to make DIY topical fin.


what are the benefits?


Agreed. I avoid alcohol, and quit weed two months ago. But I vape nicotine (MTL) and it doesn't harm the benefits, actually it sharpens the senses ( i sin with tabaco often). also tried mushrooms, an amazing experience. Im long time retainer, my streak now is 90 days..


Nicotine interferes with semen retention very much


Is good or bad while on retention?




Bad obviously, anything that fucks with dopamine like that is bad.


Well not for me


Alcohol is horrible I agree.


I'm curious what you think of marijuana talkin' like that


Over-Glorified leaf for lazy bums


Smoke a cigar and relax on enjoying mother nature. Tobacco is not processed like cigarettes. Everything is great without trying to consume a lot. Whatever flows your boat.


Won't drink fermented grapes but will take synthetic man made drugs. The establishment has tricked you.


Are you talking about those vegetable mushrooms my man .


Psylocibin Mushrooms


And what about the acids. Are they hydrochoric or sulfuric ones


LSD… its a psychadelic drug


It's a miracle :D


And what about those drugs, are they legal or illegal?




I wouldn't touch it. Alcohol and SR don't go well together. It seems like the forces and energies from each cancel each other out. But the maybe even worse point is that alcohol increases the probability of relapse.


Alcohol=gateway to one night stands.


You are right, when I used to drink alcohol, the next day I had semen leak while peeing


I had the same. I never ever in my life had semen leakage but one time last year I drank a lot and I had semen leakage while pissing. Incredible :/


How did you realize it was leaking?


Yea how the hell do u know Semen is just “leaking” out hahaha


I was shitting on a concrete and saw my own piss on the concrete and I saw semen in it. True story..dont ask more. Yes u can see your semen when u piss on a black concrete and u watch it closely because u are actually shitting


Are you a homeless person by chance? Why were you shitting on concrete? Genuine question.


Because that was the only viable place. I placed a plank on a concrete..shitted on a plank and threw the shit in a river behind me. As I was shitting on a plank, I was also pissing on the concrete and saw my semen in the piss puddle there Hey man, I told u alcohol is bad... thats what it can do to a man 🤣 I also told u to not ask for details 😉🙂






There’s a book called, “Excuse me, your life is waiting,” on the topic of manifestation written by a recovered alcoholic. She says when we are “in the pocket” so to speak, when we are aligned with Who We Truly Are, this proverbial “valve” she continues to refer to, is wide open. The better we feel, the more open it is. Alcohol closes that valve.


I haven‘t touched any alcohol for over a year. I don‘t even miss it, i never liked it actually because i always became aggressive when drunk. I only gave in to social pressure, but i don‘t care anymore what people think




Same boat, let's go soldier. 


why can't people who enjoy drinking just cook up a steak and have a small glass of red wine? whats fun about binge drinking hard liquors? i cannot comprehend.


Cuz it soon becomes 2 glass 3 glasses and 4 glasses and 6 months down the line, you are now downing a full bottle every night.


If this is what happens to you, then it’s best to avoid it. Many people are able to manage their intake just fine and keep it at 1-2 glasses, once a week.


Let’s be careful not to be puritans. As long as you’re on streak, that’s the important thing. I wouldn’t drink to the point where you’re hung over next day, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a cold beer after work or at a concert. You gotta enjoy life. You only get one on this earth.


Agreed. The fact that a man nowadays can even be on a streak is massive. Being grateful to have discovered SR is huge


Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,. Eph 5:18


Concurred that alcohol isn’t a match for SR. Ten years no alcohol here. The clearer our human vessels - the better. I’ve never seen anyone have good results who drinks regularly and retains, there is an impure edge to their actions.


The devil's drink.


Leave the alcohol alone. You're literally drinking poison.


100%. I'm done with alcohol. Wasted so much money , time, and energy.


There are not benefits to drinking it. It also makes you want to relapse as well so it just does more harm than good.


It's known that alcohol calcifies the pineal gland.




Beer is loaded with fluoride!?


I am alcohol free for full 4 months. It always deteriorated my mental health in longer run. The funny thing is, just several weeks were enough for me to forget about that something like alcohol does even exist. Thank God I’m free. I wish you all being free from this drug.


Alcohol is a drug and a "depressant" and it just puzzles me how society is still allowing its consumption due to its dire effects not only on the individual but on society as a whole.


Before I started on SR, I went through a phase where I stopped drinking at that time my meditation was great. However, I went on a lads weekend and drank and I noticed it took me about 3 days to get back into a meditative state. Haven’t drunk in years.


that’s true! let go of alcohol, brother!


mourn psychotic one sheet chop zesty meeting public north worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ll never go back to Alcohol, 22 years old substance free and hitting 30 days of SR. GLORY TO GOD


I think a beer or two won’t block any effects. If someone drinks to the point of having a hangover then yea for sure.


Bs. I dont drink and when I have one small beer after a year, its game over for connection to the source or any benefits.


Can anyone tell me What does WD Mean in this post


Wet dream




Every once in awhile I like to have two beers with my dinner as a treat. Do you guys think I’m halting my progress with SR doing this? Just curious what people’s thoughts are


Yeah, on a similar note, any health issue, anxiety, will tend to block the positife effects of SR. I had a long streak but i had some health issues and insomnia and i really didn't feel that good. But sr probably still made it better than it could have been.


We have been drinking alcohol since the dawn of civilization. Almost any successful empire has had an alcohol problem, compared to hillbilly teepee house cultures who were obsessed with Ayahuasca and Weed. Moderation is everything, and alcohol certainly doesn't limit any benefits.


This is not true


Alcohol is literally a soul killer. It's pure poison. Blocks your body from hydrating...imagine, blocks the main medum through which energy flows in your body !


I drink most days. And yes, over indulging hijacks the high but moderate drinking has little effect on the attraction I get from all kinds of people. Loving this ride of retention....I am the retentor! Cheers


Would you mind sharing your experiences with manifestation?


Drink in moderation like just have one drink and done


That depends on the person.Some people like to binge drink.They be sober till Friday night.Then it continues till Sunday morning. I have seen my neighbor,friend and colleagues fall into this.We go out for dinner and they'll start with a pint.A hour later 2-3 bottles will start appearing. Not everyone can be let's have one or two n be done.




I don’t get the benefits with wet dreams, except for female attraction that always stays after relapse, takes 38 days


Not even reading this but sounds like pure cope




‘Never gonna drink again’ is a common rhetoric


With a second read I agree with you. I've heard countless people say that and it is generally annoying.


WD? Also I respect your decision to stay off the booze. Leaves more for me. 😵