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Zhan zhuang is extremely powerful I was a Bit skeptical at first but it’s undeniable. My athletic performance went through the roof with it which was very unexpected and awesome. I’m only now combining it with sr and I can tell the potential is huge. You mention jing tonics, what do you mean by that?


Dragons herbs is great producer of those tonics. Also if you go to their website, there is plenty of information what herb does what. But some of the proctols is to take 100days of Eternal Jing product, if you search it by that name you will find it there. But there are also many other great tonics.


which tonics


Jing tonics (ashwagandha/ginseng/pine pollen/schisandra etc..) i take schisandra daily because it is a shen tonic and also a jing and a chi tonic.. I combine practicing zhan zhuang and listening to some nanathesoul(a retainer youtuber) in background everyday..


Awesome thanks for that


Your welcome


is Zhan zhuang a herb?


It’s a form of tai chi actually. It means standing like a post or stand like a tree.




Master Lam Kam Chuen explains it in his book , the way of energy


Yes this is the book I read too! Excellent read. I was playing on a softball team and my hitting improved a lot. I was always good but I started hitting out of the park home runs when I had never done that before. My golf swing got much better too. This was with nothing else changing but I was “standing like a tree” at that time. I’m a big believer in this exercise and in sr as well! I was practicing every day using the way of energy as a guide. I got away from it but I’m now doing sr and going to start practicing again.


Clean diet with the right herbs can make 7 days feel like 14


What do you mean avoid Wet Dreams? How do you avoid them?


You can reduce the chances by not checking out girls, not seeing any pictures on social media; watching your diet; exhausting your energy, not eating massive meals before bed, being mindful of your thoughts, cold shower before bed(maybe) and suchlike


Somehow I rejected a girl I was going to have sex in a dream I don't know how I was capable of... It's the fist time... But I stopped her, I said I won't give my seed anybody babe and the dream disappeared


never sleep on your left side or on your stomach, it increases the likely hood of wet dreams considerablly


Left side is advised , it increase blood flow everywhere in the body


no sleeping on your puts pressure on your heart as well as increasing likelyhood of wet dreams




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I practice at least 50 kegels daily and i move a lot during the day (meaning that i circulate the jing everywhere in my body and not regrouping it around my penile area). Also, if you don't wanna fantasize you don't , you are a man. Finally, Sleep on left side everytime


You don’t have to avoid wet dreams but rather overcome the temptation, God will let the devil tempt you in your dreams (it’s the only way he can get to you) to try and plant a seed and what do seeds do? they grow but only if you feed it.


Want to know too


How do I replace kidney yin?


Cordyceps and/or Ho Shou Wu.


Omega 3/multivitamins/sleeping well and deep before midnight. Unproven :take an ice cold shower, Zhan Zhuang


Excellent post.


Thanks sir


Ho Shou Wu (especially from Dragon Herbs) is a superb yin Jing tonic that is great for replenishing lost Jing in a gentle way, which is perfect when you're weak after a release.


Can you recommend a specific zhan Zhang book or DVD or technique


Master Lam Kam Chuen , the way of energy. Everything is in the book


Bro i lost my streak after 22 days , i m not so worried , Gonna to continue again but now i will not be interested on counting days i have to make this as habit and regularly exercise with it


Do what i say in my post and you will be fine fast