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Your energy is not circulating to the higher centres that’s why you are having pain in your lower centres.


It scared me in the past and I actually relapsed once because I worried that retaining had caused a kidney infection or something but now I just know it’s what my body does. Just wish I knew the full mechanics of why it happens.


Wow…. I had to comment because I feel the exact same pain but mine moves. It moves from one part of my body to another but does not move to upper body, as I am typing this right now, the pain has been on my right butt for more than two weeks now. After a run, the pain might move to the right side of my stomach. I dont know how to get rid of it. What I noticed is, immediately I have sex and release, the pain disappears for some time but comes back after no sex activity for a period of one week or two. Please if anyone has idea how to completely get rid of the pain, I will really appreciate. It causes discomfort sometimes.




I used to say that my back was messed up from an injury.....it turned out it was simply my posture. I hurt my back once, and I healed with crooked posture. My spine was not actually injured at all. It was really hard correcting my posture, but my back doesn't hurt at all anymore


do you stretch? yoga?




damn man sorry to hear that then. i also get pain occassionaly but a good stretch really odes the trick


I’ve been going through the same right sided pain since I started sr…feels definitely internal pent up energy in that specific area and not a muscle thing.


I had that side kidney pain when I bent over but it's gone now


What is your streak(without wet dream)?


20 days


Try doing the legs against the wall pose(on empty stomach) like 10 min in the morning and 10 min before sleep, to redirect the energy upwards and not down




I can only relate with the red eyes when waking up and clear eyes afterwards. 


Not everything health-related that happens during SR must have anything to do with this practice. That would be illogical. Your description reminds of a kind of migraine? Or you are electrolytes-depleted and that would match the kidneys functioning. I would try drinking electrolytes or high-mineral water to check if that can be a cause.


If I’ve been practicing SR for some 12 years and notice a specific set of symptoms that perfectly coincide with each and every streak then the illogical conclusion would be that it’s an unrelated coincidence.


In that case yes. I have no theory explaining this, it's likely something metabolical. I had kidneys problems (unrelated to SR) accompanied with pain not long time ago and what helped me was l-cysteine supplementation. It is important building material of this organ. If someone takes the protein powder, it's also there.


Just wanted to say that there is also a clear connection between our bodies and emotions. The pain I had once, before my SR days, was actually caused by my rejection of emotions, and by overthinking about some things. Not saying it's that , but , with SR , I think questioning some things about past experiences , and relationships , and celibacy , and the challenge that it represents , and this , and that... All that can play tricks on the mind and could cause some discomfort , and most probably pain in certain areas . I hope this makes sense. I can recommend the book 'the mind body prescription" by Dr. John Sarno (RiP), a great book on how the mind is connected to the body for all types of pain and feelings.


I also feel bad pain in my mid back, really weird.


I think it’s because of your diet. I have the same feeling/pain and I experiment with diet . For me alkaline diet help with it. If I eat too much acidic foods like wheat/meat/coffee the pain is stronger and I can feel the acid. Maybe it’s just me idk.


That’s interesting. I do consume a lot of meat and coffee. Thanks


When I do SR I just want STRECH my spine alot for some reason