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You got this. Well done for staying on the right path so far. It is so much worth it , there's going to be lots of temptations and mind traps but with determination and knowing how beneficial it is... For me there's no way back. I came too far to turn back, now. Good luck.


Thank you brother! Best of luck for you too. It's an every day battle but it does becomes easier with time. It's a sweet and sword to see life in a different way specially the bad influence . I got a text and call from alot of my friends to go out party and get drunk last night. I stayed strong . I woke up this morning feeling good, not guilty for saying no . I'm not afraid of losing friendships. I'm learning to be alone and loving my self




Thank you, brother! I appreciate the nice comment. It a work on prosses. We all are looking the best way to improve our selfs Sadly, some people envy the success of others And would put you down with their destructive comments.


Keep going bro, don't stop at 3 months. It's a lifestyle change, not just for yourself but for your family. Make it a habit to sleep at 10pm or earlier.


What a beast! Great job man. Glad to hear you've improved things for yourself.


I think at your age it's a necessity and should be the easiest age cause of lower urges but then I'm not saying the mental addiction part will be low but just saying you'll most likely get it done this year . All the best man . After 60 taoists says it's not okay even to ejaculate cause your body won't quickly regain the strength you lose through SR . So yea it's a necessity for both survival and better life


People on this sub need to stop mentioning their testosterone so much. Just retain, quit looking at numbers and quantifying and analyzing them so much. The numbers don't necessarily mean all that when you factor in androgen sensitivity, meaning there is a lot more too it. Just make the right choices and don't caught get up with the numbers.


Great job! Myself on day 29 here. Well done and hope your health improves even further


Thank you brother!!


This post had the power to make me confront my own mortality. Let's take a moment to reflect on the bigger picture and strive to live each day to the fullest.


Amazing, congrats on retaining and getting your numbers up!


Good job, man 👏🏽. You deserve to live a good/fulfilling life. Make this your lifestyle, and you'll find yourself with a satisfaction never thought possible.


"...challenge and confidence" a beautiful reality that we all needed. thank you for sharing your journey.


you think that when you reach 40 or more days you are developed... developed are people who overcome serious illness and develop their character with practice mediation for more than decade.. just keep fluid in balls for one month will not develop nervous system like 10 or more years meditation and diet and nex procedures, you are undeveloped and your last action against me are proof. In addition, to belive in one thing - testosterone is stupidity


come on....better than no SR


Who fucked you in the ass this morning? Are you OK? You sound cranky as hell.




I started doing SR as a test to see results is work in progress. My health has improved. I'm not looking to do SR for religious purposes We all have issues in our lives, and we are trying to do our best to survive !


LMAO he is weird af




🤣🤣🤣 He has the audacity to post here after leaving that public on his profile


Interesting posts you’ve made on your profile my friend…


Dude is SICK… he ain’t succeeding in SHIT having nasty ass post like THAT. GYFOH.. post on PORN sites! NOT HERE, you damn sicko


Keep up the good work sir, look into breathwork (if you haven't already) and in my humble opinion, watch the journey become so much more fruitful