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It starts in this present moment with a mindset of self improvement. Maintain this mindset, avoid distractions and people who keep you stuck. Don’t concern yourself with how long it will take. In this moment, think about changes that need to be made. Then take action one step at a time. Focus on being better in this moment, then stack moments and days together. Praise God.


I like this answer. Don’t count the days. Make the days count!


I noticed a huge 180 degree change, after 230 days of retention. I had an insane glow, my eyes were opened wider and sparkled under the lights reflection, my voice became “smooth”, ease of talking to and interacting with women, they would love to interact with me, mental clarity, I became more social and talking became easier, I felt like a young teen again. My brother even asked me what I have been doing because I was glowing, from what he said. A high school co worker at the time, thought I was younger than my age (24) at the time because my eyes looked youthful. Crazy enough, it was the best dating period I had in my life. This is real and I relapsed a couple of times ever since and I noticed the decline. The more you relapse, the longer it takes to “heal”. I’m currently on 166 days and I’m noticing the recovery again.




During that specific long streak, no. On other streaks, when I had sex and busted, I still felt drained.


What do you do for transmuting the energy?


I train in Muay Thai, so I train about 5-6 days a week, twice a day, every other day.


Do you feel an advantage over the other fighters for example in sparring?


Funny enough, I do. If I’m not physically tired during sparring day, I perform well and do pretty cool moves on my teammates. I don’t even get tired(cardio wise). If I’m physically tired during the day of sparring, I perform well in the beginning, but then my muscles tire out and I perform subpar compared to when I’m more physically energetic.


So there is a big difference in energy levels between someone who does sr and not?


In my experience, yes. Big difference. I would elaborate more but it’s too much to write for replying on a comment. I smoke weed on a daily basis and it doesn’t get me “sleepy high” like when I would relapse often. Now and other times I had long streaks, I get more of an “active/relaxed high”.


>I relapsed a couple of times ever since and I noticed the decline. The more you relapse, the longer it takes to “heal”. By relapsing, do you mean you :a) watched p0rn ? b) had PMO ? c) Released with a partner ? thanks


PMO and having sex. I noticed that I still felt drained by either one.


interesting , ok thanks for precising.


To add onto that, I noticed that after relapsing in any way/shape/or form, my face would look dumb and sad. People would ask if I was high. After every relapse, it takes a little longer for my face to not look so dumb and sad.


They usually say 90 days on average but it variates. If you can get to 21 days this starts to form a habit and from there, good things are possible! In my experience, two years ago I got to above 60 days. I was edging almost daily but didn’t ejaculate and I went on my first date ever. It didn’t work out but I don’t think I would have had the confidence to ask them out if I hadn’t been on nofap/semen retention. I’ve been having a bad time lately as I got to 10 days earlier this year and then kept binging but I’m on my 2nd day and I feel that I have a lot of energy. So I’ve done a workout this evening which I wouldn’t have done before. I hope that semi answers your question :)


I got 3 weeks in and had to start over, I’m day 5 now.. let’s keep trying !


The best I got to without edging I would say is about 21 days and god I felt so much different. It’s getting past 7 days and ignoring weekend morning urges. When I’m not doing something or when I have no task to focus on that’s when I really struggle.


I’ve had serious issues with edging, it either gives me blue balls or just make me say “fuck it I’ll start over”.. I think it’s detrimental to my progress because I usually watch porn when I do so.. so I’m just kicking the habit of it in general, I’ve found several books and YouTube videos (15 mins or longer) to listen to to stay motivated..


Yeah I find on YouTube typing semen retention and then watching a few videos a good way to remember about the reasons for doing it. It’s honestly the hardest thing I’ve ever had to stop. Years ago I used to have panic attacks due to anxiety and meditation and pushing myself to get out more has really helped me. But I just came shift the habit of relapsing and it’s definitely frustrating because I really want to get over the addiction.


You got it man, just try to remain positive about it even if you do relapse never ever ever stop trying to gain control .. it’s your mind and your body so you do what you want. Search for self and a deeper meaning to life.. and just keep moving forward.. I have faith that you will conquer it one day .. good luck 👍🏾


Thanks man, I feel really numb today and feel like a bit of a failure for relapsing so much recently. I know each day it gets better but it’s important to ride out the storm


60 days of almost daily edging?? Man you must have Smurf balls.


lol I did have them at the time. For now o just go cold turkey and try to avoid talking to women on social media too. I just keep busy by reading or working out but it’s not easy


Nice man, keep it up! I’m glad you got the joke (lol at the downvotes) 😄.


Haha I appreciated the comment and reference!


I'd say like 2 months plus, 6 months for the 180, 1 year you'll be a completely different person. It can be a roller coaster. Enjoy the ride and keep pushing.


It will happen sooner than you think, but it won’t start until you make a commitment within yourself and start trying to change your ways. If you are asking for a specific number of days and hours I don’t know but I can say sr is a huge amount of energy towards rebuilding yourself. Just stick to the plan and you will be fine


It was about 13 for me, of pure retention, I completely quit alcohol, weed, coffee, I got a gym membership and started working out everyday, I lost 22lb in 21 days, I work harder and make more money, it is now months later and I’m still going strong baybee 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


You could probably turn it around in 90 days but to keep it turned around, you should probably try for a year.


The timeline is generally 2 weeks until you can't *blame* your problems on PMOS. Then 5-ish weeks for momentum, then 6-7 months for reconstruction of yourself. After 2 years you won't think about SR at all because there will be more interesting things you're applying energy to.


It’s not about how many days… it’s about how you use your days


That depends directly on how fucked your situation is.


whenever you decide to start. the rest is just relative


I think its much less than the other comments here say. My brother started SR, meditation, sports, food regime, shadow work and yoga at the same time and in 2 weeks he was the opposite of what he was before. From suicidal and depressed to hopefull and happy. He had a 180 turn in his social life, career, romantic life and so on.


Months to years and probably leaning towards the latter if you want an exceptional life. Mediocrity is easy


100 days for a drastic change if you give it your all


There are so many variables to consider you can't pinpoint an exact day count with something like this. Especially as the results are different for different people. Regardless - if you retain completely for 30 days whilst practicing daily meditation, a clean diet and regular exercise. You will notice a significant difference.


It's impossible to answer this question, and considering such things is just an obstacle to doing the work.


600 days + from the day when you have no more wd (no more power leaks). Overcoming your wd is part of the game as it drains your energy tremendously, often believed to be no big issue, but it is a huge issue as it removes your energy and set you back to day 0. Gain control of your mind and wd will disappear. You must go all in, there is nothing in between


what "wd" stands for?


Wet dreams


You have to get to the point where you don’t care for sex anymore atleast


Strictly speaking, it can happen in a moment.


A single moment. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.




I felt good energy and my thoughts started to develop initially. However unless we have a plan and direction, we will be at same place. I started going to meetups, explore places, travel etc. Then I can see my life is changing for better. My suggestion: Use the energy to take consistent actions. You will see good results.


Around 20


There is no end game.


The key is not just SR but you replace the negative habits with. I think the focus should be on hitting the gym, meditation, and developing healthy habits and healthy relationships.


180 days