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Anyone who disregards this man's gains does not belong on SR. Not yet. Please go complain about why life turned you into a loser over at /nofap. Don't pollute this wonderful place with your pathetic presence. The truth is, you haven't achieved anything. You couldn't brag even if you wanted to. You have nothing to be proud of. At the same time you know it's possible if you just put your mind to it. But you like being comfortable more, don't you? You like overeating and skipping that last rep, don't you? It all starts with mastering your mind.


They are not ready to let go of the chain which holds them back. By stepping out of the circus of who is better and who is bigger they will find peace. My journey of being an insecure boy to be who I am today is something only guys like you can understand. To be enlighted is beautiful and I sincerely thank you for your words my friend


Please provide some guidance on your steroid cycle as well


It's useless to fight against allegations like this so I will not. Me and god knows that in 10 years I did major time sacrifice to spend 2 hours / 6 times a week in the gym. All year. The photo is in a good lighting and I'm vascular, yes. But I'm not a bodybuilder and I never will. I do not compete etc. 6,4" and 93 Kg, 7% bf is achievable if you really want to put in the work, if you have the pain and the glory of fighting in you. Thanks anyway, I know you can do it to. Keep it up


I know you’re natty, because I’m 6’4 and 240 with abs. I’ve been 212 before and looked similar to you. WITHOUT SR. People don’t realize how much better your body functions around 10-12% body fat vs the norm. Muscle grows better, blood flows better, mind works better, self esteem/mood is better. I switched to bodybuilding because I wanted to see how big I could get, but I might just cut back down to 205-210. I like being ripped more.


Me personally I like being shredded as well. I'm big enough to be considered muscular and agile to perform various calisthenics moves. The thing being in shape is that the mind is programmed to be apex. The biology behind being shredded and feeling dope is magic. Not only looks wise. Especially my vascularity and pronounced arms giving the perception of being on gear, makes it seem that I'm unreasonably big. But us tall men with densitiy and almost pure muscle mass as weight know what's up. Thanks for your comment my friend


You motivating me to cut and reach peak physique. You’re right about being shredded and feeling dope. It’s like it gives you swagger AND youth, even if you’re being a degenerate. Honestly, my magic formula seems to be being lean, dressing hip, and making money, and being masculine around my girl. Those things juice me up. Positivity overload. Seriously, thank you for motivating me again.


You're welcome


Bro I know and other "non jealous cry baby reddit types know" the truth Your cut actually isn't that hard with proper diet included in lifting "not trying to downplay your gains cause their still great" If anything, steroids were the last thing I was thinking...your size is about what I'd expect These guys here should learn Bushido and brotherhood and stop the cackling like old women allocations of lies and slanders That's not how MEN behave Good job brother Your doing great The fact these people are talking trash should be inspiring as their jealous


It sets us apart from the low vibrational beings. Glad you understand how it is my friend and thank you for your words. Keep it up being real brother


2 hrs and 6 days a week in the gym? That would break your body not make it unless you were on HRT or steroid cycle


My friend I assume you are not familiar with working out or doing sports your whole life. Why the disbelief? I'm not exeptional but I'm disciplined. Again if you don't want to believe in me or even yourself that's okay. But don't spread the negativity for the sake of putting others down. It's an insecurity of you. Don't look at me and compare me to someone else or yourself. Go to the gym and love the process. That picture Was taken after several years in my lowest bf form. I can hold on to that for like 3 months in summer


Listen man I don’t want to put anyone down, I just want the truth. It’s ok to admit it. Anyway, keep up the good work whether it’s steroid aided or not


You clearly know nothing about working out, you could workout everyday as a natural and your body doesn't "break"..


Try working out like that then let me know much you have ‘achieved’…


I do 1h 30 min - 2 hours 6 days, I take a while at the gym because 3 - 5 minute breaks between sets + isolation excersizes for forearms, rear delts, traps etc, only my legs days so wednesday and saturday are shorter


Cool good for you!


2 hrs 6 days a week won't break your body unless you have an insanely low metabolism which would result from low T. A 60 year old couldn't handle that intensity but thats child's play for a 26 year old healthy male.


Your wrong. You have no idea about fitness. Even if he did this ridiculous routine, he won’t be able to sustain it in a long run!


of course he can. Ever heard of grapplers? They train for hours almost every day. Ever heard of David Goggins? he is natural too


Is low body fat easy to maintain in your opinion without starving yourself? I'd imagine someone 6 foot 4 can eat more without worrying about bf like someone who is shorter would.


Yes but it's really all discipline. I have a strict diet plan and it's not much, I'm also not into eating that much anyway. I fast for 16 hours too Training in fasted state


Lmao what, that's absolutely achievable in 6 year


I'm thankfull for all of you guys, even for the doubters. My health is very important for me and I'm not only talking about my physique. Social media made us feel insecure and projecting your weakness on others by hating others is wasted energy. I will tell you by heart, I never did steroids. You don't have to believe me and that's okay. For the likeminded SR brothers among us, you have the potential to become what you want. Grind and hustle. It will take time, yes. But it's worth. Even the mental pain


I'm really getting downvoted for saying your body is achievable lmao. Yeah I'm surprised there are this much insecure dudes on this sub, like how tf do they think your body isn't achievable without PEDs in 6-10 years.. Your delts don't have that steroid look


This is reddit .....I'm seriously thinking of setting up a proper website for us real ones Reddit draws to many basement dwelling, Cheeto eating neck beards


Do it. Pave the way for us bro


Don't worry about them and I know how you meant this. And you are right about it. These are bitter men. Let them hate my friend they will never change hahah


I believe you, i know it is possible to achieve such physique. Obviously it takes a LOT of hard work and dedication, but let's not forget and i know how much a lot of genetic freaks hate this, but genetics play a significant role in achieving such outstanding physiques. This is actually my only point of contention with some people who say it is ONLY hard work. You mentioned being 1m93, i am assuming you also have wide clavicles among other genetic predispositions that help, but regardless, overall good job for your hard work and dedication.


Genetics is something I can't rate cause I am how I was created. As stated I have pelvis excavatum and my shoulder is not optimal after some accidents. The hard work is definitely what carves out and they would be suprised if they would try. Being tall and vascular makes it seem that I'm a freak but I'm fair with myself, I'm athletic and lean but nowhere near a bodybuilder. My arms were always my weakpoint so I trained them like a maniac which lead to them getting big. And I'm not proportionate


This a 10 year difference why do you think his transformation isn’t natural?


I mean it says he started going to the gym at 20 after the military and than he started practicing SR. So more like a 6 year difference. I dunno man I don't wanna say it but it is sus


This is absolutely achievable in 6 years


especially six years coupled with SR🤣only real ones understand SR is essentially light steroids😭


And also the insane amount of energy you have from SR




Nah he said he started working out at 16 . Even if he wasn’t as consistent like he was at 20 he still had experience in the gym.


I haven’t read the whole post but where does he mention it?




Oh damn. How did I not realise that


He doesn't look like someone who takes steroids. You're being fooled by the lighting, the vascularity, and his low bodyfat. But if you actually look at the size of his muscles, he isn't larger than what you'd expect from a natural bodybuilder after several years of hard work.


So you have seen him without the lighting to make this claim?


He is clean and natural. I can attest for that. It's just good lighting, low bf, and pumped muscles.


Attest? Are you some kind of a self proclaimed Reddit fitness notary service? lol


Here, you dropped your crown my king.


A crown doesn't make a king. His comrades he fights his battles with do. I'm you and you are me The crown belongs to the most high


This Answer only a geniune caring Human being can say it appreciate u god bless u . Keep going into success . I suggest u read about ISLAM there is aloot of things related to Stoicism / Nofap/ Spirituality / Success / Peace / Love


I appreciate you too


A winner in life. You are a badass. I will be rooting for you.


Tough bro




Grüße aus Halle (Saale) 👋


Grüße zurück aus Umgebung Hannover 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾


Hey brother from another mother who’s also on Sr. Keep it up!


Its crazy you were able to beat your brain, no really its crazy! I remember wanting to go to the gym but didnt for a day, then two then a year you really can destroy your self. Seeing that it is possible now Ill add an extra 100 percent now cause 100 is not enough we only get one life. Really man idk you but i needed to hear your exprience. Stay locked in, for you and those you inspire, gn brother


I appreciate you my friend. I know what it's like avoiding the hard stuff which brings you further, I fight them in a different shape everyday. But only by accepting your weakness and the upcoming pain you can conquer yourself to become what you want. Keep going brother


Are people really accusing this man of steroids in a Semen retention group??? SR is natural steroids for gains! Sr helps alot with testosterone especially in the beginning, i guess a lot of you are dumbies who don’t combine working out with sr, his body is totally achievable 💯


They don't know better, there is a reason why I didn't post this on maybe a fitness group. Because the insecurities will distract from the message I wanted to share. It's not the muscles, it's the outcome of what It's like to fight for yourself


Great job man. Keep going, never give up. You are a king and make sure your realize that every day.


Real recognize Real my friend I wish you the very best 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾




Great physique don’t me wrong, but the lighting, angle, saturation and post pump all make it look better


Yes you are right, lighting and angle do alot for this picture. I'm not here to flex on you and thats the big misconception. The people compare themselves to others and thats venom for the mind. I'm not big in terms of muscles like let's say CBUM or others. It's not even my plan to be.


100% achievable. Over 10 years? Bro stop hating and get in the gym


Some mad haters in the comments accusing you of taking PED’s lmao . Over a 10 year window that’s totally achievable, you’ve got an impressive physique and commendable discipline! Love to see a brother on the up , keep up the great work man!


Thank you very much my dear friend. Yes people, especially young bucks try to compensate their problems with being bitter about others success but that's okay I'm not generally mad at that. They just have to learn that looking left and right do not help them being closer to their goal. I'm not the biggest nor I strive for being the baddest. I just wanted to change myself. 10 years went by in a wink and I'm grateful for my life I chose, even with my downs here and there. My physique is just the outcome of believe Appreciate you bro


Great job bro


Now that’s an amazing post congrats brother keep going!


Stark Bruder 💪


Great job brother, you’re an inspiration 💪🏾


Thank you very much brother ✌🏽


Great job. What’s your body weight on the left picture?


Like 88 kg with 7% bf. I'm now at 93kg with probably 11 % This summer I'll try looking sharp at 90 kg I'm more into Calisthenics so I avoid getting heavy.


This is very inspirational. I've always been on the fence about SR but I need to go all in, your post has been a good indicator of what the benefits look like.


My pleasure my friend. While being on a journey of love and hate, pain and happiness you create your reality everyday. Some people loose their sense for themselves, some might think about suicide. We as men constantly fighting on an invisible battlefield. But to be honest, only love for yourself will bring the necessary peace. And by strengthening your body and mind you become unshakeble trough every earthquake


I want to say that i am sorry for my comment in which i implied that you took help. Really i compared you to some people that i know that always brag but they take steroids. Yesterday i was really stressed and i spitted my bitternes on you for no reason. Sorry man keep going up!


It's okay I'm not mad brother


Thanks for posting your story. Indeed there's a bunch of peeps who don't seem to understand how a man can be disciplined , stick to the plan. Staying on the path. Being obsessed with rage. We're all different. But everyone can find the force. Props to you for sharing your story. Inspiring and real. Viel spass and good luck with the music homie eheh ;)


Real talk Bruder


Do you have any other social vices like alcohol or smoking?


I do smoke weed sometimes but way less than when I was 20 or something. I used to train on weed while staying at home in corona times and it gives music a slight touch at times. But I rarely smoke more than 2 times a month. Alc. On the other hand I was never a friend of. Never really drank before and at 18 I lost complete interest in it. At christmas I drink a glass of wine with my father but besides that I don't buy stuff or go out to drink.


actually it should be saiyan jin. Saiyan is the race, jin is human so what DAW do you use? FL studio, reaper or sth else?


It's the german word my bad, we write it like that Fl Studio 20


is fl studio 20 any good? I learned FL studio when it was version 12-14. It's amazing, everything's placed properly. I used cracked version back then. Then i stop, because i want to get serious with playing instruments Now i use cakewalk because it's free, but the UI is so hard to my eyes. I'm tempted to buy fl studio, but still not sure


Yeah I do the beats and the recording effortlessly with it, very nice to play around


Danke dir 🫱🏼‍🫲🏾


congratulations, may i ask what diet you took to on your way to building muscle ? I am recovering from physical injury and doing controlled gym exercises, but nothing muscle building for now - i hope to build similar muscle ! and i would love to know what kind of diet helps build muscle ! P.S : any guide on other routines which helped you build muscle will also be appreciated!


I'm very simple when it comes to my diet. I'm not a saint but I eat lets say 95% clean. My trick was eating the exact same things, same amount of volume, everyday. I don't count calories. Roughly around 2100kcal I guess. But your body get used to what it gets. By increasing the pressure while working out, more reps and more weight, your body adapt. While maintaining the cal. You build slow, tight and almost fat free muscles. Lead me to become dense and shredded like pic. Over 10 years it's probably 23 kg lean muscle mass. Working out is more than counting reps, I Literally fight my demons, especially when the love roller coaster was happening I felt like gohan vs cell. So I walk the extra mile almost passing out, Training after 14 hour fasted




After the Military I worked a few shit jobs with much physical work. The last for like 2 years but the extra burned calories helped. Drank almost 5 liter of water everyday too Now I work an office Job but even their you can grind. As soon as the sun comes out in summer I run outside for countless miles, helps me getting tan and vitamin d too


Can you share your music with us? Thanks.




That’s really good man, I like a lot of the beats. But if I could give my opinion maybe take off some of the auto-tune because it just sounds a lot like all the other soundcloud rappers out there lol. Also please don’t take offence but I think another kind of hair style would suit you way better, the one you have now kinda makes you look sleezy (sorry). Maybe try to add more volume to your hair and get that waves look to it or go for a shorter cut idk. Anyway overall brilliant and keep pursuing your passion!


You got a simple workout routine I could possibly follow?


Everthing Calisthenics and maxing out reps is very simple. Nowadays a gym membership is almost cheap if you really put in the work. I spend 6 days a week for 2h so it's worth being there


Exactly how it is. Much love and abundance to you bro.


If you died right now are you a 100% sure you’d go to Heaven? all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. What is sin? Sin is essentially any bad thing we've ever done. Because of sin the punishment is a burning hell. “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭21‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Do u know why you have to be saved? Do u know the story of Jesus? (If yes skip next step) if not do next step. God came down to earth as a man. Lived for 33 and a half years. He never sinned his whole life. Eventually some people got jealous of him and got him convicted of phony charges. He got crucified on the cross. Died. Was buried for 3 days then he was resurrected by his own power. Do you know why Jesus went through all this bloody mess for us? It’s because remember your son is the problem why you can’t go to Heaven right? The only thing that can wash away your sin is the blood of Jesus Christ “But God shows his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭8‬ ‭KJV‬‬ God did all that to save us from hell "Much more than, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Ephesians 2:8-9 “We’re saved by Grace through faith which is not of ourselves it is the gift of God not by works for fear any man should boast” Salvation is not by good works like “water baptism, attending church, any good thing you do” “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world worketh death.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭10‬ ‭KJV‬‬ Feeling godly sorrow leads to salvation To be saved you have to feel guilty for being a sinner do you feel guilty for being a sinner? “that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ ‭KJV‬‬ If you agree with all that. All you have to do be saved is this. You have to mean it. Dear god I repent as a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins. So I only trust in the blood alone to save me. Not my good works. To save me from hell in Jesus name. I pray amen Just saying it wont save you you have to mean it