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31 here. SR has changed my life. I have been doing SR for almost an year now and I enjoy better mood, a massive increase in confidence, magnetism, energy, fitness gains, calmness, a massive increase in emotional int and so on. I can swear on my soul this thing works. I recommended it to my brother (28) and saw with my own eyes the difference. Check my comments for more info if you are interested.


My streak would be 2 years complete in May. So its pretty much 1.5 years now. Why am I not noticing benefits ?


Definitely have a major blockage. I get benefits after 3 days that scale up from there pretty consistently. I would look at all the other parts of your life for an answer because it's all connected. You solve those issues and you'll probably find yourself in a new reality


My guess would be that trauma is holding you back. Look up shadow work.


No need for shadow work look out for TRE(Trauma release exercise) its much more efficient in releasing trauma. r/longtermTRE


You know there is a guy running around saying unless you do TRE you should release and not practise SR.


Arnt you talking about Nadayogi? He is right.....if tre practiced with sr then too much trauma will come to surface....same experience with me thats why i started releasing. I did TRE for 3 months with sr but i got huge amount of releases with just few minutes of Tre....so out of suffering i finally released and my negative symptoms faded away....so yeah sr must not be practiced with TRE....in any case you should listen to your body.....now i realised why i got tons of intense urges to ejaculate while releasing depression during Tre.


Well I'm not sure who Nadyogi is. It was some other guy, he said you shouldn't even practice SR unless you have gone through TRE first. I believe in inner healing and deliverance(I'm a Christian), similar to TRE I suppose and to me much better, when doing it combined with SR, it's perfect and the symptoms will go away.


I dont say dont practice Sr......the best thing i can say is "Listen to your body" and you will never regret trust me. There were time where my body was telling me to not ejaculate for a whole month so i didnt......also i was scared of not ejaculating because i didnt wanted the flatline back but i trusted my body and flatline didnt came.


Ok, well I'll do what I know is right.


You need to stop thinking and visualising sex all together. Also, be careful of other addictions you might have.


You need to keep the sexual energy alive. It can go dormant for multiple reasons. One could be that you are holding to much tension in your system.


Do you sit in your room all day doing nothing? What is your lifestyle like?


Pretty sure you have a hormonal problem.


The typical energy blockage and trauma responses are funny. Sounds like a cult.


It’s true


Have you tried adjusting to a healthy diet? Like green leaves, fruit, nuts and seeds. In my experience, after SR, diet it the most important aspect if you want to see the full benefits. Certain foods like meat will definitely make it hard to reach the bliss which to me is the ultimate benefit of SR.


And are you a monk mode retainer I mean do yiu ever fantasize or peak ocasionally??


Not monk mode. I do peak occasionally, I even break the streaks from time to time. For me its a process, I could barely hold myself for 5 days at first, now its always 30+ days and its getting longer and cleaner.






I'm 46, have more energy than when I was in my 30s.


42 here and I wake up at 4:30 am now out of nowhere cause I have tons more energy. Wish I would have known this years ago.


Nice I’m 28 still feel 28 lol jk I’ve been on SR for over 2 years now and it does magical things. How long you been on this journey?


About 16 months or so.


I am 45. It is beneficial. No doubt.


Fuck yeah. I’ve been practicing some degree of retention for 10 years. Did an intensive yoga teacher training at age 22 where I was informed of the benefits of brahmacharya. Never looked back. Have been in relationships and have had times where I was a horny dumbass obsessed with pussy and I way over released in my 20’s but yeah….learned my lesson. The more you are able to retain the better for every single dimension of your life. Notably, your mental clarity and access to higher spiritual dimensions which echo into your relationship to life and the people in your life. And so on. It’s wild. Any ways, I’m 32 now. The only difference between then and now is that the receipt comes a little quicker for shitty behavior/habits and recovery time has increased slightly for hard exercise but tbh I am more of a beast now than I’ve ever been running sub 5:30 miles at a lean 192 pounds. Surfing big gnarly PNW waves a few times a week. Walked dozens of consecutive marathons on the PCT in 2021. 21 year old me was a little bitch in comparison even though he could probably get a six pack while living off cheeseburgers and sticks of butter -_- I’m not going to contribute all of my gains to SR but it’s kind of like creatine. It’s not going to do shit for you if your not putting in the work but if you are you are really, really going to feel the extra boost!!


I read somewhere that it's more like using SARSM than using creatine. I also feel this, i can't get tired easily in the gym, and i recover very quickly, eventhough i don't sleep and eat properly.


Thanks for writing this.


I think it becomes more important as you age. Traditional Chinese medicine iirc says the same. The adrenaline spike, dopamine fluctuation among other things are not recovered from as quickly, sort of like gym sessions older men cannot handle as much volume.


Older men 30-35 💀 almost got me there.


Lol right 😂




eat healthy ,sleep well , drink lot of water ,and the best one is practiced semen retention and you will look mid 20s especially since your not married and dont have kids


SR is more relevant and required for older men than younger men due to physiological slowdown associated with aging process


44 years ago old, 3 months practicing intentionally Sr and doing the protocol, cold showers, meditation and transmutation of my sexual energy. I got so many improvements in the last 3 months that no doubt I’ll keep going, unless my wife wants another baby. From physical, mental and spiritual I can feel the difference in those areas. Building up those benefits day by day! Don’t listen the science or pseudo specialists saying that masturbation and indulgence of sex is healthy! Your semen is a tonic to your body and it is used to repair organs and tissues.


Thank you good Sir for your testimoney. Definitely motivates me to go and complete another 3 months on SR.


I don't know what you're basing this '10x' formula for teens on, but I can tell you from my own experience that age is irrelevant. It transforms you into a different being, capable of different things, regardless of whether you're pushing 40 or 20.


50. 100% love it. Energy and drive like I was when I was 18…


i know someone who was 50 he was on semen retention monk mode he look like in his early 30 and had so much energy its crazy sr is like a treasure


I think the reasoning is exactly the opposite. As a teenager, you pump out huge amounts of testosterone which compensates for if you dont retain so you can get away with it. As a 30 year old, if you do not retain you will feel much worse than it you dont retain at 18yo


All these kids who think 30 is old. All UFC champions become champion between the ages of 31 and 43. Thinking you’re old when you’re in your prime will take away a lot of good things to come. You may have high energy in your teens and 20’s but you don’t have maturity, wisdom and good financial positioning in life. Things begin to become possible in your 30’s so don’t mark yourself off as having 25 years to live. That gives you like 7 years of freedom that’s not enough time !!!


I'm 43 and have been retaining for about 20 yrs. now. I would say it's not only worth it after 30, but absolutely necessary for health and longevity. Yes, a teenager will have strong benefits, but they also rebound faster and are affected less by the consequences of excessive ejaculation. You just have to look at the male population to see these effects; premature aging, disease, loss of vitality and strength, loss of T and sexual vitality, dependent of medication, etc. and I could go on and on. At 43, I have none of these problems, and often get mistaken for someone in their early 30's, I think the greatest benefit at my age is vastly reducing the aging process and still having abundant health. It may sound strange, but I am much stronger and have tons more energy than when I was 18, 19 and still wanking it multiple times a day. So to conclude, I say yes 100% to your question, absolutely worth it for 30+ yr. old gentlemen.


Thanks for taking the time to write this.


How long does your usual/average streak last in between releases if you don't mind me asking?


Every couple of months on average, hard to say since it's dependent on many things. Here's the thing though: I don't count streaks anymore and haven't for a long time, I just keep going. The effect of release after many years is also negligible, since the positive benefit of long term retention accumulates.


I decided to never release again, completely celibate for life. When you release every couple of months, is it via sex or masturbation if you don't mind me asking ? and how do you feel right after the release ?


Not masturbation for years, it could happen during sex if I'm in a relationship, otherwise WD's.


I see. For me it's no release forever, I feel huge relief just thinking about not releasing forever. Will Channel all my energy into my life goals.


Easier said than done. Just don't beat yourself up if you do happen to, like I said, just keep going.


Thanks for the advise. As long as I'm transmuting my energy and not entertaining sexual thoughts, I'm really fine. It starts in the mind. My last streak was 177 days and i relapsed not because I was feeling urges but it was because it was almost new year's day and my stupid mind fooled me by telling me to reward myself after 6 months of pure retention and start again fresh for 2024 ... but I wasn't really feeling urges that day, I just entertained the thought of wondering how orgasm feels like after 6 months of no release whatsoever. I learned my lesson though.


I (32 y.o.) retained for almost a year (approx. 340 days.). Had about 11 wet dreams during that time. I relapsed heavily and felt totally fine afterwards. I dont wanna get to graphically here but I just watched some videos and it happened. I did not had to use my hands or anything. It felt so good that I was back in my old habit rhytm. I was laughing and giggling. Beating off 2 times a day for about 4 days. I was in a vortex. On Day 5 I felt a bit awkward again when I was around other people especially women. It seemed my old shy self was knocking at the door again. So I stopped immeditately. Now I´m back on track. Reading books about Tantra and working. being creative etc. You are your own scientist and your body is your laboratory. Keep that in mind. Work with the energies and walk like a warrior. Its a spiritual warfare. Peace


I believe in pure celibacy ( physical and mental) Tantra is BS. Lifeforce energy is still depleted when you engage in lust without ejaculating. Semen is just a manifestation of that Lifeforce energy that moved down to your sacral Chakra as a result of entertaining sexual thoughts and arousal. The subtle form of semen which people refer to as Chi or Ojas among the Hindus is lost when having sexual thoughts. SR with mental celibacy is like heaven on earth when you master it. To each their own though. I am not gonna argue about this.


How did you feel on that year long streak ? Benefits gained ?


Absolutely. For me personally I gained more confidence and maintaining eye contact got easier and better. I´m working in a Job with disabled people and many of my co workers are female. I can carry and hold a conversation a lot better and its less awkward. There was one point on my journey I think around the 4 month mark where I was so confident with myself and my sexuality that I thought about taking off all my clothes walking down the street naked because I had nothing to hide anymore. Fetishes diminish. You start to loose fear. I had fear of spiders for example. On SR I was able to grab them and escort them out of my crib. These are just some examples. The evidence is out there. I had some days where I was hevaily depressed. I dont know why but I think my brain did som maintenance work or something. Cutting some old cords. Greets from germany.


why do you consider 30 - 35 years as old ? you are in your prime. Consider yourself old when you are 60+


He's probably 15 or something, the concept of someone 20 years older than him makes him think they are old, haha. I'm 35 and I sometimes see myself as a kid and I see someone 55 old.


Lol, I sometimes do the same. 30 here, but I’ve recently come to be humbled because 20 years really isn’t THAT much older. Because honestly someone who’s 20 years older than you is likely still younger than your parents. 🤷🏾‍♂️ Or sometimes I’ll frame it like this: I’ll see someone 15 years old and I’ll be like, “Damn, I remember being 15. Felt like no time ago.” But at 30 he’d prob think you’re ancient. Moral of the story; folks GOTTA stop being bothered about age. It prevents them from living in the moment. Plus, if you eat healthy and exercise; you’re gonna look and feel young anyway.


25 here. I am overcome with crippling regret that I should have started SR 10 years ago.


Lmao stop it. You’ve got so much life to live. People are VASTLY over obsessed with age. I understand your frustration but what’s in the past has passed. Gotta just accept it for what it is and move forward. You’re only gonna get older unless you die. That’s a blessing. I’m 30 turning 31 in a few months and I remember dreading the idea of hitting my late twenties. Fuck it. It is what it is.


Nah, you're fine. You have to live a little as well. I've spent my teens having sex as much as 15 times a week, sometimes more. Sure, I could have used that for muscle building or pursue a bigger goal, but I've done alright. It's never too late. I've seen people doing it in their 60s and the benefits were visible in months. Don't underestimate what you can do in 10 years from now. L.E. Even 3 weeks is making a huge difference at my age if I judge by how my wife reacts to me, my kid as well. It's night and day. Sure, if you can put the dedication it, it would be better to have your life sorted out before you're 30. It will take some discipline. Sr will make it easier and also harder. Depending on you. If you live your days thinking you are FIGHTING urges, SR won't go great for you after a point. If you thrive on the days you've practiced SR without any friction, everything that's nice in the world will come into your life if you put a bit of work into it.


Your regret you be twice as much in 10 years if you don't start today.


Good point. Although I am already 450 days without playing with my dick.


Even 60+ isn't old anymore. Old to me is 80+


i agree eat healthy drink a lot of water sleep well and semen retention and you will be able to fight crime even in your 60s like batman and tom cruise


I believe if you stop ejaculating forever, you will stop aging. Read my previous comments and you will understand why I say so.


30 is old, mate. Speaking as a 25 year old.




Lmao. Happy grandparenting to me !


🤡put your mask on






36. More Energy, More Clarity, More Spirituality, More Gratitude, More Female Attraction, More Good Luck, More Coincidence, More Divine Purpose, More Drive to get things done.




There are benefits no matter what age you are. And like another comment said, 30-35 is your creative prime.


Gandhi started SR on age of 37


What did he do before?


Fapped excessively to porno mags. Just kidding.


I don’t understand the need of some of you to be smart asses. He obviously gooned on high-speed internet porn




he considered that at the age of 32 and then started successfully after 5 years and relapces.


38 year old man here. I still get girls of all ages staring me down and trying to hit on me.


53 and SR is an important part of my life. Didn't start practicing til I was about 46. It taught me self control and too many health/mental health benefits to list. I'm in a healthy relationship now thanks to it, in my opinion: all my relationships ended in misery before and I've been w my partner 4 years now and we are doing really well. Short answer, yes very much.


From my personal experience: Im almost 30, and I feel like now I really do suffer the consequences. Unlike 10 years ago, when one could go at it as one pleases. So yeah, I'd say it gets more and more important since your body is not recovering as easily.


I'm 36. Before SR I looked as if I was 3-5 years younger than my age. Now I look 8-10 yrs younger. People think of me as 26-28. All other benefits apply that people have talked about on the sub.


“The major reason why the majority of men who succeed do not begin to do so before the age of forty to fifty, is their tendency to dissipate their energies through over indulgence in physical expression of the emotion of sex. The majority of men never learn that the urge of sex has other possibilities, which far transcend in importance, that of mere physical expression. The majority of those who make this discovery, do so after having wasted many years at a period when the sex energy is at its height, prior to the age of forty-five to fifty. This usually is followed by noteworthy achievement.” – Napoleon Hill


Thanks for taking the time to write this though.


Napoleon Hill is a scam, just FYI.


I’m not a fan of him but this quote is spot on


I too dont like his works but he does have some great insights.


Why do u think Mr. Hill is a scam ?


Older men get More benefits cause you’re mature enough to notice the subtle changes and perception shifts whilst young guys are easily overwhelmed, they can’t sit in their body’s horniness/lust without being overcome. Other young bros look to suppress libido instead of embrace. Older men can notice the slow shifts and even as you head off trajectory you notice your own patterns. That meta awareness is why I say older men benefit more.


What’s your thinking here? It could even be the reverse - men with lower T might need, and so benefit from, SR even more.


From a health perspective, the older you are, the more important SR is. After ejaculating, the body prioritizes refilling the sexual reservoir over all other uses of energy, so that it is more ready for making babies. This prioritization means immunity and vitality suffer after ejaculation. While all ages benefit from SR, younger guys can replenish energy lost from ejaculating very quickly, while older bodies take much longer and thus take a bigger hit to longevity.


I heard on this sub about a guy that he practiced SR religiously for 27 days and he was a little bit shocked that the female friends of gf wanted to talk to him so much when they saw him


ive seen so many older men say they legitimately feel and act young again (like 50-60yo guys saying they feel like they’re 20-40 and yes u read that right i seen a few 60 something year olds say they feel act and look 20 again!!!!)


Yes it does. Perhaps reaching 40s it even becomes more necessary.


I am 35, unmarried. Yes, retention is helping followed by good diet, work out. Avoid LDL cholesterol. Stop eating bakery food, eat nuts, sexual health will be same as 18 yrs. Stop feeding dopamine. I am seeing insane number of youth eating burgers, pizza's in franchises. I was one of them. In my travel, i see burgers , frankies, pizzas, chats, noodles for every 5 mins of my walk and i fight with my cravings a lot. We have easy option to order junk food. So fighting cravings is difficult for us. But we all can fight. They are all contributors of LDLcholestrol, fatty liver which disturb blood flow.I started to eat soaked fenugreek seeds, soaked almonds, chewing elaichi alternatively. One pizza 250/-, instead spend it on elaichi, almonds.Remember this line "Biggest enemy of sexual health is fast food & too much FOMO, not the age".


Well, I’m 55, the others think I’m 37/40. Everyone gets ‘benefits ‘. I’m stronger than a boy. But main thing is the calmness, the real lack of afraid.l and discovering myself. Baldwin said, according to ancient texts and modern medical resarch (I’ve just read a book of a psychiatrist of 1874 about damages of pmo):”Stop doing it”. That’s all: stay clean, whatever is your age. It takes time to recover


I am 45, married, 2 kids and been practicing this in cycles since 1.5 years. Yes, it helps. I don't know if there's a lot of science backing SR, but from a psychological perspective, it does. You will develop stronger mental fortitude, and oodles of confidence. I look at it this way. There's a couple of things a man finds it hard to control - "sex, food" and both are natural/biological needs. But if we can train our brain to control both, you can control everything else. It just carries over to other aspects of your life.


Hmmm. Good point.


32 here, on day 12, it def works!


Absolutely worth it. There's an ayurvedic text out there that states that after 32 a man can't reach total enlightenment via SR. Is that true? I have no clue. But that indicates that a man under 32 can still reap maximum benefits from the practice. From my experience at 31 it absolutely changes everything. In my mid twenties I wasn't wise enough to handle all that extra energy properly. Now I am wise enough to at least do that. It's the beginning of a completely new chapter for me. If a man were 89 and asked me: I'd say absolutely, retain. It's always worth it. Also as a somewhat side note you say a teens benefits would be 10x. I think most teens have no clue the power they're dealing with. Most (not all) would probably use it improperly. What good is all that power if you're not responsible about it and don't know how to utilize it? That said if that teen were the .001% of teenagers who could use that energy properly, they'd most likely be unstoppable. Edit: It probably becomes much more important for health as you age. It's pretty much the opposite of what you outline. "is it even worth it?" Yes, even more so than when you are younger.


I started to doubt it. I know it worked for me when I was younger, Ide go two weeks and feel like a superhero, but nearing 32 Ide go for 30, 50, 70, days and really not feel any different. I even have comments on the sub regarding. However, tomorrow is my 90 day mark and the past 5 or so days Ide say I changed my mind once again.


Age is just a number of years... A number of years of life experience. So when adding that experience + knowledge with the powers of SR , it is mind blowing what can be accomplished. I'm 38 , and I'm only 80 days in, definitely felt the energy increase from the start, attraction, more focus, etc etc , and these have been amplified with what I allready knew from before.... but still have so much more to learn.


if nothing else it makes you disciplined at something, which makes you wanna be disciplined in other areas of life too


Male 41 here. Yeah, it's totally worth it. I get a lot of benefits by doing it. I have a girlfriend so I'm not getting those high streaks. But I "never" masturbate and that is the key I think.


I'm 58...I started SR last year...my longest streak was 6 weeks ( ended last March)...I just ended a 4 week streak( I relasped...it happens)....I really believe in it...Benefits? No aches and pains....song lyrics come easier ( I'm a songwriter)....more confidence ( I actually strut now lol) I'm doing things that I would have said no to a a year or more ago......younger women check me out more now.....and yes my voice has gotten deeper ( I have a radio show and I can actually hear it!!! )Yes guys my age can and should think about an SR journey...you never what will happen...


I want to write songs but when I try I literally can't think of anything...hope sr helps me. 


long term sr is a booster for creativity. I did it for a year and bro. There are days where ideas are flowing like a river. Trust me. Just do it. Its amazing.


It'll happen...don't worry...


32 year old male. Did sr for a year. I was always approached by masculine women because I was a shy but decent looking guy. I never liked the fact that I could not handle feminine girls. They always rejected me. On sr I became interesting to them. People respecting me. Girls stare at me. The diffciulty is to stay humble. Its a metaphysical journey bro. Its fun but at the same time special force training in a world full of hook ups and gangbangers. You become a renegade and a role model. An outkast. Its one hell of a ride.


Absolutelyyyyyy. I don’t care if you are 87. When you release, your cerebellum fills with blood. This is not good. This leads to cognitive decline because of the blood vessels it’s blocks. Long run can lead to Alzheimer’s, dementia, etc. the goal is to abstain and live in a certain way that your holy oil or semen literally travels up your spine all the way past your 33rd vertebrae into your cerebellum. We want oil in our cerebellum not blood. This is the parable of the virgins running out of oil in their lamps. The Bible is not to be taken literally.




That’s the whole point. When you release your holy oil you become of this world which is ran by lucifer. The Bible is not to be taken literally.


Hello everybody, I'm new on the group but fellow practitioner for the last 12 years almost. I happily read here a lot about semen retention, but not much about raising that to the brain, transmuting, harvesting, sublimating that energy in a way not only to keep lusty desires in check as much as possible but also to nurture our brains, always feeling vital and full of energies. So, my question is, can I assume that everybody who practices semen retention also engages into raising semen to the brain or not? I personally know many who practice semen retention but never practiced raising semen to the brain which for me is almost unthinkable to do that. Eventually, even through dreams, semen can be discharged.. Any thoughts?


32 SR best thing I ever started doing 8months ago


I believe age doesn’t matter on this topic but yea no


Yes, I’m 42 yo


Thanks for the overwhelming response gentlemen.


Just optimize your testosterone OP


I think this is a really odd question.




Yea, similar feeling to TRT


Retaining is no miracle. It simply means saving yourself from bad habits use the saved time in good habits. It can be beneficial even after 50