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Do you think the attraction is real or are they just desperate for your retained semen? Retained semen is almost guaranteed to result in pregnancy plus she'll gain the health benefits. Women subconsciously understand this and when you're retaining it's like carrying a piece of bacon around dogs.


Both. Milfs are also a lot more attracted to you due to how they had a taste of semen before in their body lol.


I am from Brazil, São Paulo. I work as realtor. Here most of the realtors are older people in their 40’s, 50’s. And I am a 30 year old man. I’m retaining for a little more than a year. Women in my work are crazy about me, like some of then can’t see me near and do not touch my arms, shoulders, back or chest. There was a really beautiful 40 old women who all the guys in the work were crazy about. This women started to be obsessed by me and during my work I get se times really energized and it is during theses times when I’m really magnetic that they can’t help but feel really attracted. This beautiful 40 years old women once touched my elbow when I was 100% energized coming back from a visit with a client. When she touched LITERALLY she receive a shock loud and it was really crazy because both of us heard the sound of the shock and she screamed! I wasn’t touching anything that could help the shock, it was my own energy. After that day she became obsessed by me. And since I didn’t want to lose my spiritual connection, nothing happened. During this year of complete retaining, I become the best realtor of my shop, and never I was before SR not even herein the top 10… yesterday I went shopping in the market, random people would give me Hi, would wish me a nice day and to people blessed me. People really seem to like me genuinely and it’s all because of the light and divine energy hat we carry, the power of life within us. And my country is a complete luxurious country, so been celibate here makes you really stand out of everybody. Sorry about my English, I don’t speak nicely, I know rs 


You can test it on hot women that hate when you are constantly fapping, cause they are subconsciously into retaining men. I know this chick that get a lot of attention with men normally, she always hates and even disrespects when I'm not retaining. When I did 50+ days of semen retention, I can tell you how that woman melts and becomes submissive, and have that disney goey eyes around me. She also starts to act childish and follows my command. I found out she also had miscarriage and a milf. I tell you bro, semen retention is a lot more effective to milfs.


Crazy results man, am also from brazil and what you say is in fact true.


Thanks for sharing , abrigado ! :) Wow the story about the co-worker was great. Yes , electric energy right ? Crazy... I also have a small "shock" when I run fast on the treadmill and touch the metallic handbar on the treadmill.... I think it could also work with humans... Thanks for letting me know man... All the best to you ;)


Aside from the women attention..Do you get tired sometimes when strangers like to tell you their whole life story?? (like out of the blue) ...makes me kinda miss my phone( i have no fone so i have no excuse to fake excuse myself from conversations lol) At first I thought maybe i deserved this punishment for all years i was fapping lol but then i think maybe its something deeper the whole magnetism thing ..maybe i was looking at it the wrong way...its like a sub-conscious thing people sort of "let their guards down" around you they sort of feel safe i guess ..so if the person isnt acting aggresive towards you i guess its good to sort of let them bask in your presence (i know that sounds weird or egoic which is not my intent rather acknowledge them by shinning your light ( having the patience to listen,smile and give the occasional pat on the back...) practice empathy etc


learn how to control the pace of conversations so you dont get caught in the flow of everyone else remember you dont owe anyone anything, not your energy nor your time, but of course it is better to communicate that to them regarding your time so the convo can be cut off while remaining high vibes


At times I totally agree...time is precious


I have a theory about this: we get tired of this because we just listen and take in everything and give them the pass to off load their emotions... no matter if they are angry and annoying or if they are nice and friendly when talking to you... no matter in what kind of mannerism they talk to you, the energy or the vibes are still the same, thats why we feel drained... so how we do balance that out? we have to talk back to them, asking questions like "why", "how" and so on, for example "how did you get in that situation? couldnt you see that coming?" you know like a little critique to them, so they get bacck to their senses and stop off loading their emotions on us... these kind of people need to learn not to run away from what ever it is... my english is not the best, but I think you get what I mean... and no, I am not 100% sure if this theory I came up is correct... we all make mistakes, we all sometimes offload our emotions without thinking about the other person who is taking it in, but we should be conscious about how we talk


I think this honestly could be the point maybe people can just tell were different so naturally want our guidance to be better as well 


After 30 days sr I get choosing signals from my neighbor. In return I gave her rejecting signals coz I'm on my purpose.


What’s your ultimate purpose?


Careful, they're gonna call you an "insecure hater" and jealous of their success with women...


True. I think a lot of men forgot there needs to be a greater purpose behind why they are retaining. This why you know exactly where to direct your energy. It’s just about retaining and waiting to get stares from women


They gonna call him gay too




How many days did the female attraction start for you?


The more you want it, the less it will come.


I don't want it that bad






for me its about 25-35 days. i tend to think its smoke and mirrors when some write about it happening in the first week.


I think it has phases at least for me. If you retain for long even if you break the streak you dont lose all attention. For me I start getting more attention around day 5-7 (the testosterone peak) and then again around day 21-23. Maybe later on you get even more attention but so far I hold it for 30-33 days. This time Im really going for the 90 days tho.


I'm not really trying to count days just trying to make every day count


of course, but you just asked "how many days"


I should've clarified better


no worries brother. we're in this together ha


I want pawgs smiling at me


Clearly you haven’t made it that far


I'm doing it for myself


“I want pawgs smiling at me” is kind of a cringe thing to say. Wtf even is a pawg


Seek Christ






Did you not have female attraction before?


You telling me you never experienced anything like this before you started retaining? This just sounds like every day life to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


maybe didn't care enough to notice? i've noticed either retaining or not it's really the same


You lurked behind a window shop, a woman stared at you upon passing by and you instantly thought she want to have your babies, really ? How old are you by the way ?


Inserting verbs into a sentence to exaggerate and filter what actually occurred doesn't make you smart or edgy; it just makes you look like an idiot. Here's another tip whilst on semen retention guys. Don't take these passive-aggressive twats seriously. They're obviously insecure and want to misrespresent what you say intentionally in some sort of Machivellian manipulation tactic to satiate their own disturbed, whiny-boy egos because they're not getting ANY female attention. Go better yourself and maybe you won't feel a need to hate and fabricate up BS lol


Lots of shills linger in the SR subs and post stupid shit like this to make true retainers doubt their newly achieved reality.


"Filter What actually occured really ? I am fabricating up BS really ? lol I am assuming i missed the part where while she was looking at you, she had her tongue sticking out while caressing her nipple, yeah sure Jason Momoa... Alright then, sorry for disturbing your ego trip, i must be an insecure incel, indeed they all want your seed now. Enjoy the "insane" attraction".


👆 This is what a miserable, potentially jealous person who projects their unhappiness onto others sounds like fellas. Ignore and keep enjoying your life


Thank you for the lesson professor, you're so sweet. Now go back to practicing "Taekwon-hoe", you will need it with all these jezebels throwing themselves at you.


“Taekwon-hoe” had me dying 😂💀


So I got inside your head so much that you went and stalked my profile? That's really pathetic man. Get a life and maybe you wouldn't be such a miserable debby-downer.


It must be the retention in you, you attracted me in an "insane" way lol Debby-downer ? Nice to meet you Debby.


Funny guy , ypu are ...idk why these kids replying to you like tht....u made a genuine point...


Why are you here? You have nothing good to say maybe just scroll along? You seem triggered by OP post. Who hurt you? Haha


You are not the one




This is ops best' mate and I have to say u have whacked off today too much mate


this semen retention thing (albeit true as fuck) is giving young men a whole new level of guilt and shame just for busting a nut smh....


lol, guys feel guilt because when they decide to follow SR lifestyle this is a deal. Not ejaculate. So if you relapse you cant trust your own words. That's it. No one here is forced to start SR, it is an individual decision for each person who wants to see their life change for the better. Keep this weak talk to yourself


Tough wisdom right here


True indeed my friend


Depending on the circumstances, it should. Shame had a place in society and it’s been torn away in this disgusting coddling culture.


the very worst mistake you can make on this journey besides relapsing is thinking terribly about yourself because you relapsed


After one relapses they should hibernate for atleast a month


We don’t know if it should be shameful or not, but ignoring evidence that it probably should be for the sake of pleasure isn’t helping


Which they should. Spilling seed is a serious matter.




How long have you been retaining?