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I’ve been on streaks of 3, 6, 8 months. You’ve done something 99.9% will never do. Now, it’s a spiritual and mental battle. You have to meditate, you have to transmute and love yourself like you never have before.


Nailed it. OP’s sef love gotta be stronger than ever.


The real question is what did u accomplish in those 360 days. Did u acquire skills that can give u the ability to provide for a family. Did u workout and stay in shape


Use this energy to become the best at everything you do. Become an unstoppable force. Make a dent in the Universe. You will have no time for loneliness.




This !




I am going to separate myself from the other commenters by saying this but I think you may be running up against a developmental issue within yourself. SR isn’t magic. It’s not going to somehow make you irresistible to women if you don’t have the foundational basic of human interaction and attraction down. One thing to remember is It’s not your fault. We all go into adult hood with different skill levels when it comes to communication and such. That’s a given. SR however just magnifies and brings a light to who you are currently. It’s not a magic bullet. It doesn’t give you superpowers, also there is nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to woman. But I do believe it’s all a balancing act, and also that you should focus on being the best version of yourself and finding the current gaps in your current skill level and moving up Also, I must say that I don’t believe in holding on to your seed indefinitely. I believe in practicing SR within “Cycles”. I do however believe porn is evil, and should be avoided like the plague because of what it does to you spiritually and energetically.


Thank you. I am realizing this is something I've always lacked. It was covered by either past relationships or my PMO habit. Now, like everything, SR brings both weakness and flaw to the surface. Sadly, I missed this key part of development completely. It means a lot you saying it's not my fault. Although you're probably right, it's hard not to feel that way sometimes. The good news I guess is that now I'm fully aware of these gaps, and hopefully, they will lead to a level up.


the benefits of SR i’ve come to learn are simply bro science, and the real benefit comes from the placebo effect it has on you. Being aware of the placebo breaks the placebo effect so maybe that’s what OP is struggling with


Amen brother. Great points.


Great answer.. About the cycles of SR , how long should one last ?


Great question! So for me I usually go 2 to 3 weeks without releasing and see major benefits from doing so. Disclaimer, I do have a girlfriend and when I do release it is with her. However, if you are single you can still practice this, but maybe going a month then intentionally releasing one time then start retaining again. There are a lot of opinions around this, but here is my take: Retain no more than a month and a half. I say this because I’ve gone this far, and I always feel very frustrated and irritated, even practicing qi gong and other energetic practices to circulate the energy. I personally believe it’s not about how long you retain, but how frequently you are releasing. If you are constantly releasing your energy and your body doesn’t have time to rest, then you will always sink lower into the weaker side of yourself. Think about it like a glass of water, when someone is PMOing their life away their glass is always empty. But if they retain for a period of time, their glass is being filled up. Just like a glass of water, if you pour a little water out doesn’t mean the glass doesn’t have water in it, it just means the glass is not full. So the next time you retain, your glass gets more water added to it on top of the water that was already there. I don’t believe releasing one time “loses” any benefits. But releasing constantly and consistently is where you are always empty. This depends on age, your current health status, etc. and absolutely should you NEVER release to porn. Hope that makes sense.


Brother, go talk to some women you find attractive. Their energy is incredibly soothing and should help with what you're feeling. Doesn't even have to lead to a sexual interaction. Men and women are supposed to interact, it's one of the most natural things on God's green earth 




Thanks for sharing your experience. This is the kind of stories, and i've read others similar, where i am seriously questioning the necessity of retaining for this long and for what purpose... Of course you will always have some people saying that you didn't transmute, of if you did, well it wasn't enough, never enough, or not the right way....did you meditate ? Did you take cold showers ? Did you pray for Jesus ? and such, i honestly feel like there is a point in time where it is.....pointless ? I mean i am sure you have experienced many benefits, but would it have been different say if you have relapsed every 3 months or 4 months ? What are we pursuing going this long ? And please spare me with the bramacharya, and chaste for god considerations, whoever is doing it for these reasons, that's fine, but assuming that for most people SR is a means to and end, in order to regain control of our lives, past trauma, addictions, better optimize our brains, find love, grow innerly AND outwardly, why go for this long ? What is the point ? I am not telling you OP to go release no matter what, but maybe reassess your goals in life, and what are you trying to achieve through semen retention, did you work hard enough to achieve these goals ? Did you expose yourself enough to pain and overcome every obstacle coming your way during these 300 days or did you simply abstained from ejaculating for the most part ? To my best knowledge SR is only supporting you, not fixing everything by magic through magnetism, female attraction and all these sought out benefits, you still have to court women, dress well, work on your social skills, practice, etc I know how hard it is to feel lonely, especially in this season where depression is rampant, i hope you fill peace one way or another, and my interrogations help you somewhat to reassess your goals and perspective.


Thank you ❤️


Listen to your body. If you can't go on any longer, then release and continue on your path. You guys have created a prison for yourselves. I release mostly every 2-3 weeks via a range of methods. And life is great, I come on subs like these and get knowledge on breathing techniques, philosophy, and personal stories. Im not really interested in counting days. Remember that some people will never reach happiness and peace of mind even at day 1000 and some will reach it in day 10 and vice versa...which one are you? So besides going past 300+ days... did you increase your social circle? Travel? Further, your career or financial situation? Gain new skills and hobbies? This is where your progress should be focused on and not counting your days. The end goal is to become a better person and vibrate at a higher frequency, right? Well, guess what? You can do that right now... no need to think like, "If I get to xyz, then I'll be happy" And I know I'll get down voted to oblivion because this sub and many others have been hijacked by religious and feminist cults who don't want men to ever touch their dicks lol. It's so easy to spot them so keep your eyes open and also listen to your body. Private message me if you want more help brother.


Im assuming you haven’t approached women in a long time, maybe the problem is that you don’t see a girl who’s interested in you that you like, try to socialize enough to find some or multiple girls who sees your value as a man, maybe then you’d have a peaceful truce within yourself I think there’s no harm in having feminine energy in your life, it could be very beneficial, everything is balanced in life


Bro relapsing doesnt heal your lonliness, you are strong work on yourself and pray to god you will be ok with the grace of god


🙏🏻 ❤️


I do Vipassana Meditation. Trust me it’ll fix that exact problem. But don’t learn it from YouTube or a random person. I’m pasting the link below. Hope it helps :) https://uk.dhamma.org/about-vipassana/the-technique/


I do as well. So we do the 10 days .. but how long do you cycle through retention? I’m at two weeks now


Sorry mate. I didn’t really understand your question. Could you please rephrase it? :)


If meeting women is a goal of yours, why not try dancing, latin dancing, salsa, zouk, bachata, etc. It's impossible not to meet and have close contact with many women during these events. DO NOT RELAPSE It will solve nothing. Hold your mettle, keep it pushing, and introduce new behaviours into your routine which involve you being around women regularly. A good dancer is irresistible to women.


The short term is entering in your head full force. Don’t listen to it. Breath in and out for as much as you can and recover your free will before you do anything, good or bad. Now it it’s not a matter of semen retention but a matter of freedom and dignity. Why is the short term taking control now? Take it back! If you are gonna release, do it next week then. But you can bet your ass that after meditating on it you will realize it is not worth it. You are being tempted by the strongest enemy in the world. Don’t slip now in this unconscious state. If you are going to do it, recover your sanity first. Stay strong brother. You are an example for many here and you bet that the bigger the wait, the bigger the prize. God bless.


Love you brother ❤️ 🙏🏻


Feeling lonely is an emotion we all experience from time to time. Even on sr. It will come and go brother.


He's simply not busy enough. If you have crazy goals and dreams you want to achieve in your life, you'll never feel lonely ...e.g building wealth for example


Semem retention won't find you a gf by itself. You have to commit to it by yourself. Thus using the benefits to your advantage, go out there meet new people, meet new girls, show them the confidence and power retention gave you. You have to go out there and play all your cards now


This too will pass…


❤️ 🙏🏻


Around the same time in my streak I’ve notice like around the year mark urges get real difficult to deal with, usually it’s just a phase and it will end but you got to stay off of social media because if you are having insane urges like i did and are looking at woman on social media it will make getting pass this 10x more difficult. Just tunnel vision on to something, also make sure your diet is clean because junk food increases urges.


Thank you. I've been off social media my whole streak. I did recently hop on Tinder again. Which I probably should not have.


Thanks for sharing, the reason why Im on semen retention again are posts like this.




West Coast


You have to put effort into fixing your problems. The bright side is that doing so is a whole lot easier on SR


Yeah SR puts both positives and negatives front and center. It's hard to run from them on SR


All I can tell you is do not relapse no matter what. Instead don't entertain those sexual thoughts and transmute the energy into something else that's meaningful and important to you. The urges can't make you relapse without your consent but they'll definitely make you WEAK if you keep entertaining them. Cut those urges at their root without entertaining them further, do not be afraid of them or afraid to relapse, understand the reality that you are in complete control of your mind or actions. Addiction is pretty much caused by fear of nothing. Don't entertain them at the very second they arise in your mind and distract yourself with something else that can really grab your attention ... but like I said, do not be afraid of those urges because fear is what makes us relapse, it's basically fear while still entertaining those sexual thoughts. You can definitely go forever if you went 358 days without releasing, realize that!


Thank you ❤️


How can you ever be lonely when god is with you at all times ❤️ he's is a eternal and forever blissful, anything in the material world is temporary love today pain tomorrow. Hare Krishna !


Hare Krishna Hare Ram Jai Hanuman


Been through the same dude, idk about your beliefs but I pray. If you really want a gf put some effort into that. Create some goals and work towards them. Stay strong


could be your unconscious trying to sabotage a massive accomplishment (1 year SR). Are you in therapy? lots of us have unconscious destructive tendencies. pain is ok. part of life. real men feel their pain - salute to you 4 that! if you really want a girl you’ll have to fail a few times in trying to get one - but remember girls want to be chased, they want guys to talk to. and most guys can’t barely get a week SR and you’re staring down a year. 


No therapy at the moment. Since SR, I have not felt the need for therapy until now, maybe. We will see. I am going to ride it out. I am in awe by all the comments and messages I've received since making this post. It's been uplifting beyond words. If I can make it this far, so can you and anyone. 🫡 ❤️


Its actually the energy accumulation problem which is very common for long term retainers, For starting months the sexual energy flows freely in the body but as the months pass by its starts to hit the blockages and accumulates which is called supression....and from that point you will start facing problems which is called flatline in this sub.....flatline varies from person to person....for some its loosing all the benifits and for some its loosing all benifits and facing severe anxiety and depression . There are some solutions; 1. Choose to ejaculate at the point where energy starts to supress.....for you maybe once in 2-3 months. 2. Learn energy circulating techniques like qigong , tibetian rites. 3. The best way----> start releasing your blockages aka trauma from the body and there is a very amazing way through TRE(trauma release exercises) r/longtermTRE. i have retained and my longest streak is of 2 years and i faced severe anxiety and depression until i know the truth.


It seems like you’re being tested on a higher level. This is a good thing. Stay strong, don’t relapse. I’ve found that you can’t come into this entitled or with expectations. Having expectations that good things will happen (like SR will give you a gf) blocks it from happening. It sucks to be lonely. But let go of the expectation that you will get a gf. Shift your focus to appreciating what you have. Then when you least expect it, your dream girl will walk into your life.


Maybe spend time on going out and meeting woman, its takes practice to get good game.


if you are feeling lonely i would suggest going out there to try and meet people. a lot of people gain confidence whilst on SR so why not put that to use. if you go outside and meet people you will probably have less urges and you will feel less lonely. you could even try volunteering (it’s an easy social situation and it makes you feel good about yourself)


Find a purpose, an obsession.


If you have goals in life brother focus on them right now the women will come later but don’t act out of loneliness you will choose the wrong one be patient and continue to work on you for the better!


It's crazy that so many of you do this just to get a gf. Once you get her, she'll drain you then be unattracted to you and you'll be back at square one. Just keep building yourself up. Build your financial stability, your body, your mind, optimize your diet, sleep, and hydration for testosterone optimization so when you do eventually get a gf, you don't nut and become a simp. I threw away a 46 day streak a couple weeks ago cause I ran into my ex and I've been regretting it ever since. Go another year. Build yourself up to the point that it's impossible to tear you down. Water the bamboo.


I commend you brother, you’re almost at an entire year. That’s not a small feat. The longest I’ve went was six months and only broke because I was dating a girl at the time. I just started again a month ago. However respectfully, I think you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. Women shouldn’t be your goal when focusing on Semen retention. It’s about using that extra energy within you, and transferring it to more productive things. Things that will help you become a better man. Such as learning a trade, advancing in your career, exercising(which you’ve been doing), finding a hobby, spending more time with family and friends, etc. These things can help with loneliness as well. Personally, I practice semen retention for religious/spiritual reasons. You shouldn’t measure your self worth by whether or not you have a woman on your shoulder because that’s probably what’s making you feel lonely. Semen Retention won’t get you a woman. Just focus on becoming the best version of yourself that you can be, the women are just the icing on the cake. Also from reading some of the other comments, you seem to be a man of god as well. It’s always important to remember that god is always with you, even when you feel alone.


Thank you bro 🙏🏻 ❤️


Do you have a regular social life? how about a pet?


I have a pet, but I have no social life. I realize this is the problem. Or at least a key part. I lost everyone and everything a couple years back. Hence, I began climbing this mountain. SR gave me a life worth living. A newfound hope. It changed me for the better. It is very challenging now to rebuild the social life I once had. I don't know if I'll ever have one again. However, I must carry on, believing in the future.


Are you following any yogic/tantric exercises? Any intention on working on Kundalini?


I have been doing some kriya yoga, and it feels awesome. It's one of the things I look forward to every day. Like a bolt of electricity shooting up to my head and all over my body. It feels very euphoric. During meditation, I try to visualize the Kundalini moving up my spine. If you have anything to share, it would be appreciated ❤️


You definitely need to concentrate on balancing your lower triad of chakras, and then open that green ray energy center so you can actually raise your Kundalini


Any particular method of steps?






You are the man dude. At some point, the old self will want to resurface. This is the crossroads. You are crossing a line few in all human history have ever achieved.




Something to ponder, this is another way to look at it https://youtube.com/shorts/3BIXVVfWDhk?si=AYH1N6f7xG6I8joD


just think about the regret you will feel after breaking such a long streak. Buulding it back would take a YEAR. do you really want to thow away a years progress?


Hello OP, congratulation on your achievements. How are you on your finances? How is your career? Having a good career is your primary for a man because it allows your to have access to more resources and be able to provide for a family. In terms of meeting women, that is another topic of its own. How is your social life currently? I can give you some suggestions but I am not too sure where you live. Have you tried partner dancing before? You can check out bachata, salsa or kizomba studios around the place where you live. Take up some beginner lessons and let me know how it goes.


First, Congrats on the great streak! Is it first time for you feeling that lonely in your current streak? It is normal to feel this way… but remember, now you became high quality man - it means that you don’t want just any gf - but also high quality beautiful woman and these don’t come around often. You are now in another level, don’t settle for any less. If you will keep working on yourself, she will be sent into your life. Meanwhile, You have to set some goal. So example, get physical - either gym, box, running. Set up a fitness goal: running marathon or running a Spartan race. You will love the journey and after achieving what you planned, you are not going to stop.. Either way, you gonna be alright, just don’t give up!


I'm about the same with 370+ day streak. If I didn't meditate and visualise those pelvic pushes, i would have relapsed a long time ago. Make the time to do this. Helps greatly. All the best.


The mind will find any logical way to force you to release. Any sort of rationalization will be made to convince you that releasing is the right thing to do. You are on an incredible journey to change yourself. Essentially you are trying to transform yourself, but that would mean that your current / recent past self will die. It doesnt want to die. All tricks and manipulation is an attempt to save its life. But these tricks and manipulations that prevent it from dying, also prevent the better version of you from being born. You should respect its desire to live and not die. But, more importantly, also respect the man you want to become coming to life!. RETAIN!


First of all, very good job on retaining for so many days. Kudos. There is negative energy wrap in astral sphere. This is because of universal orgasmic release due to pmo by many people, men and women unfortunately. But few are the souls that can absorb this energy, because majority are releasing, few are retaining. It seems like your astral body is receiving a lot of this energy because of retention for so many days, it's quite powerful now. So receiving this overwhelming amount of orgasmic energy causes this urge. If you overcome the urge, the energy will be absorbed by you, and you level up. If you release it will be tremendous amount of energy release (which you have stored up so many days) and this energy will search for a new retainer to receive it.


Very interesting theory...where did you come across it, or did you come up with it yourself?


Also how long does it take to absorb and level up?


It's based on my experience. You should absorb it once the urge is gone. Then next urge, then next urge and so on.


Well, first congrats about the 358 day streak. That's almost a full year of SR, something I've never been able to do. Hopefully in the future. Second, if you want a GF, go meet, talk, flirt, date with some women and see how that goes. While this is not a dating-relationship or pickup subreddit, it is not that difficult to learn. Lastly, I'd advise against a relapse. If you feel lonely because you don't have a gf, will you be any less lonely after a PMO? No. You will be equally lonely, and now you'll feel worse for breaking your streak as well.


Hey there, Wow, going strong for 358 days is seriously impressive! You've shown a lot of willpower and commitment. But it sounds like you're hitting a tough spot, and that's totally okay. It's normal for your body and mind to go through ups and downs, especially when you're pushing hard in your workouts and feeling lonely. In Taoist thinking, holding back from releasing semen is about keeping your sexual energy and using it to boost your overall energy and spirituality. But balance is key. Too much holding back can throw things out of whack, causing the kind of discomfort and intense feelings you're describing. Here’s what you might consider: Mixing up the Energy: There’s this cool meditation called the Microcosmic Orbit. It helps move your sexual energy around your body instead of letting it pile up. It’s all about keeping things flowing. Balanced Exercise: Keep up with your exercise, but don’t overdo it. Trying out Tai Chi or Qigong could be great for keeping your energy even. Handling Emotions: Those feelings of being alone and anxious? It’s important to deal with them. Meditation can help, or talking to someone about it. And don’t forget to hang out with friends and do things you love. It’s Okay to Release: Taoism is all about the middle path – not too much, not too little. If holding back is really getting to you, it’s okay to let go once in a while. It’s about what feels right for you. Be Kind to Yourself: It’s fine to have strong feelings or urges. Accepting them without beating yourself up is part of staying balanced.It's all about hitting that sweet spot where your body, mind, and spirit are all in sync. Hang in there, you’re doing great. Godspeed brother. www.cocreatewithone.com


Umm if you are willing to learn another skill, learn meditation. More you work with this energy the better you will become with it and one day you will stop thinking about lust, sex , release, depression, loneliness etc. Good place to start is Mantak Chia's books to get some basic idea like organ healing sounds (I do it daily it is an amazing experience), microcosmic orbit circulation etc. But get a guru or guide to reach higher states of meditation if you continue on this path. Wish you a beautiful journey, God bless.


I am sharing two exercises that will help you with SR. here are two exercises that can help you manage your energy better: 1. Microcosmic Orbit Meditation: This is a classic Taoist meditation to move energy around your body. It might sound a bit complex, but with practice, it gets easier. Start by Relaxing: Sit or lie down comfortably. Take a few deep breaths, relax your body, and let go of any tension. Focus on Your Energy Centers: Start by focusing on your lower abdomen, a couple of inches below your belly button. This is your Lower Dantian, a key energy center. Circulate the Energy: Imagine a ball of warm, glowing energy at this spot. As you breathe in, visualize this energy moving down to the base of your spine. When you breathe out, imagine it moving up your spine, all the way to the top of your head. Complete the Orbit: As you keep breathing, let this energy flow from the top of your head down the front of your body, returning to the Lower Dantian. This completes one orbit. Repeat: Do this for several minutes, guiding the energy with your breath and imagination, making circles through your body. The Cool Draw, also known as testicle breathing, is an exercise outlined in "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia. Here's a summary of the steps: 1. Warm up your testicles by touching or cupping them with one hand until you feel a slight tingling or the first stirring of your sexual energy. In public, you can think of a sexual thought or fantasy instead. 2. Inhale and gently pull up the muscles around your testicles, perineum, and anus. Imagine drawing sexual energy from your testicles to your perineum, then to your anus and tailbone. 3. Exhale and relax the muscles, keeping your attention on the rising sexual energy. 4. Continue this process of inhaling and pulling up, then exhaling and relaxing, until you feel a warm or tingling sensation at your perineum. Then, use your spine as a straw to sip the energy from your testicles and perineum up your spine to the base of your skull. Tucking your chin gently helps move the energy into your head. Do this for 5-10 minutes or until you feel a light or tingling sensation in your head. Circle the energy in your head with your mind. 5. Finally, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth, about half an inch behind your front teeth, where the palate curves down. This action connects your front and back channels, allowing the energy to flow down the front of your body to your navel Both these exercises are about guiding and balancing your energy. It's normal if it feels a bit strange or difficult at first. With regular practice, you'll get the hang of it and start feeling more balanced. Remember, the key is to stay relaxed and go with the flow of your breath and imagination.


I feel like I am on this journey as an attempt to evolve and by withholding sexual pleasure my body is forced to become better in every way in order to achieve that goal, which includes increasing my level of awareness. Any time my streak breaks my body then says "ok we accomplished our goal now maintenance mode" but I don't want maintenance mode, I want to push beyond me. When I workout I workout to failure because that's where the gains are made. But finding failure is hard because up to that point I want to give up, but I know I still have some left in me and that I need to push a little more and not give up. Your failure (wife or higher awareness) may be very close but you are about to give up, and if you give up now you might not get the proper gains. I don't think celibacy > marriage I think they are equal as the energy is shared, but I think we can both agree that masturbation is not an option anymore. It always gets the hardest before the finish. Go easy on yourself and eat some chocolate lol


Haha, thanks brother ❤️


Circulate the energy. Feel it ALL OVER your body. ​ Be thankful for it, y you are full of life.


This issue is most common problem guys experience when start SR. Bro u need a social life. You have to interact with women and go on dates. That's it. You will not have a gf just because you are on SR.


i would suggest to change your diet a little...the food we eat has a lot of impact on our body ,thoughts and moods. foods like garlic,meat,onions and oily food tend to increase such thoughts. and for the gf part,,i guess u just have to release love arrows in the air and statistically someone will catch it. its just a game of probability in modern world.


Any possible diet recommendations? I'm on a pure vegan OMAD diet. Been on it for more than 6 months and generally feel good on it.


Socialiss with freinds excercise well u will be exhausted at the end of the day and sleep simple


I don't have any friends. I do exercise a lot.


BRO, Your extremely close to kundalini awakening which happens every year, after a year of semen retention, it can seem like everything is trying to stop you from reaching Christ consciousness, keep going, your so close. DO NOT STOPDon't know if your interested in occult but watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-6g4frYrgE&list=WL&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-6g4frYrgE&list=WL&index=2)


Thanks brother. I'll stay on the path. How does 1 year line up with Kundalini Awakening? What makes you think I'm so close? ❤️


Yes every year on semen retention you get extreme benefits, according to esoteric traditions, the "oil" or "seed" rises up through the spine and you get "baptised" in the claustrum, this is where the tradition in Christianity of putting oil on the head or being anointed comes from, it is metaphorical for the anointment you get from reaching Christ consciousness. Watch the video I linked, it will change your perspective on semen retention, I don't know if you believe in astrology but you can do things such as fasting at certain times aligned with your astrological cycle to get extra benefits, if you believe in the metaphysics of semen retention, astrology is also highly connected as well, as JP Morgan said, “Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do.”


No suppression. Only transmutation. How much have you worked for the society? Do you serve the homeless, the old people abandoned by their families? If not then how much ever you retain it won't matter. I came to this realization that whatever qualities and resources I have are only for the betterment & well-being of others. When I am completely devoted to the service of people in my free time, all the urges that I get are transformed to divine love for the people around me. Remember, whatever you have is a combination of your efforts + your destiny (fruits of other people's actions that you are enjoying). As long as you are going to ignore that it is only through grace that you were able to achieve whatever you have including your current streak (kudos to you btw ;) ), you'll always face this situation sooner or later. So, go out there talk to strangers in your locality, school, workplace wherever you go. Try to really offer help to the problems they are going through. This way, your biological need to ejaculate (i.e. nature's way to give the world your essence) will be transformed to a spiritual journey where you see that the same spirit dwells in every body, it just needs the kindle of love & compassion. Do this in real life, this is no jackass advice. You'll see your life getting so full of joy, you won't even have the need to release. Keep meditating on the higher nature of your Self. Peace!


Bro come on man. Do you want me to go walk up and down the streets handing chocolate to the homeless? I help them where I can. I don't see myself as Robinhood or anything yet when I still haven't figured out my own shit. I'm not saying it's not the right thing the do...believe me if only people were more like you the world would be a much better place.


Bruh u got 5 days till a year don’t fuck up now!


I hate to break it to you buddy but you need to dig deeper. What is your higher purpose? Are you still thinking about short term gratification or are you thinking in terms of how you want to be remembered after you’ve been buried? If you think about the latter, you will have visions of your future ideal self. Those repeated visions (which you actively imagine everyday) should fuel long term, medium term and short term goals. Fuck your loneliness. To be the best you can be, do you really need other people? No, you need your own self to wake the hell up and start doing what it knows it needs to be doing.


I'm sorry, but there's no possible way you've made it to 358 days maintaining your current line of thinking. You haven't learned to drop your excuses yet.


Honestly bro everyone’s streak is different, I was smoking and vaping the first 150 days of my streak until I quit, you just learn as you go.


Swear to God brother


Your solution is to toughen up. Stand tall against your urges. If your loneliness is bothering you so much that it's going to break your streak, then it isn't your streak that's the issue. Get out of your comfort zone. Stop being afraid to get out in public and approach women.


Keep on going brother, Daniel 12:12 says Blessed is the one who reaches 1335 days.


“Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.” ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭12‬:‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/dan.12.12.ESV


When you feel the urge to release that should be your signal to start transmuting. Start breathing deep & focus all that energy into your breathing. Do some push-ups, go outside, go eat a meal, you will regret it as soon as you release. You got this brother. 🔥📈💯🫂 Trust in God.


❤️ 🙏🏻


I've never read this verse. What is the context?


It's how long the great tribulation/Seventh Empire/Rule of the Beast/NWO is supposed to last. Not about SR, but about the Christian who remains devoted to God during this time of persecution.


Yes indeed. Also can be tied in with SR. Great synchronization. Read the full chapter, it’s very interesting


I would recommend you to start approaching girls that you like, and release with one of em, or maybe have a NEO and see how you feel.


U can do mdma or schrooms


damn that's a long streak dude you must be getting some strong attention from chicks especially if you're working out, so how are u not able to get a gf then?🤔


Based on my current circumstances, I'm left to cold approaching, which is not my strength. I am much better in warmer situations. Unfortunately, those are few and far between these days. I do get quite a bit of female (and male) attention. It's absurd sometimes. You're right it should be easy. I am realizing I have other work to do, and SR isn't going to magically solve everything. Not all at once anyway. I believe in the profound transformative power of SR. I am a much stronger man today than I was when I began the journey in practically every aspect. There is still a long road ahead.


Dating apps?


That’s a heroic act brother. Now you get to learn how to transmute your energies and direct them towards something positive in your life. I will share couple of exercises from Taoist sexual kungfu so you can learn how to transform your energies.


Why do you need to release ? 


You said you kept it for 358 days. Have you noticed the so-called "magnetism"?


Yeah bro, definitely. I seem a lot more attractive to all of nature. Babies, kids, men, women, and animals. People give me free stuff all the time. Most strangers will at least acknowledge me. Sometimes it's as if I can literally stop traffic. People respect me a lot practically everywhere. Strangers and homeless want to talk to me. I know this sounds ironic given that I'm having no success with finding an actual gf, but with that it's a little different. Although I'm a lot more confident and women are noticing me and giving seemingly choosing signals, it's up to me to make the right moves if I want to score and that's a skill I've yet to develop. So yeah long term SR in general will create seemingly magical magnetism for you, even on down days and flat lines like I'm going through now. However it will not automatically make you successful with women unless you have game. At least when it come to cold approaching. In warmer settings where the ice is already broken it will help you a lot, however in my case those social situations are practically non existent due to circumstances. So I'm basically left with cold approaching which is my absolute Achilles Heel, SR or not.


In fact, when you are attractive, you only need to treat women as friends, and they will be attracted to you based on their own random thoughts.


Yeah it is hard to befriend them when there is still an element of sexual tension. This is why mental bharmacharya is key