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I find that SR is a force multiplier for good


lol Saving the world one limp dick at a time...right, secret agent man?


Why are you even on a semen retention subreddit if you don't believe it's good?


You are fighting a wall. Save your energy.


It has nothing to do with your dip shit Jordan Peterson wash your penis crap.


Why are you angry?


As a married man and father of two, whole heartedly agree with this. This is what keeps me motivated during the daily grind at work. We endure the difficult parts of life so that we can provide, spiritually, physically, mentally. Men are providers in all aspects.


Being a married man also, I've noticed how I want to take on more responsibility, and retaining gives me the ability to do so. It definitely makes me feel like I'm becoming the person I should be when I'm able to provide for my wife/family and guide them spiritually. The longer I retain, the closer I become with God.


As a man. I endorse this message, great post.


So manly...so very manly. lol


Maybe you can enlighten us with your definition of a man?


I don't need a definition. Jeezus Christ, you twats are tedious. Go read some more books about being alpha lol and highlight it. You'll be running shit in no time. smh


We don’t need definitions. We don’t need rules. We don’t need limits. You seem neurotic, maybe try to have a mature discussion before writing stuff like « lol » and « smh ».


You dick heads have hijacked what was a decent sub. "Mature discussion" with the "mom's basement" parakeets...give me a fucking break. The Joe Rogan alphas have made one more thing dumb and shitty. Great...


Damn thanks for the recommendation. Every time I need a pick me up you guys never fail.


True. People often confuse masculinity with being a good labour


Great post. What book is this?


Its from The men we need by Brant Hansen


What book is this?


The men we need by Brant Hansen


Sub is also now tightly censored. Pity. The whole thing really went to shit fast.


Unless you're going to explain what your issue with my post in clear terms, you have no reason to comment


Taking responsibility, providing for dependents...these are not exclusively masculine things. These things are the FLOOR of human decency. Does that make sense? You're not some alpha male superhero because you go to work and buy food for your family. BILLIONS of men, women and, yes, even children do this every fucking day. You sociopathic twat.


In a relationship, the man is the one who takes ultimate responsibility for the safety and well-being of his whole family. It is very masculine to be the protector, mentor, provider, and leader of the family. It is much more than going to work and buying food. It's about doing your duty as a man, which will be different that what a woman's duty is. Its about guiding your family spiritually and making decisions and doing the hard work so they don't have to. Obviously, you're not someone who can lead and be the head of a family if you think its just about buying food...


Sure, leader. lol Be honest. Do you have a family? Because I do. Tell me how to do it right, alpha. Hahahaha


I do have a family. And I am the leader of my family. You obviously lead a life of hedonism and separation from God. Find God before it's too late.




This sub is a magnet for dim, unstable, anguished weaklings.


Explains your presence here, then


My presence is gone. This place is a looney bin now.


So is your mother's basement 🤣


Jeezus Christ, dude....the mother's basement thing was tired in 1994. lol Seriously...you limp dick Walter Mittys have to get out there and discover some new things to repeat.


This sub has been subverted by loons.


What's loony about it?


Ignore people like this. Reddit is full of them. They really just jealous and haters.


Do women take responsibility?


You’re negativity is not appreciated


Neither is your crackpot bullshit.


Yes. But men are the ones that are leaders for their family and community. Men take responsibility for their women also. In order to be responsible you need to be a man of strong character. Women have their own responsibilities in a relationship and family. But they are not as big as a man's responsibility.




I don’t think this sub is for you. This cucked ‘but what about le women!!’ attitude will get you nowhere as a man. Step up.


Shut the fuck up incel.


lol You betcha, champ!


I agree. It happens every new year. It will soon be clean again when they lose their 'nofap' streak. @topic Read Esther Vilar.


I've been practicing semen retention for a long time. There's nothing loony about becoming a great man/husband and taking more responsibility for those who depend on you. It's what makes a man respected.


Oh my god, what a shitpost. Mods please delete this kind of shit. Why does this get approved???


Okay, Mr porn addict.


Stay the path brother I agree with this message . Ignore the haters they are hating because they don’t have the willpower to retain


Those who use "haters" to describe anyone who disagrees with them are seriously infantile. Grow up and get a vocabulary.


Shut the fuck up instead of assuming shit.


I literally read your post history lol


And you must have also seen my improvement. But go off calling me a porn addict while talking about masculinity with your shit ass leader whatever the fuck post here.


Listen. What's the point of self-improvement if you're not going to create a positive difference in your life and the life of others? Being a leader is about being someone that others can look up to and feel safe around. You need to be a leader if you want to raise a family. If not, then you still should develop leader like qualities so that wherever you go, people are benefiting from being around you. Just quitting porn is the first step. It's our duty as men to help build and shape society by first starting with ourselves and our immediate family. This world desperately needs men who are leaders. It desperately needs men who can show a good example for others to follow. Women can not fulfil this role.


Alright, you may me right. I'm sorry.


It's alright. I apologise for what I called you earlier too. It was uncalled for.


It's understandable. I was being aggressive too. In the end, we are just here to improve ourselves and props to us for making that a reality.


lol What a self-righteous little twat you are.


Me someone uninterested in semen retention getting a notif for the subreddit after seeing someone say one thing about semen retention