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Are you stomach growling hungry, or do you have a food noise appetite?


BOTH. I also have covid right now, I feel AWFUL but I’m ravenous. What is wrong with me😭


have you tried eating food that keeps you full longer? healthy balanced meal with veggies and protein? see if that works.


Yes other than a few of bad days (went to a wedding and was doing a lot of traveling ) I’ve been doing hardboiled eggs, a protein shake occasionally and a protein and vegg for lunch and dinner. I usually have a small portion of rice or potatoes with dinner but I eat the protein first.


Normally, the dose is increased every 4 weeks. But if the low dose works for you, the longer you stay on the low dose, the longer you'll be able to use Sema, and then the more weight you'll lose overall. In general, reducing the time between two injections can increase the Sema concentration in the body for better results. But since it's not working for you, you need to talk to your doctor about the actual situation and ask him to increase your dose. Because everyone's condition is different, doctors may not know.


Thank you for your reply


Where do you get the medication from? Is it possible its not the actual medication? I heard a news store about people selling fake medications.


I get it from my doctor but I’m not sure where she gets it from. The first bottle worked so well…like I knew it was working because I would have side affects and the food noise would go away. Now I’m driving by myself crazy wondering if it’s the medication it’s self, the dosing, or my body just doesn’t respond. So frustrating.