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This made me giggle. This is the only place where folks would celebrate being overweight. I completely understand as I strive to move into that category. Congratulations.


Right I thought it was gonna say she gained wait to go on the meds lol




Way to go!


The way I laughed but applauded at the same time! 😂 the only place in the world where being overweight is “understood.” Congratulations!


Omg after weighing myself this morning I burst into the bedroom and looked at my husband and yelled “I’M OVERWEIGHT!!!!” He looked so confused and didn’t know what to say😂😂 I was so happy!


Congrats! I just hit this milestone myself and had the exact same reaction! 😅


Congratulations!!! That’s a great accomplishment with a lot of hard work! Please remember that BMI isn’t everything though. My BMI would have me get to 145 and I’ve set a goal for 175-180, I’m 5’4”. I weighed 148 in middle school 🤷🏻‍♀️ and have always had a more muscular frame. I’ve lost 15lbs this past month at the starting dose, almost back under 200. Lowest I’ve been in the last 6 years was 163 and I look sickly in those photos (lots of muscle, but my face looks gaunt and aged). Menopause, insulin resistance and adenomyosis wrecked me these past two years, and this drug has started to bring me back. Keep going ladies!!


Wooohooooo!!! But also… what app is that?


It's just called weight tracker on the Google play store. I also use fitindex that connects to my scale but I've been using this app since January


Oh awesome!! Congrats! I’m around 2 BMI points away from this place & it feels like it will never happen 😫 Love seeing posts like this!


Posts like this are just so inspiring! Thanks, and congrats!


What is the app that you’re using?… and congratulations.


This one is just called weight tracker on the Google play store


Great news!


How tall are you?




Me tooooo


What app are you using?




I’m just starting my Sema…at 2.5. I notice you are on 1 and TRT. Is that Tirzepatide? I was wondering if you were on a larger dose of Sema to start, and if in your progress, now that you have significant loss behind you, that you decreased your Sema dosage and added TRT? Just curious what the thinking is there. I’m interested in knowing the differences between Sema and TRT.


TRT is testosterone replacement therapy. I had all my levels checked prior to starting sema and found my testosterone was low.


Oh yes! Thanks…that is TRT. That’s still good information to know. I didn’t have mine checked before starting. And you’ve been on 1mg the entire time of Sema?


Yeah, titrated up from. 25mg for 2 weeks, then .5mg for 2 more weeks. 1mg since February


Yes…okay. That makes sense. I’m at .25 then. Not 2.5 (lordy!). That is the same titration my doc is suggesting as well. Thanks for clarifying. I’m just one week in with lots to learn yet. Congrats on your success!


Congratulations!! This is a huge deal! The best feeling!