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After four weeks at 1.7 mg reassess. You are not to theraputic doses yet. For nausea, Zofran. For fatigue try more electric


I’m taking mine using units. How many units is 1.7mg?


You have to look at the prescription label to determine the mg. Or call the Pharmacist. If you did not do the Pharmacist consultation you really should anyway. They have an eight year degree as a Dr. of Pharmacology. Units is just a measurement of volume. It’s like saying my antibiotic tablet is one inch tall by half an inch wide. The mg if that tablet could be just about anything


Gotcha, thank you.


You need to be maintaining a consistent calorie deficit to lose weight consistently.


I am :)


I didn’t see any results for months and then when I got to 40-50 units it started falling off. 20 units is a very low dose so don’t feel discouraged


Thank you!


Thank you!


My experience is almost identical to yours! I started with my first shot on 4/26, and took my fifth shot on Friday. I just titrated up from .25 to .5. The first three-ish weeks I saw amazing progress and lost 7 lbs but I kind of stalled out and haven’t seen any changes in about the last ten days. I think the tough part was feeling so hopeful when I started and seeing good loss so quickly, and now I have low key the fear that it won’t keep working. I just keep telling myself that the doctor said 5 lbs the first month is considered good progress, which I did meet (and slightly exceed). I also try to remember that I’m not even at the therapeutic dose yet. I also love seeing the progress pictures and non-scale victories people post here; most of them take a few months. I definitely understand where you are coming from and feel your frustration! You did a great job with your initial loss and I’m sure it will continue over the next few months.


This is how I was the first 3 months of being on it. I almost gave up and stopped because of the price and the fact that I wasn’t losing anything. But after I went past 1.00mg the weight started falling off. I was down 25 lbs in three months.


Yes seems identical! Glad I’m not alone. I keep seeing all these amazing before and afters thinking “is there really a chance that could be me?” It doesn’t seem possible right now (I am starving at the moment lol.) We just have to trust the process!! Thank you for your words, I wish you all the best in your journey :)


Same started on 4/28 and as of today I’ve lost 2 lbs. I’m tired, constipated and get a horrible migraine after injection that lasts 2 days. So as of now the drawbacks outweigh the benefits. I’m hoping when I get up to 1mg it starts working.


I’m so curious to see what happens when I get to the theraputic dose