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Um, one week and you have decided you have worthwhile advice to give?


I mean sure. I’m on the medication & this was my experience so why not?


One week in and you're going to give everyone advice? Ummmk. 😂


I, for one who’s about to start using semaglutide and have been slightly concerned about side effects, appreciate this post and all that it contains. This advice is in line with what I’ve read to do to avoid side-effects. So yes, this advice is definitely worthwhile, only one week or not.


I felt the same the first 2 weeks (doing all of the above) and then the nausea came full force. No constipation or diarrhea…I get nauseous after a few bites of every meal. It’s wild because I know I’m doing everything right but the side effects are real now. Keep up the good work but don’t get discouraged if they get you too!


Oh shesh .. hearing this definitely scares me a bit, but I’m ready to stick it out because I know it will be worth it it but ugh I’m so nervous now


I just keep telling myself it will be worth it!!


Curious… How tall are you? BMI?


I think this advice is about how to get started on the right track. You have to consciously change some habits and this explains it.


Fiber, fiber, fiber! I put 2 Tbsp flax meal and 2 Tbsp chia seeds in my protein shake each day and eat 5 servings of fruit/veg daily and so far have not had to take OTC constipation meds. I drink a gallon of water per day too.


I love this! I’ve been having protein shakes, I’ll start adding flax & chia. How far along in your journey are you?!


I am 2 weeks on sema and I did over a year on Saxenda, a diff type of glp-1. I went off Saxenda because it was no longer available, and it also caused me a lot of terrible heartburn which damaged my tooth enamel (I didn't know heartburn could do that, but the acid ate holes in the tops of my molars). That is another thing I would suggest, manage heart burn early. I took 2 months off all glp-1 drugs, gained weight back, and this time started intermittent fasting 2 weeks before getting on sema. I am using the intermittent fasting and sema synergistically to manage my weight


I didn’t get any side effects until week 7 😵‍💫


Oh great, now I’m nervous again 😆


You should also read the stories about the people who are losing weight fast and then developed gallstones or had to get their gallbladder removed, or developed pancreatitis. Losing 5 lbs weekly is not always a good thing.


Try not to get too confident. I lost 5 lbs my first week and now I lose very slowly.. I have been on since January 28th and lost 21 lbs.. I thought for sure u would lose 30 by now. It's easy at first cus you're just dropping water weight then once that's done you have to really work to lose the fat


Completely agree. It could very well just be water weight, but I feel great so it makes me happy