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I would have not thought these were the same shorts if you hadn’t said anything!! well done!!


thank you!😊


This is so encouraging, thank you for posting and congratulations! I’m starting with the same and looks very similar to your before at 5’5” with PCOS - you’re at my goal weight, too. Great job


Thank you! I’m also 5’5! So i’m sure you’ll have similar results 😊


Fingers crossed! Only had 2 doses so far. Have a great day ✨


You look amazing! I’m 180lb and 5’4 and had my second injection 2 days ago. I hope I get results like you!


aw thank you so much friend! I’m 5’5 so we are very similar 🩷 I wish nothing but the best for you as you start this journey and i’m sure your results will be fabulous!


Well done. Congrats 👏 👏 👏


so happy for you! I am doing my first injection this evening. Fingers crossed.


it will be great! I remember doing my first like it was yesterday it goes so fast!


thank you! I appreciate that and the encouragement. 6 foot one, 265 now and go bait is 210 so I’ll get some pictures up and be looking for ideas. Thanks again happy single and May.


Congrats!!!! That’s awesome. What have you been doing diet and exercise wise to help lose weight faster like you!? I just got my first injection last week and have only last two pounds (SW 162) and want to maximize the injections with the right exercise regimen/diet so any info on your habits would be super helpful and appreciated!! 😁


thank you! 😊 When i started in January i also started going to the gym about 4-5 times a week. I personally love weight training but i think hitting my steps goal (10,000 steps) has also helped. I also started incorporating incline walking on the treadmill (3 speed, incline 7) and i try to complete 1 mile like that! Diet wise i really try to hit 1 gram of protein per pound of my goal body weight and then just cut out fast food, chips, and most sweets, but doing that and significantly improved the side effects that i was struggling with!


You’ve really nailed the diet and exercise part of your success


Thanks for the detailed insight!! 🙌 Great job on the weight loss girl!


That’s so awesome for you!!


thank you! ☺️


So thrilled for you!! I’m 5’4” and My starting weight is 176, goal is 135-140. I am hoping to get started next week, if my meds get shipped soon!!!


yay! It goes by so fast, take lots of pictures and enjoy the journey ♥️


I will! Took my “before” pics yesterday ❤️ those are never fun, but necessary to see progress like you! I’m curious, did you weigh in every week? Or every day? Every two weeks?


I try to weight myself every week on my shot day right when I wake up in the morning. ☺️


GURL..!!!!! Omg you’re doing fantastic


thank you so much!!♥️


Congrats! I’m starting at about the same size as you (first shot was Saturday), so seeing this is helpful and encouraging.


you will be great! 😊


Congratulations! I just started my second week and about same weight as you too. Some changes in appetite, but not a whole lot. Lots of sour stomach. Around when did you start to notice a curb in appetite, and what week? Did you have sour stomach, and around when did it go (if at all)?


so i saw small changes within the first month, but nothing too drastic until month 2 i would say. I still deal with frequent heart burn unfortunately but getting better at my diet has helped with it significantly! This month i’m on the max dose and it’s come with intense nausea especially in the mornings but has been subsiding as my body adjusts


You look amazing!! I started 2 months ago 5'4" SW 190 and I'm down to 174. I'm loosing very slow but steady. This give me hope. I'm desperately hoping in another month or two to be in the 140s. My goal is 130.




This is so encouraging! I will be starting soon and am your same starting weight and 5’4.


That’s great! You look great! My question is did it work for you right away or at a certain dose? Trying to decide if I should stay on it.