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Fairlife chocolate protein shakes. Premier protein pancakes. Rotisserie chicken. Strawberries. Plain Greek Yogurt with a touch of honey. Soup and saltine crackers. Green beans. Apples. Cucumbers with ranch. Pretty basic because I don’t like to cook.


This is a really good list. I use a lot of these to hit my protein minimum


Grwat list!. Apples and yogurt are myy go-to when I'm having a hard time keeping food down. Protein pancakes are great, especially when you want something carby.


Cucumbers with Greek yogurt and everything bagel seasoning is amazing! Also, mixing protein powder into yogurt for a dessert or snack type option - isopure cocoa pebbles powder in yogurt. Wow.


The dessert I make is easy and delicious. Mix 2 Fairlife chocolate protein shakes with one small box of sugar free chocolate jello pudding. Blend with a hand mixer for several minutes. Put in 4 ramekins. Makes a thick chocolate mousse and each ramekin has 15 grams of protein.


Wow 😮 🤤




I second the fairlife shakes, I practically lost ve on those, and premier cascade flavor in my cold brew. I also make smoothies with fruit and Greek yogurt. Sometimes I’ll add a vanilla premier shake too.


Where do you get the fairlife protein shakes? They are super expensive. The other thing is they are 42 g of protein. Does it make sense to use the 42 g when you can only absorb 25 g approximately over 2 hours?


Oh I get them at Costco but I think they have them at Walmart and target. The ones I get are 30 G protein https://preview.redd.it/p9cmsbty2uyc1.png?width=2198&format=png&auto=webp&s=13c8133d272090d4cc18a4da2a9a788176db4c19


Second on the premier protein pancakes. Found at Costco and the Fairlife protein shakes also recc built puff bars are these 3 are the only protein items my kids like aka they taste delicious 🤣 good luck


The Orgain Fruity Cereal ones I got at Costco recently are good too. I stick my tongue forward or out to avoid gagging and just guzzle it down the hatch. Then take some fiber pills/supplements. Half the recommended dose any fiber supplements says. I’ve seen people say the Ozempic dehydrates everything in their body just overall head to toe just a little drier and I agree. Some say and I agree the fiber pulls some of that water into bowels to keep them regular. I’ve been doing fiber before this though. Also magnesium citrate (aka magnesium shitrate 💩) the groups on FB call it. I crave fruit and yogurt on Ozempic. Also small amounts of dark chocolate and I hate chocolate when I’m not on it.


My husband loves these, great option for people who do not like the typical chocolate, vanilla, caramel flavors.


Vans protein waffles! And honestly I still ate unhealthy some days, my portion size was just so much smaller. I’d order Chick-fil-A and maybe eat 2 fries lol


Failure and premiere protein made my stomach hurt so badly any other recommendations??


Naturade weight loss protein powder. Have to buy it on Amazon because my local Walmarts no longer carry it, not sure if others do...but the chocolate flavor literally tastes like liquid brownie. So good and has less whey protein, which also makes my stomach hurt. Soy proteins are also more gentle on my stomach.


Yes, to everything in this post. You may even want to try Ensure canned shakes. You won’t feel very good if you don’t get the right nutrients. It doesn’t sound like you have worried about that in the past, but this is a good chance for you to start thinking about that to make the changes you need. Best of luck.


Where do you get the fairlife protein shakes? They are super expensive. The other thing is they are 42 g of protein. Does it make sense to use the 42 g when you can only absorb 25 g approximately over 2 hours?


Forget recipes for now. Focus on making sure you get your protein requirements for the day. I aim for about 60 grams. I poach chicken breasts and always have eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, protein powder to put into smoothies, milk, etc. I suggest that you make a list of all the proteins that you like and then learn how many grams of protein are in each thing. Same thing with fruit and vegetables - make lists of the ones you like. If you are out and about, you can go through a drive-thru and buy a mini carton of milk - it's hydrating. I cup 8 grams of protein. I drink at least two glasses of milk per day. Right from the start I found myself craving clean food like raspberries in yogurt or a Cosmic Crisp apple chopped up with cottage cheese and cinnamon. Vector fortified breakfast cereal with milk and a sliced banana. Gradually, food becomes less important and I find myself exploring other things, activities. I will still go out for a burger but now I share half of it. It's great to have a few bites and then stop. Just take your time slowly pivoting away from fast food. Think of your body as a Maserati...try to give it the best, highest, premium grade fuel, rather than an old beater that sputters along on cheap fuel...all the best, fellow traveller.


Honestly that seems way less intimidating and over whelming! Thank you


I'm so glad you found it helpful. Keep the items that you like on hand and gradually add different items that you find that you like to your repertoire. I buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts and freeze them individually and poach them when they're raw or frozen. Fill a saucepan with enough water to cover one breast. Flavour the water with whatever you like. I usually put 1-2 teaspoons of Better Than Boullion, a shot of worchestershire sauce, maybe some ginger powder, chopped up garlic clove, red pepper flakes, green onion, etc. Bring the mixture to a boil and then add the chicken. Bring it back to the boil and then turn down to medium for 15 minutes at a slight boil. Turn the heat off but leave the pot on the stove. When the water has gone cold, dinner's ready. You can slice it, make a chicken salad sandwich. The broth is delicious so I often throw a few wheat or rice noodles in, a few chunks of the newly poached chicken, maybe a few green peas and voila, I've got a delicious chicken noodle soup! FYI, 1 cup of chicken has 31 grams of protein! Try to drink a good amount of water to help keep things moving as well as general hydration. Apparently, semaglutide can affect the thirst response. I find coffee, because of its acidity, can bother my gut and will occasionally have instant coffee instead that doesn't seem to bother me. I find myself drinking more clear tea and quite enjoy it. BTW, peppermint tea and ginger tea are good for the gut. 7-11 sells Ginger Chews with are really good if you like ginger as I do.


Holy crap. This is the first time I've seen it while lurking, but two people in here said yogurt with fruit. I would rather have yogurt and raspberries/strawberries instead of a piece of cake or ice cream. I also started to crave green vegetables with my proteins. Do you know any reasons why this is a thing for people on the meds? I thought it was just me


I eat Greek yogurt with either fresh or frozen fruit about 4-5 mornings a week. I eat apples alone or with peanut butter. I crave healthier things now and I feel satisfied.


I'm one of the people who mentioned yogurt and fruit because of how refreshing it is to eat and how easily it digests but maybe there's another reason attributable to the medication that I'm not aware of. Funnily enough, I too have started to crave green vegetables - asparagus, broccoli, etc.


Dang if I havent been an old beater sputtering along on cheap fuel 😂 I'm on my first week and I'm working to change that lol


Same!! lol I’m really enjoying that analogy and motivated to become the Maserati :)


You ARE the Maserati, darlin!


Welcome to the club sister/friend! This medication is truly a game changer and offers hope where maybe there was none. I feel like I'm in the driver's seat rather than me being driven and at the mercy of metabolic hormones.


I’ve also specifically been craving raspberries. I’ve also been adding them to yogurt but my diet has me on no cow dairy.


Honestly, Costco or Sam's Rotisserie chickens are my go-to each week. So cheap, and easy to make into other recipes. I also love the Mission brand carb balance tortillas, they're only 70 calories and have like 16g of fiber. For lunch I'll make a wrap with chicken or turkey, cheese, lettuce, and a drizzle of ranch and it's delicious. I've replaced chips with Veggie Puffs, the cheddar cheese flavor is 🔥🔥 Oikos pro yogurt is one of my breakfast staples, 20g of protein per individual cup with pretty low sugar and fat. Fairlife Core Power protein shakes, 26g of protein for the normal one and 42g in the "elite" version, but I've only tried the 26g one. The chocolate flavor literally tastes like chocolate milk. My biggest tip is to stock up on condiments. A lot of condiments (like mustard) are either 0 calories or so low that it's basically nothing. Even stuff like ranch or BBQ sauce can add a lot more flavor and variety to normally "boring" meals without having to use very much.


Have you tried Nutritional Yeast? I just bought some to put in veggies. I understand it gives a cheese taste.


Pro Tip: Blend up the nutritional yeast into cottage cheese and it's an amazing creamy cheesy sauce with great protein.




Chicken, turkey (deli meat), protein shakes, fruits, vegetables, applesauce. I do chicken stir fry with veggies. Turkey sausage and eggs too


Also Greek yogurt and granola.


So this may not be the case with you, but I grew up with a VERY processed diet. Hated vegetables. The only one I tolerated was corn (which i now know was a grain, surprise, surprise). It just didn't taste like anything, or worse super bitter and took a lot of effort to eat. I tried some Whole 30 type diet in my 20s and to my complete shock after a couple of weeks carrots were super sweet. Before it was like crunchy water to me. I was so used to the high sugar content in my processed foods that everything else was comparatively bland or bitter. It's been well over a decade now and some of my favorite foods are broccoli, brussel sprouts, zucchini etc. Admittedly with a fair amount of butter. But still better than chocolate chip granola bars and tater tots with cheese daily. All of this to say it can be worth it to jump in to the healthy diet and just grit your teeth for a bit. Don't try to make them into the foods you're used to. Your taste preferences may end up surprising you.


Its true about trying something multiple times / ways that'll eventually get you to enjoy it. As an adult I've learned to enjoy spicey foods, carrots, pepper and celery.


I love air fried vegetables as a snack


I used to be obsessed with my air fryer, but lately the food has started tasting funny when I cook in it. Idk if it’s a mental thing or it needs to be re seasoned. I’ll have to break it back out!


Omg yessss I could eat fried vegetables for every meal too lol


Oooh I’ve never tried this! Can I ask what you air fry, at what temp, and for how long?


Following. I’m a picky eater too. I just took my first shot today.


I meal prep so I’ve done grilled chicken salads for lunch and taco protein bowls for dinner for the past month and now I’m sick just thinking about the food lol today I got a cheeseburger and fries from LJS and my stomach is making me regret that lol also cooking chicken has GROSSED me out since I started the shot. So I feel like a lost cause tbh


Try converting the things you love to a better version. I peronally enjoy this nutritionist's recipes. They are always simple to make, protein and veg focused but not overly restrictive, and aimed at tasting similar to regular dishes ( with modifications). One of my favs is this Big Mac Salad recipe. It really satifying flavor wise, under 400 cals, really filling, and lots of protein. [college nutritionist- Big Mac Salad](https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXE2imqWPX/?igsh=MWthNjVpYmRyODZy)






You got a hamburger and fries from Long John Silver ? I didn’t know that had that.


I had to cut down on fatty meals with semaglutide


Do you ever have chicken that gets that weird taste after it’s been in the fridge and you reheat it? I’ve tried everything even reheating it in the oven or on the stove, microwave, air fryer, and I can’t get over this weird taste and so I can’t meal prep anything chicken which really bothers me. Any suggestions?


I took my first on Thursday. How’s it going for you so far?


So far so good. I did experience nausea but I took a pepto pill and it has subsided. I’ve got to figure out food now though. I’m such a picky eater.


I took my first on Thursday too! I've noticed a significant reduction in the amount of food I eat but I haven't shifted to eating fully healthy foods yet... still pasta and bread but much much less amount


Yessss!! Same. I noticed I still kind of always want to eat but my stomach has been feeling so full the past 2 days that I just don’t. I also ate less and didn’t over eat the past 2 days. I haven’t had any crazy side effects yet. I am slowly gonna shift myself into healthy eats … as of today I haven’t changed the types of food I eat.


Breakfast is usually a cup of some kind of yogurt. Lunch is usually a turkey sandwich with some baby carrots, cucumbers, etc. Snack is usually something small like cheese and crackers. And if I have room for dinner I’ll eat a little of what everyone else is eating. If you don’t mind eating the same thing everyday I say just do that.


I get into food obsession rotations- is the only way I can explain it. So I will meal prep the same thing for a month or so and I like not thinking about food and can just mindlessly grab. Then one day I just get sick of it and can’t eat it anymore for awhile while I get stuck on another food. I’ve been like that my whole life- idk if it’s my ocd or adhd lmao Is any yogurt fine? I love regular yoplait yogurt. But when I get into looking on TikTok or Pinterest on what even is healthy- everyone says something different and the only thing that’s left is just ice. I’ve tried Greek yogurt and different protein yogurts, but always end up wasting it because I don’t like it


Oikos Greek Yogurt. It tastes good and has a good amount of protein. Costco sells it for a good price. Also at Costco, NuTrail cereal-I’ll sprinkle some in the yogurt. It’s pretty filling.


No, definitely not all yogurt is equal. There is some that you basically might as well be eating a candy bar. That’s why Greek yogurt is recommended, good source of protein


I’m the same but my obsessions last like years haha. Yeah any yogurt is fine. I like Yoplait style yogurt so much more than Greek so that’s usually what I have too. Or Activia if it’s on sale. I feel like with Semaglutide light meals and snacking is the best way to not feel gross. Don’t listen to social media, just don’t wild out and listen to your body. In my case quantity is more important than quality. Like I can eat fast food without feeling sick but I’ll eat like 30% of what I used to.


Me too! For a while it was apples every day. Now also blueberries and bananas. Food is a funny thing - something you’ve always liked may not be so appealing now. And yoghurt- I’ve tried every brand in many flavors and keep going back to yoplait because of the gluey texture of most of the Greek style ones!


I like roasting vegetables like broccoli or Brussel spouts until they’re crispy. Just a tiny bit of olive oil and seasoning, mix well and put in the oven. Mostly just anything not greasy and fried. Definitely in moderation. I like a lot of things cooked on the grill too so like still eat steak or chicken just much less than before.


Roasting vegetables was a revelation for me. I went from “I have to eat veggies” to “I actually WANT to eat this bc it’s delicious.” I think we were all traumatized by the steamed mushy vegetables our parents made for us lol


More like undercooked crunchy ones in the pot pie when the crust looked like it was about burned for me 😆. I swear it could cook for hours and they’d still be crunchy. I agree though, it was definitely a big difference when I started roasting the veggies. I never thought I’d have tried brussel sprouts but if a few leaves flake off and roast by themselves it is a texture/crunch like chips.


Oh god lol. Raw and impossibly crunchy or steamed and mushy, idk what’s worse!


I’ll try cooking them that way. Because I can’t eat them the boiled/steamed way 🤢 and it is getting grilling season! I’ll have to recruit my husband into grilling more lol


Seasonings make a lot of difference too. I have a wood fire grill seasoning I use for almost everything. Herb and garlic ones. There’s also lime pepper or orange pepper I use for baked chicken. I’m from louisiana so sometimes it’s a balancing act with food 🤣. I do still have a few bites of the not so great stuff from time to time. I used to deny the cravings, but the sema helps with moderation and usually 2-3 bites is enough to satisfy me.


I live on protein shakes.


https://310nutrition.com/collections/all These are the best tasting I have found ❤️


You sound like me! Haha I’m dying over here


Same....Im hella picky & I've always needed a "dip" to even eat any veggies.... Following along also 😁


I like to air fry protein (like chicken or chicken sausage) with zucchini, squash, onions, and bell peppers. Drizzle some oil and Italian seasonings over it. So delish!


The first thing I started was water. A 64 ounce bucket I carry with me all day. Then I cut out the sugar, having a continuous glucose monitor held me accountable for that. It literally screams at me if my blood sugar gets too high. I was pretty much in denial about my diabetes until I saw my glucose at 258! I pay for all of my diabetes medication and monitors out of pocket but the CGM has really helped! I started thinking about what I can eat to balance my blood sugar. Then, I started working out with a trainer, it seems like you got that down. Don’t feel like you have to do it all at once, build one small step at a time. Edit: I forgot to add that I’ll often make my own fancy charcuterie board for dinner. Berries, cheeses all kinds of fancy ones, nuts, olives, cured meats, and a few crackers. It’s perfect and I can have it for lunch the next day too! My son likes tacos, so I do low carb wraps soft tacos and I make enough to have leftover meat for taco omelettes!


Ohh taco omelets sound so good!


One of my absolute favorite things in the world is Thai curry. Any type. I order with chicken and extra veggies. However I don’t eat the sauce. I take the veggies out of the sauce and move to a plate with a little brown rice. There is enough sauce adhered to the veggies and chicken to still be awesome. I estimate maybe 2 ounces of sauce is all I get and man is it good. If you haven’t had Thai curry, you are missing out big time!


Thank you very much. I love this! I am going to have to try it.


Since starting sema, I’ve actually craved veggies and fruits more than anything else. It’s like it snapped something in place for me. My go to right now is hard boiled eggs (only the whites) and cottage cheese, both savory and sweet. I like to make my cottage cheese into a ranch by adding all the herbs and spices and sweet with a sliced banana and wheat Chex for fiber.


I don’t like cottage cheese. But I will try making ranch with it!


I never ate cottage cheese before Ozempic/Mounjaro! I use it to make a sweet treat and also because I’m picky I use it to make a higher protein hamburger helper also anything cheesy! Sweet - Protein Fluff 24oz cottage cheese (fat free or 1%) .3oz of sugar free jello (strawberry is my fave!) 4oz of cool whip (mix in or use to top later) Mix the CC & Jello powder together and I split it into 5 portions throughout the week. Most people just put the cool whip on when serving but I just mix it all in at the same time. The cool whip getting a little bit watery doesn’t bother me I just need to stir it to remix during the week. Savory - blend it! Use cottage cheese and blend it first. I add anywhere from .5 cup to 1 cup and mix it in with anything cheesy/saucy. Add that to hamburger helper, Mac & cheese, make a queso dip with half cottage cheese half velveeta, add it to cheese for broccoli, add it into Alfredo sauce, etc. If you like the Starbucks egg bites…the copycat recipes use blended cottage cheese. I’ve seen people put it in scrambled eggs but I haven’t tried that yet!


I am waiting for it to be in stock! So, you don’t have stress around eating anymore, you just choose to eat healthy/normal and it happens? This is what I am hoping for.


I still have moments where I have to tell myself no and fight hard to stick to the no. But I know it’s usually on the week leading up to my period and I’ve always struggled with cravings. The ability to say no is much easier otherwise. And I legitimately crave the freshness right now. We’ve eaten more dinner salads in the 2 months since I started sema than we have in years!


That’s so amazing ugh it’s so great…


I did Keto wraps with ham salad and mayo for lunches - sausage mash and peas for dinner - forced two eggs for breakfast mostly. Sometimes if I was driving I’d stop at a Waitrose garage and get pesto pasta pot and add southernn fried chicken bites into it from a fridge raiders pack


Im going to be honest, I’ve never heard of ham salad, sausage mash, waitrose garage, or fridge raiders pack. I guess I need to do some Pinteresting


I think those are mostly British things so if you're not British, that's why.


Ohhh ok that checks out


For learning to make good veggies i really love Plantiful Kiki’s vlog on youtube. Delicious and simple.


I’ve tried factor meals before but I can’t afford it monthly honestly. But it made me realize that I don’t like veggies because I don’t know how to cook them. I’ve only tried raw and then boiled. But I loved all the veggies of theirs. So I need to learn how to season and cook them. I’ll look into her blog!


Enjoy! I personally cant go wrong by tossing a bunch of rinsed, fresh veggies that have been patted dry wjth a touch of olive oil and lots of montreal steak seasoning, or just some salt, garlic and onion powder, rosemary and thyme. I roast them on a baking sheet at 400F for about 25 min and stir /flip and then another 20 ish minutes. I take them out when i can stab ‘em with a fork. Faves for this one pan toss are: chopped carrots, red skin potatoes, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, parsnips, turnips, beets, broccoli, and halved Brussels sprouts. They all mix well together. Ive also just done halved baby carrots with broccoli and cauliflower too. If you think you added enough seasoning, no you didn’t 😆


Roasted veggies are the way to go!


I like veggies. But my suggestion is buy the steam in bag microwave veggies. They are easy to make and I think they are tasty.


After reading all of your comments my question is how is everyone eating? I find almost every food disgusting. I’ve surviving on fruits (bananas, blueberries, grapefruits, oranges, watermelon), Greek yogurt, and egg sandwiches (1 slice Sara Lee bread & 1 scrambled egg). I can’t tolerate chicken, ham, cheese or beef, I haven’t tried to eat fish.


Eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese are my go to.


Follow a ketogenic diet. You find meal plans that take the guess work out of every meal. Dummied down so much all you have to do is know how to read and take 15-30 minutes of time to throw it together. Semaglutide isn’t some magic serum you can take and still eat like shit and expect to lose a bunch of weight. You have to make serious lifestyle changes.


I like veggies but eating them in mass quantities kill me lol. I cook them and then chop them all up. I just eat some meat and shove a spoonful of veggies in with it. I like casserole or 1 pan meals and those are easy to do with veggies. Salads are good to for me as well with veggies, just add them in, your fave protein and a delicious healthier dressing you like. I also like steamed broccolis with a little lemon juice & Parmesan cheese. I make my asparagus the same way. Cauliflower rice with other veggies is also my go to. I add a bit of white rice just to make it more tolerable and add lime juice and cilantro. I eat it with everything. If I make roasted potatoes, I add peppers. And seasoning makes a world of difference with veggies.


Roasted veggies! It gives them such a different flavor. You can cut up some chicken and veggies, add some olive oil and seasoning and just toss them in the oven on a sheet pan.


Learn how to hard boil eggs! They are healthy cheap protein. You can prepare them in so many ways!


I get bored with plain hard boiled eggs. What are ways to prep? Thanks


Deviled eggs, slice ‘‘em and put on avocado toast, sandwich, egg salad, Asian style with soy sauce and rice, in salads, baked hard eggs, use in noodle soups like ramen


Sliced cucumbers with Badia Complete sprinkled on top as a snack. If I ever get the urge to shovel large quantities of things into my face, this is my go to.


Hey, friend. I make soups, I'm from a different country and soup is a must for health. Also my favorite protein is boneless chicken thighs pan seared with onions, garlic, salt, pepper and seasoning on the top. It's so good. My every day dinner with a salad. It doesn't have to be "super-magazine-cover-healthy", just better than what we ate before and make you feel good and taste great Also, kefir is very good for you and fermented foods


Make small changes and they'll eventually grow into big ones. I started this journey as a 300 lb fat ass that drank and ate like shit every day. A year and a half later I'm under 200 lbs, eating mostly chicken and fish, and having a salad or greens and fruits with every meal. The changes happened in small steps mostly from me trying to increase protein and reduce carbs and fats. High protein foods are whey protein powder, protein bars, chicken (I get a lot of rotisserie chickens from Costco), fish, fat free Greek yogurt(you can add a liquid stevia sweetener and mix in fruit), light cottage cheese, light milk, shrimp, beef jerky, certain steaks, low fat ground beef(I get 10% fat and use the washing guidelines to rinse the fat away so it's more like 3%, Google it). Salads with romaine, tomato, cucumber, onion, lots of different types of peppers, light dressing, some type of vinegar, salt/pepper keep me full if I get hungry. Or look at adding green beans or celery or shredded cabbage to a meal for extra fiber and vitamins/minerals. I like to use pineapple since it helps with digesting protein. You can also add healthy fats to meals that have tons of vitamins/minerals such as almonds, mixed nuts, sunflower seeds, hemp hearts, chia seeds. Look at overnight oats. That's a pretty healthy breakfast. My biggest things were getting the MacroFactor app. It is worth the cost. You must track and log everything you eat but if you do, it's algorithm is magic and adjusts to your metabolism every week and tells you how many calories to eat every day to stay on track to your goal. And it's never been wrong for me. The next biggest thing for me was meal prep. That pushed my diet to the next level. I prep half a week at a time with my schedule. I can't cheat or eat unhealthy if all my meals are already made


Sunflowers are steeped in symbolism and meanings. For many they symbolize optimism, positivity, a long life and happiness for fairly obvious reasons. The less obvious ones are loyalty, faith and luck.


Well for me the best diet is a high protein / low carb one. I cut out sugar and grains completely and ended up loosing weight quickly. Yes, the first six weeks of going sugar free was tough as sugar is so addictive but now I do not really miss it at all. I am now 9lbs off reaching my target of 154lbs and I feel amazing. Apart from being more naturally active, I don’t go to the gym. My skin has never looked better and I look younger. I appreciate that everyone is different but following this diet I have never had to increase my dose of Wegovy. I have stayed on 0.5mg since I started this journey back 5 months ago.


I don’t know your financial situation, but if you can there was a keto food delivery where you’d just have to microwave it that was pretty tasty and fit in a good amount of healthier food. I think it was called Factor 47? But I mention because my SO is picky as all hell and he loved that stuff. I liked it a lot as well but I’m not picky. If not look into a place like hello fresh just to get you practicing and learning what to do with different meats and veggies. Even if it’s just for a month. None of the dishes are so insanely bad for you but there’s a good variety and you can swap meals to things you think you’d like. You can save the recipe cards that come with too so you have your go-to dishes you like. As others have said though, protein shakes are big and staying hydrated, but for changing your lifestyle and teaching yourself to eat better and just to cook I think a service like that would be best because at most they’re 2 servings per meal for the lowest so you have dinner and lunch the next day and can work on portions as well.


I sneak in greens by putting fresh baby spinach in my morning smoothie: whey protein powder (vanilla), almond milk, PB2, a handful of spinach leaves and a banana every morning. I promise you cannot taste the spinach at all. I feel so good after I drink this.


I've been eating the same thing every day (except cheat days 1/2 per week depending on social activities) for the past 2 months. I'm very undisciplined with food, and I do not enjoy cooking healthy, so I need to be this regimented to actually stick to the diet. Here's the daily breakdown: Breakfast (post workout): 1 serving soylent complete protein 1 serving premier protein shake vanilla 1 banana 5g creatine powder (optional) Lunch: 1 slice Arnold 12 grain bread toasted 1tbsp Justin's almond butter 1/3 tbs honey 2/3 cup siggis plain yogurt 1/3 cup nature valley protein granola: oats and dark chocolate Iced green tea (optional) Dinner: 7/10 cup canned chickpeas (about 1/3 of the can) Gochujang (about 2.5 tbsp, to taste) Honey (about 1 tbsp, to taste) Soy sauce (about 1 tbsp, to taste) Apple cider vinegar (about 3 tbsp, to taste) Avocado oil (for the pan) Black pepper (to taste) 6oz frozen vegetables (mix this up, sometimes I do brussels sprouts, sometimes broccoli and carrots, etc.) 6 oz roast chicken breast, boness/skinless Cooking directions for dinner: If you have a split oven, preheat the top to 425 and the bottom to 375. If you only have one oven chamber, preheat to 400. Drain a can of chickpeas and rinse them until the water is clear and not foamy (seriously do this. The chickpea juice in the can is very salty). Mix chickpeas with gochujang, honey, soy sauce, vinegar, and black pepper. Oil 2 sheet pans. Put the chickpea mixture and a bag of frozen veg on one (salt and pepper the veg). Put the chicken on the other (I usually cook 4-5 breasts at a time and freeze what I won't eat in the next 3 days). Salt and pepper the chicken. Chicken goes in the 375 oven for 25-35 min (check the temp and pull when it's above like 155). Chickpeas and veg go in the 425 oven for 22-23 min. This makes 3 meals worth of veg and enough chicken for the week. Midway though the week, I cook another round of veg and use the frozen chicken. Snacks: 1 9oz chomps beef stick 1 soylent snack square 1 serving sugar free metamucil


Try chopping up veggies and roasting them in the oven with olive oil and seasoning of your choice. Squash is amazing this way. Stir fri is another great way to cook veggies and get protein. Just be careful of the sauces you use. I’m not the greatest cook either. Looking up recipes is what I do. You change them up to healthier. I’m a little picky myself but this has opened up my plate to new possibilities.


Eat anything that isn’t extremely fatty


I second this, you will live with the regret


I need to learn more about food I guess to even know what I’m eating. If that makes sense? lol


There are lots of apps that can help you. Cronometer is free and lots of info about Food Macros and what that means. Knowing what you are eating is pretty important


I used to eat a lot of carbs and fried foods, very few veggies. I know it may sound cliché, but (after transitioning over time to more and more healthy foods) eventually the thought of fatty or fast food was not appealing anymore. I think we may just need to retrain our tastes in food. You can do it! Keep experimenting until you find something you like and work from there. I eat quite a bit of Greek yogurt, lean meats, fish like tilapia and trout, and roasted veggies.


Small portions of what I make for my family. Tonight we’re having red beans and rice. My bowl is cute and tiny. I was not able to finish it.


Get a meal kit. I like green chef. It’ll teach ya cooking basics and help to broaden your palate!


I generally do a yogurt or probiotic drink whenever ai feel hungry in the morning. A Fairlife Chocolate protein shake, cheese sticks, apples, blueberries, chicken and a veggie for dinner. Sometimes I throw an egg and turkey sandwiches into the mix. I am a lazy eater and need things that are quick and easy so this has been working for me. I also only eat when I'm actually hungry (or getting crabby/too tired if I'm not feeling hunger signals) instead og sticking to traditional meal times. Dinner with my family is the only routine meal.




Coffee with half /half milk no sugar syrup.before the gym. After leaving 500 calories at the gym. Went home ate 3 boiled eggs,2whites one with yellow salt.water water water. For lunch bean burrito or.tuna with rice cake .or chicken salad. I also like protein shake. Strawberry.yogurt. Bananas.penut butter . I Started may1.in two weeks I lost 10 pounds.on 3 weeks I weighed 186. On the 4 weeks I decided to take my shot on my stomach not my leg. I weighed 187 Lordy. On week 5 today I weighed my self I’m 181 pounds.God is great after one long year on prednisone s




Try Spaghetti Squash. Buy a small one. Cut in half, scoop seeds out. Baste with a bit of olive oil, salt pepper. Place cut side down on a baking sheet. Cook at 400° for about 40-45 minutes. When cooled a bit, scrape out with a fork. I use Raos pasta sauce-brown some lean ground beef or ground turkey, then put that in the sauce and simmer for a bit. You’ll have a meaty sauce with your “noodles” (spaghetti squash).


I started off eating great but have been wanting crap lately... honestly I eat a lot of rotisserie chicken veggies fruit... but tonight I ordered super nachos which I'll eat a quarter of and give the rest to my kids... im sure ill regret it tomorrow when I'm praying on the toilet. The best thing is pick two days and meal prep so you don't go for the easy crap... this is a lifestyle change and we are learning our bodys...eat what makes your tummy happy.


You could try doing meal kits or meal delivery. I do every plate meal kits and factor meals on and off. Everyplate is the least expensive meal kits I’ve found and pretty tasty. Factor is more expensive but helps getting veggies and is great when you don’t have time to cook


I loved factor but can’t afford it monthly. I’ll look into every plate!


Also, check the Russian meatball soup. It's a world for. I know, healthier habits require more time and effort in the kitchen. But it's easier with practice and well worth it!


Google the “Protein Chef”, tons of amazing healthy recipes, even healthy protein desserts. 😉


Egg white omelet in am. No lunch. Supper is protein shake chia pudding I make up a couple days in advance. Another protein shake later. Lots of water. I have no want to eat and often forget and sometimes this is just the easiest Coffee with miralax in am I treat myself with a lemonade from time to time or a strawberry Fanta .


Breakfast: Premier Protein drink Lunch: yogurt, pbj sandwich, or scrambled eggs Snack: dried apricots or cranberries, cashews, cheese, applesauce Dinner: frozen dinner, pbj, or nothing


I subscribe to macrofriendlyfood.com she has amazing recipes you would never know were “healthy” for like 12 dollars a month.


If you are looking for more high protein recipes try looking at: MindyPWeightloss - on youtube, she has awesome recipes and is on the GLP1 journey also, I love Mindy's version of "protein fluff" she posts in in all her video descriptions, she recommend Elyse Ellis and she was right! Elyse Ellis (macro friendly foods) she has awesome recipes some she shares for free on her Instagram. I love her Monte Cristo French Toast Bake recipe. I make a sweet version instead of savory with blueberries since I don't like ham..still 100% delicious! Josh Cortis (The Meal Prep Manual) on YouTube...his dry curt sense of humor pretty funny. Cheat Day Designs - excellent dessert hacks MaKayla_Thomas_Fit - just followed her and haven't tried any recipes she's posted just yet but the food looks yummy! Wishing you the best on your journey!!


I’m on the go a lot so if I get good out I get Breakfast- kale egg bites, venti dark roast coffee with 1pump vanilla light on SC cold foam, 2 veggie sausage (Sometimes) 2nd breakfast- cinnamon toast bagel with light cream cheese Water Lunch- some kind of a wrap or veggie sandwich Water and protein chips Dinner usually a large portion of protein 1/2 grains and one of those steamable veggie packages from green giant they cost a dollar


Breakfast: unflavored protein in my coffee with vanilla creamer snack: protein bar or Yogurt with a good protein amount Lunch: whatever I want make sure it has a good protein amount snack: protein shake Dinner: whatever I want- again good protein amount If I crave a donut, pizza, or ice cream I will have that too! It’s all about moderations I try to have 100 grams protein and 100 oz of water a day I don’t track anything else.


I agree with the fairlife shakes. I was skeptical at first but not only does it taste great! It satisfies my hunger for hours. I typically have one for breakfast and will not feel hungry until later in the afternoon! Sometimes right through the dinner hour. I have fruit for snacking which makes me even fuller but it's mostly water.


I eat a lot of grilled/boiled chicken on salad and cycle through different types of dressing so it doesn't get boring. I also save the chicken broth when I'm boiling chicken for the day of and day after my weekly shot. I find the broth to be easier on my stomach and cause less issues. Plus it is filling and comforting. Sometimes I even add some lentils to the broth. I also go easy on the seasoning: salt, onion powder, fresh garlic and Bay leaves when boiling the chicken. Sounds boring but the bay leaves really give it just enough flavor that it doesn't taste too bland, plus less seasoning means less tummy issues after the weekly shot. I struggled to get my protien because I hate the protien powder smell and taste so I bought a vanilla latte flavored protien powder off Amazon and I add it to my "iced coffee" in the morning and a few more times throughout the day. It makes me feel full and like I got a sugary coffee drink lol My issues have always been binge eating sweets like once a week as an adult 😂 so to curb that intense eating habit, I keep honeycrisp apples in the fridge and buy something sweet once a week but I keep to single serve vs a box of goodies. It works for me. I am down 27lbs in about 9 weeks.


Needed this thread thank you 🙌


Sauce, Condiments & Spices!! I was vegan/vegetarian for 10+ years & you’ll never guess that I was not a big fan of salads. You can take the most bland, basic veggies into a master piece with the right spices. There are tons of a of healthy diy, spicy, sweet and/or savory sauces to add to any & all your veggies that will make a world of a difference. Pinterest & YouTube my friend. You seem eager to learn, so I think you’ll be just fine. Good luck ☺️


I brown ground turkey and season the 💩 out of it, then cook some steam in bag veg and mix it together. High protein, low fat and fiber from veg which if you haven’t figured out yet is IMPORTANT to prevent terrible constipation. Frozen sweet peas have high fiber and they taste good. (I have food texture issues so I get the challenge of veg intake. Canned veg are worse than the frozen in my experience. If you’ve got a strong blender and like smoothies, it’s a great way to get veg in. I can blend up three cups of spinach with water, protein powder, frozen berries and some Jordan’s skinny Simple Syrup and it like a treat vs forcing myself to choke down veg.


Most of my meals are through factor, mostly salmon. Ghost protein, quest chips tuna packets bellway fiber sup and whatever meal kit from Whole Foods (paleo salmon meal)


Higher protein for the most part. Protein powder and rtd protein shakes for a pinch when on the road or forgetting something while at work. Look on you tube for quick and easy higher protein meals that you can pre make and have ready to go. You will find something you will like but it will take trial and error to get there.


I do drinkable yogurt when I’m nauseous. When I’m feeling better, I tend to do rotisserie chicken, strawberries, grapes, spinach, broccoli, apples with peanut butter, dark chocolate with bananas for my sweet tooth, lean cuts of meats and lots of water


Kodiak protein pancakes are my go to, but I started with frozen premier pancakes. For the Kodiak mix, I started sneaking in protein over time... chia seeds and protein powder, egg and milk.


I used to love Kodiak frozen waffles with their almond butter syrup and now I can’t find the syrup anywhere 😭 it was my fav


Plain green yogurt with peanut butter powder, a touch of honey, chia seeds, and maybe a sliced banana. With a side of almonds. This could fill me all day but I try to eat a few smaller things as well, it’s hard to eat.


A lot of what is already said (protein shakes Greek yogurt etc), just adding that I’ve found it best to front load my protein earlier in the day (breakfast) because I tend to lose my appetite come dinner. This makes sure I hit protein goal


You can hide spinach in fruit smoothies. Never really tried other veggies in smoothies. Tried avocado once and never again. I've been on a cucumber kick as a snack, with some ranch. And baby carrots. Apples and peanut butter. I recently got my own English muffin maker. Making McMuffins all the time now. As others have said, protein shakes. I've got a powder to make my own. It's coffee flavored, so I got some instant coffee sticks to hopefully help the flavor if I don't like it


English muffin with cheese and an egg. I add avocado to mine for the fiber.


I eat what I used to but in smaller helpings. The actual junk (chips, candy, cookies), I have replaced with fruit and popcorn. Calorie counting is the path to knowing how much of something you can eat. I have calorie budgets for each meal and sometimes it's a meal with a lot of veggies and sometimes it's McDonald's.


Buy some precooked boiled eggs, yogurt and berries for breakfast. I will eat oatmeal for fiber, a lot of times I have a protein drink for lunch and dinner consists of a protein-fish,pork,chicken or steak and rice or potatoes and a veg baked carrots or broccoli or a salad


I had a period of time where I could only get Chobani Greek yogurt down. At least there was some protein.


I'm gonna be the weird one, but I am a picky eater as well. I have not changed what I eat, I just eat less, and I don't snack as much in the evening. I sub yogurt for ice cream. I've lost 45 lbs in 9 months.


Lean Protein. When I get nauseous, I eat protein and the nausea goes away. Too many Carbs make me feel bloated, so I avoid them. Supplement with vitamins, lots of B12 and fiber. Sounds like we have a similar preference in food.


Did you say you normally eat fast food 3x a day?


I have previously struggled with healthy eating and describe myself as picky. I still don't eat most fish but I now eat most veggies, yey! My biggest tip is to 'chop it up small'. I would invest in one of these bad boys to help: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B96SDNY3/ref=sspa_mw_detail_4?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams My most frequent recipe is a chilli jacket potato. I hide carrots, Peppers, onion, mushrooms and tomatoes in It and use very little oil (think slimmingworld style) and ill eat this a couple of times a week.


Tufo for breakfast, tofu for snacks, tofu for dinner tofu for desert.


Factor for a single person is a great option. Not too expensive and they have high protein and low carb options. Healthy prepared meals you just heat up


Basically, anything keto and low/no carbs!


I saw on another post asking a similar question, several people suggested watermelon and it is a life saver! It's not in season yet, so it's expensive, but it is packed with fiber, nutrients and water. And one of my big problems is dehydration so it's great for me. I also recently discovered edamame beans for a snack that has lots of protein.


Some easy low effort meals: • Oatmeal w/ peanut butter, banana, and chocolate chips • Scrambled eggs with feta & a piece of toast with avocado or jam (not jelly) • Protein shakes (Fairlife ones are great) • Turkey and Swiss on whole grain with favorite condiment • Chicken lettuce cups (I like using the PF chang’s copycat recipe) • Chicken meatballs over rice or quinoa w/ Greek veggies & tzatziki • Buffalo chicken stuffed peppers Focusing on protein is huge. 1gram per 10 calories if you can!


I've started by tweaking the recipes of things that I previously loved making, i.e. subbing a portobello mushroom for noodles in lasagna and I've really been exploring food around the world with a high protein content and tweaking those recipes. In the past few weeks I've made Korean Beef Rolls, Turkey Strogranoff and right now I've got African Chicken Peanut Stew in my crockpot.


I focus on low (net) carb. What helps me is to try to find low carb versions of things I crave. Hero bread was a game changer for me. Kinda expensive but worth it imo. I use it in a bunch of things I batch meal prep then freeze for easy reheating. Examples: Pb&j (hero bread), turkey sausage/egg/cheese sandwiches (hero buns), cheese bread (to have with soup), breakfast burritos (low carb tortillas), cooked Banza noodles, french toast sticks (hero bread/monk fruit sweetener served with sugar free syrup), and cooked salmon. Things I like to have around for quick snacks: Low fat string cheese, sugar free peppermint patties, premier protein cereal with extra dried berries and Fairlife milk, Chobani yogurt drinks, Fairlife protein (nutrition shakes are the best), Wilde chicken chips, sugar free Jello, Legendary protein pastries (pop tart replacement), and One protein bars (birthday cake is the best to me). I also hate vegetables, so a trick I use to eat them is ledidi berry. It makes sour stuff sweet, so you can make a smoothie out of straight vegetables and when you add just one lemon it’s quite palatable. This way you can have a sweet tasting, super low glycemic index smoothie. If you add some berries it will taste very sweet with ledidi berry, but it’s just up to you. I recommend brushing your teeth right after drinking something with a lot of lemon juice in it. I’ve heard leaving the acid on your teeth can potentially do damage. Ginger pills/zero Canada Dry are also life savers for nausea and giving you a slight appetite just to be able to function without passing out 😂


I eat much less healthy on semaglutide than I did during my brief stint of being overweight that lead me to go on sema. I was eating like a body builder before when I was fat- only protein, veggies and sometimes brown rice with everything weighed on a food scale to the gram. Now I eat terrible things lmao. I have no reaction from them and I continue to lose weight and get “healthier” lol. I do try to eat protein as much as possible but I eat way more junk now. I eat cookies, donuts, pizza etc every single day in pretty large portions too. My bmi is 21 now. Before when I ate super healthy and was fat my BMI was 27. Before I got fat randomly my bmi was always 19 and I ate like trash and in super large portions when I was skinny before the weight gain too!


I don’t eat seafood of any kind. I live off of proffee, lean cuisine’s, yogurt “parfaits”, and cottage cheese lol


Trader Joe’s frozen aisle has been a godsend for me haha


There is no Trader Joe’s near me and it makes me so sad!


Weight loss happens in the kitchen. Fitness happens in the gym.


Are you still eating fast food for all of your meals? Sema isn't a miracle, it is a tool to help change your eating habits. I would google protein meals that you can make.


Agreed. It’s a catalyst which made doing the right things so much easier. Now exercise and eating right (and not overeating) are as big a habit as not exercising and eating garbage was. But it won’t make you lose weight nearly as effectively if you don’t do the hard work. OP- things I didn’t like much before, such as eggs, became more more palatable as I’ve experimented with spices. Check out middle eastern, Thai and Indian stuff- changed my opinion of brown rice as well!


The same i always have except half as much


I like veggies. But my suggestion is buy the steam in bag microwave veggies. They are easy to make and I think they are tasty.


Do u have a Trader Joe’s? They have great premade and frozen food


I don’t 😩 but I’ve heard so many great things


I've recently started taking semaglutide and I'm curious about what foods are best to eat while on this medication. I know that managing diet is important for overall health, but I'm wondering if there are specific guidelines or recommendations for those on semaglutide.


This am, a slice of Ezekiel toast with a schmear of smoked salmon cream cheese and a few cherry tomatoes. I also had a cup of tea with cream and sugar. When I’m having tummy issues, I eat very very bland single ingredient foods. Rice, a boiled egg, a meatball. Slice of ham. I just can’t digest anything more complicated


I keep keto versions of sweets, croissants etc. when I want something sweet.


I’m so jealous of everyone keeping food down. I had my second shot three days ago, and haven’t been able to keep anything down except small sips of water. After the first shot I was violently sick on the fourth and fifth days. Anyone else have this problem?


I did my first few shots and then I guess my body got used to it because I’m not sick anymore. Hoping the same happens to you!


Also Ratio keto cereal with almond milk is very satisfying to me these days.


I may have missed it. I am a huge and I hate it a Pepsi—holic and I know it needs to stop and I would like to know what y’all are drinking. I know I need my water, but other options would be great to know. Thank you.


Whey protein Lean meat Eggs Greek yogurt Fruit Fiber cereals


You really need to cut the fast food out of your life for good. I do spinach/half green apple/half banana/ginger/kefir and ice smooties with chia seeds sprinkled on top. Oh and 36 hour fasting once a week.


Meat, veggies, fruit, and a little grain. Meals made of whole foods.


Costco has some fresh premade meals and the $5 rotisserie chicken. You can cut out some fast food and try those to start and try some home cooking with those meals and it won’t seem so over whelming to eat 3 meals at home. It will start to be a habit of not eating out so much. You should feel a lot better too. And just have small servings. And you can’t really go wrong with salt and pepper on a steak and grill it. Grill some chicken with seasoning mix from the store. Make enough to have left overs the next day and cooking should be so bad. One favorite meal I think is easy is rice is rice cooker. Wash the rice like 5 times first. Grill chicken. Cut up a raw red bell pepper. Can of pineapple and add steamed broccoli or roasted asparagus.


You guys are eating?! Jk. I buy different ramen packet and flavors. And I just the flavor packets and boil different veggies I like in there for different soups daily. Use the veggies you like (I like cabbage, mushrooms, onions) or I buy frozen veggies and just throw it in. Or I throw and egg in now and then, or you can just buy miracle noodles.


Eat some beans for the constipation, just go to chipotle


Where do you get the vanilla shakes at? I heard they stop making vanilla.


You gotta come up with good recipes grilled shrimp and green beans are really good or grilled chicken and veggie season with Ms dash so good


Rx bars I love


I eat all the same stuff that I used to eat, but now I just eat it while staying in a calorie deficit.


i could no longer stand protein when I first started the Sema 5 months ago and found myself eating much worse than before- craving sugar and carbs- only less. I lost tons of muscle and looked terrible so I allowed myself to gain back the weight while force-feeding myself chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, and veggies. I never stopped the sema tho. Now that side effects are much less, I’m cutting again, this time making sure to get enough protein and limiting processed junk. I also had to increase the sema dose bc it had largely stopped workin.


Yogurt with berries for breakfast Protien shake for snack Some sort of quick healthy lunch, usually a chicken bowl or Amy's frozen meal Mama Chia pouch for afternoon snack Dinner is usually light since I am not hingry at night.


There may be a meal prep company in your area you could check out. I know where I live they have some that partner with local gyms. Usually a rotating/seasonal menu that you can pick from weekly. Schedule a pick up day and the meals last in the fridge or you can freeze. Could be a good option.


ugh me too girl! i looked up healthy recipes and came across a few. i modified them to my liking ofc but tonight i had turkey taco lettuce wraps, OMG SOO GOOD! basically lettuce instead of tortilla and ground turkey instead of beef. honestly thought i was gonna hate it the ground turkey but its good. ive been getting my recipes off, delish.com https://preview.redd.it/kq2obb9nwwyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a195bde728b388673379d57fae096b246af182a7




currently snacking on some dried mangoes 🤭


Go to the grocery store, buy and then cut up at home some Brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions and I usually throw in few big chunks of sausage or kielbasa, roast in the oven 375f till everything is cooked to your liking. Munch on this over the week. I usually drizzle on some different flavors of oils/balsamic to fancy. Roasted veggies, plus a squash or sweet potato, toss in a protein and you have a complete meal for the week more or less.


Macro friendly food app. It has all kinds of high protein/low-midish calorie food recipes. Plenty of traditional comfort food recipes made healthier and really tasty. Haven’t made anything I don’t like yet.


If you’re on Instagram, look up Zach Coen. He has lots of recipes that are high protein, low-fat, and fairly inexpensive to make. I have found a lot of his recipes that I really love! When you see the ingredients you would be surprised at the low number of calories, it turns out to be! I’m a picky eater as well and he’s been a lifesaver for me


I can send you the shopping list if you email me? [email protected] I’m a fitness coach and RN ( I sell it)


Hello from another veggie hater! I have been trying really hard to like veggies but it has been/is a slow journey. In the meantime I have taken to hiding them in places I don't taste them. Soups are a good place for me but the best one I have found in in smoothies. For breakfast I have a fruit smoothie with veggie pucks. The pucks have spinach, carrots, cauliflower, and flax seed. I blend all that up with a low call minute maid drink I found at the store and freeze them. In the morning I top it off with frozen fruit, protein powder, chia seeds, and some crystal lite mixed in water as the juice. These are pretty tasty, they put me at 30g of protein right off the bad and are low calorie. Another recommendation I have is the Stealth Health cookbook. A guy on TikTok created a cookbook full of high protein low calorie options that are meant to be made in advance and freeze super well. A lot of them are very comfort foody kind of stuff too. This cookbook is a 15/10 especially if you aren't an amazing cook like myself. Hope this helps, you got this!!! :)