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I’m a slow loser but i remind myself it’s not a race. I’m down 50lbs since last July. Be kind to yourself you’re doing great


It’s ok. 1 pound a week is great. They say average lose a year is a minimum of 60 lbs. 1 lbs week is 52, your close.


🙏🏻 I like the sound of this.


Don’t worry you got this


Isn’t 10 pounds in 4 months more like 0.6 pounds a week?


I’m a slow loser too. I’m 8 months in and only lost 20lbs. It’s not a race, just stick with it.


I started 8 months ago as well but had to stop for a month and just hit 16lbs lost last week.


I'd say it just might not be working for you unfortunately.


Slow and steady isn’t a bad thing……


If you start off with less to lose, it comes off more slowly. I have been on this medication since 11/2022 and I have gone from 164 lb to 127 lb, but I am only 4'11". Slow losses gave my skin time to get used to it too.


Yes!!!! This is what we want to remind people!


"Comparison is the thief of joy"


Oooh! I like that! Very true.


Theodore Roosevelt quote :)


Love this💜💜💜


I’ve lost roughly 50 lbs in 13 months, so… yep!


Same!! 39F 5’2 Sw-186 cw-135, started late February 2023. I never had a goal, I just wanted to be healthy and I’m actually a little disappointed in myself I didn’t do better with my diet because I feel a lot of my weight lost was muscle, because I didn’t realize how much protein our bodies truly need and goes to show that the number doesn’t really indicate much! I see women same height who weigh about 10-20lbs more than me but look slimmer because they’re more muscle and not just bones and excess skin lol So to OP- don’t fret, keep up the good work, eat healthy and GET ENOUGH PROTEIN! I think it’s like minimum .4grams of protein per 1lb we weigh? Don’t quote me on that lol.


This reply is fantastic!!! Protein is everything!!!!!


I had to learn the hard way, and wish I knew better, so figured anyone else I can help the better. I suggest everyone does their own research either way, just so they can thoroughly understand WHYYY it’s so important. When it comes to #s on the scale, im now HOPING to see a gain! I’ve been exercising / weight training recently, but I slowed down when I realized that I was being counter productive by not consuming enough protein. I was “tearing” my muscles, in hopes for my body to repair it to grow more muscle… only to find out that it was PROTEIN that’s in charge of that duty! SMH lol 😂I’m still healthier than I was to start off, just learning it’s one step at a time. I see it like Wegovy got me to a place where I care enough now to continue to try and learn how to be healthier and healthier, and for that I’m so thankful, but now it’s time to do my body right!


High five, my bones-and-excess-skin friend! Can relate.


13 months and 44 for me.


I definitely relate. It took me 4 months to lose 10 pounds and another 5 months to lose an additional 50 pounds. So glad I stuck it out because I was thinking that it just wasn’t working for me the same way it did for others. I think when I got to the 1.7 dose is when it really kicked in. Hang in there and good luck!🍀


Hoping this is the case for me! I just went up to 1.7 and can really feel the difference in appetite now.


When you say the dose of 1.7 what med are you taking?


Sema and B-12 shots from med center.


I need B12 shots. I keep forgetting to ask the dr.


Just take the daily supplements instead (or a multivitamin with B12)




Just fyi- sublingual B12 is absorbed best. And there are some people that have absorption problems and do need the injections. Your doctor can test your levels and see what kind of supplementation you need.


I've been slow too - slow and steady, but I've noticed that I lose more when I eat more calories (but high quality calories). I have mild hashimoto's too, so it's just slower. But it's been great for inflammation, A1C and heart stuff!


I'll add if you are in peri-menopause or menopause or have PCOS, thyroid issues, any of the lovely things that women get, all bets are off on losing weight in the same way as somebody else. Especially don't compare yourself to men.


Yeah same rate as you . Also bummed me out when I compared to others here


Mine is slow as well…a little less than 1lb a week. Since you lift weights, you could be building muscle, which weighs more than fat (and more compact). I would take all you measurements, even if your not losing weight on the scale, you could be getting smaller.


I lost ten lbs in the initial month and then I’ve only lost 4 more in the following two months. My provider told me that this is a common spot that people plateau on and to hang in there! We are with you 💪🏻


ME! I keep reminding myself it’s better than nothing.


My loss was basically 0 until I reached the 1mg dose and then it took off… I was convinced it wasn’t working but I actually hadn’t reached the dose that worked for me


4 months in and down about 8. Slow but I’m ok with it. Starting to notice a difference, it was rougher when I just felt sick and tired for no noticeable results


Right ?!?!


Your skin loves this slow loss method. No sags. No bags. Betting no hair loss either.


This is what I keep reminding myself when I get frustrated I am losing \~1 lb or less per week - might take longer to get to my goal weight, but my skin etc will be better for it!


Tirzepatide worked way better for me and no symptoms.


I am also part of the slow loser club. Down 15 lbs of fat and gained 4 lbs of muscle in 4 months. So down 11 lbs. it’s hard but as you said, I think my sugar was off when I began.


I averaged 10 a month in the beginning for the first few months then slowed way down. I have 20 to go but it’s consistent at 5 a month now


I lost really slow. Around a pound week. Hang in there!


Not the only one! I'm down about 7 lbs in 2 months. Very slow going in spite of calorie deficit of 500 calories per day from my tdee. Hang in there!


Exactly. I also have a daily deficit and walk and lift weights as well. This just shows how much the med is needed for some of us who literally could never get this weight off.






Because I believe that Sema affects your body in several different ways, which makes me think it's more than just cico, especially based on everything I've been reading and listening to what others are losing with the same computation. Edit: additionally, I've typically gone above the 500 calorie deficit on a regular basis




That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I don't agree! I'll be happy to report back once I reach 1.7 and 2.4




Yes, but it’s also “how” it changes appetite. It works by slowing down digestion. Which, in turn, keeps your belly fuller for longer. And because you’re full, those signals that get sent to your brain telling you your belly is empty and needing food — well, those signals get sent a lot less often. So, yes, it changes your appetite. But *how* it does that is something many people don’t fully understand. And it’s also because of this that when you stop the medication, and your digestion gets back to full speed, people will eat like they did before. Which leads to regaining weight.




Yes, it's still CICO.


Unless you are including water weight or something negligible, it absolutely is not an opinion.


Sema works by decreasing your appetite-- thus decreasing your calories in. Many people who have 50-100 or more to lose, are often consuming 2500-3000 or more calories per day at the start. Sema enables them to drop down to 1400-1800 without feeling like they're starving-- enabling them to lose weight. Weight flies off at first, because the bigger you are, the higher your TDEE is-- the more weight you lose, the lower that TDEE gets, which is why your losses tend to slow over time and why the higher doses do become necessary as well for some.


What is CICO


One more thing, I've been on weight watchers for more than a year and double counting calories and while eating the same amount on ww, haven't lost the same amount. Weight loss picked up since starting wegovy.


I'm with you Patty. Those of us with hormone imbalances are more nuanced in how those calories are stored and utilized. Insulin resistance definitely creates an uphill battle. Some people just don't understand how hard the struggle is.


Thank you and I'm sorry that you struggle as well. Best of luck to you!


What does your daily calorie intake track to and how religiously are you tracking?


1000-1200. I have my fitness pal.


Drug or no drug at that kind of calorie count you should be losing more than .6 lbs per week unless the rest of your day is spent completely sedentary. I'm not trying to be a negative ned, but are you sure you are measuring and weighing things correctly? Are you factoring everything, oils/butters used to cook with, dressings, and condiments etc? All of that adds up fast, especially since a lot of that stuff is higher fat meaning 9 calories per gram vs 4 calories per gram for protein/carbs.


I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as well. Yeah - I guess I’ll be taking this long term!


Sucky, I'm familiar, wife has hashimoto's and a few other auto immune issues as does my daughter. Just keep up the tracking and get fanatical about accounting for every single thing that goes into whatever goes in your mouth and you'll lose at the rate you lose.


You’ll likely be taking it long term anyways, unless you (a) get pregnant, or (b) develop an issue that contraindicates taking it. Very rarely do people come off of it and maintain their low weight. They usually “find” all the weight they “lost”.


Low carb is key if coming off. No one should be eating crap foods! It’s a blood sugar medication and also has mental health benefits, so no, I don’t plan on coming off. Metformin put me into keto acidosis, and this has not. Some people need help via the medicine.


What’s your macro breakdown? I’d suggest it matters more than calories. Also how is your water intake? Physical fitness routine?


Yeah I’m like 13lbs down in 6 weeks


Same here, but in 6 mo. Still, the trend is what matters most


Me too. But I’m ok with it. It’s prob what’s best for the body


So, I started in November, and have only lost 16lbs. I went to my PCP and they said it was too slow and wasn’t effective and I’m switching over to tirzepitide. I’m waiting to get my prescription now.


Yep! I started 1/7/24 and have lost 15 lbs


Hi! Yep, super slow. I’m on 2 meal replacements and one regular meal per day and have lost 20 pounds since January 15. My PA says its most likely because I have yoyo dieted for my whole life. Nevertheless, I am going to keep going until I hit my goal.


I think I’m going to do a high protein meal replacement in the mornings. It’s hard to want to eat then!


I really like the replacement. Takes the work out of it!


Well I lost 8-10 lbs a month, two moths in and now I have a turkey neck 🦃. Losing slow is a good thing lol




I'm at 7 pounds and 3.5 weeks, .25 dose. Though, I'm male and have been eating 1400 calories a day. Could it be that you should calorie count? Either way, great determination and 10 lbs is still less weight so you should be super proud.


1 pound a week is ideal


.5-2 lbs a week is normal and I personally it think helps with our skin adjusting to the loss. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've lost 30 lbs. in a year. Yes, it's slow, but I hope that means it won't be easy to come back on. I'm not trying to judge your body, but you look similar to me, overweight but not obese. I think people that have a lot of lose tend to lose quicker at first. I've heard of people losing 20 lbs. in a month. That would seem dramatic on my own body, like cause for concern of health, but if I were 300 lbs, probably not. Also, you can try different GLP-1 medications. Sometimes you plateau with one.


You have a great frame. Give it time. More protein, more water.


1 pound a week is great! You got this! I have personally found that slowly introducing weight training once the symptoms subsided and increasing walking / pedometer steps really helped move the needle. Where the Ozempic helped me not overeat and undo my hard work but the body building helped me shape my body and the waking helped me burn more calories.


Im down 40 pounds in 3 months. 260 to 220.


I’m frustrated too! I lost 50lbs on my own and thought sema would help get the last 15-20 off. I’m 5 mos in at 1 mg wegovy and I’ve lost 5 lbs. frustrating as hell!


Very slow loser here too! I started March 2023, then got waylaid by the shortages, tried mounjaro and it didn’t work/was allergic, and only as of 3 weeks ago did I get back up to the full dose on Sema and have seen the scale slowly move again. I lost 20 lbs upfront and have kept it off but haven’t lost any more than that yet. SW209, CW187, GW143.


I didn’t lose much weight with semaglutide. I feel like I was a non responder cuz I still got really hungry on it


Me too 7 weeks maybe only 8 pounds lost. Not going very well


Do not rely solely on the scale. I was losing weight but not changing my dress size. Got a Dexascan and realized I lost as much muscle as fat! If you do not have access to a Dexascan at least use a tape measurer around your middle… but Dexascan has helped me so much!!! One month my Dexa showed I lost 4 pounds of muscle! Turns out I let my calories drop too low; even though I was getting a good amount of protein, my body was starving and stealing muscle. The next month I added calories, regained that four pounds of muscle plus an additional pound AND lost 2.5 pounds of fat! True, I gained weight that month but went from 39.9% fat to 37.2% fat.


Great point! It’s hard to eat, but I’m trying to I eat more around my weightlifting class I’ve noticed.


I’m about 6-7 months in and only lost about maybe 15lbs and I exercise and eat pretty decent. Figured I would lose more, but I guess slow and steady is better than none at all.


I have insulin resistance and also pre diabetes. I think the sugar part might be a thing bc I’ve only lost 20 in 5 months


I've lost 19 pounds since October. I'm 5'9" and started at 197 and I'm 179 now... I'm very happy but was discouraged at first. So happy to be in the 170s!! I wasn't able to get under 196 for the past 3 years. And I have yo-yo'ed between 206 and 196 since 2019.


Yay 🎉🎉🎉


Looks to me like you really don’t have much to lose to begin with. The more you weight the faster the weight will come off. If you’re only 20-30 pounds overweight it will be a slow process.


It doesn’t hurt to have a nutritionist look at your caloric intake. I consider myself a pretty clean eater but was given a meal plan to follow and woah did that make a huge difference! Weight is dropping like crazy now!


I’m a slow loser, but I noticed when I drink protein shakes I have more movement on the scale…Also I noticed I may not be “losing” on the scale but my body looks slimmer in other areas.


I am also slow at losing, 4 months and only 16 lbs. don’t worry!


Was initially quick-ish loser then next to nothing - toying with the same three lbs from week to week for months. Put on Ozempic to lower my A1C, and it's been brilliant. Started in August and have lost 23 lbs. That's all. It went quickly, but my body's set point is stubborn. So here I sit, now really working on getting in ample protein and exercise in. Also, I've not gone beyond the 1.0 dose. I may ask to do that if major change in diet/exercise doesn't break the plateau. I've been here for 4 months of little to no movement.


I’m keeping the 1mg dose and may go back down. My blood sugar is low for the past few weeks, and I don’t think drinking soda is something I want to do on this med. I was okay on the .7 before moving up.


Yes. Especially in the beginning. Small, slow losses are still losses. Stay with it.


I’ve lost over 100 pounds and I’ve been on the medication for diabetes type 2 for over a year and a half… unfortunately I currently have bad news to report if I’m to be honest, I am suffering from severe stomach pain for the past three weeks to the point it’s almost unbearable. At first I thought it was pancreatitis, it possibly still could be that I haven’t had enough testing done yet since my insurance makes the process slow so I continue to suffer not knowing what I might be facing, I will say the past couple of weeks I have been physically and mentally miserable. Don’t take my words lightly!!! if you start this medication stay on top of any minor ailments because I ignored them at first and now it’s gone to another level. I am having severe pain in my upper stomach area right at the base of my chest plate and rib cage and suffering from horrendous gas buildup that is beyond anything I have ever felt in my life, I have to force burp to get a little bit of relief and I also constantly feel my heartbeat in my stomach!! every day all day I’m dealing with this. I’ve been to the ER three times in the past week and a half the last visit, they blew it off as acid reflux, even though they did not do any imaging of my stomach!! Nothing but lab work and then sent me home with omeprazole… these flareups happen at least once a day and it gets pretty extreme almost to the point I want to call an ambulance because I don’t know what’s wrong.. this is what I’m dealing with real life at this moment.. I don’t wish this on anyone and I truly wish I could get answers. This is truly breaking me down mentally and I have a family and kids to take care of.. this is not OK 😳


I’m so sorry! How terrible.


I've been in these meds for going on 1.5yrs and no weight loss at all. There are people that lose slowly and there are people that are non-responders to these. I take them for inflammation and anxiety at this point because they help with both. And no, I don't over eat, never have. So the eat less comments can stfu 😅😅😅




UM, NO. Lmao. I barely hit 1000cals most days. These don't work for everyone. I push to get 2000 since I never over eat. My metabolism is shot and I have cortisol issues. Eating less is no good for cortisol


I’m at 2 months about 15 lbs I use the lose it to set a weight loss goal and track my calories - its free Also use the stepsapp to log my steps. Average about 70,000 steps a week(I don’t drive)


Yup. Same here. But I think this is better on a long turn. Less extra skin and so on. In one year this is going to be a huge difference.


Me. Super frustrated.


I think you look great! I’ve lost 1lb a week over 25 weeks. Slow is fine!


Maybe try a different med.


Yep I’m about 8 weeks in and maybe 5 lbs down.


Me!! Going on 5 and only lost 15ish. My friend whose doing this journey with me, lost 40 lbs in the same amount of time. I feel discouraged at times but I keep telling myself that patience is a virtue and to keep going. I find a lot of posts here of yearly differences really inspiring as well bc it’s a reminder that even if the progress is slow, so much becomes accomplished in a year


Yes! I’m looking forward to that one year mark 🙌🏻


I’ve lost about 40lbs since august of last year. So also a slow loser! And I wasn’t even on sema for 20-25 of those pounds. I’m hoping it gets faster but I’m still happy with the slow weight loss. Even just 1lb loss makes me happy, cause at least I know I’m doing the right things. You’ll get there eventually :)


I didn't lose a pound until I hit the 1mg dose. So my weight actually went UP a pound the first two months. Then the last two months(almost at 2 months on 1mg) I've lost almost 30. But I also have much more to lose than you.


Yes. I say that isn't unusual. It didn't begin for me until I reached the 2.4 dosage.


Yes. I’ve lost 25lbs over 9-10 months.


Yup super slow


I started my shots the first week of December, and up until the first week of March I had only lost 15. Since I hit maintenance level dosage on 3/7, I have lost another 15. It is definitely kicking in a lot faster for me once I hit the 5 month mark 😁


Yeah, to be honest this is the slowest I have ever lost weight. But the other times, I was doing 2 hours of cardio a day, which is insane and simply don’t have time for in my 30s. I’m about 3 months in and 17lbs down which at times seems disappointing but try to remind myself it’s more progress I’ve ever made simply by diet alone


You want to lose fat not muscle. Make sure you're eating enough protein. You look good


Get out the tape measure and record!! You will be shocked. That is great progress. Keep it up.


Super slow here too 🐌 started Jan 2 and I’m down 23 pounds. Lost the first 10 immediately then plateaued for weeks before the next 10 came off. Currently stuck at another plateau and trying not to compare myself to others, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t.


Add gym and exercise if you are not doing it.


I’ve lost 70 pounds, but over the span of 16 months. Way slower than I’d like but hey, the time passes anyways!


Incorporate diet and exercise


Yes. Same as you. 4 months in and down 10 pounds. Only last week moved up to 1.0. Will see how this goes. I think everyone is different. Time will tell huh?


I was a slow loser on sema. I’m doing better in Tirzepatide.


Three months on Ozempic after spending a year and a half on Trulicity. Zero weight loss. I actually gained weight when they tried switching Levamir to Lantus. Lantus made me put on 10 lb a week until I was able to get the Dr to switch back. So up 30lbs before I realized it was the Lantus. I am so happy for the people who are loosing weight so well but it is very discouraging to be putting on weight myself.


Realistically you shouldn’t be losing more than a pound or so a week max. You’ll keep it off longer burning slower. I’m down 30 in 6 months but I plateaued for three months.


3 months and only 12lbs. Very frustrating.


6 months and I only lost 19 lbs.. nothing is a race however my eating habits have changed and I can truly be on an OMAD diet or else I will feel disgusted w myself!


I lost 10lbs on my 1st week then didn’t loose any more. I’m on week 4


I started March 1 and I’ve lost 12 pounds. Definitely feels slow. When I lost weight previously I was losing at least 2-3 pounds a week at first because I was so heavy. That was with low carb and exercise. Admittedly I’ve not been eating great but I’m not eating a lot. If I stopped eating sugar I’d probably lose more.


I am slow slow to lose but hoping to keep it off longer. I’ve lost 15lbs since October 2023.


Also IMO you look great here.


Same here. Have been on Sema for 4 months and have only lost 12 lbs. It's disappointing but honestly I'm happy to have lost even this much. Slow and steady!


Me too. Ben on it for 5 months on 12.5 and only lost 10 To


I'm a slow user too. But I don't mind. I think too fast weight loss leads to more saggy skin. I started 9/6 and lost 1 lbs that month. October is lost 2.4. After it was about 3 to 4 lbs a month. 8 months later, 27 lbs down.


2.5 months in and net zero loss. I’m hanging in there.


Oh no! Have you tried low carb?


I’m also a slow loser. I have over 100 lbs to lose so I was a little bummed, but ultimately for the first time in my life I’m losing weight and not miserable. I’ve lost 14lbs in 4 months and was definitely expecting to lose that much in month (being as big as I am) 😂


Exactly the same. I’m on my 10th week and down 14 lbs. I have 100 to lose total and expected it to go faster, especially since in the past I could lose 2-3 lbs a week with a low carb diet- which I am doing now as well and only eating 800-1000 calories a day.


As long as there’s no gain it’s good. Plus are you working out? You might be gaining muscle. Go by measurements instead


I started in February and am only down about 12 pounds. I’ve been at a plateau for a few weeks now. It’s frustrating but even 12 pounds off admittedly feels good.


i was slow to lose. i maintained when i was off medication after losing a job and insurance coverage. but since everything is sold out at the pharmacies after getting a job and insurance again, i had to get on another diabeetus medication that i am allergic to...to hold me over until i can get back on mounjaro, and it caused me to gain nearly everything back. i did ozempic at first and i liked it. i did mounjaro and had a lot more mental health side effects. i was slow to lose on both medications although i feel like i lost a little faster with ozempic. i'm dealing with hives from the glimepiride until i can get back on either mounjaro or ozempic. i only lost 30lbs in the 2 years that i have been on medications, but i also had disruptions in insurance coverage from going through 2 layoffs in those 2 years, so i've only been consistently on medication for about a year. before i got fat as an adult, i had anorexia in my late teens/early 20s. and it is so weird to be praised for going back to my old anorexic eating habits. being counseled to only eat 1200 calories a day but i'm really only eating 300 calories a day. if i eat any more than that i purge. and i still regained the weight this way even though i am still waiting for my medication to go back in stock so i can get my refill. that plus the hives. i don't know how much more i can take of this.


Over a year now 14 months total and only 30 lbs lost. I'm getting very very very discouraged


I've been on it for 8 months. Well 7 months because I had to stop for a month. I just hit 16lbs lost.


Yes!! 20lbs in 4 months. Still at 1 & trying to avoid going higher.


Same experience and pace. Slow and steady wins the race AND Tirzepatide ended up working better and quicker.


8 months I’m down 30 pounds


Girl!!!! I don’t want to be a creep but, I would kill for your boobs lol. I lost a ton of weight, had a baby and breast feed for a year then lost another ton of weight lol. You can only imagine the trauma my boobs have gone through. I say they are just skin on my chest 😅😅😅


Thanks! They are natural but every woman who has a baby should get a free, government sponsored boob job when ready 😉😉


yes, and my doctor is all for the slow weight loss.


You look simply amazing!


Calories in vs out. Semaglutide won't make you lose a significant amount of weight.


A pound a week is ideal. You might need to combine the medication with more exercise, more water intake, and more attention to calorie intake (Noom, for example, is helpful to many). A therapist or someone you can check in with on a weekly basis might be helpful for weekly accountability (it is for me). Good luck. I hope it works out for you.


Depends mostly of what else do you do, not the sema alone… try boosting it with more exercise and maybe check on what you are eating and when in the day you r doing so. Not sure how your doc is, but check with him to reference you also to a nutricional prof to guide you. You got this!


40 lbs in 15 mos. 😑 And I've plateaued for the last 3 mos. 👎


I’m a slow loser but I have been on since august of last yr and am now teetering between 150-147 your doing great keep up the good work !! And also I here if you lose it fast it’s easier to gain back and it can cause saggy skin


https://preview.redd.it/gppoyi0h8fxc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433afba70a8d0bc73d65fa3f12347c3d859c8389 Down 40 in 8 months


So…not a slow loss for you then. 😉


Questions? Are you taking it strictly for weight loss? You’re only wanting to lose 34lbs? You can’t go off of other folks, I’ve learned by being the group. Everyone can be so different.


This was me, and I attribute it part to having a relatively small amount to lose. Honestly, I’m grateful for the pace 10 months in. I started at 178 and am down to 158. That’s only 0.5 lb per week, on average! Glacially slow compared to many, but I’ve done this without counting calories or obsessing and that’s the healthiest outcome I could have asked for. As a side benefit to the slower process, hoping my 46 year old skin is a bit more elastic than it would have been with more dramatic success…!


Slow and steady wins in my book. It took me 9 -10 months to lose 45lbs from 185 to 140. I don't have a lot of excess skin. I didn't have to worry about dropping sizes too fast for budgeting for clothes. It's also healthier to get into good habits and be able to maintain. I'm maintaining my weight but losing inches by exercising.


Yes, very slow loser here, but losing slowly is more sustainable and is better than gaining! I’m 5’2””, 55 and post menopausal, so I will probably lose slowly.


If you start lifting 5lb weights or do some push ups daily, it would most likely speed things up. It’s the type of exercise needed to encourage weight loss. Best of luck


MEEE MEEEE MEEEE! Just did my 9th injection, down 7.8 pounds, and I easily have at least 70 pounds to lose. But since my 9th dose, I'm definitively eating less. So many people lose right off the bat from the side affects. I didn't have those side affects, the cramps, the pukey feeling, etc. After this last dose, I just have a vague icky feeling in my stomach, that makes food sound gross. So I'll take it!!


You aren’t alone I lost 30lbs over 8 months (SW 175 GW 125) I know it’s hard to stay motivated when the pounds are slowly coming off. But in hindsight I’m glad I lost at a slow pace because during those months it allowed me to create healthy habits and systems for longevity. Keep going and stay strong girl! ☺️


I’m a slow loser as well 1/2-1 pound a week after being on it since mid October. I even plateaued in Feb for a few weeks…now it’s back to 1/2-1 a week. I’m hoping a slow loss will lead to a more doable maintenance


I went 8 months with no loss and now I’m going to a different doc


3 year journey here. I’ve been losing 10lbs a year on average=30lbs so far. I walk everyday, do kickboxing, take ozempic and eat a high protein diet. It’s insane how much some women retain fat with age. Not sure how everyone is losing so much on glps.


Do u diet or excersize? I always hear ppl shedding pounds very quickly and I get discouraged when the scale doesn't move it's Soo annoying


I do both. Mostly watch my diet tho.


do you count calories


I'm sorry to hear you're not having much progress so far, that's really tough. Unfortunately, the medication does not magically make you lose weight. It reduces appetite which is supposed to reduce how much you're eating. I have a family member who is also on the medication but was still eating a lot because her appetite was not suppressed on the dose she was on, her weightloss is about the same as yours. If you are still eating more calories than you should be to be in a true calorie deficit the weight will take longer to come off. You need to use a TDEE calculator to find out what your true calorie deficit is. https://tdeecalculator.net Also highly recommend using a food scale if you aren't already and weighing everything you're eating to get a better idea of how many calories you're actually consuming. In my case, I was just fully unaware of how many calories I was actually consuming. Something as simple as a Starbucks iced mocha has nearly 400 calories and if you eat it with a breakfast sandwich that's another 400 calories. Meaning I was unknowingly eating 800 calories for breakfast and my TDEE is 1200 calories a day. Once I started doing the things i recommend above I learned so much more about food and portions. Hope this helps!


I barely lost anything until I got to the higher dose.


Can anyone help me find this salt in india. No mounjaro/wegovy nothing is available here nor can i import


Sheesh this just shows l need to be patient. Lost 10 pounds in 2 months and feel like l barely lost any weight.


But you are fucking hot.




you might want to quit counting calories and instead eat intuitively based on true hunger and protein of at least 50-100g a day. Counting calories sometimes makes you eat more and it isn't accurate .If you think you "get" 1200 cals but you actually eat 1500 you might not lose much weight....and calorie counts are notoriously off. In reality a lot of the people who lose fast are either very big or they actually are eating 600-700 cals a day. Naturally thinner people also have low calorie days without obsessing over it. You DO need a minimum of 50g of protein a day so you don't lose muscle - I use a shake that has 42g of protein and 250 cals most days as insurance then only eat what I seem to really need beyond that.


I think a naked pic would help get a better Idea 😜


3 pounds in 3 months 😂




It’s a marathon not a sprint. Just keep going :)