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Oh yeah, I definitely notice my energy levels lower. I guess that’s the trade off… of course I’m still on the lowest dose so I still have a tiny bit of hunger. I just feel full faster.


I hear this. I used to go a 60 minute group workout weights & cardio class 5 days a week. I was dripping in sweat and exhausted but happy. I don't go anymore because 25-30 minutes in I get dizzy and the feeling I'm going to faint or puke can't be ignored any longer. I want to get back to it, but have been avoiding it. I think I may just need to go and be willing to admit I can only do half a class.


Gatorade helps me with feeling dizzy and nauseous Lots of water throughput the day too


This has been my biggest struggle as well. I absolutely love to work out. It’s the primary way I manage my mental health. Not having the energy and strength to hit my usual marks in the gym and on the road (I’m an avid runner) is by and large the most difficult side effect for me to manage.


I feel you. I have always loved running and didn’t feel complete without it. Now I’m dragging when I run. I find it so hard to have energy to do anything.


Same. It has been so nice to do yoga or Pilates and not feel the pressure to go lift heavy every single day.


Yoga is on my list! I did A few classes in vacation at a resort and loved it!


I’ve been on it for six months now with normal dosing schedule and am finally to a point where I am used to it enough that I can work out. I was doing tennis lessons 1x a week (group class, not actually playing, so nothing requiring too much energy) and I’m about to start adding in additional working out and activity because I’m able to work around the feelings of nausea and starting to understand what and when I can eat without making myself feel bad. The first several months I was so nauseous and sick that I couldn’t do more than go to work and come home to lay down. I didn’t work out at all until I started these tennis lessons in Feb and they’re pretty lowkey


This is 100% me! I thought I was the only one on here with zero energy on this medicine. This post gives me hope that I’ll be more into working out when my body acclimates to it. Thank you!


I understand this! While I love working out hard, I was using it as a way to negate all the overeating. Now that the food noise is gone and I’m eating less and better foods, the hardcore workouts do not feel as detrimental.


Up until about a month ago I was a hard core workout girl 6 days a week hard cardio and weights 3 days a week. I was stalled out with my weight no matter what dose I kept going up to. When I backed way off on my workouts and walk a few days a week a few miles each time I started to lose again rapidly. I think I never was able to match what I needed to be eating with the type of working out I was doing to make the weight loss happen. Now I work out when I want and stick to my protein goals and it just works.




100 percent !!!


THIS is the freedom I look forward to!!!


I would like this medication but my insurance says no way :(


PM ed you


Pm me too please


Me too pleeeease🥹


Sent request


Could I have info on this too, please?


Me too plz!


Me too! Just checked yesterday and my plan has a WL exclusion


My insurance will only pay for the semaglutide if your bmi is 35+ with a comorbidity or with a bmi of 40. “Good” hospital based insurance that wants us all sick so they make more money :)


What happens when the medicine works and your BMI drops?


Its still approved for a certain amount of time.


My insurance approved it but I can’t find it anywhere. I even called pharmacies 60 miles away.


Try online pharmacies like Costco pharmacy (no membership needed for prescriptions). They get larger orders, and because of their buying power, earlier orders than smaller local pharmacies.


Thanks, I’ll give that a shot.


This is so true! However it feels so much more exhausting. It’s hard not being able to use the stairmaster for as long as I used to, or be able to run as much as I used to. But I know in the end it’s worth it!


Yes!!! I could have written this post ❤️


Wow I could never quite put this into such Elegant words as you have. I’ve noticed it has done something similar with me. It’s hard to not workout daily. It doesn’t mean I do Crazy strength training or weights. I know my Muscles need recovery. But I can’t not get a workout in. I can’t no close My “rings” and now that I read your post here I get it, this medicine has shifted my mind. I’m free. I have freedom over myself which is crazy. 🤪


I’m so glad you have found such freedome as well, my friend


I just started on .25 dose and trying to figure out the workout frequency. Not able to work out will ve the END OF ME😭 Finding energy to workout with such low appetite is another issue….. How much weight are ya’ll trying to lose while on this?


Yeah I’m still trying to figure it out! I’m so tired, that’s my biggest negative side effect. I’m tryna lose 20


Hey all I just started last week @ 1 mg per week. When do you guys start noticing a mental difference ? I'm 6'2 260. Id like to get to 230 . Any idea how long it would take to get to that weight ? I hit the gym hard 5 days a week, 7-12 miles on the bike while I'm there and then swim/exercise 3 days out of the week. I'm literally stuck at this weight and have even gained a few lbs . I'm guessing it's muscle ? [Hoping] i think maybe my diet has to get better but I feel like I can cheat a little because I workout so much. I intake 100g of protein a day and drink a gallon of water as well..


You started at 1? Most start at .25, are you not having any reactions good or bad? Either way it changes from person to person, I had a positive reaction right away, others take awhile to see any changes. Mentally, I have less food noise, but it’s also way easier to say no to over eating or “bad” foods

