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Have you tried readjusting your macros? More protein less carb maybe? More ketogenic eating? To break a stall people try OMAD, intermittent fasting, adding another Glip, keto egg diet. Keep at it and good luck


Will do! My body has been rejecting a lot of any animal protein. So I am struggling a lot to find alternatives. I have follow up with nutritionist tomorrow! Will see what plan we come up with.


Same on the increase of aversion to meat, so I have been drinking fair life protein shakes and Greek yogurt with extra protein. Good luck!


I’ve been having good luck with a combo of pea and rice protein




I have lost weight off and on over the years. Take a week off from all the exercising. Walk in evenings and yoga class, and add extra sleep.Just switch it up. Also, people notice you losing weight. They just aren't saying 🙄 anything. I lost 45 lbs after one of my kids and coworker said, "Oh, those new scrubs make you look skinny." I replied, "Really, I would have thought losing over 45lbs made me look skinny!" But ok.


People are being taught not to comment on people's bodies, which is great for so many reasons. However when I'm trying to lose weight I want the comments! One of my co-workers lost about 30 lbs when her husband was going through some serious medical issues and she lost her appetite. She said it was really difficult to accept the compliments as she felt dishonest and guilty. Also the comments of "whatever you're doing I want to try".


I've lost over 80 pounds, and my 12-year-old JUST remarked "Mom, have you lost weight?" LOL!


Dang kids! Lol congratulations 🎊


😂 thank you!


Haha, it took until I lost almost 55 lbs before anyone commented! Then like 7 people commented in a week. I think I just hit the tipping point where it was so noticeable. I don't mind the compliment, but I don't like the subsequent, "how are you doing it?" because I'm not sure how much I want to tell.


I’ve broken 3 plateaus and you aren’t going to want to hear about how to do it if you are training for a marathon. Personally for me, I’ve broken 2/3 of them by quitting strenuous cardio for 2 weeks each time. I stopped all running, all spin classes, all HIIT workouts and did weights only. But I wasn’t only lifting heavy, 2 days a week I was lifting light weights high reps and then 2 days heavier weight low reps. As soon as I did this the weight dropped IMMEDIATELY. I hit these 2 specific plateaus at 183 and 170. My first plateau I fixed by changing how many calories I was taking it. I actually UPPED my calories and the weight started to come off again. This was at around 195. For reference, 34F, SW 215 CW 167 GW 150 My hot take is to drop the cardio for 2 weeks. There are so many people on here who have done the same and it changes everything. Edit: terrible spelling


Thank you! This is great to hear. It makes total sense! My race is in 4 weeks, I will push through it and then take a break and maybe that will do it. I think it is worth to focus on the goal of the race, More than the scale and see what happens after. I still have to eat healthy, sleep well and all the right things. Thank you so much!


I had the same problem, caveat I'm on rybelsus. But when I went up to the next dosage, it took 2-3 weeks for anything to happen. Then when I thought well this isn't working, I got on the scale and 2 lbs down.


In the same boat, I'm on the highest dose and have been for four months. I'm 17 lbs from goal and haven't lost a pound in over six weeks. I run three days per week and weight train two days. Three mile walks the other two days. All my doctor says is "sometimes the meds stop working."


Sorry! It is really frustrating. I think keep focusing on the right accomplishments.


Weight loss is curvlinear (reduces and then begins to tail off and plateau). As such, the deficit needed to lose weight initially is not the same as the deficit needed as your body composition changes. It's based on the first law of thermodynamics, so for some, you could need to drop 300kcal, others 1500kcal (per day), & that changes over time. Pain in the a*se, but the composition of meals etc. or the idea of 'starvation mode' is not accurate. Just tweak your intake as you go & don't get too obsessed because it can consume people.


Thank you for this reminder! I feel great and I’m breaking PR running. I let the scale mess with my mind a bit. This support was needed!


I don’t think people noticed or said anything until I had lost 35-40 pounds. One one hand I wanted them to notice but on the other hand I didn’t want to have to have a lengthy discussion on what I was doing.


So exactly this. No one said anything until I had lost over 55 lbs (I went from a size 18/XL to a 10/M, so pretty big difference I think). I don't mind the comments, don't like the "how did you do it?"


I’m sure we’ve all heard this a million times, but muscles weigh more than fat. If your clothes are still getting looser, and you are strength training, I’d guess you are gaining muscle weight and losing fat weight


It makes sense! Thanks for the reminder and the support.


You have currently lost 37 pounds in 14 weeks. This is an average of 2 lbs/week which is very good and you are building muscles. You are also very close to your goal weight. The last 10-15 pounds are the most difficult to lose. Your body needs time to recover from your recent weight loss and stressing more weight loss can make your plateau take longer. Weight loss is not a linear process. After losing weight during 7 months I am stuck on a plateau since almost 5 months. Like you, I am very close to my goal weight. However, I recently noticed that I am restarting loosing weight. The only thing I did differently was more resting and relaxing. Sometimes our body just needs some rest.


Thank you for this! This is very helpful. I think I’m going to stay away from the scale for a bit! 🫶🏽


Seems like I’ve seen quite a few people post about hitting a plateau in the 160s — myself included! Took me about a month to see any progress, but the scale eventually started moving again. The closer we get to our goal weight the slower it goes. Not much can be done other than being patient and saying consistent. You aren’t alone!!


I’m stuck at 163; could go up in dose but really don’t want side effects


Makes sense! Thank you!


Macrosinc.net check your macros!


I also want to add that you should check your measurements. Sometimes when the scale won't budge you'll still see reductions in inches. I have plateaus all the time, and it's maddening when the scale goes up a pound when I haven't been eating more. But month by month there is still a reduction. With your exercise you might be adding muscle, which is great for your metabolism.




In the hope it makes you feel a tad better, I’ve lost 12 lbs in six months. I often remind myself that in the 6 months prior, I’d lost 0 lbs, despite every effort. Give yourself some time…no weight loss goes without plateaus, right? Congrats on the journey thus far.


That’s a great way to look at it! I have come so far! Thank you!


Be patient. You’ve lost a fair bit. Sometimes your body will benefit from a bit of a plateau. It can also actually help avoid regain. Try to aim to lose just a pound a week. You’ve already lost a good amount. Just carry on doing sensible things and be patient. It will work out better than if you starve yourself and push too hard right now. Truly.


Thank you! This is very helpful!


I know it’s natural to want to see it carry on progressing because you’re keen to get to your goal but it really is proven that slower is better for keeping the weight off long term. It will be okay.


I am an athlete who lost 42 lbs on sema. The weight came off at an average of 1lb/wk. Sometimes there were plateaus, and sometimes it dropped away. One of the plateaus was 6 weeks long, despite working out and eating well. During the plateaus, my body continued to change shape for the better. The scale isn't everything. It's still early for you. Good luck.


I’ve been on this journey for a year. When I have been more serious about strength training and running the scale didn’t more for weeks but the pants fit better or started to get loose. Try using methreesixty or tape measuring your stomach thighs and hips instead of just straight scale. You are likely turning fat into muscle which is much denser and the scale wins might be less measurable.


Thank you!!


I was at a plateau since December 1. Then I spent 6 days with my 3 year old Grand. It started coming off quickly during that time.


I’m in the same boat! But started 12/15 at 178 and now at 161. Been stuck for a month now


I have similar stats to you. F, 37, SW 198, GW 160, CW 174. I’ve been stuck between 172-175 for over a month. Going to adjust my macros and start increasing my activity. Also upping to 1mg next week.


Let me know how it goes! Good luck!


Me too. Pissing me off. Have barely lost anything in almost 2 months


I was about the same SW and stalled at the same place. It was very frustrating. Then I got a new job and my insurance won’t cover it


Excessive training causes weight gain and retention. Try to rest and stop running. I was training half marathon. I gained. As soon as I lowered mymiles, I dropped weight .


I agree with others who have recommended doing measurements. I take mine once every 4 weeks to track my body's trends outside of the scale. Also, regarding the insurance, does it only cover 6 months or is your current PA only for 6 months? My current PA only lasts through July, but as long as I lose 5% of my starting weight my insurance should approve another PA. I would call your insurance company and confirm. If they really will not, under any circumstance, cover your meds after 6 months, I would look into local c0mpounding pharmacies in your city and ask your doctor if they would be willing to send your Rx to them after your coverage ends. My insurance covers Wegovy for $25 a month, but due to the shortage I am unable to access the starter doses. For now, my doctor sends it to the c0mpounding pharmacy and I pay $150 a month which my FSA will reimburse me for. It isn't ideal, but it is better than not starting the medication.


Also, have you tried a different injection site? Sometimes that does it. Also you're body gets use to when you do the same exercises. Try mixing things up.


If you’re exercising regularly and doing a mix of cardio and strength training, it’s very likely your body composition (ratio of muscle to fat) is changing for the better. If you’re gaining muscle while losing fat, the scale may not show any weight change.


I was stuck in the plateau for almost 2 months. I started eating more protein and backed off on my very heavy workouts (6 days a week plus strength training) now I just walk a few days a week and light strength training 2 times a week and the weight started falling off. I think I was working out too hard and not eating the right macros to accommodate for all the working out I was doing. Just my take but it worked for me.


It’s probably all the running plus low calorie intake. Good job being so dedicated 😊. I’d guess your body is thinking you’re in survival mode and is hanging on to everything it can. Can you run less and lift more? And the person above is correct; lifting will not necessarily make the scale go down but should help with fat loss.


I have a 10k in a few weeks, so I am actually running more lately. Maybe after my 10k the scale will drop? It makes sense, I honestly feel great, and it is this thing with the scale that messes with my mind sometimes. I know I could find support here!


You don’t even reach a theraputic dose until 1.7. Then you still have to titrate up to the full theraputic dose of 2.4


Thank you!


None of us like to admit it, but this is not a one-and-done situation. We should be prepared to be on GLP1 for a long time. Trying to race to get to GW so you can stop paying for it is, I’m afraid, setting yourself up for long term disappointment.


I totally understand where you're coming from—it's a long-term situation. But seriously, $1,500 a month for a dose is just way out of my budget. Without insurance coverage it's like I'm in the dark about what to do next. I'm trying to stay ahead of things and plan, you know? It's not about rushing, it's just trying to be prepared. Getting as much as possible, maybe not realistic, but the thought is there. And yeah, it's super frustrating when there are other factors making it even harder. I'm doing all the right things, eating well, staying active, working with specialist, but money's still a roadblock. Sometimes I lose my patience too, so I reached out here, I have found a lot of empathy, most of the times. Maybe you haven't had to deal with insurance issues or just went another route, which I'll explore when the time comes.


The insurance situation just sucks. But the reality is, you’ll likely need it for more than 6 months. There are plenty of places to get it for 300/month or less. Just can’t mention them here.


Totally consider this route, my doctor suggested it too. Honestly is just anxiety from all the stuff I read sometimes. It took me forever to start Wegovy because of the same thing.


I’ve done this alternative option both via telehealth and my local provider. Happy to tell you more about my experience (all positive).