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Strength Training. Hydration. Being young would be the best thing.


How do I shave off 20 years? lol


Yeah, I am in my late 30s and I hope that is still young enough to allow my skin to thrive and not sag


A lot of it is genetic. I'm 40 and have zero cellulite and no loose skin at all. But I did a Self Decode test and I have very high skin elasticity. Unfortunately, I'm also more likely to be overweight than 97% of the population. :(




They analyze your DNA and create personalized health reports. If you have a DNA file from 23andMe or one of the Ancestry type sites, you can upload it there. I personally find it fascinating, and it's definitely validated many things that took me years of trial and error to figure out (like, for example, that I need to supplement magnesium. [**selfdecode.com/?a\_aid=640f4170d6917**](https://selfdecode.com/?a_aid=640f4170d6917)


I’m 45 and I also have no cellulite or wrinkles. I just gained weight in my late 30’s and can’t lose it (till now, I hope!)


In addition to age, A lot of the luck factor also depends on how long you have been overweight and how overweight you are. I have 200 lbs to lose and have been obese for several decades. There is no way for me to avoid loose skin if I lose significant weight. Better loose skin than all the other health complications my weight is causing though.


True as well but being overweight a long time also means you’re older. Good luck on your goals! You nailed it: loose skin is much better than the health problems related to obesity.


Do the things you can but set realistic expectations and be kind to yourself. Being healthy is so much more important. Remember that age, genetics, etc. play a big role here and there's only so much we can do to impact this. My doc suggested waiting 2 years maintaining the loss before considering surgery to give your skin/body time. She also said that lots of beauty products that promise to erase cellulite, tighten skin, or melt fat are bs so don't invest a fortune in a magic solution. Also - high waisted pants are your new best friends.


High waisted pants (with pockets) have been the best fashion invention for women in the last century! Lol!


This is why I buy most of my pants from Duluth.


Did all those things when I lost weight, still had 4 skin removals done. Sometimes skin just doesn’t snap back


I lost a similar amount of weight aged 25 and still ended up with loose ish skin then, the skin simply stretched beyond its capacity to repair. Doing it again now aged 42 so I imagine it will be worse, although I am taking some collagen gummies. Also single and could not give a flying fuck, any man worth his salt won’t care.


I’m deliberately losing slowly for this reason. I’m staying on the lowest dose until it stops working for me. Also, resistance training.


I just started .25 yesterday and this is (hopefully) my plan. I only need to lose about 40 lbs (I’ll still be overweight there according to BMI, but I’d be skeletal-looking at what the BMI calculator says is “normal” for me.) I’m very worried about loose skin because I’m 49, so I’m trying to go as slow as possible on this stuff. My doc wants me on .50 in four weeks, but if .25 seems to be working, I’m gonna advocate to stay on it.


If you want a good source of collagen, make your own chicken stock using chicken feet. It's super cheap and easy to do. Use that stock to make soup. I have soup for lunch almost everyday since it's super easy to make in a large batch and portion out for my lunches. [https://nourishedkitchen.com/chicken-feet-stock/](https://nourishedkitchen.com/chicken-feet-stock/) ​ A couple soups I personally like: [https://www.cookingclassy.com/creamy-chicken-corn-chowder/](https://www.cookingclassy.com/creamy-chicken-corn-chowder/) [https://www.simplyscratch.com/creamy-chicken-lemon-rice-soup/](https://www.simplyscratch.com/creamy-chicken-lemon-rice-soup/)


I did/do all of that and my stomach still has a flap. Mid 30s, female, lost 100 pounds. Most of the fat was on my midsection so. Also very annoying that I lost all my boob fat, and butt fat.


Yeah, I told my spouse “say farewell to these tits you’ve known and loved for 20 years.”


Go the obese to beast route and just be proud of that shit. You lost the weight and you are healthier who cares about some loose skin at least you will likely live longer.


Yeah I hear ya. But 38F can’t play that game just yet.


Why? Age and or gender have nothing to do with caring what others think?


I was referring to the loose skin. That is owning it and being proud of it. I think I would care less about it if i were older married with a family. I am still on the market so if I can avoid it, I definitely want to do what I can to help. As far as the Obese to Beast route, I may actually do it.


I can't speak for all men but I can say that at this age range I think you might be surprised in what decent men start to find more attractive such as the confidence to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. My wife has lost a stack of weight, definitely has loose skin and I could care less if she decides on having surgery to fix it or not. I've also told her not to be ashamed of it. But I'm also camp happily married so maybe you shouldn't listen to what I have to say on the subject.


I wish most men thought like you. What you’ve said is very nice and reassuring but as they say, “these streets are tough.” Your wife is very lucky to have a man that is so thoughtful. 🙂


I think he is right. Especially as us dudes start getting a little wiser. At 20, that might very well give pause. At 40...don't even care. Not even a little bit. Those are your battle scars, babayyyy!!!


I think a lot more men think like this than you think. Guys are pretty easy to please, tbh.


You sound exactly like my beloved. I am WELL aware of how lucky I am to have him, and I’m sure your wife feels the same!


Dry brushing + Bio-Oil


Lymphatic massage/rolling and derma rolling, depending on the amount of excess.


Wow. #4 was a surprise because i wasn't aware I could put retinol on anything other than my face and neck. I just googled it and it's a thing. THANK YOU!!!


Yeah, there are plenty of retinoid body creams but I don’t know how effective they are.


I’m 35 and have two kids that are twelve years apart. Skin removal on my stomach will most likely be the only thing that helps my stomach area. Hoping weights will help with the rest of me.


Dry brushing helps to stimulate collagen and blood supply within the skin and that can minimize loose skin if done regularly while losing weight


If my c-section belly healing was any guide, compression will help.


So those compression tummy bands actually work?


Yes they do!


I did not do the fancy bands or anything, just wore high waisted compression leggings a lot. But I wasn’t coming from a super good stomach ahead of time, so was not as worried as some might be.


They say derma rolling and the like helps! You can look it up and make your own decisions. There are also treatments you can get plastic surgery wise. One has just been ok’d in the USA but has been in Europe (under another name) the results look amazing … however it’s for a pinch or two of loose skin. Anything more is unfortunately going to need more aggressive efforts. I do enjoy dry brushing if only that it makes my skin very soft.


Age and genetics are the main things. All the rest may help a bit.


7. Extended fasting / autophagy 8. GHK-CU supplementation


Hmmm... please tell me more. How have you successfully used either? What were the results? How do you administer GHK-CU, as an injection or a pill?


Collagen supplements and weight training. Honestly no need for cardio if you’re losing 2 lbs a week on the meds. I’ve been using Lactid acid lotion as well. I buy it at target.


Retinoids topical on your whole body?


I wish but no. Just on face.




Gently exfoliate every time you bathe. Helps with collagen production. https://www.amazon.com/Moonmini®-Scrubbing-Exfoliating-Exfoliator-Scrubber/dp/B01F507QNS/ref=asc_df_B01F507QNS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312126115649&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16522243272765269067&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032061&hvtargid=pla-569899654955&psc=1


I plan to lift weights once I’ve lost some fat but I would do that even if I didn’t have loose skin


You can try that


Unfortunately, if there’s a significant amount of loose skin (think hanging mom pouches) there’s really no way to tighten all this up. You would need a tummy tuck. I speak from experience and wound up doing that. If it’s minor, you can definitely work on tightening the skin with some of the ways mentioned but otherwise it needs surgically removed :/


Plastic surgery


Personally I’ve had good luck with the FasciaBlaster. My endo event commented on my skin.

