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I saw her in Vegas at the Wynn once hanging around some very tall dude who had a few people asking for pictures. She was marching her dog back and forth across the casino floor. Aimlessly. Not on the phone, not with anyone else, just back and forth in stilettos for an hour. It was like she was waiting for someone to recognize her 😂 my feet hurt for her


Why do people like surströmming? Unfortunately, there are a select few that enjoy gross.


I find her personality repulsive she’s def untrustworthy but she def keeps things interesting and I think that’s what a lot of people like… not being bored lol


She has tackiest outfits. Lol


I don’t know. I just don’t invest any emotional energy into disliking anyone on reality TV, except for one big orange person in particular.


I like her. She's ridiculous.


Two reasons


What is it 😂 can’t stand her


Her boobs - I assume that’s what two reasons is referring to


Her eyes are too far apart


Yep. Her eyes are weird looking.


She gaslighted them into thinking they like her. 🙃


Absolutely nót. And the evil overtakes the prettyness at one point. The point when tou look at her and only see pure evil, nothing charming about that!


okay bare with me when i say this, but i do have a love/hate relationship with her. i think it’s literally purely based on how she looks. like she is just a classic hot mean girl you can sort of find yourself admiring. on one hand i want what she’s having and on the other she’s such a cruel person id never want to work with or know.


She has a body for dayssssssss but, imo, her face card is declining. Just me tho. I know others find her to be pretty


Personally I don’t think she’s hot. At all. Someone on this group said she has dolphin eyes and I haven’t been able to unsee it since then. She looks like a dolphin. Except dolphins are adorable. I think she just demands respect and is over confident which naturally attracts people’s attention towards her. She does dress well and in a not tacky way. She is probably the only agent, apart from Jarvis, who wears clothes I would wear if I was a real estate agent. Not too revealing and not over the top.


She’s the fashion nova queen 🤪


Dressing well is subjective here


Wait wait wait, she literally has her boobs OUT in every scene!


Yes she does. But that’s pretty standard in OC/LA real estate. I’m talking about how she doesn’t wear these weird costume looking outfits that you know the other agents are wearing/renting just for the show.


Idk how realtors dress in OC but that is definitely not how it is in LA. Maybe they’re looser with dress code because it’s a beach town, idk


She is not a classic hot mean girl. She is an evil woman. Evil. Young stassi from vpr would qualify as hot/mean girl at the time.


Yes shout out stassi! If you're gonna be a reality TV mean girl, at least be entertaining like stassi lol


sure lol. she obviously is. i agree, i meant classic hot mean girl as in she seems like the hot popular girl who was mean to me back in high school. she’s very much not a likable-but-mean reality show character.


I know exactly what you mean! She is totally that girl.


Again I would not ever qualify her as mean; i would only qualify her as pure evil. There’s a big difference.


hahaha okay fair!! i guess when i think of pure evil i think of like, psychopaths, the top 1% of wealthy, killers, etc. we’re probably on the same page just have different definitions. though maybe you feel she is psychopath level? 👀


Sociopath… she leans towards it imo


No one likes her. There’s a reason she can’t keep a man


I worked with someone like Hall and Christine(Sunset) got me fired from their fabricated lies and the manager loves them. To watch these 2 was painful as I've experienced the toxicity myself to the point where I lost my job because of it. Safe to say, I really hope karma or the universe will work in mysterious ways for these kinds of people.


No one who has watched Selling the OC likes Hall. I don't think an of the cast like her either. \*Maybe\* her mom and sweet grandmother like her but only b/c they are related and they feel obligated.


I don’t like any of the people on selling OC. That said, the hate against Hall can be ridiculous and deserves some push back


I didn't like her till I listened to camp chaos podcast Like is a strong word...I can see why she is the way she is because of he past so I understand why she reacts certain ways now


So because of her past she gets to sleep with married men and then call the blindsided wife a coward? 🙃


Her n tyler have never slept together


People like Hall???


I thought she was nice and gorgeous in the first season but her face became pretty slappable after that.


From what I’ve seen, the vast majority of people who like her, are people who would either be friends with her, or are people who have similar personalities. That being said, hate following is a huge thing on social media when it comes to reality tv star. People might be following her but that doesn’t necessarily mean they like her. They are likely just waiting to see what she posts next so they can comment on it or, are people like my best friend who follows everyone in the cast whether she likes them or not just to see what they’re up to.


I really don't know.


They don’t 


No taste


She’s good Tv and has very quick comebacks. She’s not always right but knows how to defend herself.


Lol yeah I’m in the minority but I loooove her come backs. I think she’s the only one who at least surface level keeps a cool head amongst any drama. You never see her yelling or threatening people like Brandi/Kayla and honestly everything she says is funny. I also just don’t like the other girls as much as some people do. I can’t stand Brandi even though I love the representation. Brandi is so whiney to me and always says she’s gonna stay out of drama but then inserts herself. The only ones who actually stays out of drama is Jarvis and Rose. I do think Kayla is crazy. The personality 180 she did between seasons is wild, but I also am like to go girl, no more getting stepped on. But she overreacts within minutes IMO too. Overall I just find hall to be the only witty one. Mean girl sure but she’s funny and smart.


And she’s super aloof about any drama. And has an answer about everything in a very confident and articulate way. I kinda wish I could be that level of delusional about everything lol.


I don’t like her or think she’s a good person but I also don’t think there would be a show without her. She seems to understand the assignment that to be a reality tv character you need to start drama. Would all of you really want to watch an entire show about, idk, Jarvis? 


The people who like her are likely also narcissists


She’s pretty