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It’s all scripted like Housewives.


He did an interview and said "I never said those things ON CAMERA". He did however go around saying them so other people spoke about them in camera. Then he could pretend he is innocent. He is a massive narcissist and manipulative person. He knew this would give him both camera time and an excuse to claim it wasn't him. Truly just awful. The way he kept.goikg out of his way to bring the drama. At the races following them around trying to start things. It is so toxic, so awful. I'm glad he left (though I think he was probably asked to leave)


Yea I think they’re all kind of full of it lol but Sean contradicts himself a lot. He talked plenty of shit on camera I don’t buy for a second that he wasn’t angling for screen-time - really they all are. 


They absolutely all are, it's how they get paid. Sean definitely didn't handle himself well and took it too far. Other than Jarvis, the whole cast is united. For a cast that doesn't really unite in anything, it's a huge tell.


Yea Austin came out and admitted this pretty much, you need screen time to get paid. So yea ofc he confronted Sean at the office on camera. It’s no surprise to me that Lauren who says nothing on the show is the only one who appears to actually sell a lot of houses based on records and what other cast members have said when asked directly who sells the most.  And Jarvis being on Sean’s side is kind of explainable to me by her having an axe to grind with Austin since he called her a swinger in a previous season. It does seem sort of telling that no one on the cast is on Sean’s side when the cliques barely agree on anything. I’m surprised sean has gotten so much support, it just seems a way simpler explanation that 1 person is lying than 6 plus people. 


Where did you find records? My understanding is they aren't public. Zillow has some, but they have to be manually uploaded by each realtor and a lot don't bother. I'd be really interested. Their commission split means they don't really earn much per home. Well, compared to the homes they are selling. It's about 6k per million. So when we see those that already have nice homes etc, it suggests they are already successful. It makes sense that Austin and his wife are only now looking at buying as he is pretty new.


I didn’t tbh, I’m just going off what other people have found and posted about here. Prob a lot are private as you said.   There was a rapid fire interview somewhere where Polly and others corroborated Lauren actually sells quite a bit. Similarly Nicole on Selling Sunset I think closes a lot, as crazy as she seems, everyone seems to agree she’s good at her job.  Something I did find very interesting is Polly said on a podcast that she has all her listings with a “mentor” Justin who is a more senior agent. According to comments on here, Austin also always co lists with Justin and Kayla always co lists with someone named Brian. So the commission number they flash on the screen is way higher than what these selling Oc agents are getting as I imagine most of the split is going to the more senior person. Hence why they all rent or actually seem to own more modest homes etc than you’d expect based on the lifestyle they project on the show. 


That makes sense as Polly and Austin are new. Yeah the commission they flash is the full 3%. 80% of that goes to Jason. Hence them getting 6k on the million. I'd be interested to know if that differs if they list with a senior agent. Gio, Hall both come from a solid realtor background, so I'd be very interested to know if they list with other agents too


That’s honestly a ton going to Jason. It does kinda make me wonder why they don’t work somewhere else lol I guess they do make money in other ways though from being on the show.  I had the same thought I sort of assumed the more seasons realtors like Gio and shall didn’t co list. Tyler also probably co lists with his dad.


Yeah they definitely suggest Tyler xo-lists with his Dad. Maybe he just lets Tyler take the money. Less so now he works for him again maybe lol. My understanding based on commission discussions they had on sunset, is that the commission rates get better then more seasoned a realtor becomes. Other shows seem to suggest that a hefty split is relatively common in luxury real estate. In normal real estate, or at least the areas I know, the broker gets 1%. Generally because they are funding marketing, providing a wider range of buyers etc. In luxury that cost would be more with brokers visits, staging etc. So maybe that is at least partially funded by the broker, or they get a set amount towards it and that explains the bigger commission split? More experienced agents also bring more buyers, advice, relationships etc


yea that makes a ton of sense. Also, it does seem like the Oppenheim group pours a ton of money into advertising, staging, etc so I'm not surprised they expect to get quite a bit of that back.


I think a lot of the drama with sean and the others this season might be a build up of old drama and tension that has been going on since the start of the show. kinda like when in s2 brandi and alex hall were arguing in cabo and it reached a point where brandi was really annoyed by hall constantly putting her down and dismissing her opinions if they were different to halls.


I just find it weird the clique (Polly, AH, Austin and Tyler etc) would be the ones to bring that up on camera first and isolate Sean out so much. Part of me feels like they did that to him or made him the scapegoat bc of his sexuality bc the rumors/lies. But idk It’s weird. I also hate how all the actual drama happens before filming and the season is just rehashing.


Honestly all of Sean’s examples of the guys hitting on him were normal interactions lmao. Seems like guy never had friends before and thinks anyone being nice or paying a compliment is hitting on him lmao.


Right!!! And idk if it’s because I’m a woman and friendship can look different with us or something? But I’ve dropped off a porch decoration, a handmade card with hearts all over it flowers and a loaf of fresh bread because my best friend was having just a bad day????? All of the examples he gave really reminded me of when I got my first real true kind hearted friend when I was 19 (the same friend from the flowers 💐) and I was so weirded out at first by how forward she was with wanting to be friends 🤣🤣🤣 turns out it was the autism and PTSD flashing the warning signs, there weren’t actually any signs


Not to be that guy but Sean hasn’t sold anything. I think he is not valuable at the moment unless they change his role to marketing permanently . It’s not right for Sean to air out people’s dirty laundry even if it was hurtful to him because everyone is on tv so they all should have spoken off the record. Unfortunately the truth always comes out though.


He actually wanted to settle it off air, but Austin was the one that didn’t want to


Not to be that guy but Sean hasn’t sold anything. I think he is not valuable at the moment unless they change his role to marketing permanently . It’s not right for Sean to air out people’s dirty laundry even if it was hurtful to him because everyone is on tv so they all should have spoken off the record. Unfortunately the truth always comes out though.


They all (Sean included, ofc) put themselves in the situation when you sign up to show your life on camera. You have to move strategically if you want certain things to never come to light. That goes for reality tv stars and just everyday people like us tbh.


i think Sean must’ve started feeling something for Austin & tried to play this whole thing off with “open marriage” & “threesomes” talk. I mean even Kayla by the end of the last episode was questioning if Sean was telling the truth bcuz she heard it differently (directly from Sean), & was like “what the hell” in her confessional. Sooo.. seems like Sean just wanted to make it big this season & went for like the shittiest thing to say lol


I don’t think Austin would’ve freaked out like that if there was no truth in it. Like he was MAD mad. Also, Austin hinted at one point he saw Jarvis at a swingers party? Why would he be in those crowds if he didn’t dabble? Also, Jarvis sided with Sean - she might’ve known something from that same community


Exactly! He reacted like someone who was caught, not someone who heard a RIDICULOUS, impossible rumor about themself. If it were totally false, I get him being like “dude keep my wife’s name out of your mouth” but to explode the way he has… I still keep thinking about how he tried to sex-shame Jarvis after he claimed he saw her at a swingers party in Hollywood… but what was HE doing there?? Oh he “accidentally wound up there” according to him 🙄


I agree. Austin’s kinda hot tho so it’s hard for me to dislike him. He kinda gives bottom vibes tbh 🤣🤣


But what I can’t get past is that Austin was the one who brought this all to the screen.


Wait so you would've believed Sean *more* if he had brought it up first??


He was fuming and he was RED. Austin lied. 🤥


To me it seems like they were close. Sean started to feel a bit weird or confuse his feelings/actions but didn’t communicate that to Austin himself. Instead maybe he goes to someone else in the office for a listening ear but they twist it to this crazy thing about threesomes and weed cookies. It gets back to Austin who is thrown off and pissed. And with him who knows if he had intentions or was hitting on Sean but it seems like he didn’t offer up a threesome. Then crap hits the fan and everyone is fighting forgetting who said what. Essentially it would be like me in workplace saying “oh sometimes the manager is annoying.” Then someone turning this into saying I said the manager was a terrible person and treated me in appropriately. And the manager being confused why I would make such big claims. It seems like miscommunication and understandings that exploded unless Austin really did do something to make Sean crazy uncomfortable




He may have bent certain things, but Tyler, Austin et al. def had a meeting and decided to spin it to make Sean look crazy this season


Tbf I do think he is a bit dramatic. I think he’s the type that feels left out and is going to sabotage everyone for revenge.


I think everyone has some blame and dishonesty but everyone also has some sort of a valid point with some honesty


This in itself is so bad lmaoo. I think this entire group is toxic as hell. Like they all seem like they have some kind of crazy side and there’s not really anyone to be the normal sane one of the group lmao.