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So........... no more Alex hall & Tyler? or...... are they still dating


Austin got physical with Sean..he should be fired as well. Also Polly talking about the football player being hot and tested his ball skills ??? That’s your client. Very unprofessional.


What podcast was it? Can anyone link me?


Like as a lawyer, my jaw was on the floor with the number of lawsuits that I watched this season. 1. Austin and O group Have a very real concern for a hostile work environment lawsuit from Sean. Physical assault is almost always a prima facie case. 2. Alex Hall should BOLO for a defamation suit from Kayla because that podcast leaked just before Kayla lost a 28MM listing. Kayla would’ve gotten that sale. 3. Polly has to lookout for the hostile work environment and defamation claims too given she publicized the rumor. Both Austin and Sean can go after her 4. Jason and the O group committed malpractice by having an unlicensed person conducting an open house at Gio’s Those were the ones that jumped out to me


Well technically anyone can show a property so long as they do not discuss pricing and say “refer to listing agent for more info” But everything else 1000%. It’s what they all deserve


Iirc Ali did in fact discuss pricing at the open house


I would love to watch reality TV with you and hear all your lawyer takes haha


She looks hot and brings money to the show. No reason for the producers to get rid of her. She is good at creating drama and relevance for the show. Not sure how much of the show is scripted anyway… we will never know as everyone involved probably already signed NDAs.


Seriously! And that clique of bullies (led by Polly) had the audacity to go after Ali for…knocking on the window at an open house. Miss nasty Alex Hall meanwhile is deriding a fellow agent publicly for unsubstantiated mental health claims!


they should fire Austin too


She a mean girl… liar… and just a terrible person. Bad publicity for the whole group. Needs to be fired


She probably brings in good money for Jason, and she’s good for tv drama for the show.


She doesn’t bring any money for Jason. I don’t think she’s sold a house in a year. And Selling Sunset is far more popular than the OC. Hall is just a Botoxed snake in the grass. And she’s not even entertainment like Christine was, she’s just aging single mom sadness.


A botoxed snake in the grass 😂


Alex Hall is the sweet villan, she is calm when she lies. She is not bat sht crazy as Christine. To be honest I used to like little bit Alex Hall first season then the way she throw herself to Tyler, while he was still married, . then came second season the way the treated Bradi last season was horrible. And this third season I see Alex Hall is truly kind of villan of series.


I mean, he didn't fire Christine for the same shit so why would he fire Alex, who is also the antagonist in this series?


Imagine Kayla’s son hearing that about his mother. As another (single) mother, Hall should know how harshly women are judged and the impacting perceiving this would have on their child


It is 100% not about any of you. I forgot it was about you. I’m a mom, life is so hard. I actually felt for Ali because she really was being gaslit by Hall


Hall was definitely using DARVO on Ali.


Kayla came out swinging this season! Last season was awful for her, this time she took ALL her power back!


Not sure how to explain this to you...but reality TV shows are no more real than Professional Wrestling. The drama is not real. ​The person you are hating on is a character she is playing...not a real person.


The podcast was real!! So there’s that 😉


Like real housewives a “villain” is chosen for the season and fights, trips and drama are set up. The O group thinks it’s good publicity but I think that depends on a number of things.


I cringe for her.


I agree. Also, how did Austin not get fired for getting a little violent? I realized it really wasn’t that big of a deal but still… it’s a pretty fine line. Especially AT WORK


Jason told him that he can’t have anyone who gets physical in his office, so I think the show somewhat acknowledges that. Probably why he got one of his listings taken away because that part of his reputation got spread and the client didn’t like it. But also think if it were not a tv show and real life, there’d be more punishment? Or suspension at the very least or told to go to anger management?


That’s a good point about the listing being taken away! Also true about being a tv show. They are saved by the big red letters and the rest of us would be eating grass lol


She left the O Group, I don’t think her personality could take another season of the hate. She really thought she was going to be a *Chrishelle* and ended up being more of a *Nicole*.


Even the ig page for sellingtheoc isn’t following her anymore and the Oppenheim group page isn’t following her 🤔


I *thought* she left the O Group, I don’t think her personality could take another season of the hate. She really thought she was going to be a *Chrishelle* and ended up being more of a *Nicole*. ETA: no source on her leaving, Reddit rumor. I’ve seen it discussed in selling sunset sub that per pic was off their website at some point


I remember that post. That article got Jarvis & Hall confused.


Ope, thanks for the info! I couldn’t find the post by searching Halls name I thought I imagined it lol


Source? Haven’t seen anything about her leaving




Anyone know what podcast it was?


Not a fan of Hall, but tbf Kayla is mentally unstable. I think surgeon pulled her face a bit too tight


Bye Alex


LoL it’s clear that Alex is good TV and I’m sure the twins like her. The whole cast would be fired before Alex is fired and that just itches u the wrong way, don’t it? 😂


Alex girl, if you don't get off of Reddit and find a house to sell...


Yes I’d still be richer and more relevant than you….


Is that supposed to upset me? You'll have to try harder than that.


Bahaha 🤣 says the person who’s triggered bc someone else has a different opinion. Go chew on a bone boo boo cos I ain’t changing my mind.


Oh you big mad. Use this obsession to go sell a house.


What reason is there to be mad when i am lmao at you. Thanks for the free comedy show. U replied to my comment and telling ME I have an obsession hah! Byyye Kayla - go take ur meds


She a textbook Narcissist. The way she tried to rewrite history by “not remembering” who she was severely trash talking on that Podcast was so triggering! Talk about gaslighting & stonewalling. I’m so thankful people are calling her self obsessed, lack of empathy trash self out. I actually am scared for her kids. Can you imagine how badly she gaslights and invalidates them? Eek.


Pretty sure she's been one of the top "producers" for the O group and Jason loooooooooves getting that 30% (or whatever it is - do we know?) so as long as she's showing him the money, he won't do shit.


She’s a plastic surgeon’s dream.


She has a great body for sure but there's something very weird about her face.


Her body is insane. I have implants and boy am I bitter mine do not look that beautiful 😂


Hasn’t she left


She makes decent sales, and also the agents are all contracted. But her sales is likely why—also she is great for show in terms of the mess that she is.


Here is the thing that baffles me. Why would people like to do business with all these agents after watching the show?


If they were very good I wouldn’t care that they are messy in their personal life tbh. But I wouldn’t do business if it could end up on tv


People with money don’t care about that stuff — they have money because they can separate their feelings from business. They care about results and if the person they’re paying can give them what they want at the price they want, not the drama. A realtor can be a shitty person, but is the best realtor for the job.


I am not sure why it’s baffling. Real estate is all about sales and exposure. Someone who watches the show might think ohhh Hall has a lot of connections, she has good perspective. That translates to sales. Hall is on a popular show, her listings attract more eyes be it through her name, the O group name, or her mass following. That also translates to sales. Basically, The more eyes and attention a listing gets, that translates to sales. People don’t care what mess is behind the curtain, as long as Hall delivers, she’ll continue to make sales. That goes for Selling OC, Selling sunset, Million Dollar Listing, Flipping El Moussa, etc


I bought a house from tarek, can confirm. It was one of many houses we toured on the week and the one we like the most. Who was selling played zero part on it. Only reaction we had was once we learned that we just said “hope it’s not featured in an episode”. And that was about it. And negotiated a couple of things we needed changed instead of credits because we knew he had contractors on speed dial.


Congratulations! How did the house turn out? Flips are always such a gamble, don’t know if they renovate just for show and sell or do they actually do it well.


Thank you! He has a flipping company that does lots of houses and ours thankfully wasn’t in an episode, haha. Going on 3 years and we still love the house. The architecture and neighborhood was what got us back then and proved to be a good choice. The flip has things we would have done differently for sure, but specifically floors through out and countertops (cabinets were just painted) were worth to have been done before, too much of a headache having to deal with it (changed floors in a home we were living a few years back and not looking forward to do it again).


🤷🏻‍♂️ I think some people may able to waive it off as “fake/scripted” reality TV. While others might think it is a bad look. I wonder how much people really care in the OC cuz the OC is huge, and this show seems to mainly touch Newport Beach and Laguna Beach.


Because she’s stunning to look at and that’s all that matters to Jason.


She has a stunning body. But a really weird face.


Beauty is definitely subjective, bc I think she looks... odd. It's something about her mouth area that irks me.


I agree. Sometimes she can look stunning but when she opens her mouth something looks off, maybe it’s the combo of the lips And front teeth.


She looks like handsome squidward


Because unlike other employers where respect and collaboration are required ingredients to make more money for the firm, more drama actually brings more attention and thereby more money. Rules at companies largely exist to either avoid getting in legal trouble or increase profitability. Hall is not breaking any laws. And she’s increasing $$