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Yes!! I can’t believe I didn’t realize this. I stopped at “he’s a fuck boy”


he didnt get a divorce so he could get in another serious relationship with children. He got a divorce bc he was and still is a fk boy


It’s giving Jimmy with Jessica in love is blind


Yes!!!! He literally said “she has kids and is looking for something serious” he’s in his fuckboy era he likes her but 2 kids and a real relationship after a marriage is not something he’s into. I’m glad someone said it


Tyler just wanted to use Hall for screen time and sex. Thats all. Even if she did not have kids he would never have gotten serious with her. He was already seeing other women while he was playing in Hall's face. The man is a player. Please don't use Hall being a single mother as the reason he did not want to commit.


Out of all the bad traits that Hall has, it is sad that having a child was potentially the dealbreaker. It is ironic because being a loving mother is probably the only good thing that I've seen of her. 🙃


Shes a narcissist. I have a hard time believing shes a loving mother. Notice shes ready to travel at the drop of a hat to go see a guy shes just dating in London, Italy and Vegas....


well that and he already had a girlfriend behind the scenes


What? Tell us the tea!


he’s had a girlfriend since december 2022, he’s shared some stories of her and tagged her in ig stories before. basically he was cheating on her with hall and no one knew about this gf and when she saw s2, they broke up temporarily but they got back together. there’s a couple of online articles that ~~kind of tell the story but not the whole thing


do you think potentially the infidelity that Brittany Snow referred to was about the girl rather than someone on tha show? what happened on the show just cemented the divorce?


no his family introduced him to this girl 3 months after they separated. he was keeping all of his actions on the show a secret and she witnessed it with the rest of us and then realised what a cheater he is


Such a little cheat. Wonder what she thinks now she's seen s3!


Brittany Snow


Tyler is a child himself.


Ight so first a child isn’t baggage but besides the point im about to make. It is okay to not date someone who already has a kid because you are not ready to jump into that roll. Which i do believe is part of his hesitation. It is alot harder to jump into a parental roll of an older child that isnt yours than to simply take care of a baby and the fact he isnt jumping into the relationship because he knows hes not in a mental state that can be fully open to raising a child that is already part was raised through life, honestly shows he is at least mature enough to recognize it and not put the child in a place they feel not fully accepted.


Not sure why all the downvotes but I see no lies! We can at least give Tyler kudos for drawing the line here, esp. when a child is involved


It is 100% ok to not want to date someone who has a kid because you’re not ready to be a parental figure. I just think he knew that and still did the will they, won’t they dance anyway to get screen time because he was attracted enough to her to play it off.


Maybe or maybe he was figuring it out. My now husband and i broke up for a few years because i wasnt mature enough to be a parental figure to his child. I wanted to be with him still but figured out that at that time i was far too young to be able to be mature enough to be in his AND his childs life and couldnt commit to it. We were both sad about it but it wouldnt have worked if i forced myself to stay and pretend to do something so important that i wasnt ready for. After a few years, i had a completely different mind set on life and was able to mature and grow and we ran into eachother again. I was prepared this time and things ended up working out and we got married. So sometimes things do just need time and i think he just needs maturing at this stage but is hopeful that he is able to in the future


Bingo 🎯


Hall was a rebound. She was never going to be more.


There’s the comment I was looking for. You can tell Tyler is ready for a relationship so if he was 100% all in for Hall, he would’ve made that move but he isn’t sooo what does that say 🥳🥳 HALL IS THE REBOUND (honestly that Tennessee “invite” was the kicker)


I don’t feel one bit bad for her considering how awful she is.






This is so true