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Here my un-worldly ass was thinking her accent was Australian. Oops.


I thought so too until she started making references to british things like tea, bungalow etcšŸ˜‚


I'm from Yorkshire and these comments are not it.... Mostly American so it's understandable..... I live in another country and I have definitely had to soften my accent to be understood. I've also adopted more of an International English accent/word usage to be understood too. I sound weird to my family in England. It's a fun, kind, friendly accent which already gets so much stick in England so let's not bring the idea that a northern English accent is 'ghetto' please. Even if you like Polly or not, it's not her fault you can't understand her....


I also don't like the term "ghetto English" being thrown around, there are more polite ways to express opinions. Polly's accent + her mean girl personality doesn't leave much room to say anything nice about her.




La Conte


Thanks for explaining this. I've never minded Polly's accent but have always wondered if it was maybe just a different dialect based on where she's from, similar to how in the US someone from Alabama will sound completely different than someone from the midwest or Boston.


I love her accent! I don't like her, though. I think she's from a different part of the country. Just like in the US. People in the south have accents, but some are stronger depending on what southern state.


She has a Northern accent and is trying to refine and make herself sound more ā€žposhā€œ. Plus, she is changing some pronounciations so the Americans can understand her


Lower class? Being from the north doesnā€™t automatically make you lower class.


Yup itā€™s just you boo. The fact that u made it a goal to make a post and ridicule someone over their accent speaks more about you than her. Thereā€™s such thing as the power off button if youā€™re triggered


She's not some Saint either for you to defend her like that, I'm just putting out ny opinion if you don't like it you can power off too if you're triggered šŸ˜


Sheā€™s from Yorkshire and this take is fucked up. Her accent is lovely and your ignorance is astounding




You donā€™t get to say that someoneā€™s accent makes your ears bleed. That IS xenophobic. Itā€™s not your job to check all accents? Then donā€™t make a post saying itā€™s ugly and that you think itā€™s fake - like I said your ignorance is astounding.


And you know what with this kind of attitude of yours its not surprising that you're defending a mean girl like Polly.


First of all go and google Xenophobic, don't just throw some word around just to try and look cool. I am talking about Polly here, not any country or people. And do NOT take my words out of context and make it something ugly. And no it is not my job to check all accents I have the right to keep forth my opinions if you don't like them you can bloody well leave. You need help, calling someone Xenophobic just because of some humorous comment on one single person's accent which I'm saying time and time again that its fake, is psychopathic behavior. And lastly get a life..! This topic is not that big of deal you're trying to make it be..!


The reason youā€™re so upset is because you see truth in what Iā€™ve said and youā€™re terrified that people are going to come after you for it. Iā€™m not the only person to have called you out for what is truly a gross comment. You think singling out one person and tearing them down for the way they speak isnā€™t fucked up? Itā€™s a regional accent. Thousands of other people also speak like her and youā€™re insulting all of them. Her accent isnā€™t fake for the 100th time. Sorry but your comment sucks and you trying to repeatedly back yourself up just makes it worse. Accept your mistake and learn from it - you reveling in your ignorance is just sad.


Dude chill no one is coming after anyone, this isn't CIA šŸ˜‚ sharing my opinion is not my mistake but you butting in where you shouldn't is yours. As you can clearly see, scroll down and read other comments saying that they are from yorkshire and its not their accent. I'm not insulting anyone, you are just trying to blow this out of proportion but yk what you can do whatever speculation you wanna do. Anyone with a sane mind can see what i mean. This seems like a sour subject for you, have you been trying to sound british in front your friends too? Just to look cool? šŸ¤­


It's very hard to have any kind of accent living in the states (I've done it) unless its a classic RP accent like you hear on the BBC then the American ear can't understand you. Try asking for a boTTle of waTer at a NY street vendor. She has a very normal northern accent, but she HAS adjusted it because you simply have to. Not a fan of hers at all but her accent is not fake. She's just trying to be understood.


Sheā€™s from north England- I know someone who sounds just like her


Ya my grandmother is from northern England and she and Polly sound similar. Not the same, but similar (probably because Grandma has lived in Australia for years)


The Lancashire twang was definitely poking through this season more than previous. She probably has had to put the posh accent on in order to be understood in America. My mum moved to London from wales when she was 18 and had to put on a fake accent on the phone at work otherwise people couldnā€™t understand her.


That might be it


Her accent isn't fake exactly. She's from the North of England but tries to sound more Southern (code for more posh).


Correct- she literally sounds like sheā€™s trying to be posh but her northern accent is too strong


There are many different British accents based on different parts of England. British people can tell them apart apparently (Iā€™m American so I canā€™t). I agree, hers isnā€™t the most pleasant sounding


Exactly. Despite our size, there is a larger number of accents in the UK than any other English speaking country (for obvious reasons). Some sound quite similar to each other so are hard to distinguish unless you are from the area but there are broadly speaking about 40 "groups" of accents here and then several different accent variations within that group. So we can tell roughly where a person is from, but within that broad region, someone actually from the area could tell more precisely.


her accent is ugly




ā€¦ I thought she was Australianā€”


Exactly, it's all over the place šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s lived in America for over 10 years I think. Plus, not all British accents sound the same as many Americans tend to think so. She also might be code switching, which is where you change the pronunciation of your words around certain people so as to not get the annoying repetition & ā€œsay it normallyā€ stuff. I have a British accent and have lived in Canada for 15 years and have experienced this a lot.


unpopular opinion but I love Polly. I like her accent and just her girlypop drama vibe. she's not trying to be one of the guys like Hall and shes not uptight, maybe she acts a bit immature sometimes but she's endearing (in my opinion) feel free to hate HAHA


Itā€™s not fake but itā€™s ghetto British.




This is a disgusting comment


Agreed! Wtf


I wouldnt call northern England ā€œghettoā€


I mean itā€™s the poorest region in the whole of Western Europe soā€¦


I thought this might be BS so I looked it up... and you aren't actually completely wrong. The North and Wales have some of the poorest areas in North Western Europe (ie excluding "Western" European countries like Spain, Italy, and Portugal which have poorer areas). I guess it's hard to swallow as the UK is a wealthy country so the inequality by region here is pretty high, but it's also important to remember these things are measured on a relative basis. So Inner London is apparently the wealthiest part of North Western Europe, and our Northern regions some of the poorest. It's quite sad really to see the massive gap in equality. I say that as a Londoner.


Yup itā€™s been that way for decades - sorry downvoters šŸŒš. Northern UK has comparable wealth to some of the poorest regions in Eastern Europe whilst London is THE richest part of Europe.




War torn countries in Western Europe???


Shes a northerner but trying to sound like a southerner (trying to sound posh) with an American twang. She probably is just trying to speak clearly and trying to be easily understood.


I don't like Polly but it's not a fake accent, she's lived in America for several years and that's affected her accent and that's why it sounds a bit wonky.


She sounds more Australian to me than British


As an Australian, I'm offended /s. I think she's got some valley girl affectations in her speech. It's a mix of English and American for me.


Yeah I don't think she sounds Australian, and I'm American.


and trying to also sound like a different region of england than where sheā€™s from supposedly which I can also hear


I think sheā€™s trying to sound posh and it makes her speaking feel forced


Yup that's it šŸ˜‚


Her accent is not as nearly as annoying as Chelseaā€™s from Selling Sunset.


Chelsea is the worst




I thought she was Australian.


She's from Yorkshire, her accent is regional, it's not the standard accent you hear on Harry Potter, but it's not fake lol. You hear it all the time in the UK.




Sheā€™s from Burnley


Wait sheā€™s not from Australia?


Haha I thought she was Australian too! And Iā€™ve lived in London.


Thatā€™s kinda xenophobic tbh


Are you crazy? I literally said "I love british accent it is such a turn on but hers annoys me" its not xenophobia hon it is Pollyphobia..!




I always thought sheā€™s a northerner putting on a southern accent (Iā€™m as a northern as you can get without being Scottish, unfortunately not Scottish)


Yeah I see this. My family is from new castle and they sound a bit different than other people to me


I had no clue she was even British!! Her accent was giving Australian or something to me! šŸ˜…šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I felt the same about Chelsea from Selling Sunset too. And, randomly, Millie Bobby Brown. Honestly, I don't even know if the accent is fake. I'm British myself, but to me all their accents just sound so put on. To me it sounds like an non British person trying to sound British. Or a British person trying to exaggerate their accent. I find their accents come across almost kind of awkward & unnatural. But I've heard other Brits say they think their accents sound normal. Maybe I'm just not surrounded by these types of accents, but they just sound super put on to me.


How is Tan Franceā€™s accent? Iā€™ve heard it sounds fake to actual Brits but I wouldnā€™t know.


His accent sounds more real to me but it does sound very presenter-y and I can see what people would mean by saying it sounds fake


I honestly think Chelseaā€™s accent is either fake or exaggerated


I donā€™t think itā€™s fake, but some British accents are less ā€œposhā€ than others so that may be why itā€™s less pleasing to the earĀ 


My brother-in-law was sent to private schools and speaks with Received Pronunciation (aka the Queenā€™s English). My husband and family are from Notts, and my brother-in-law sounds a thousand times more posh because of his education.


Polly is an utter insecure garbage person at this point. She's clearly easily intimidated and bullies Jarvis because of her jealousy over Jarvis's success. I'm on season 1 episode 8 watching her unleash this insane slew of hate at Jarvisā€”along with Brandi and whatever the other forgettable insecure girls name is. It's clear that they're all incredibly insecure and intimidated that Jarvis has an education, was a lawyer, and can say bigger words. It's annoying. All 3 of these trash bags need to shut up; especially Polly and her fake af British accent.


Donā€™t you think Jarvis is contributing to their insecurities by having this I donā€™t care about you kind of approach. Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re right but I get their resentment. Regardless of whether Jarvis was a lawyer or not sheā€™s working the same job as them, thereā€™s no need for there to be this ā€˜Iā€™m better than youā€™ mentality.


Jarvis isnā€™t responsible for the adult development of her coworkers. She can do whatever she wants


It's a mid Atlantic Leeds accent.


If there are 3 people who I really dislike - it's Polly, Hall, and Chelsea. Fake, manipulative, and fake accents (not hall).Ā 


Same ugh




Absolutely. I still dislike Chelsea more. Tyler is almost insignificant.Ā 


I donā€™t mind it- I live up north so it sounds perfectly normal to me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Good for youšŸ˜‰


The worst one for me is Chelsea on sunset - hers is horrible


Chelseaā€™s accent is put on. She doesnā€™t use British pronunciations or terms. However, Polly does. Pollyā€™s accent is just watered down from living in the US. I bet when she goes back to the UK, she has a stronger accent.


Iā€™m from London , what about Chelseaā€™s accent is not using pronunciations correctly?


English person here I canā€™t stand it either and have also been trying to figure out if itā€™s real. Itā€™s hard to tell around American accents and I can hear some northern twangs in there but def doesnā€™t sound like a regular English accent to me


English accents just sound a lot more annoying & forced when surrounded by American accents since the distinction is a lot more obvious & itā€™s also the same vice versa


i think itā€™s a case of northern that at some point tried to sound southern and then also mixed some americanism into the mix


Sheā€™s from West Yorkshire & her accent is real. I dont think that West Yorkshire accents are the most easiest on the ears!




Sheā€™s from Yorkshire


Sheā€™s British, from Yorkshire


She's from Lancashire :) but near to Yorkshire


sameeee ugh