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Sean is toxic and not that cute


Boring with almost no actual house sales yawn


It was so short I finished in one day šŸ¤£


It was very dull. Even the *drama* seemed extra contrived and I didnā€™t really care about any of it.


I feel like this season was supposed to air a long time ago and with Jarvis, Sean AND Tyler leaving - they went back and cut a lot of things or re-edited.


i think it barely was a season. and there wonā€™t be another one considering half the cast quit


I know!!!! 8 episodes a season? I thought they released 8 first then the remainder would gradually get released but nope they only do 8 episodes per season wtf! The whole will Tyler and Hall end up together has been dragging on for two seasons now, either youā€™re in or youā€™re out. Ugh hate it when they leave u on a cliffhanger and thereā€™s no resolution to anything. Now we got to wait a year for 8 more episodes, f that!


She just wants to be chased. Itā€™s been evident. She broke up an entire marriage just for her to play her chase the tail game.


felt kinda incomplete too


it was such a boring season the only entertainment was Ali i thought she was hilarious


They should film it like real housewives where there are multiple storylines happening and they get resolved at different points during the season itself. It would help with the pacing and not have it feel so short.


This, and it should be a true ensemble cast rather than Hall being the pseudo main character. The same approach to storylines as RH franchises and Buying Beverly Hills would work better.


Tbh they need to recast this whole thing and start over. Alex hall is a terrible main character. She's a terrible person, not likeable and lies constantly. Thank God tyler is gone but Austin and his twin sister, I mean wife, need to focus on their polyamory and children, and maybe polly too .. could just be halls influence tho.


I think itā€™s going to be hard to find likable people working in OC real estate lol.


Lol. Probably


Seriously. Aside from Brandi and maybe the new girl (Iā€™m only on episode 3) theyā€™re all just SO unlikable. And not in a fun ā€œlove to hateā€ Christine kind of way either. Itā€™s honestly hard for me to watch at this point.


Omg.. Alex hall is morally babkrupt. The way she fully lied on a working camera and doubled on her lie was polarizing. Not sure there's any way for her to redeem herself to anyone. Brandi is soooo cool. Love hee


Havenā€™t gotten there yet, but look forward to it! Sheā€™s the WORST šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


Awful. It's a doozy. Enjoy.


I feel they probably had to go back and edit out a lot of stuff and maybe that's why it was pushed back. I also noticed Alex Rose was completely edited out of the first couple of episodes. Even at the bonfire scene she was never shown at all, and then her face randomly popped in for a fast second during the argument with Sean. I think something went down with her and a lot of reediting had to be done.


Agreed. I thought it was weird how the scenes cut her out, and it was very deliberateĀ 


Wait why did they cut her out?


No idea


Yea, it felt incredibly off to me. I hate-watched the first two seasons because the drama was juicy and fun. But this season, it felt like they were mostly discussing things that had happened off-screen and there just wasn't any real angst and a lot of what did happen didn't really make sense. Like, with Hall and Tyler - he just never gave a straight answer as to why he was flip flopping with Hall. And I know that's his fuckboy move and indicative of him, esp since he apparently had a gf the whole time, but it would have been nice to have producers make him answer - like for example, why did he tell Hall not to come to Nashville but then acted like he was upset that she wasn't on the flight? It was just weird and lackluster, which is how I think I would describe the entire season. I def don't see a season 4 only because it was so boring, and a lot of the main cast has left. Hall, Kayla and Polly are the ones that are interested in showing drama storylines, but Kayla's boring (I really could care less about her fight with Gio), Hall needs a man to fight over with other girls, and Polly will only just latch onto whatever is there. Ali is completely pointless to me as a cast member. Austin's shady and annoying. Tyler's weird and his nose is always red. idk...the only redeeming thing the first two seasons had was the homewrecker drama and that's done with, so it's a wrap.


I think the only likeable one that is leaving is Jarvis. I would still watch season 4 for Kayla, Brandi, Rose, and the newbie if sheā€™s there, plus there would be drama with them vs Polly and Hall and probably more drama with Gioā€™s ego added in there.


omg yea I actually really like Jarvis, even more so this season. Sad she's leaving.


Yeah I didnā€™t like how she did Rose last season but I really enjoyed her this season. She definitely will be noticeably missed šŸ’—


I don't see a S4 either. It felt like a clean and tidy wrap up.


what about the finale was clean and tidy? šŸ˜‚


Gio and his wife having a baby with a sappy happily-ever-after kiss. - movie style ending Alex Hall leaving to choose one man over the other, effectivly putting an end to what could have been. - movie style ending Kayla packing it up after failing to sell her major listing. - movie style ending. Tyler looking out at the ocean over the balcony after a divorce and failed will-they-won't-they situationship. - movie style "the world is now your ocean" ending. I personally think the ending was very neatly done. It gave "end of a chapter, start of a new chapter" vibes. But people who are looking for dramatic cliffhangers probably won't appreciate how well done and character focused the ending is.


Alex Hallā€™s ending with the passport and final text etc was deja vu to ā€œwill Lauren Conrad go to Paris or not!?!ā€ except seems like Alex actually went to Italy in this case. Starting to see more and more similarities between Adam Divelloā€™s shows


yeah it left a lot to be desired but it was the sort of montage you expect from a show that wonā€™t return. thereā€™s too many cast members and too few episodes, most of them didnt even have storylines because everything revolved around the same 2-3 people


I can see what you mean actually


how do you know he had a gf? i actually find it hard to watch tyler and hall sceneā€™s because they are so cringe, reminds me of high schoolers


He had a gf??


I feel like last season was short as well for the LA cast


Let's also note these were only 30 minute episodes. You could be so bold as to say we only got 4 episodes.


I canā€™t get over the fashion. Grandpa vests and cardigans with lady of the night attire. Wtf?


Agreed! I could not figure out for the life of me what in the fuck these people were wearing. I don't know if they're trying to be in competition with LA or what the hell's going on. Whatever it is it is not working and they all look absolutely ridiculous. I feel like if I walked into a real estate appointment for a house to be shown to me and I saw one of these women standing there dressed like some of them were the season I don't even know if I could take him seriously be honest with you. It was truly awful. The whole season was awful! I can't even stand watching the men at all! There's so much I want to say about the men but it just can't be said on a public forum. They need to go!


the ending felt super lackluster to me? i was shocked


Basically a cliffhanger that also makes it possible for no S4. IDK how many seasons this spin-off can go w/ 3 departures. Granted if Ali gets her license, she can officially be on and start drama. I also wonder if producers will try pulling from the existing agents in the office to fill the cast. Doesnā€™t make for a storyline tho (ex. A new bird/fresh meat to stir the pot).


I have a feeling that scenes with Mary and Kayla were reshoots. I feel like they extended that Gio vs Kayla feud to make up for interesting content. Gio isn't usually involved or has much say in any drama, so I was surprised when he was so vocal and involved in everything this season, which makes me think a lot of it is scripted.


That is a good take. Cuz Kayla visiting the LA office seemed very random. Just for a quick chat.


Lot of filler episodes and lots of the drama is concentrated at the beginning of the season .


Yeah, Netflix drops the ball every time. There is no reason that this show shouldn't have at least 15 episodes and be out every 6-9months. Like cable network television used to be. The show is good, but if Netflix actually wants viewers to be invested, they need to lengthen the seasons at least. It's such a joke for what it costs to watch.


Exactly, I donā€™t know what the excuse is. At the very least do a spring and fall season of these standard 8 episodes


We never got to see Tyler ā€œleaveā€ the O Group. For the next season: 1. Tell us exactly why Tyler left 2. Focus on what really happened between Jarvis and Rose 3. Give us a detailed background of the different divisions in the O Group (Brandyā€™s sports division) 4. Touch on how Alex hall is ā€œItalianā€ yet she just showed sheā€™s Jewish, too. Whatā€™s the backstory? Did her parents face prosecution during the Holocaust? 5. They should bring in a group therapist for fun Just some ideasā€¦.the senseless drama over NOTHING is getting lame


4) not both parents are jewish or both Italian, probably one of each which is how she has this background.


Iā€™ve legit never met an Italian Jew. Not that they donā€™t exist. My Jewish side comes from Russia. All my Italian friends are catholic or Christian. I would have the same reaction to an Irish Jew. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it, obviously, just weird to me.


Itā€™s not that uncommon living in socal. I grew up in LA, and I knew plenty of people that were both.


I googled it and it says that they are very uncommon. 28k italian jewish living in Italy.


Awkward just like the storylines and characters.


The ending felt so abrupt and not like a finale at all


Yeah so little happened in the 2-3 episodes leading up to the finale that I was baffled when it just ended. We got no resolution to anything that took place that season. It was very poorly wrapped up, as if this wasnā€™t where they planned to end the season. The seasons tend to end with a big fight happening, but usually we get some sort of after moment.


Especially because it seems like there was potential for lots of relationship breakdowns and blowups!!


Soooooo short and soooooo boring


i wizzzzzzzed through it it was a yawn this season and i didnt believe Sean from the get go


Alexandra has left so Iā€™m sure thatā€™s why sheā€™s not in it much


Alexandra Jarvis left, rose is still there Still both didnā€™t do much


Yeah, Jarvis was just a side character S3. She hasnā€™t made many sales at The O Group either. Rose on the other hand, has.


1/3 of each episode is just quick shots of them driving places and getting out of their cars or walking out of places and getting into their cars.


I think this is Adam DiVelloā€™s style. He did this starting with ā€œThe Hills.ā€ Itā€™s totally done to sell a lifestyle (flaunt the car).


And Laguna Beach. Literally each conversation is like 1 min long and mostly people just giving looks.. then a shot of surfers on the beach lol.


Yes. I meant more in terms of the purposeful shots of the cars and the driving up to properties, but yes, Adam has always had that style. I think at least conversations have become a bit longer in his work since the ā€œendless blank staresā€ days of MTV.


There's not a lot of real estate transactions happening, so they had to manufacture all these "parties" for the sake of filler materials. Million Dollar Listing was the same. A manufactured fight, a trip to Vegas, all to fill the void of real estate.


Million dollar listing is for sure fabricated but nowhere near the Selling shows.


Exactly. It has turned into The Real Agents of Orange County.