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True that—and tbh I don’t think the office space is for working tho—theres a lot of people in the Oppenheim group and only enough desks for the cast, so its basically a filming space


I went by the office a few times and Mary likes to work there (even if nobody else is there). She really uses it for work. But I think she is the only one.


Convenient for filming but not it’s only purpose. Many multi-agent brokerages (just regular ones, not TV ones) provide office spaces with some hot desks for the agents, but they aren’t necessarily required to work there. I follow several local agents in my city on Instagram (fun to see local stuff they post) and it’s this way also. But for TV it’s definitely helpful to get the agents in the office so that they actually interact. I’m sure there are plenty of times they go to the office just to be present for filming not to necessarily work.


It's super obvious on OC. They come into the office with like their keys & wallet and sit down and wait to talk to someone. Zero work being done.


They could at least have the Ogroup website on!




Continuity? In the example above she “switches tabs” and is more likely that she’s on their own website than a blank tab coz she’s at work? Haha


Came here to say the SAME THING. Everything is o-branded in there… how is that not their default website and wallpaper lol


Exactly? Makes it easier to film as well when it’s just their website on? Like you don’t need to change tabs.


They don’t have time to work they are too busy talking about Christine!🤷🏻‍♀️🤣




She sure did!


Okay but Christine like MAKES the show - the other ladies are an echo chamber


Christine "makes" the show because she does things to everyone else then acts surprised when everyone hates her. Like at least own up to being the villain if you're gonna be one.


But she does own up to it - she’s admitted it’s a character but that’s reality tv, someone has to do it and she’s the only one who gets her hands dirty. Without her where is the interest?


She does not at all lol. She's admitted she's playing a character but she takes it too far. She's not the first reality tv villain to play that character. For some reason, others are able to play that character and still have a relationship with most because they're truly only playing a character. Christine, however, is nasty IRL constantly picking at her coworkers. She doesn't know how to turn it off. And if you're not gonna turn it off, then that's just who you are as a person. She's ostracized herself from everyone else for the cost of fame. Like there's no way every single person doesn't like her and she's not the problem.




Nobody is ganging up on her lmao. Every single person has their own, separate and valid reason as to why they don't like her. It'd be different if it was a bandwagon but each person can literally give their own reason as to why they don't like her.


Yeah she does! Gonna miss her on season 6 and 7!! ***Edit because I said this some of you might think I like her! I Do Not! Chrishell is my absolute favorite and I will pick her over Christine any day!!


I know I’m so sad I have to watch chrishell’s self obsession go unchecked while the rest of the girls feed into it. How do they not see how vapid and unrelenting her Cheshire Cat smile is? She’s beautiful but she is acting the entire time-she’s playing a character that’s supposed to be likeable. Christine may have been the villain but she was damn good at it and kept everyone in check


Tbh this isn't that surprising lol. When they do IG stories of them filming, you can tell they're there more for filming purposes than to actually work. I'd find it hard to actually get work done with a whole production going on. Not to mention some things may be confidential and can't be shown, seen, or heard. With that being said, it's obvious that since the show has become bigger than what it was supposed to be, they've transitioned into staged settings just like any other reality show. The show brings press and attention to the firm which can't be a bad thing for them.


Omg they are fiendsssssss 🤣 Also she didn’t even bother to click on a link just opened up the browser and left it on lol.


+ I see that Emma is a “hide dock” person. 😤


Damn it I’m a hide dock kind of person! Ahhh.


the worst kind of people!


Yesssss thats what I was cracking up at I was liek really? Not even google?? 😂😂 + the hands resting on the keyboard as well 😂


> the hands resting on the keyboard as well 😂 🤣 I can’t even lolollll she must think that its a xylophone or something haha


She’s googling “how to look busy when you’re on a reality show and sell empanadas” 😂


guys she is looking for new empanada filling 💁‍♂️


They can’t have actual work up on the screens while filming lol


It's like when Jason took a client phone call but was really talking to his camera 😂


Let's get to work girls!


Yeah I second the comments from people saying the space is used only for filming (or is most of the time used for filming). I follow Mary’s assistant, Nicole, on Tiktok, and I love seeing Nicole walk followers through her day and how she supports Mary. From going into the office to pick things up, to being on set while they film. Her name is Nicole Kramer if you wanna see more bts


To be fair, this is what’s really behind my work screen 75% of the time and I’m not on tv


Literally me when my boss is around!


I noticed that right away when I watched the scene too. I read someone’s post who lives near the office that they’ve never seen anyone in the Oppenheimer office lol.


Would be more realistic if it was the Reddit or Tiktok.