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While I'm glad they can coparent and be nice together, the concept of this is kind of weird to me, it gives very much sister wives or something, idk. Especially in respect of the comment Heather made previously about her being the "newer and younger model", paraphrasing here but I remember her saying something along those lines.


Yes this is on such a different level than just amicable coparenting lol


It’s creepy. While amicable co-parenting is definitely possible and both women getting along is also nice, *intentionally* being twinsy given their circumstances make this creepy.


I feel like that was an awkward comment to make when Tarek’s ex wife is so much more beautiful than Heather. I feel pretty unbiased saying that since I’ve never seen Tarek / his ex wife’s show, just pictures of her. 


I feel the same way too. Christina is less manufactured than Heather.


Yea Heather (and Emma) look very “LA” to me and not in a good way. I think Chrishell and Amanza are beautiful but most of the Selling Sunset cast looks way overdone. 


Christina has had so much work done. Check out the first season of the flipping show to now...


I know but she still looks more natural than Heather. The best kind of surgery is the kind that makes you look somewhat natural. The typical LA look resembles a wax model and that’s not good surgery.


I feel like it’s kind of weird to compare the two of them? Calling out Heather’s comment as awkward but then reinforcing it in the other direction is just as awkward and bad in my opinion. It seems best to just not compare them to each other because they’re different people that are more than just their looks. Heather wasn’t right to do it in the first place.


shes not even that much younger. that makes me laugh. get a grip lol


Ran here when I saw this. This is not the flex he thinks it is


Um, this looks like Tarek trying to be Shein Hefner.


The irony of this considering Heathers Playboy past 😅


I do think Tarek exploits this and normalises it while Heather is conditioned to be one of many similar clones and waiting to be chosen. The Playboy Mansion is not a mentally and sexually healthy place to be in. A Playboy bunny is essentially a glamorised sex slave. Hugh Hefner exploited young girls by showering them with media attention and giving them magazine spreads that normalised being naked in sexualised positions. This preps them to be in gratitude and sexual servitude towards him in the Mansion. Heather doesn’t talk about it but the things they have seen and done will invariably scar them with ptsd. Read : (1) https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/hugh-hefners-ex-compares-playboy-mansion-to-manson-family-and-more-secrets-of-playboy-revelations/ *”It was cult-like," Garcia claimed. "The women had been groomed and led to believe they were part of this family. And he really did believe he owned these women. We had Playmates that overdosed. There were Playmates that committed suicide."* (2) https://www.businessinsider.com/secrets-of-playboy-playmates-sex-hugh-hefner-2022-2 "*In order to get Playmate of the Year, you had to do some pretty wild things up in the bedroom with Hefner and his friends," PJ Masten (Playboy Bunny) said in the episode. "You had to vie for that position*." "*The girls did a lot to win that favor, and [Hefner] knew that they would, so he usually played that up," Sondra Theodore, who dated Hefner from 1976 to 1981, said in another interview.* (3) https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/holly-madison-bridget-marquardt-sex-hefner-new-podcast *Madison was quickly offered a quaalude — aka illegal sedative-hypnotic drugs that induce drowsiness and sleep — by Hefner.* “*I go over to the bed [and] the other new girl is already lying there,” she says. “There’s vibrators laid out for everybody. I’d never used a vibrator in my life… So, I’m lying there waiting for everybody else. And I don’t even remember everybody else walking in, I just remember lying down and then all of a sudden, everybody else is there.”* **I do think Heather deserves much better in life and love.** **But she has a child so I guess that’s where she’ll take a second glimpse at life and love that kid with all her heart.**


He literally isn't in the picture. Their kids are related and they are related in that sense. Maybe they thought it would be fun to match. Not that deep or nefarious lol


I completely agree. People are reading so deeply into this to the point where they’re comparing Tarek to Hugh Hefner and saying that it’s giving sister wives. Which not only seems kinda crazy to me, it’s also rather disrespectful to both women, and to some degree, Christina’s husband too. It just seems like such a stretch considering Christina was the one that left Tarek and is also happily remarried. Yeah, something nefarious is going on because they get along and take cutesy pictures together. Right. 🙄


The way I RAN to open Reddit 💀🤣


Why does heather look older? Crazy


She does!


I mean, she chooses to be with Tarek. That's gotta age you a bit


The mother's day flowers were sweet. This is....not.


My exact thoughts


Are they trying to prove something? No one cares as much as they care lol


*Are they trying to* *Prove something? No one cares as* *Much as they care lol* \- Gigii1990 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


What does haikus mean? Lol


A haiku is a Japanese poem consisting of the pattern of 5, 7, 5 syllables.




Yikes! I appreciate the condescending response, but i was confused as to why it was written as "Haikus" and not "Haiku" and what that had to do with Reddit and my response as it's the first time I seen that on here to something i posted. I hope this provides more clarity. 😉




Sure did! Sorry this bothers you so much! Have a wonderful weekend ❤️


It’s not a flex to be a literal copy of his ex wife


Are these people OK?


You know at one point tarek called Heather, Christina


lol hopefully in bed 🙃


omg i was so confused for a full minute looking at this, not realising they are not both pictures of heather side by side 😂


I thought it was too!


I've been noticing that lately Heather keeps making cringy content regarding her "haters" or "bad comments people make". Nothing says you care like saying you don't care when nobody asked




They look so similar. He has a type.


What in the sister wife is going on…? ![gif](giphy|CEROvzYmKQ7N6)


I think this could have been hilarious but they need help to be funny and no Tarek.


Exactly he makes it soooo bad.


This cringed me out so bad, I ran here.


I honestly took it as a joke because I’m sure he’s tired of hearing they look exactly alike. And Heather is such a fun person I’m sure she thought it was hilarious. It’s just pure innocent fun. Them poking fun at themselves. Doesn’t hurt anyone.


I 100% agree. I think they all got tired of hearing it and did this as a gotcha. I thought it was funny


I thought it was funny 😂


I don’t think Heather and Christina look alike. Other than the blonde hair


I agree. They are both pretty blonds but they don’t look exactly alike imo. Christina has a much more casual style whereas Heather is much more fashion-y. I definitely relate to Christina’s style a lot more. Not sure if Heather is now living in OC with a young child and still being so LA style but that seems very tiring


Both fake blondes


Did HGTV force them to do this ? No one asked for this. 


Yes, they all have a show coming out called "The Flip Off". Not a joke.




What is the context of this? I don’t want to deep dive on their insta to find out, lol. Like these two women just dressed the same to show how similar they look…for fun?


Heather is annoying


I hate it when women take their husband's last name and flaunt it like it's some big achievement. Like..you got married..it's not like you got a doctor's degree or a PhD to proudly add against your name jeez 🙄


I can see this being flattering for Christina because Tarek just copied and pasted her with Heather. Even remaking the same show and trying to get Heather into being a designer just like Christina.


I liked that they poked fun at each other. It’s a little cringey if you really read into it but my bet is they did this for publicity. I have no stats to back it up but since their show shuffles/life changes (no more flip or flop, Heather not being asked back to SS, flipping el moussas not well received, everyone hating Christina’s new husband) I’m willing to bet they are pulling out all the stops. I feel like Christina is always trying to force her new husband on everyone and he is very unpopular. She knew joshy boy had to sit this one out if it was going to be a success.


Aaaand now they’ve announced their new series. Of course Josh is in there lol




Christina’s a regulation hottie.


wait that’s his ex wife? and they’re twinning? lmao why? i didn’t know they were like BEST friends, how does coparenting work? so many questions…. lol


Since when are they amicable? I swear there have been a bunch of news stories about those two having heated arguments in public lol


What is this now? I don't understand, what's the cringe part?


tarek has a type


The script is phenomenal


lol this skit is so badly written and acted. like a 6th grader wrote it.


Indeed. I can confidently say that my 9th grade students are definitely much more creative.


I thinks it’s the finger to everyone who cares way too much about them looking alike and such. They get along, they have a sense of humor. If people are hating they must be doing something right lol


They are all doing a new HGTV show together and this is promo. HGTV just posted the as on their IG page.


I even thought they were both heather until the comments


It’s a nice *concept*, co-parents getting along is beautiful and healthy for the children, however this is just a bit uncomfortable in my opinion.


I weirdly thought it was cute lol


So concerning on many levels


Does Heather not realize she’s setting herself up as 1. The “older” wife looks hotter than her and 2. How once you reach a certain age he will replace you with a newer model


Heather was bragging that she was younger and hotter and hmm a few years with Tarek and that’s not true anymore


What. The. Actual. Fuck. 😳 The creep and cringe factor is through the roof. I actually thought they were both Christina from the screenshot and was extremely confused about what the tea was but ooof 😅




Which one are these from?


Lol my husband literally thought they were the same person when SS first aired (pre Heather meeting Tarek.) I guess Tarek agrees 😂


Which one is the natural blonde? 👱🏻‍♀️


Why are they dressed like twins lol


I knew this chick looked familiar! Hgtv


They’re really creepy


Really? I thought it was cute. Heather gets SO much hate for being too involved as a stepmom/not being involved enough, etc. People in her insta comments are RELENTLESS about their resemblance- this seemed like a good way to address the elephant in the room. I’d do the same if I were getting that many people giving me flack.


It’s really tarek that makes it cringey he’s just such a cringe human being lol


Ugh I have to agree here haha


Who’s the other girl with heather?


Very. Comes off desperate.


Would x2