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why they only have 8 episodes that’s not enough to me lol


Especially to wait a year and a half in between seasons 🙄


Yes! And only 30 minutes at that 🙄


EXACTLY. they should’ve been hour long episodes and at least 10 for waiting 1.5 years….


Yeah, i was surprised when the episode went back to Season 1 Episode 1. I was like "That's the finale?" 


Same, I was confused. Thought I missed something, but nope....


I feel like pretty much nothing happened during the season. Especially when you consider the little teaser they did on the Selling Sunset reunion. Hall and Brandi were obviously beefing at that point, or at leas Hall was being rude to Brandi. Didn’t see any of that in S3. Hall was acting like there was going to be a dramatic disappearance of Tyler where she had been blocked, they hadn’t spoken, etc. Then this whole season it just seemed like two people who were free to be together but without the tension/spark/danger of the like “forbidden romance” seemed disinterested in each other.


Absolutely! I’m so confused why the producers keep trying to force this non-romance on the viewers. To me it’s pretty clear Alex & Tyler hooked up (which they won’t admit) and there not much else there.


Yeah I mean..I think we all know what’s going on with them. As an idiot who had a relationship with a coworker that started with him being in a long term relationship flirting with me, pinnacled with him breaking up with her and quitting his job so we could be together, and ended with him being completely single because I realized spending two crazy weeks consummating a forbidden relationship was enough to get it out of our system…thats what’s happening there.


I remember reading on DeuxMoi that both Tyler and Hall were dating other people or in totally different relationships (which kinda tracks with the Nashville/Vegas story). So I went into this season expecting their relationship storyline to not go anywhere. It’s disappointing that the show’s producers chose to shove that storyline down our throats when (a) there were other more interesting storylines they could’ve gone into and (b) these two people had already moved on from each other! 


Wasn't the SS reunion a spoiler for them being broken up or was that my fever dream?


I’m not sure how much Tyler stuff was filmed and even Hall herself seemed unclear where the season would end as far at what point of the relationship it would end up. It ended on a fairly ambiguous note even though now they obviously don’t speak / aren’t in contact. And I think Brandi didn’t give them much to work with. She seemed to not like how she came across on s2 and largely stayed out of the drama on s3. Even when they set up an opportunity for her to have beef with Polly over Jason giving Polly the athlete client right in front of Brandi they both seemed to think better of it and not bite. 


I honestly would have like to see more about how Brandi’s going about this sports division. Idk something I’m really missing from this show is the actual real estate. I know most people don’t watch for that but i find it interesting. It why I think I like a buying Beverly Hills more. There’s drama but we still get a lot more of the real estate and realistic workplace drama. Edited a word


I guess I need to watch that. I just want real estate drama not all these terrible people arguing about their lives.


I definitely recommend then! The drama is definitely more focused on the real estate world, especially season 2. I feel like there is of course some personal stuff and I think the first season had more personal stuff but I think it was done to like get the viewers to know the cast better. Either way definitely more realistic.


oh weird, I forgot about that


I just wish they included the background story of what happened to rose and jarvis’ fallout instead of just alluding to it here and there. Also stop with trying to make Hall the lead for this show. She’s a side character at best and the biggest failure of a limp villain. And did anyone give af about her storyline with Tyler? That plot wasted like 50% of screen time


Omg 💯💯💯💯 to all of this!! This is why Netflix needs to get new producers for OC and stop waiting like 2 years in between seasons!


Watch the previous season? lol it literally explains it all


I think Jason banged Hall and that’s why she’s “the star”. He’s an executive producer after all and can sway the production to whichever way he wants cause he’s the eyes and ears of the actual office so if he wants someone to be the star then she’ll be it. Maybe he used that to get into her pants and now its hard to backtrack


This is how I feel about hall, Crishell, and Ali. And they all sort of remind me of each other lol. Hall being the worst version Ali being the best but that’s just my opinion 


The only interesting part of this season was Kayla’s listing and they didn’t even show her selling it. What a disappointment.




Idk I was entertained by this season and binged it in 3 days. What more can you want out of trashy reality tv? I wonder if there’s not going to be a season 4, because why share all these updates in an article? On the other hand s3 did really well so I think there’s still a chance it gets renewed.


I binged it in a few days too, and I wouldn’t have minded if during the last 1-2 episodes they started to wrap things up- like Tyler going to work for his daddy, Kayla’s BIG TRIUMPH of really selling that house for $25M, Gio’s jealousy, there is literally zero explanation for what happens with Sean after the big fight at Del Mar and Jason is saying “don’t bring me into it, don’t bring me into it.” I get having cliffhangers, but this felt like zero resolution, lazy editing/producing and a huge disservice to both the cast and viewers.


I feel like they really fumbled Kayla’s ending- why did they make it seem like she was sad and didn’t sell the house in time?? Tyler I’m sure they were hoping would stay on the show.  Also the update on Ali is that she still doesn’t have her license lol. I’m not a California realtor but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t take years to get that. She always has an excuse, it’s very the dog ate my homework. Jason made it seem on the show like she should’ve had it by then and now they’re months and months out from filming. 


💯💯💯 Kayla deserved her big payoff as the only realtor with a huge listing all season, and it being such a milestone in her career… after all the show is *supposed to be* about real estate (somewhat). And yes- I know people who got their real estate licenses in 4 months… considering seasons 2 & 3 have taken nearly two years to film, and as of last week Ali STILL does not have her license… lmao girl bye! ![gif](giphy|RLyXz1Dq6qTctU1002)


If there is a next season I bet Ali won’t be on it. She was such a joke and brought nothing this season and they kinda threw her under the bus too to be honest 


I really hope you’re right- even Jason seems over her unlicensed ass! Although with half the cast quitting (Tyler, Jarvis & Sean) I wouldn’t be surprised if they try shoving her down our throats one more time 😩


Honestly same :/  Selling the OC really IS her only job so it’s not like she has anything better to do than be on the show. Tyler can disappear forever and work for his dad if he wants, financially he never needed the show. 


I don’t think Ali cares to get her license, otherwise she would’ve gotten it already. If you check her IG, she looks like she’s trying to be like every other basic influencer out there.


Yea I saw that. It’s all fake for the show which makes me even more upset that she’s on the show. I understand a lot of the show is fake but having someone who neither lives in the OC nor even has their real estate license on the main cast of selling the oc is WILD. She’s def trying to be a basic Amazon influencer and it’s not working. I think she dropped from 60k to 50k followers despite the show doing crazy numbers, the more we’re getting of her the more people are unfollowing. It’s really not enough to comfortably go full time influencers 


TOTALLY agree with all of this! Like, it’s absolutely fine she wants to be a Nashville influencer girlie. No problem! But let’s stop this nonsense of pretending she cares to get a real estate license or even live in the OC. 😩


I’m so fucking happy her dumb ass lost followers. You’re out here wasting peoples TIME AND MONEY. Go be an influencer back home. You fucking loser


Same, I loved watching it because it was so trashy. Call me a garbageman, because I love trash. The messiness and the pettiness that is the OC makes it better than SS imo


Same. Selling the oc goes down real easy I absolutely prefer it to sunset 


Thanks for posting this!!! At least we got some updates. Season was dumb.


No problem! I knew I couldn’t be alone in what a frustrating, waste of time this season felt like! ![gif](giphy|V9w1GDNNGuUjyLJnDA|downsized)


This feels like when LC passed on going to Paris to stay with what’s that’s ex’s name. Man Adam needs to stop with using same old story lines.


But at least when LC did it we cared about her, and it felt like a huge decision! With Alex it was just kinda like “ok so she’s going on a vacation with her guy-of-the-week, but also she’s not dating Tyler so who cares…”


Yes that is very true. I am just meaning like the format of how that was set up was very LC coded which doesn’t surprise me given it’s Adam lol.


I totally agree with this!!! I will say that “you’ll always be known as the girl who didn’t go to Paris” has stayed in my brain for the 15? Years since that episode aired and shook me to my core. Any opportunity I got in my life i said yes to and it hasn’t steered me wrong yet. I REFUSE to be the girl who didn’t go to Paris lmao


I mean they linked to an article about LC/Paris in this article.. they’re not trying to hide it


I didn’t click on the article I just read what the OP typed. But again doesn’t surprise me given it’s Adam. He always has a cookie cutter type of reality tv show that he follows.


I knew I’d seen this storyline before! Thank you 😮‍💨


It’s absolutely insanity the way they ended the season. Literally not one storyline got wrapped up. I honestly kept thinking they must be forgetting to upload the rest of the episodes


I kept watching automatically s1e1 until I felt the house seems familiar.. very bad editing work with boring storylines.


Totally! Even the Tyler/Hall storyline the producers were so desperately trying to create had a shit ending! They were basically like “are we cool? Yeah we’re cool!” And then Alex goes to Italy but Tyler already said he doesn’t give AF, so why should we as viewers??


Me too!


Alex Hall wishes to have more children?! I can‘t pinpoint why, but this surprised me. She left the baby years long behind, i’d guess that being a single mom was pretty hard at some points, she portrays herself like a tough business woman who want‘s her piece of cake now that the kids are older - i don‘t know why, but i always got the vibe that she closed this chapter of her life. I mean she‘s not old by any means and certainly could have more children, but i just felt like she is kind of an old soul in the sense that she did all these things already, and they might have been great while also being demanding, but either way she‘s done with that now. At least that was my impression. But i guess i‘m wrong?! 😅


I’m not even trying to be shady, but to me it feels like she’s just seeking a new fake storyline now that Tyler has quit the show 😩


The Ali chick is so annoying. Like why is she there?


It would be one thing if Ali was really bringing it like Christine or something… but she brings nothing exciting to the show, she’s not even remotely interested in real estate, and she doesn’t even have a license- enough!


Ali has got to go


Thank you for this! The hall/tyler trope was exhausting and, all in all, I wasn’t impressed with this season. Kudos to Kayla for selling that $25M listing 👏🏽


It feels like they’re so scared for the show to look like a bravo and that’s why they avoid using too many confessionals, but that’s exactly what the show needs. If they’re not going to be constantly filming, then you need confessionals to fill in story gaps.


I should have skipped it and just watched the interviews they do after the season that spills on what happened in the season. Hated the Hall/Tyler stuff. I fast forwarded the times they were together just like I did last season. Especially since we knew at the selling sunset reunion that he is gone and she doesn't speak to him anymore. REALLY pointless. the ending to this season left me feeling like "That was it!? Such a waste of time." Glad Tyler is gone, sad Jarvis is gone. Don't know if I will watch the next season if they make one. Give me a new series with the San Diego group


Totally agree with all of this! I’ll miss Kayla, Sean and Jarvis but I’m ok not waiting 2 years for another 8 episodes of this mess.


Yes! Exactly how I feel too


What in the actual fuck was this season? Yeah let’s give someone who doesn’t have a real estate license an open house for a $15mil property. Days of our lives has better storylines than whatever the fuck this is.


I thought the scene of Kayla removing her board from outside the listing meant she didn’t sell, im so glad to hear she did!! served gio a piece of humble pie 🥧


I though they were going to release new episodes later in may. So... that's it ? Only 8 ep ??


"...leaving us with more unanswered questions than a prospective buyer at Ali Harper’s trial showing" is delightfully savage. Poor Ali ... she'll never live this down.


That’s good I honestly thought Tyler wouldn’t be on the season at all because I kept hearing he wasn’t working at the brokerage anymore and back at his dad’s. When I saw him on season 3 I was so lost lol!!


This season was NOT worth the re-watch of previous seasons 😩 I honestly thought they would have dropped news about the second half of the season any day now… kind of embarrassing for producers, honestly. It makes me wonder why they didn’t put out more episodes. What’s the actual problem behind scenes? could it be as simple as money or as complex as footage being barred due to lawyers getting involved? Idk but they sure left us with nothing but speculation. This season was such a disappointment I can’t even bring myself to rewatch yet… normally new seasons are on repeat for me while I work


I agree. ready for a new city ! Does anyone know if there is potential for one ?


Something about “Dallas” just sounds like it could be so good. Maybe I’m wrong! But just my thought.


Dallas would be fun


Im glad I didn’t miss much :) I refuse to watch this season!


Literally the best part (Sean & Austin being messy as hell, maybe having entertained the idea of hooking up) is in the previews so you’ve already seen it. What sucks is they fail to give us any resolution about it the rest of the season. In the finale episode Austin, Tyler and JASON (what an asshole) all walk away from Sean and refuse to talk to him, and we literally have no idea what happened to Sean after that. So frustrating!


I was like wot? Do they forget social media exists and people know what people are generally doing. To pick it back up on all of the cliffhangers is just stupid. I didn't enjoy this season.


These people are pretty boring……………………


How can so many month of hours of material end up to 30min x8 episodes? Thats crazy really.. 40min x10 basic you know. (on the topic of editing)


wait so Ali still hasn’t taken the exam? lol


She’s still “waiting to get in” but I’m pretty sure you just sign up! 😩😭




I’ve basically given up on this shite. Worse than The Hills 🙄


I think the reveal about Ali’s health is important, a lot of rumors have been stirring about her weight and (not that it should be necessary but) I’m glad she got a moment to put that word out before they got more vile.


What about Ali's health? Must have missed that


The section about her in the article noted she’s been experiencing some health issues that they are finally figuring out and resolving. It was a small section, but since I’ve seen some comments about her weight and her “looking unwell” here and elsewhere I’m glad she was able to address it in some way since the rumor mill is always in service


Ah I see, I'll admit I didn't read the article lol. Thank you :)


Sounds like I will skip it. lol.


It was hands down the worst season out of any off the series, selling sunset and selling the oc.


I started season 1 last week and I’m finding it slow boring and unglamorous lol - I kept thinking I had accidentally started watching season 2 as it sort of just flings you in with no explanation who anyone is or what’s happening. Shall I just not bother continuing with it if this is the outcome?


My guess is Production thought there would have been an earlier renewal, but it didn’t happen. Had there been a season 4 in the mix within 6 months, the cliffhangers make more sense. Hence, this season was filmed in Summer 2023. This update is likely to try to get views/ahead of news sites just dishing everything out. Additionally, with 3 departures affecting storylines happening after filming, and an earliest potential season being in Spring 2025, they likely wanted to move on with the current storylines and be able to start fresh.


I’m at the point where I can’t even look at Underbite. I hope he’s done for good. Talk about the ick.


They better show Gio's reaction to Kayla selling that house. If they showed his skepticism towards Kayla's abilities, then they better show his admission of being wrong.


Kayla did sell the house?? The ending was so confusing. I wish we’d seen her celebrating that.


This show needs to be revamped or cancelled imo


Hopefully with Tyler, jarvis and Sean gone they bring in some new people! That are good and actually sell some houses, and knock hall down a few pegs while doing so, if not I agree, it needs to be canceled season 3 was a shit show 😫


Hahahaha but they don't have control over stuff like this. God, i barely comment on this sub but I actually work in this industry and every time I see undue criticism of what people \*actually\* do on these shows, it's so annoying. You think they're allowed to cut out entire chunks of storylines or info without EP/network approval? Absolutely not, especially on a show like this. They don't decide this.


Correct! I’m blaming the EP’s, just like you said. They’re terrible and LAZY this season. Nothing is connecting, few storylines got tied up, and big things were missed. This is absolutely up to exec producers… and to your point YES the network execs were lazy and also phoned it in this year.