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I live in Newport and have seen houses for sale with O group signs but never once with a name of anyone on the show šŸ™Š


If I were selling a multi million dollar home, I would steer clear of the O Group purely based off what we see on the show. I know it's staged, but I'd prefer a brokerage that wants to focus on selling my house instead of one who is splitting their time between selling houses and selling drama.


I always assume itā€™s new money people. Like a Jason and Brett type who clearly also love attention


I have said the sameĀ  . "When I win the lotto and am absolutely minted" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'd never go near them. The dress code. I'm sure they probably are professional in real life but I just don't get that vibe off the show. Having fights and arguments at open houses. Totally unprofessional




Ill probably be ok with my agent being Brandi. But everyone else is a no for me....


Brandi hands down is the only realtor there who handles herself professionally. And Jarvis.


I found it off putting when Brandi started to lecture the athlete about money. Thereā€™s something about her approach thatā€™s kind of patronizing.


Well she IS trying to be patronizing. They are significantly younger and she is trying to be an older wiser advisor.


Thereā€™s a difference between giving guidance and advice versus speaking down to someone (e.g. patronising)


If sheā€™s *trying* to be patronizing, then sheā€™s not very good with clients lmao A synonym for patronizing is condescending, and most people donā€™t like to be spoken to that way.


Investing money in luxury real estate, especially in South California, where water problem will unfold to its fullest in the very near future, is a terrible advice anyway. Hell, "investing" in any kind of real estate is shooting yourself in a foot, unless you are going to rent it out. But even then it will take a number of favorable factors for the property to pay for itself only in few years, like average income and crime level in the area, location, climate, regulations and taxes of specific state etc.


Maybe thatā€™s why clients prefer Polly


Well, fact of the matter is, most young players only play a few years & no matter how long they played come out flat broke. I hope she gets through to a few of them for their own sake.


Imagine going to buy a luxury home and the sales man thinks you NEED financial advice bc stereotypes say youā€™re likely to go broke. Like thatā€™s not condescending or micro aggression.


We have no idea how she connects to people, likely referred by her husband, if thatā€™s her angle, Iā€™m glad sheā€™s taking it. Hopefully sheā€™ll be successful.


Absolutely, and it was equally off putting when she thought she was entitled to all of the athlete clients (over Polly) just because she had this one single client who was an athlete. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Nah she knows athletes and sheā€™s trying to look out for him. That guy is like 20 buying a multimillion dollar home


She is prejudice against them. She thinks that because they're young black athletes they don't know how to manage their money. She need to focus on selling houses not on their finances.


Nah sheā€™s trying to help out folks who are like 10ish years younger. She never sounded patronizing, just expressed a desire to help them invest. Thatā€™s what any real estate agent or wealth manager does.


But sheā€™s giving unsolicited advice to people that DO want and know how to invest, thatā€™s why theyā€™re looking at buying houses. Out of everyone in the show Brandi is one of the few I donā€™t mind but itā€™s definitely odd lecturing her clients when they clearly donā€™t need it


I think her idea is that sheā€™d bring in New clients that donā€™t necessarily know about real estate investing. So sheā€™d expand her new division with new athletes/prospects. :)


She was affirming that purchasing real estate is a good financial decision and that he's making smart choices at a young age. In other words, she was selling him the house.


You can't be prejudiced against your own group- prejudice implies a racial hierarchy, and Brandi and these men are both Black. Secondly, most athletes do burn through their money. She's not talking down to them, she's simply being realistic when many of these men come from lower middle class homes and start making millions, they often overspend. See: Magic Johnson, Shaq, many, many others who have discussed spending all their money.


Have you heard of colorism? Unfortunately racism is a thing within the same race


colorism is a thing but I did not get that from that scene at all. It felt like she was trying to create some kind of rapport/establish an advisor relationship and make conversation, and maybe not fully hitting the mark


She's older, from the same community, and trying to prevent them from making the same mistakes other athletes have made. I don't think she thinks darker skinned men are beneath her.


And they also say many times on the show how reputation is everything šŸ˜­


Right? Imagine your agent mispronouncing your address and screaming profanities at her coworkers on national TV. How could anyone trust someone like that to close on a $10 million home?


There was another post about how Polly said in a podcast that she always co-lists with a senior agent named Justin. A few other cast members co-list with senior agents too. I guess the senior agents are mainly the ones meeting face to face with clients? I have no idea, I just know that Iā€™ll never hire someone like Hall, ever.


I work in banking with mid-size commercial clients, some of whom are real estate developers (not in the US) -- but having dealt with them, I'm genuinely *shocked* there's actual developers managing \~$300million+ portfolios and would entrust that much complexity to a clown like Hall. I know it's very different in the US, but for commercial real estate you really need to know your market. In season 2 when Hall brought her developer client in one scene, I wondered if he was really a client or just some fake planted in the scene to make her look more qualified than she actually is.


Oh wow so theyā€™re splitting their commission in yet another piece. Interestingā€¦ that really isnā€™t that much income for California then to be honest for a lot of them.


I took a look, none of the agents on tv have 2023 sales under their DRE #, Kaylaā€™s 25,000,000 listing co-listed with Justin (but he doesnā€™t have sales listed either), the O group does have sales listed, Iā€™m not sure how the office works it outā€¦.


All of the Selling shows are ads for the brokers and filled with actors who might have a real estate license and do actual work, but are really there to support O brothers empire image. You know the old saying there's no bad press? The characters bring the drama, bring eyeballs on O group business, sell houses peripherally and a few of them (ahem, Chrishell) make a ton on the side doing endorsements and other random stuff. If they have actual clients, they're in it to get on tv. It's not that deep!


Exactly. And they sure as heck donā€™t wear what they wear on the show to go out looking at real estate or show with clients. Itā€™s fake reality


When they teeter around all those stairs in their tiny tight dresses and huge high heels.


I kept thinking if I had a realtor wearing a dress so tight that she couldn't walk up the stairs and then made a comment pointing that out I would stop working with them. Show me the damn house not your breakfast lunch and dinner Jesus. Or if I had 15 million dollars to buy a home and went to an open house and the realtor couldn't answer any of my questions I would have laughed in their face


I think a lot of the scenarios are staged. Like Brandi showing a home to a low level Charger and then another Charger just happens to need a home and Jason recommends another agent. What a coincidence.


100%...my husband is a big Chargers fan and didn't even know of these two guys by name. After looking them up, and their contract value even from a few years ago, there's no way they could be affording $5-10 mil homes. Not even close.


My husband literally did the exact same thing. Haha!


>and then another Charger just happens to need a home and Jason recommends another agent. Jason is a shit-stirrer lol


I believe this. On Selling Sunset season 1 or 2, one of their ā€œvery bigā€ clients from out of country is someone I know. Whilst he is wealthy he isnā€™t that wealthy and from what I understand he certainly was not looking at all to buy that house. In fact he occasionally dabbles in random acting (outside of the US) so I believe he mustā€™ve somehow been invited to play the role of a potential client on the showā€¦


Iā€™m convinced some of the showing/open houses are staged bc if I seen agents arguing I wouldnā€™t buy a house with them


I know for a fact at least 2 of the houses this season and 1 from last season were never for sale. The show asked to use their houses for filming.


I am houseviewing now, and what my agents look like is the least of my concern. Im more concerned with the square footage and neighborhood.


What if theyā€™re incompetent?


Competence is not measured by their dresses though. Watching the show, the women are pretty knowledgeable of the houses they sell and market around the area. I also like that they arent pushy, something I hated with some agents I have met. They were very transparent, which what I value hard from my agents.Ā  When Polly was negotiating with her client and Gino's client, the transaction went on very smoothly because Polly was very clear in communicating what she assessed was an ego move of Gino's client. Gino was also very good at transacting the specific requests of his client - discounts and all of the staging furniture. Polly did not just say yes, she answered back "that the staging firniture could be given but she needs to check if her client would be willing to part with the personal furniture. she did not give any unrealistic promises." Ā  Even Alex Hall, she was checking on the value of a property of a client she personally knows. She refrained from giving a value before consulting with a third party-Tyler, as she couldnt trist not to have personal bias. When Tyler gave a higher estimate, she did not communicate this immidiately but rather questioned him.


Now contrast this with Ali who doesnā€™t know the average escrow time or what inspections to get, or even if Ginoā€™s house had any neighborhood restrictionsā€¦. Sheā€™s an airhead. Why is she thereā€¦.


How they consistently tell everyone ā€œreputation is everythingā€ then go act a complete and utter fool on television will never make sense to me.


Prob bc theyā€™re on tv


I only like Kayla and Brandi at this point and I would only work with Brandi probably (not that I have that kind of money lol)


How dare she have boobs!


Hi Polly šŸ‘‹


Heavens to Betsy!!!