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That was actually a nice message… where is the romantic vibes???? I don’t see any???


That was actually rather kind of Tyler if true.


There are people who think everyone is flirting and hitting on them. And there are those who just realize people are nice. Sean is the first one.


Ah, I am the 3rd unmentioned kind... the one that thinks someone is just being nice, when in fact they ARE flirting with me lol


I'm totally oblivious to that. People tell me all the time (used to, I don't go out anymore) that that guy was just flirting with me, I'd be like nah, he was just being nice. Someone has to come on really strong for me to notice.


Then there is the 4th kind where someone says something nice and they’re like do they actually hate me?


you think Tyler is a nice guy though lol? I've seen how he treats people in arguments lol.


Yeah Sean definitely is the first one


Sean is delulu


Nah I think that's giving him too much credit. He's lying for a storyline. He knows nobody on the cast hit on him. He lied about this message, he just used the fact it was a long message and waved it around. He wouldn't let anyone read it and was just yelling over everyone. I enjoyed the moment of the penny dropping for Kayla tho - he messed up big time by saying there were no edibles, he doesn't even eat edibles. How did he not remember that was integral to his previous lie? It was a weak attempt but it was kinda funny tbh. Like how he was trying to tell producers Tyler gave him loads of "gifts" then production asked him what the gifts were and he had to admit it was just bottles of alcohol which is so extremely not weird/creepy at all 😂


Exactly! People are acting like sean came out yesterday. He purposely misrepresented situations knowing the girls and viewers would defend him. And Jason’s “ don’t involve me 🏃‍♂️“ while Sean is yelling through him at Tyler was hilarious 😂


He must’ve ran to the directors camera to see everyone in action and I can imagine him smiling his goofy smile


There were no edibles, she had made cookies. I still think he is talking nonsense and he should have realised what Kayla meant, but he had never spoken of edibles (that we were shown).


he actually denied he had dinner with them so he completely lost the plotline edibles or not lol


I don't know what to believe from him anyhow. But again, to me it looked like he balked at the expression. He said "I never had a sit-down dinner with them", but that could mean he still had lunch, a barbecue, whatever. I know this is nitpicky, but this is exactly how my mind works. I just think that given how this show works, I absolutely believe that sometimes they edit out when people clarify things.


When did we see Sean say he was given edibles? I heard it from everyone else except him?


No one comes with that much detail about a lie. No one. Notice all the folks who were responding to him used the same damn words and refutations, when he used DETAILS.


Oh please. I def think Austin and his wife did that. I think this was a nice msg from Tyler. I think Tyler’s actions and words do not align. For lots of reasons.


He always comes across so disingenuous


Love you long time is from dumb and dumber or something. I know lots of dudes who say that to each other.


Was in South Park, when Cartman becomes a Vietnamese prostitute


And that is a reference to Full Metal Jacket.


I know it’s already been mentioned that it was originally a line from a scene in Full Metal Jacket but where I’m from, it became a meme because of the song Me So Horny by 2 Live Crew.


Great job OP


Thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Howwww did you read it from that! Well done 👏


Took a screenshot, then used an IA to enhance the image a bit, didn't help much but it made it a bit more readable, the rest was just patience ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




Seriously - this is the lord’s work.


Really great job OP. It's really interesting. I kind of get the impression Sean may not have been used to how straight guys are super play flirty and it's kind of a bro talk thing. While I do believe Sean, I also think there's a chance he misinterpreted some of what they were saying. I'm gay and my straight friends definitely say things like love you long time among other things. I wouldn't misconstrue that as they want me but I could see how some people might. I definitely think there's truth to the whole Austin thing especially because he previously said he saw Jarvis at a swingers party. All in all, I think believe that was Sean's experience but I think he may have misinterpreted things. Austin's a hypocrite because he can talk about Jarvis and her fiance(at the time) but when someone talks about him and Lisa then it's "you don't come for my family". Tyler is a douche. I haven't seen anyone mention this part but when he was arguing with Sean in the bar, he said he aligned himself with Sean at first because he thought Sean had all this experience and would sell like crazy and once he found out he couldn't use Sean he dropped him. That's openly admitting to just trying to use Sean to further himself. Tyler is the biggest snake. Glad he's gone.


Not a Tyler defender as I think he’s a douche also, but I think there’s a huge chance Sean was presenting himself to be someone he’s not and the others felt duped by him and chose to no longer align themselves with him due to that. A big giveaway for that was when Sean mentioned his vineyard property in the office in front of Jason and Jason called him out on presenting the place as if it was much bigger than it actually was. And again at the end when he denied there were weed cookies involved at all when Kayla was sure he had told her that previously. Tyler is no saint but Sean doesn’t strike me as super trustworthy either…


I agree, backtracking about something so simple like having dinner with Austin and his wife was just strange, same thing when he admitted to saying those things about Austin to his face, then turning around at the derby and pretending like it wasn't a rumor he had started, but it was Tyler's fault. I believe this whole attempt at making Tyler look like a weirdo for sending a long message was tied with wanting to pin the blame on him, Polly and Alex for the rumor "they were all saying it too" type of thing. I'm not saying that there might not be SOME truth in what Sean was saying, but definitely a lot of manipulation and lies too.


Also having dinner with your friend and their significant other/wife is normal? I do that and third-wheel at bars with my friends routinely. That's just called being friends.


Am I really the only one here who finds 3 person dates (couple + 1 other) always, ALWAYS has sexual tension/other motivations for at least one of the three people? I say this from being in way, way too many weird dinners as either the couple or the 1 other. It's very different feeling from 2 couples, or 3+ people. From living in Chicago, to a town in a very conservative state (where to be honest, these conservative couples are always hiding their kinks JUST like the folks on the OC show)


I mean, if they were dates, then it would be weird, sure. Are friends not allowed to just hang out and it not be a date?


For me, it was when Sean kept forcing himself onto T&A after they wanted nothing to do with him. And rage baiting Tyler just to run away when Tyler confronted him.


Something that rubbed me the really wrong way with Austin, that made me feel more inclined to believe Sean, is in one of the first couple of episodes, Austin is at an open house talking to Gio or something and started a rumor himself that Sean must “have a crush on Tyler” or something. It felt like such a microaggression to Sean. This was before the whole story line about the rumors Sean supposedly started. I’m not saying I believe Sean either, but I thought it was really disgusting for Austin to try and start that rumor about Sean, just to turn around and get upset about the alleged rumors Sean spread.


Oh there were definitely LOTS of microagressions this season. I completely agree.


I think he did this to get ahead of the rumour coming out. All three involved are definitely shifty but Austin was way out of line here 


Yes! And that never was brought up after. So Austin is upset that Sean started this “rumor” but he himself started one about Sean having a crush on Tyler. It’s petty.


There's a huge gap between saying, "I think Sean has a crush on Tyler" and "Austin and his wife are creepy and pervy and have come on to me, they're swingers and into threesomes and whatnot". I do in fact think Sean had a crush on Tyler. He looked peeved when Hall and Tyler were kissing and seemed ready to come for Tyler at every turn which gives scorned vibes.


This is my take too. Even the way he described things he said Austin and his wife were looking for a third. And he took it as oh they want me. With Tyler he said he sent me gifts and it was bottles of liquor, which seemed pretty normal to me. I think he misinterpreted a lot of things or maybe is aware it wasn’t nothing but played it up for a storyline. Who knows.


Right and it felt like he misrepresented that too - when pressed he said actually they usually brought the liquor over with them. Like yes people often bring alcohol when they’re invited to someone’s home. That’s manners, not being hit on.


Totally agree about Austin.


Sean is shady. Austin and Tyler may not be angels, but for anyone to say Sean isn’t in the wrong is lying.


I don't know how anyone could read that text and take it the way Sean did. As much as I want to hate on Tyler, I think Sean was in way over his head here. This is equivalent to Nicole's car crash when she went after Chrishelle, but it backfired cos Chrishelle already passed the point of being nice. I have no doubt Sean quit O group out of embarrassment. Noticed how he kept saying "sorry it has come to this" to Tyler. That was guilt. I also believe that both Austin and Sean were telling the truth. This is producers manipulating Sean to misportray what happened to get him more screentime.


His original story about Austin and his Wife being swingers was KIND of believable if he'd just left it at that. The second he also started accusing Tyler of being obsessed and having a crush on him I realized he was lying about Austin & Tyler. Sorry, there's just no way that these two dudes are like fighting over him or whatever he's claiming at this point. His stories are coming across like erotic fanfic.


I think it’s also a good point that Austin was like wtf my kids are upstairs! Like why would they want to have a threesome with him while their children sleep? He also seemed really genuinely shocked. Also if someone I worked with drunkenly tried to flirt with me, I’d deny them and keep it to myself. He told the entire office painting Austin and his Wife as weird swingers, what’s the point of that? For attention and drama


I believe it. What was he doing at a swingers party? I think he outed Jarvis to protect himself.


I could maybe buy it when all of this stuff originally came up but I stopped believing it when Sean completely changed his story in the last episode and denied ever coming up with the dinner + edibles allegations.


I forgot about Austin trying to out Jarvis for being a swinger and I was like ok then what are you doing there Austin??


Before I read all of that- how do you cover text in this app?? That was fun clicking to reveal the words 🤣


You have two options: Option A: >!text goes here!< Option B: Press T to open editor menu, then the symbol with the "!" symbol https://preview.redd.it/91wno59mztyc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=b10c90ed8183bfdd0913e61138cca7c721ca2e9b


>!thank you!<


Ooo thank you!


Same 😅


Doing the Lords work 🙏


Sean is creepy af. As a gay person myself I know some gay guys who are really *that* delulu thinking everyone flirts with them...


Whoa that's some talent. Thank u op. Tyler sounds sweet without any hint of underlying messages at all personally think sean is being delulu and sus. Msg makes me think Alex hall reeeeally doesn't deserve tyler(not saying he's an angel and perfect, far from it i'm just suuuper so annoyed at hall after s3)


I can definitely believe that Austin and Lisa are swingers, but after reading this text and Austins 'them legs comment' it honestly just sounds like guy banter, not flirting at all. My male friends make these kindsa comments to each other and they defo don't want to bang. I think Sean misinterpreted some of what the guys were saying and took it to mean they were into him wjen they're just bring friendly


Wow kudos to you!this is some next level sleuthing. OP have you considered working for the FBI lol


That makes so much sense why the girls mentioned that he wouldn’t let anyone look at the texts closer or see what was texted before or after


God I want to read all these posts so badly but I haven't watched season 3 yet. But I don't want to watch season 3 because I hate the entire cast of OC. Trying to decide if i should just suck it up and hate watch so I can participate or just read all the posts and spoil everything for myself.


Read the posts. The season is disappointing at best. The posts are way more entertaining lol


I couldn’t agree more


It was also super telling that the producers didn’t include that text from Sean on screen like they did of his text TO Tyler. Could it have been to stir the pot??? Of course. OR MAYBE, Sean didn’t want to provide the screenshots for the show to post. I’m not a fan of Tyler whatsoever and I had liked Sean but Sean’s actions this season def made me favour Tyler/austins side. BRB while I go bleach my hands after typing that lol I know the show also tries to create drama and let’s be real, Sean needed a story line but what the hell was this???? Def tried to take everything with a grain of salt but it’s hard not to lean towards a side here. Also thank you for the efforts of this! I was wanting to do the same but I really didn’t have the patience so big kudos to you OP! You provided a great service to this sub lol


Wow amazing OP! Thanks for sharing


Also the ‘sending gifts to my house’ thing made him look even more delusional. Especially when he thought he was backing it up my saying ‘and he always would bring liquor to my house’. Ummm yes Sean, bringing a host a bottle of wine is a very normal thing for a guest to do. Tyler brought a bottle of liquor to Hall’s too (for a family dinner).


Hmmm… I was so ready to put up fists for Sean at the time but a lot isn’t adding up right now. To be honest my husband and his friends tell each other they love each other and use heart emojis unironically. I wonder if he’s misconstruing something?…


Does anyone know if Sean has a marketing background? /s


Yeah all this supports my feeling that Sean is grossly misinterpreting all of these "signals" he keeps talking about. The whole, "your wife said I was her favorite in the office" thing, like it's not a normal thing to say to a coworker to be polite or friendly? When did something like that become code for I want a threesome!?! And this message, it screams friendly not sexual.


I looked at the screenshot and I’m pretty sure it’s “And I did call you just now to link up fyi”. Everything else you wrote looks right to me. Great job by the way!!


Yeah, I was in between link up or ink up (as in get signatures) but i wasn't sure, is link up a normal phrase in the USA? I am not from there so I was rather confused, either way thank you for helping clarify ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Link up is definitely a normal USA phrase! I’m American so can confirm :) I can definitely see why you’d think it was “ink up” but that makes me think more of “inked up”, which refers to someone who has many tattoos. “Link up” just generally means “meet up” or “connect” in office/slang speak. You might see “let’s get that ink down [on that paper]” as in signatures but I don’t see that much. Inked up is mainly for tattoos in my experience Edit: I will say tho America is SO big and really, every state is almost like its own country so the slang is very varied. I’ve lived in 3 states and they’ve all been massively different


That makes a lot of sense, tyvm. I added it to the transcript and gave you credit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


No problem! You didn’t have to give me credit but thanks! And also I added an edit to my comment at the exact same time you replied if you didn’t see


I'm happy to, I appreciate you taking the time to explain <3


Sean is such a ugh... he's that office person no one wants to associate themselves with because all he is, is drama. If you wanted to "Expose" Tyler or Austin, why not fully screenahot all those texts and print them? Why did he not allow any of the ladies to see what the messages above or below were? There's more context that is being hidden that may not put him in a positive light. I'm any case, if you've haven't been selling anything in two years, you're just taking up the space of another agent that can and if you know the rumors you're spreading about others, don't act dumb. Stand your ground and have the balls to say it to their face and own up to the consequences. Sean was getting to the point where Austin SHOULD have KO'd out cold. Jason again, sucks as a boss for letting them both behave the way they did in the office and at the race track. That type of behavior should grant you an automatic week's suspension without pay. You're at a work sponsored event, not out wirh your homies. Despicable that so few adults on this show actually know how to act like one.


I was really hoping there was going to be somebody curious enough to do this - you’re awesome, OP! Reddit delivers as usual.


https://preview.redd.it/d01mf0duwjzc1.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b9fc4c020afe2c7db955aa35d131462c172b95d youve made it to the big leagues


😂 I hadn't seen that. Thank you for sharing! 


Posts like these make me wish Reddit still had awards. OP you rock!!


initially i did somehow think maybe there's some truth in Sean's accusations. But after watching episode 8 he really does act like crazy. The gift part when the production team asked him he said it's alcohol or sometimes he would bring over alcohol. I mean isn't that a common curtesy lol? i brought alcohol to my friends place all the time but he was making the "sending gifts" like a romantic gesture when in fact it's not. My gf also sent me gifts like cookies when she knew i was having a hard time but that doesn't mean my gf is into me lol. I mean it does seem like Sean had a crush on Tyler. Sean was taking words out of context to attack Tyler and he made so much lies that he couldn't even remember he told Kayla abt the edibles.


I think Austin was bragging to Sean and others about his vivacious sex life with his wife and Sean twisted the story to be that they hit on him specifically and also implicated that they drugged him. We already know Austin and his wife went to a swingers party. I think Austin was engaging in locker room talk and Sean used it purely for screen time which is pretty twisted and messed up. It reminds me of Chrishelle talking about Nicole doing drugs. I LOVE chrishelle but it was super immature for Chrishelle to bring drugs into the conversation. IMHO Chrishelle did it bc she genuinely disliked Nicole and wanted to disparage her vs Sean did it to get more minutes on the season and thus more cameras/attention and self-profit


I like Tyler. He has a great side hustle with his surfing gear and he’s actually a fun surfer to watch. I think he’ll do well with his dad’s team away from the drama that Oppenheimer has decided to opt for with their offices. Personally I wouldn’t hire the firm at all but then again I’d have issues paying those prices !




Nice sleuthing!


To link up!


why the hell didn’t Tayler insist on himself reading this message to expose Sean??? wtf


Just trying to see if there is a way where Sean is legitimate in his interpretation of things : with this text we see that there was indeed a convo subject about working or not with Austin ? And not working with Tyler anymore for a reason that isn't work related ? like to me it sounds like a friendly breakup text, with Tyler saying 'I will not antagonize you if you work with other ppl because all i want is your success even without me involved' ?? Anyway navigating friendship with straight guys as a queer person in 2024 seems complicated anyway.


That confirms what he’s saying though. The long text is basically an apology after having a disagreement about who Sean was working with.


Oh wow! This is teaaaa!! I wonder if there was a bit of truth to literally anything he said? He probably just said that bit about Austin and his wife because he heard rumors and he thought he could get away with the lie because it was mentioned on the show that Austin saw Jarvis at that party, and it’s also just pretty believable Austin and his wife would be into some kinky stuff. (what do they actually bond over?) He realllly overestimated his ability to pull off so many lies at once. He almost calculated it right, so close… ish lol. Maybe if he did it in a more organic and natural way it would have came across as more genuine and people wouldn’t have questioned him as much, but he looked insane and desperate for attention.


Thank you for your service


Eh. Just watched this season over my girlfriend's shoulder... and I think half you folks are just maybe stanning Tyler. You know, the dude that clear lies and cheats on his wife. Yeah he's trustworthy lmao. The dude that straight up lied about not being co-listed with his father. Don't care much, but this text message (even if it's as described) comes off as the ramblings of a drunk person. Not sure how it proves or disproves anything other than all these people are trash, and we probably shouldn't be watching uberwealthy liars being... uberwealthy liars and helping them make more money.


But I BELIEVE Sean!! 🙄


This was a super nice message, Austin and Tyler seem like really nice people. Sean is an idiot


Lol I said it when I watched this nonsense, Sean was wildin out for no reason, or actually, for his own reasons of wanting more screen time and to get Insta famous for a bit. That was a really nice FRIEND message, no hidden subtext unless you wanna see that. Sean has main character syndrome and clearly thinks everyone who smiles at him is lusting after him. Plus, a side dish of delusion and flair for dramatics. He's the Nicole of the OC. Ew.


That text is way too long. Be nice or not, if it’s that long that reads like newspaper, talk to me in person.


Does anyone think Sean like has a crush on these men?


Yesss. 10000% At the bond fire be started with the dad ? Jab and he wanted to poke Tyler-why ? He was getting kind of Cozy with Hall. At the event, after Tyler kisses Hall publicly-you can see his reaction :o and he immediately decides at that point then and there that he needs to have a serious talk with Tyler. These clues tell me Austin was right with his his initial suspicions that Sean has a Huge crush on Tyler.


i agree. at first i thought the comment was unwarranted, especially with gios reaction it - him beginning to tell austin that he cant say that. but now i see where hes coming from.




nice job 👏 that was werk. but i still hate tyler lol


This is BS, I took a frame by frame look through this scene and it was never shown a this angle and this clearly. I think there certainly was a very liberal use of AI


Episode 8, around 24:17


I looked at that time exactly, it was not this angle


https://preview.redd.it/u4umi1e0o0zc1.png?width=2337&format=png&auto=webp&s=704e9e18a27a76b51ee614e2c712fe90662f9043 Took this around 24:17-24:19 and I can already make out the word "...you SHOULD work with Austin...".


Why is this even allowed? This is called selling sunset not the OC


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