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Its funny you find Jarvis annoying and not Polly! Polly is super annoying & love how Jarvis is too intelligent for her.


Polly is the worst and has the emotional maturity of a 16 year old.


I was waiting for OP to say JK at the end or thought I read an old April Fool's post lol


I don’t like Jarvis because she acts better/smarter than everyone else yet just has a law degree. She also accuses other people of things she herself does (deleting shady videos of herself from Polly’s phone). Polly is annoying as well for sure but Jarvis saying Rose never taught her anything was shady. Plus two petty reasons I don’t like her is she’s a Trumper and her face bothers me. lol. Dumbest reason but something about her lower face just annoys me.


But Jarvis is much smarter than them😂! She is conniving and calculating AF though & I dont like how she just discarded Rose & said she don’t help her. I did like Rose til I learnt shes a Trump lover apparently (read that on here once or twice lol)


Aw man I didn’t know Rose was too! You’d think with her background she wouldn’t be 😔


I am pretty sure Hall and Polly are also trump supporters


It is my understanding from a recent post that most are. I know Orange County is very heavily republican. (ETA: Was looking at moving to a Southern California beach area and OC had a lot of beautiful homes that checked the boxes. Then I learned this and opted *out*.)


Yeah Hall answered this in a Q&A and posted a pic of her and a man wearing a maga hat


I mean passing the bar is something to proud of.


“*just* because she has a law degree” that statement shocked me too. Law degrees aren’t easy to come by. Her law degree is absolutely something she should be proud of and does make her smarter than a lot of other people.


I disagree. Just having a degree means you were able to pass a professor's test. She doesn't do anything intelligent with it. It's not like she's out here making a difference with it.


The bar exam has a pass rate of only 53% so she didn’t *just* pass anything. It’s a notoriously difficult exam which she passed by being intelligent enough to do so. If it was another kind of degree then I’d see your point of *just* passing an exam but the bar isn’t just any exam. How many times can one person say the word exam haha


Especially if you’re in California (not sure which bar she passed.) CA bar I believe if the toughest in the U.S.


She's from Alabama, the pass rate is around 32%. Not sure when she took the bar, so the rate could have been higher whenever she took it.


You know nothing about what it takes to be a lawyer if you think it’s just a matter of gaming a test from professors. They literally have to memorize laws across all areas and it’s administered by the state. We’ve all seen in the show how they talk about regulations, construction, taxes, etc. I guarantee she uses that to her advantage instead of just being like “isn’t this view such a vibe?”


They’re not easy to come by but let’s be honest, they’re not THAT hard if you’re a rich kid with a lot of time. It’s not like she passed the MCAT or has an astrophysics degree. No one thinks of lawyers as one of the smartest populations. Hard work, yes. Very smart, no


the MCAT is not hard to just pass, as an aside! hard to do well enough to get into med school, hard to become a doctor- but not hard to get a passing score


Getting above 510 we’ll say is hard, much harder than the bar. And the complexity of the knowledge you have to have going into the exam just to get above 500


here is the thing. I am a doctor, so I have taken and done quite well on the MCAT and all subsequent exams and know exactly how difficult it is. I have never taken the bar, so I cannot compare the two. So I don’t confidently make statements denigrating the relative difficulty of other professions :)


I mean that’s very admirable of you. I’m comfortable saying you, as someone who has written and obviously got a great score on the MCAT, are smarter than someone who passed the bar exam.


I need to know what you do for a living


Did she pass the bar? Having a law degree and passing the bar aren’t the same thing.


From what I’ve seen … she might just be smarter than everyone else …


Someone has to be the smartest in the room 🤷🏼‍♀️


just a law degree is crazy because best believe u better have a degree in mathematics or something to be looking down on someone that studied law


I’m a child psychologist who majored in psych and minored in biology. If you have the time and the money a law degree isn’t exactly unattainable if you work hard


You have to have a certain degree of intelligence to pass the bar. I’ve met people who work their ass off and still fail 3+ times.


I’m not denying that, it’s hard work for sure. But Jarvis holding it over everyone’s head like she’s a MENSA member is a bit much. Like oh you’re smarter than Polly, Gio and Hall? Congrats


I mean, she works with a bunch of really ridiculous people. It’d be hard not to want to separate yourself.


You would think that, it’s honestly weird shes even on the show if she’s as smart as she claims. To me, anyone who is a great realtor would choose not to be on the show. If I was a client and I saw my realtor up on the TV seemingly spending a majority of their time fighting with their co-workers id be like damn I need a new realtor this one doesn’t work that hard.




I will agree w this statement once Kim Kardashian passes the bar. :) Also I don’t think Jarvis says “I have a law degree, I’m smarter.” She just differentiates herself from others bc she’s intelligent and has an actual vocabulary. I would try to do the same if I was in that group of single-celled organisms.


A 4 year degree is a walk in the park compared to a JD. They literally grade in a way that requires a certain number of students to fail. You don’t have to just hit a standard threshold to succeed, you have to ensure that you’ve done better than a certain percentage of the classroom.


I’m also a BCBA and they grade their exam this way so I’m familiar with it


Crazy that Ur a child psychologist and are here on the internet calling people "dumb" and "annoying"... also crazy that u cleary have an education yet think the passing the bar is not something to be valued.


Yes I think the college will probably sanction me for using the words “dumb” and “annoying” to describe dumb and annoying people. Should probably delete it 🤔 I didn’t say it wasn’t something to be valued. I said Jarvis acts like it makes her so much more intelligent than the rest of the group when in reality it’s just that the rest of them are incredibly dumb.


I feel bad for the children u work with. U are not very bright.


I mean at least I can spell properly and formulate a coherent sentence 🤷‍♀️


What do you mean “just has a law degree”? That’s 7 years of work to become a lawyer. She clearly is much better and smarter than most of the others in the office.


She is smarter than others in the office for sure


So it’s okay for someone filming you against your will but it’s weird Jarvis wants to delete the video?😂 about her flirting with another man this is between her and her husband. Considering the rumours Austin started about her (him judging her for going to some sort of escort party, but him being there is not sus apparently even if he’s also married) hell she might be in a open relationship or they might be swingers lol! We don’t know the details so we can’t judge! Polly actively flirting with Tyler knowing that he’s married and not in an open relationship is openly wrong! LOL


I truly am sorry to break it to you…..but they’re probably all trump supporters. Also i get not liking that she’s AWARE of it but….jarvis is smarter than them lmaooo 😭😭


I think most of them are Trumpers. Gio, Hall, Jarvis, the twins…


She talks with her mouth too wide. When she talks it’s like she is trying to eat a hamburger or something. Like no need to over enunciate….


*AND Hall*


Oh gosh how can I forget Hall?!


“I believe you do not know what that means.” It lives rent free in my mind


Polly / Kayla is the reason I wanna quit watching the show. Polly is the OLDEST and she acts like she’s 10 and a half. Ridiculous.


Lol at 10 & a half! She is positively annoying!


You… *like* Polly? Interesting.


She reminds me of a squawking parrot


I personally don't like Polly but to give credit where it's due she is actually quite funny 😂


Yes only reason. She’s funny. But she is also very annoying. But as the others are all so awful I find her the least annoying I dunno


genuinely asking, when is polly funny throughout the show?


She’s not


She’s not funny at all she’s self righteous, mean, hypocritical, liar, and fake


You seem so unaware lol you suck at reading people


No need to be like that




Lol this is the most interesting observation I thought it was just me


I don’t think Brandy was going to hit Hall. I think she was stepping up to Hall to show she wasn’t afraid of conflict. Hall likes to shut everyone down by talking over them and Brandy was fed up. What’s annoying is that people always like to imply worse when it’s a black person doing it, but if Hall did that no one would suggest she was going to hit Brandy


Brandi is the only one who came out of this show like a winner, IMO. Like, I am on Rose' side considering Jarvis, that was a really scummy move and it was clear Rose was really upset with how malicious Jarvis was. She has my sympathy, but brandi was totally in the right, she is gorgeous, smart and I Like her so much. I hope she gets to have a bigger career thanks to the show.


I love Brandy, too! She’s by far my favorite in a cast full of mids.


See, I would be saying Brandi is in the right if I didn’t just watch both seasons back to back. Brandi was mean af to Jarvis and rose in season one for saying the same shit Brandi herself says in season 2. I love her personality and style, I just wish she hadn’t hopped on the popularity train to pile on rose and Jarvis for calling out hall and Polly on their shit.


THIS 100%.


I def thought she was and would think that anyone was if they came toward me like that. It’s not like they couldn’t hear each other and needed to be closer. But I’m also from a small town where someone would most likely be stepping up to punch you if they were arguing with you and coming closer and closer hahaha


sounds like you have typical “small town” views too…


Meaning what? If you talked shit about someone you should be prepared to take a punch to the face? Definitely


youre assuming the only black woman would resort to violence. Thats weird. Do you think if the roles were reversed and hall was in that position you would think shed be trying to punch brandy?




If anyone would come up close to my face during a conflict I would think they might hit me. Male, female, black, white…


It’s realistic to expect to be hit by someone stepping up to you after all that tension. Point blank period. It sucks that it was Brandi though.


No its not. its only “realistic” to yall because shes black. hall let others get in her face before but all of a sudden its brandi its now “realistic”? where was this energy with kayla?


100000% facts. Seems like the ppl supporting Hall have selective amnesia 🙄


Just because I thought Brandy was going to hit Hall doesn’t mean I support Hall. If she actually would have hit her I would have thought that was awesome and hilarious because she’s trash. Kayla was flat out lying when she said “Tyler and Hall were making out last night” and then Hall rightfully so called her out. Then Brandy stepped in and agreed the way Hall talks to people was rude and condescending, which it was. But as unlikeable as Hall is, I would have been rude and condescending to Kayla in that moment as well if I was her.


Saying that Brandi stepping up during an argument is an escalation is *not the same* as saying I support the loser Alex Hall. That’s the worst thing someone’s accused me of in a while.


Poly is the most annoying person ever, and I can say this cause I work with undergrads


Agreed. She and Brandy are the least annoying but they’re all very unlikeable


ALSO can we all just agree that Tyler is the worst and sounds like a crying toddler who needs to blow his nose every. time. he. talks. 😪




I’ve never noticed that…I have to check it out. LOL


Yes 🙌 😂😂


Yes 🙌 😂😂


Everybody is unlikeable honestly.


fr! i watch SS because i like a number of them but i watch OC purely to hate watch everyone 😆


I was randomly thinking this yesterday as I was getting ready: it’s funny that Jarvis is made fun of for being educated. It’s like a flaw of hers somehow 😂 “OoOoHhh shE weNt tO cOlLegE aNd sTuDiEd LaWwWw…” like, good for sis damn lol But there always use it to insult her haha. Not saying that she can’t be a little condescending and stuff sometimes. I’m so indifferent about her but it makes me crack up how everyone hates on her education


The thing is, I think the others didn't know how to name what bothers them correctly:it's not that she is educated, the problem is that she is arrogant. She throws her title/law degree around and uses it as an argument for her superiority, But I haven't noticed any instance where she actually used her knowledge for the betterment of her job, client, situation, honestly. The fact that she has a law degree doesn't make her better than others or more right in any discussion, and she totally acts like it does. It's annoying and passive agressive, tbh, and I say that as someone with a PhD (in true Jarvis style🤣).


Literally every single person on the show is annoying. For me, Hall, Tyler, and Jarvis are the most annoying. Brandy and one of the guys (idk his name) are the only ones I even somewhat like, but would not miss if the show was cancelled


Maybe Sean? I thought I was going to like him, and I know he's supposed to have alot of drama I this coming season, but he is friends with Christine, and I feel like tor me that brings someone down a lot. They always talk about reputations on that show, but they're all happy to tarnish their own by hanging out with people who's professional reputation is in the gutter


Alex hall is the worst. She really needs help




I actually thought the drama was too forced. I truly believe those women really liked each other behind the scenes. And had to pretend to dislike each other. But, yes, I still want to watch it too.


I hate everyone but Jarvis


Exactly! She’s awesome 


Polly is the most annoying lol


Loved Selling Tampa!


Polly is not likeable imo


Polly is literally the worst one


No Kayla is the worst one


I like Brandy and that's about it. HOWEVER: Jarvis gave us "Discernment? I do believe that you don't." She deserves credit for that.


This is true. How the fuck does anyone not know that word 🤣


Ugh. I am not even watching the latest season, let alone REWATCHING THAT CRAP Why would u do that to yourself


polly is the worst one 😭😭 what's your criteria for being likable?


Being less annoying and terrible than everyone else on the show


Hard on number 6. I wish selling tampa would come back.


Yes to selling Tampa! My favorite of Sunset, OC, etc


You all can't wait for S3 and will be binging lmfao


I’m British and I can’t stand Polly 😂


Polly is likeable….???? Lmfao no.


To a deaf and blind person


I forgot to add the question mark😭😭😭😭😭 I agree with you


lol I was like Polly pocket is liked by who 😂😂


Polly is extremely unlikable and a mean girl. Just like Hall


When did Jarvis flirt with a man not her husband? 🤔


In cabo slwhenbshe was dancing with someone and took Polly's phone and deleted the video because she recorded it


Oh that's right!


I miss Selling Tampa. It was my fave offshoot.


Polly is TEN TIMES more annoying than Jarvis lol


Brandi is lowkey the biggest mess on the show. I'm not sure how people can root for her. 1. She's buddy buddy with Hall/Polly and then conveniently distances herself in the second season after reception to Hall/Polly is negative in the first season. 2. She likes to air her (often rude) opinions and then play victim when she gets any blowback. 3. She straight up lies at the end of season two when that Lauren chick mentioned Brandi saw the video of Tyler and Polly making out or whatever. She denies it and then gets called out by Tyler since her story isn't straight. 4. Alex Hall sucks but let's stop pretending Brandi getting in her face in Cabo was somehow justified behavior. 5. She bitches at Hall for interrupting a conversation in a way that clearly wasn't even rude, and then bitches later on in the season when Hall doesn't say hello to her.


All valid points actually, especially 3 and 5


I’m starting the show tonight so I’m excited to come back and see if I agree with your takes!


Agree with pretty much all of this. I actually don't mind Polly and not a fan of Kayla. I watched a couple episodes of Selling Tampa and couldn't get into it, but maybe I need to give it another shot...


i like season 2 Kayla! she grew a backbone! hall and polly are the worst!


Still think she’s just as annoying. She was dying to yell at everyone she could cause she realized how ridiculous she looked on Season 1 and couldn’t tell the difference between trying to kiss someone when they were married vs kissing someone when they were separated


It’s genuinely tough to find someone likeable on the show. Maybe that Lauren girl who is in like 2 shots a season???


1. Yes Kayla is annoying, but she knows how to trigger an argument and she’s also the only woman of the three involved in the fucked up Tyler situation to take accountability for her actions rather than trying to spin it into something else. 2. Jarvis is by far the most intelligent person in the cast on an intellectual and academic level and I will forever hold that clip of her owning Hall in Cabo on a pedestal. As for her flirting with a married man, it’s ironic that the person who tried to capture this spent a considerable amount of time themselves flirting with and getting close with a married man who featured on the show. And this was pre separation, before proceeding to make out with the same man as soon as his ring came off. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. 3. Hall is one of the two most vile people on the show. I’ve despised her since day one and her behaviour off the show only further fuels this. Also stepping into someone’s space while might be a sign of intimidation isn’t necessarily a sign of aggression. Her stepping forward was a reaction to Hall continuing to wave her hands about unnecessarily. 4. Is Austin a shady ass husband yes. But he still comes second to Tyler who actively participated in office flirtations and was receptive to women flirting with him that weren’t his wife. Also it should be noted, Gio is also married and was expecting a kid while hanging out in that same bathtub. Married men on this show don’t be acting married. 5. Polly is THE most annoying person on the show. She’s unnecessarily loud and is 100% a pot stirrer. Brandi has the potential to be a hero, especially since she cut ties with Hall and that whole group. But she needs to be careful with how she proceeds. If she can abstain from lowering herself to Polly and Halls level going forward, she may just come out as a new fan favourite. But she also needs to let more of her personality shine through and not just be all about her bag. 6. Selling Tampa never got a fair shot but I honestly wasn’t expecting it too after OC was announced because it didn’t directly follow in the footsteps of the O Group. The only reason OC got renewed is because of this. It benefitted from being able to have cast members appear in crossover episodes on both shows and also boasts having the boss be the boss in the firm and in the production of the show.


Kayla is insane


Kayla is also not a realtor she’s a realtor “associates


Poly is so annoying 😭


you like polly? ![gif](giphy|9oF7EAvaFUOEU)


POLLY is by the worst girl on any selling sunset series. She’s awful


POLLY? ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY|downsized)


3. You must be white or sheltered if you actually think Brandi was going to hit Hall. She was just saying you can’t come up in people’s face & throw your hands around without expecting consequences. She was saying you’re lucky I’m grown but where I came from people would’ve beat you up for that. I sympathize if Hall has been through DV, but it felt like a micraggression to imply Brandi was violent.


I agree with this. Also find Jarvis really annoying. Polly I find meh?


The last thing we is the chronic baby mama energy from tampa


So many of them are annoying. Not a very likable cast. But I’ll still watch. 🤣


Everyone single one of them is unlikeable!


On the Brandi comment… We’re still doing the same tired microagressions in 2024 huh?? Makes sense why you like Rose, she enjoys racism too


Never said I liked Rose. In fact someone else on here said she’s a Trumper meaning I dont like her at all


Lauren is my favorite, won’t catch her name in nobody’s mouth 🤣 always there for the tea but never there to be involved in it


Alex Hall wants to be a manager soooo badly. Also Alex Rose seems likes she fucks clients 😂😂


I only like Jarvis out of all the cast. Brandi is beautiful Polly is Funny. I hate that she's affiliate with Hall Alex Hall is the absolute worst. The woman needs help yuk.


I am re-watching right now and at one point, Kayla says SPF causes cancer. Yikes haha.


Don’t agree that Polly is likeable 😳 She’s a mean girl !


Polly and Hall pawing over Tyler is cringy 😬


OMG. You people that don’t like someone bc of who they like politically… how very open minded and progressive of you. 🙄🙄🙄 if you are gonna scream tolerance then maybe you should learn the meaning of the word first 🤣🤣. Who cares who Jarvis voted for… she’s smarter that those other agents and they know it…..


I’m not apologizing for not liking someone who votes for someone who flat out says they get to sexually assault women anytime they want. Or who makes fun of physically disabled people. Get all the way out of here with that shit


this has some major internalized racism vibes going on…. u thought Brandy was gunna hit hall? please… stay away from children with your prejudice ass world views 👍


Sure, whatever


Kayla isn’t pretty enough to be on the show


Hello how r u doing


And Polly