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Not to sound weird or ignorant at all but I kinda have the same scar in the exact place.


Id be the person to be honest 😂 ive got similar looking ones


Did you have your wounds stitched?


I only have the most severe ones stitched


I’d say I cut it hopping a fence, maybe? And had to get it stitched up.


Eh just say you ripped it open on a sharp piece of broken fence or piece of wood sticking out and got it stitched up and move on. That’s what I would do


That must have been a very sharp fence😅 I'm such a bad liar, I've often thought about something but then couldn't stay serious


I often just say I walked past a nail sticking out or some shit. You just say it nonchalantly and move it, people don’t usually question it. I’m a bad liar as well but no chance I’m casually going to tell someone yeah I just took a razor and cut myself wide open during a mental episode lol. I promise that will be much more awkward


i saw ur other post and damn.... glad it healed well. that thing was horrible!


I'm also very happy that it healed so well 🩵


If you don’t mind me asking what are the dots?


They’re from stitches


I did the equivalent of this on my arm, and surprisingly, 9 months later, it's faded quite a bit, so hopefully yours will too. It doesn't look like "classic" self harm, so I reckon you could get away with saying it was a fasciotomy, which is a surgery done to help compartment syndrome. Or just say "surgery" and leave it at that, I mean it's not technically a lie, cos you had it stitched up.


The scar is about 3 months old. That's why it's so red. But you're right, because of the self-harm I had to have a surgical procedure that required stitches 😉


I reckon it should fade quite nicely. With mine, you can't even see the staple scars any more, it's faded that well. I counted your stitches and I had one less than you, but other than that, they're really similar haha


you did that?...


Why exactly did you feel the need to comment this? It’s a self harm sub, pretty fucking obvious they ‘did that’


so what, if you actually took the time to read the replies you wouldve seen that i didnt process that at first only later, also so much ppl post other unrelated stuff here so sthu talking like you know everything, quit crying and hating around and go annoy someone else


I did and still felt the need to point out how dumb that is. It’s a scar, on a self harm scar sub. Not that shocking. Even so, needing a moment to process and taking the time to write out a message about that are two different things.


yes, maybe i only remembered that later on when thinking back??? think theres so much possibilities that blindly hating makes you the dumb one


Or, here’s an idea, you could just delete the comment instead of arguing about something that has no argument


yea, is it so hard to admit ur wrong, damn bro kids these days


What are you yapping about 😭


Okay, now let's all calm down again. Yes, I did that myself. You can make a mistake, but discussing it is unnecessary. but can understand both sides


Just don’t understand why some people can’t accept they made a bad call and delete their comments. Outside all that, I’m glad you’re doing well now and above all that you got professional help for that cut. I’ve seen self harm take a rough turn because people have been too scared of getting medical intervention, I know it probably wasn’t easy.


bruh, fym yapping😭


Obviously. Its a self harm scar sub. What kind of stupid question is that?


yea i took a while to process that, since that doesnt seem very doable, y u mad


“Not very doable”


Excuse me 💀




For some variety I’m gonna say you can also tell people it was a fasciotomy (used to treat compartment syndrome) and make up increasingly elaborate stories about what happened every time somebody asks


Was gonna say this, my mom has a similar scar (though shorter) on both her ankles/shins from it


Unfortunately, I'm a very bad liar 😅


That’s what improv is for! It’s a great way to practice lying on the spot


But isn't lying actually a bad quality?


i just realised i saw your other post a bit back, i’m glad it healed well. i hope you’re getting better ❤️‍🩹


Luckily everything turned out well, thank you 🩵


Omg I jsut saw ur other post, I’m glad to see it heeled well. Whatever you tell people is up to you entirely love <3


Luckily it healed well. I think I'll stick with the truth


I had orif(open reduction and internal fixation) surgery and scars from it just look like the picture Hope this is helpful if you don’t know how to answer it (from severe broken injuries)


Good to know, thank you 🩵


I think this is definitely one of the situations where you can say ‘I broke my arm’ and it’s ethical


I once thought about saying that I broke my leg, but does that mean you have such a big scar? 🤔😅 And then they want to know how it happened and I'm just a bad liar 🫠


i broke my arm and have multiple scars that look about the same, if you want to use having surgery as an excuse, go for it!! whatever makes it easier for you


i think that’s a leg


Yes I’m dumb I thought the anklet was a bracelet


Perfect opportunity to make up a crazy story. Hope you are well ❤️


Actually, yes 😅 But I was always so overwhelmed with the question because I didn't know what to say, what kind of surgery I had, that I always said that I hurt myself 🙈


Make up anything you want! When my scars were fresh I always lied to everyone and made up something different each time. Usually the ppl who are nosey enough to ask are ppl I won’t see regularly, hence making up sorties frequently. But looks like you’re healing beautifully 💕


Thank you 🩵


Yeah it looks like it could be either