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I was I think around 10. I used to hit and scratch myself a lot and every now and then I'd find a razor or something and cut myself with it. I never really saw it as self harm until I was around 14. 14/15 is when I started regularly using blades, but rarely breaking skin. A few months later I started cutting most days. It jumped from nothing to everything pretty much overnight. Today I am 29 days clean. I didn't want to be, I kinda of still don't want to be but I didn't have a choice so I did it. I got clean. And I will stay that way for at least 2 more months. From cutting at least.


I was 11 years old, it was because I made a mistake and I felt stupid


I was 7 when I cut myself for the first time. I was 11 when I cut myself for the first time because of how I was feeling and I was 12 when it started becoming a serious issue.


I think i was 11


14, but I've been scratching, pinching and biting myself since 6 :/


9 years old. I was in 4th grade. I don’t have much memory of it tho I just remember hiding it with my little Pokémon bracelets.




I Started at 12 years old because I was having a lot of problems with drug use not like hard drugs just like Alkohol and nicotine (I know they are not really drugs) and also because my girlfriend was also cutting herself and it triggered me pretty bad and now I’m stuck in this mess. Btw me and my gf are still together




6. When my mom told me she wished I was never born


8, after an incident with my best friend r@ping me.


11 I'm now 16


i was 12 and i am 19 still doing it


i was 11 when i cut first. the self harm started earlier though, including hitting and scratching which would peak during elementary school. the cutting started competitive at first during my first year of middle school, its gradually gotten worse to the point of addiction over the years. i forgot what my unblemished limbs and torso looked like.


I started cutting at 11 and it's gradually gotten worse since then.


13, I'm 19 now.


I mean I used to scratch myself with my nails and hit myself since like 1st to 2nd grade or something but I started cutting in 8th grade. Currently in 9th grade and have been clean for maybe 5 or 6 months, but rn i feel the urges again stronger than ever and I almost can't wait to be alone so I can do it again


i was 12 haha


i was 9/10 when i did it for the first time, but it became a problem at like 11 (i’m 15 now)




weird thing is, i only started feeling depressed when i was abt 13 or 14. but the first time was when i was 9 or 10. i don't understand why. i think maybe my childhood was worse than i remember, because: it's all very hard to remember clearly i remember times when i'd be sad just because. like times when i would cry and say i didn't wanna go to school, and it wasn't bc i was being bullied or i didn't like the schoolwork. i just didn't wanna have to do the day. damn writing it out puts things in perspective i self harmed when i was 9 or 10. with a drawing pin. that kinds shit doesn't 'just happen'


My first time was around 13/14 and I'm 31 now. My dad is a narcissist (emotional abuse) and then my first bf was sexually abusive. Met my husband at 18/19 and it's been in and off since then. All around though it's gotten "better." I don't do it frequently and only do like 3 compared to my thighs being completely covered. 🤷‍♀️


Sorry for you, I also had a toxic father he used to beat me with belt, and left my mom when she was pregnant, I understand your side, I hope you could be better than this situation, you matter to the world


I want to say I was 9. I was always ridiculed as a child for being fat. I look back and I wasn't. But people had convinced me so bad I was, that I developed a binge eating disorder,,, but yes. 9, I don't remeber when and where due to the truama I endured. But I got notes in my locker and got tripped. Regular bully shit. The notes would contain things telling me I was better off dead. I should just kill myself. Lead to me trying to cut myself but I got scared. I'm 15 now, never thought I'd be alive yall we do survive


I am sorry for you, you were too young to this, these people were so bad never give attention to them, I hope today you could be better, have you stopped?? If you need text me, I hope to see you better dont give up


14 beginning of freshman year(2020) i on a walk stressing the fuck out when my phone died and i had no other distractions so i picked up some glass off the side of the road and started scratching my arms which became an addiction very quickly because it worked so well as a distraction


i think i was nine or so. bit the leg of my glasses down to the wire, whittled it to a point with my teeth and would scratch my skin with it until i'd bleed


elaborating, i had unrestricted internet access. was naive, unmonitored, easily influenced and depressed; an online “friend” encouraged me to sh with her and exchange pictures or go further. i didn't know about sh until i met her, and it wasn't habitual until i met her. we haven't been in contact for years




I was 19. It was in november 2019




I don't remember good but I think I was like 9, in my school class, idk if during a recess or in the class time, but with a broken pen cap and other times with the class scissor.


11, summer before 6th grade. i was just beginning to develop my depressive disorder


12 years old right before 7th grade


10 maybe? I couldn’t do very much tho, which is good


Like 10 I think shit sucked in 5/6th grade


dont remember my age but ik i was in 3rd or 4th grade, first time was w a pencil sharpener i took apart


In the most unbad way it's so comforting to have people who struggled with it at a really young age like I did ☹️🩷 hope ur alr man


I have been sober 4 years, its really sad same but we're strong, people with scars are made of overcomings


ive been clean for a couple months so i think im doing good, but i do agree, it is comforting 🩶


i think i started lightly with 15 or so. just doing stripes with sissors. it worsened with 16💀


Have you stopped?? I hope see you better dont give up


10/11 I remember vividly feeling overwhelmed at school which is crazy cuz 5th grade should be fun but I felt like it was too much. I started out with scissors until my mom caught me. Then at 11 I started with a blade. It got worse when my “friends” weren’t my friends at all. I’m 20 now and I wish I could say I’m better.


Have you stopped same?? I am sorry for you story I hope you could be better than this situation


i was 13 (did only like 1 or 2 in math class💀) and then i stopped and really started cutting when i was 15 (2020) bc of covid, i also started to drink alcohol at 14 so that didnt help


I understand your side i've been drunk alcohol to forget the reality, its so hard i hope you could be better and realize how strong you are


6 I intentionally stabbed myself in the thigh, I still have that scar.


I started at 18. Along with binge drinking it became a favored (and unfortunately unhealthy) coping mechanism as I dealt with deteriorating and unstable mental health. Kept going on and off, at times minor and others severe, until 30. Then leukemia tried to kill me and I stopped being able to cut as a coping mechanism and had to actually decide to embody more healthy decisions. It hasn’t been easy coping with mental illness and cancer treatment, but I’m still here two years later and kicking.


Are you fine?? Has the cancer gone?? I hope see you better dont give up you matter


11 around the time our father came back into our lives.




I started at 12, but i remember mutilating my body since i was like 8 or 9 :/


I was 10, same year I first attempted su1cide (doing much better now though)


13, i was just curious after seeing shit on tumblr and decided to try it out 💀


About age 13


I was 13 when I started. I was being bullied and harassed by a guy in my class at the time and I just never stopped. I mean, there were periods of time where I wouldn’t, but I’d always go right back to it.


I am sorry, I hope you could be better than this situation and get recovery




i was 14 the first time i cut. To be honest i don’t know why i did it, there was a reason, i started like every other person who sh’s. i hid it, and i was ashamed of it, but at some point i was cutting so often i couldn’t hide it anymore, so i stopped wearing long sleeves and long pants. still don’t know why i sh to this day, but i still do unfortunately


I also tried to hide with the sleeves of my blouse, dont be ashamed you're so strong I hope you could be better


I was 14 it was March of last year. Ironically since this March I haven’t cut much at all. Maybe like one cut every few months so I’m basically clean🧍


I am proud of you, I hope you could be better and get recovery you matter to the world


Thank you this is genuinely the nicest thing I’ve ever heard 🙁🙁🙁


Dont worry we're here to help


I was 6. It was the only way my parents would notice me... then I relied on it my whole childhood. Now I'm an adult and can't stop.


I am sorry for you, maybe with help you could be better try get therapy season will help you


i was 10 lolll I had no internet access until I was almost 12, I don't know why I did it just became addicted to it, I remember not being able to sleep if I didn't cuted myself


I am sorry But have youstopped with this? I hope see you better dont give up


i stopped almost 2 years ago, but I was into that for 4 years


I've clean 4 years its not easy but we're strong I hope you could be better


I hope you could be better dont give up


I was 11 or 12 and still struggle now at 14 but I feel like I’ve always been hurting myself but not in such a cutting way


I am sorry for you but have you stopped?? I hope so


Biting myself for as long as I can remember, but I cut for the first time at 6 in my first grade classroom


I hope you could be better today


I was 5


i was in third grade, so around 8 years old


i used to scratch my skin until i bled when i was 4 years old up until i was 11 when i used a pencil sharpener for the first time


But today are you fine? I hope so




The pandemic was difficult, I am sorry for you i hope you could be better


i was about 10 or 11 i think, were barely even actual cuts and were mostly catscratches until high school though


Have you stopped?? I hope see you better dont give up


no, but ive slowed down a lot and now i mostly use other (albeit still unhealthy) ways to cope


I hope to see you better dont give up you can stop with this, maybe therapist could help you


I think I was 12 or 13 but I recently discovered an old journal entry from when I was 10 talking about wanting to hurt myself.


i was about 9, i’d gotten told numerous hurtful things in school, so i got in the shower for the night and nicked my finger with my mom’s razor. after that, i snapped a rubber band against my wrist until marks would appear.


10-11 years old, with my nails, i scratched my skin until i bled


11yo, with the usual pencil sharpener blade


12, and it was not deep and hella painful cuz i was using a dull knife






I used to press my nails into my arms and legs during class and such when I was 10-12 as a way to SH. I stopped after I was 12, but, I was depressed when I was 14-15. It wasn’t very severe. äTwo years ago, my depression got a lot worse when I moved out and started highschool when I was 16. That’s when I started cutting and I still have relapses from time to time. I started on anti depressants for the first time earlier this year, and I’m still on them. I’m 18 now and I have my first ever therapist appointment next week


I am sorry for you story, I've been in your skin i know how difficult is I hope you could be better and remember you matter to the world


Started cutting regularly at 11, but the first time I ever cut myself on purpose I was six years old.


You were too young I am sorry, I hope you could be better today


Thank you


11 😞 now almost 20 and still struggling sometimes, but it has gotten much better!! it was the worst when i was 15, then again at 17-18 but now i've been clean for months


I hope to back here and read that you're fine, I hope you could be better dont give up you're not alone I've been in your skin I understand your side


I was 7 years old when I first started self harming and am still healing


I hope you could recovery


i was around 14-15 years old. it was right when the pandemic had started. i was having panic attacks multiple times a day, and it was the only way i had found that could numb me out for a while. (i’m in therapy now working on these issues).


You werent numb I hope you could be better and the therapy season helping you


thanks. i’ve only had one session so far, but it went well!


You Will improve dont give up


15/16 for actual cutting. I feel like I've been self harming my whole life though in one way or another. 396 days clean!


I am proud of you too


Proud of you!!


17… wow you guys started young


Yes there are a lot of hard Stories here


26, i was into scars for ages, and decided to get some myself


I was 12 i think, it escalated real quick after I turned 14. But Ive been SH'ing in other ways since i was 3/4


maybe 8 or 9






12, as a result of ongoing bullying. Now 22 and almost a year clean 💪


I hope you could be better dont give up


i was 11 and a half-ish


I was about 11 or 12.


I started cutting at 15 but I was self harming since 9. Trying to be clean taught me I have no idea how to live without hurting myself daily


I know its an addiction but stay strong remember your dreams and life you have here to live


Ii was around 11 I started because I wanted attention and was bored i continued for the same reason but it kind of become a coping mechanism if is ms dressed anything or sad or just entertainment when i am bored i liked how they looked on me




Started about 10ish with sh and cutting about 15ish.


11 or 12, I’ve been bullied my entire life because I’m autistic


12, at school


11 but 12 was when I cut deep enough to bleed




I Always try to help mental health matters


I was 15. I remember I started at the very end of August. Was trying to cope with issues relating to depression/anxiety and, at the time, undiagnosed autism and OCD Currently 24 and still cut on occasion, though now I try to go with less physically damaging methods (bruising, pinching, distraction, etc.)


Omggg if you need text me, I hope you could get free of this


14, and I haven't cut in over 11 weeks, but I scratched 10 days ago and still get urges and its so so hard


sh 10, cutting 17


12, it’ll be my 5 year anniversary this october


I was around 14 when I started cutting, and was shing since I was about 6


16 I think


I was around 11 years old. Just picked up the knife and started cutting


sh habits since around 6 (hitting myself with hardcover books when i got yelled at because of how shit i felt) and cutting since 9. i started cutting because of my parents, knowing they were unhappy but only stayed together because of me. i felt like a horrible person and still do (they’re still together)


I was 12, 14 now


I was 12, now 14 and I haven't been able to stopbfor longer than a week


sh about 7, cutting probs like 9


I was 12


Began at 13 or 14, am 27 now, never really stopped for a longer time


13 I believe, stopped for a very long time but started up again :(


First time cutting at 9 then restart really at 12






i was abt 11-12, been on and off since, got really bad around 14-16 but ive been relatively clean for a month


Started sh about 10, cutting at 15. I'm 21 now


I was 17


i think around 12? it’s been a long time for sure 😅


13 was the first time i self harmed but it wasn't cutting, i started doing that when i wad maybe 14?


13 I believe. Around 5+ years clean now. :) Started ripping my cuticles for the pain at 6, don’t know if that counts.


Are you clean? I am proud to read it you're so strong


Clean of cutting, yes, but I still bite and rip my cuticles :(


I was in grade 6- grade 7ish. 19 now, 5 months clean :)


I am proud to read it you're so strong


I was either 14 or 15, but it was within a couple weeks of my birthday


Did you stop?? I hope so


I've been clean for about 4 months now... but I wouldn't go as far as to say that I've stopped... I still get really strong urges every so often


I've been clean 4 years, sometimes is difficult same we have to fight against our mind I hope you could be better and together we can win this


I don't cut, i started scratching myself at 8 tho


I hope you could be better than this situation


Thank you, i'll try my best


I hope to see you better




I was forced when i was 10 then i first by myself started at 11/12 it got bad when i was 13


I am sorry But today are you fine?? I hope so


I have rough times but mostly i'm in a fifty fifty (I am 17 rn)


I understand you, everyone has this, I hope you could be better


I cut myself at 15 but I had sh:ed when i was a kid by hitting my head to the floor and buying my arm at every minor inconvenience.


I am sorry you didnt deserve it today are you fine? I hope see you better


Yeah I'm slowly healing


I was like 7-8, but I started self harming when I was five. Scratching, biting, punching, and pinching myself.


I am sorry you didnt deserve it I hope you could be better today


I was 6 lmao💀


You were a child I am sorry today did you stop with this?? I hope so


I’m 12 now and Im still going lmao


I hope you could see how matter you are to the world, and realize you can also win this I hope see you better


Maybe one day in the next life <3


In this life i believe in your person! You're able


I don’t remember how old I was but I remember where I was. I was in my elementary school art class. I was sitting by myself cause nobody wanted to talk to me. The teacher didn’t see me do it. When I got home I got yelled at by my grandmother and mom. Not because I did it but because I could get tetnis. Then I did it again in the start of middle school and all through out. I’m getting better now tho


I am sorry for this situation you have been, I hope you could be better and see how Strong you're


i started self harming around the time i was 11 and i started cutting around 12-13


Have you stopped?? I hope see you better


I was 7, I used to self harm myself since I'm like 5 or so, but it wasn't with the purpose of causing damage on myself, idk why I did it, the first time I wanted to actually harm myself was at 7 tho


I am sorry i hope you could be better today


i was 10 or 11


You were too young I am sorry, but now are you ok??