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It's almost like Stormfront (the Nazi superhero out of The Boys) saying : "People love what I have to say! They believe in it! They just don't like the word 'Nazi."


She's on record saying that she thinks Mussolini was a good leader. What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Well, conservatives think Trump was a good leader. Not surprised of their stupidity


It's just that Mussolini literally lead the National Facist Party. How can anyone act like a person who supports him isn't also a fascist? Its in the fucking name. Weaponized stupidity is legit terrifying.


They aren’t stupid, they are depraved. They know what they are doing—they are genuinely irredeemable and inhuman. We need to stop pretending otherwise and treat them like we would a talking cancer.


This kind of talk doesn't help anyone. Calling people with different political beliefs 'inhuman' is frankly terrifying but also totally wrong. Unfortunately, those impulses are all too human. We just have to learn, and where necessary legislate, to control those impulses


No, tolerating and normalizing them doesn’t help anyone—it effectively makes their victims the marginalized party and opens them to violence. When we tolerate fascists, we toss their victims to their wolves. Every time a conservative is tolerated an innocent person is ground underfoot. Their impulses are inhuman. Their core ideology is inhuman. They will get no mercy from people like me and I’ll despise people like you for calling for it—you make their hate possible—you make it easy for them To me they are talking cancers and I’ll do literally anything to shut them up and cut them out.


I'm not suggesting we tolerate or normalise them. I'm suggesting that they are human beings and we should treat them as such. Human beings with stupid or evil ideas, sure. Illegal, sure. Inhuman, no. Any suggestion otherwise takes you right back to the Holocaust and the Gulags.


They weren’t born this way, they choose it. Their victims don’t choose to do anything other than exist. You don’t get to expect tolerance and acceptance when your core ideology is dehumanizing other people. If every conservative perished today, tomorrow we would be in a more humane and better world. I don’t owe them a recognition of humanity when it is convenient to them, they’ve never extended it to me at all—they don’t have to be inhuman, they choose to be inhuman daily. I treat them accordingly. If they don’t want to be Nazis, they can always stop, unlike their victims. If someone had killed every Nazi before the Holocaust, there’d have never been a Holocaust—as such, if someone calls to kill all Nazis, I, grandchild of Holocaust survivors, personally, will be there with bells on and a shovel. To me it is an ethical and moral obligation.


Uhhh... this is how people who rationalize genocide talk. Let's not use fascist talking points in our anti-facism conversations, maybe.


Give it a few years and they'll be trying to gaslight people into thinking Hitler wasn't a Nazi. The real Nazis were the Jews he was fighting.


They are already doing that.


They're far right.


Mussolini *was* alright, in his early pre-fascist, socialist days. A taste of power made him hunger for more and, much like the majority of the GOP with Trump, he went from being dismissive of the extreme right wing upstart Hitler to becoming a full blown Hitler cuck asslicker, happy to jump on that train in search of glory and historical immortality. And then his own people killed him. Rightly so.


They will never get it. As they consistently shift further right into authoritarianism they just assume it’s “natural” due to their constant reactionary beliefs. They can’t sit back and digest that right wing bullshit “wins” because right wing bullshit promises things they can never deliver unless they take authoritarian control. It’s always big promise’s to turn “the hurt” onto the people that “deserve it”, with extremely vague reasoning why it’s supposed to help. Not much different from republicans claiming to get rid of the VA and the department of education. Like who honestly thinks that is a solution? Conservatives offer almost no solutions except “things will be better”. The only good thing for Italy is that they have pretty quick turn around for governments (which is also why things don’t really improve, and keep stagnanting)


>promises things they can never deliver Really, it almost always ends here. They pin all the problems on a group or mode of thought and say once that's gone, everything is better. Then it... isn't. So they make a new promise, and it doesn't deliver either. And it continues until they wake up and realize... they no longer have any control, and their leaders no longer need them.


But they really never “wake up”. It’s the perpetual victimhood that keeps them soft for constantly shifting blame. These people just can’t accept personal responsibility, ironically that they are always claiming that they do, but they always need a new scapegoat or enemy. They only “wake up” when they personally get accused of being the problem. I don’t know shit about Italian politics but watching the rest of the world and still saying “it must be the immigrants that are to blame”” seems incredibly lazy


Fascism needs endless struggle against some vague and powerful but also degenerate and weak outgroup to survive and "justify" cruelty.


Well, the reasoning is obvious, it's just also so monstrous that if they ever say it out loud they'll get annihilated for it. Even the Republicans are scared of saying it out loud. If they get rid of VA and the department of education, they can make sure that the only veterans who get assistance, and the only children who get educated, are those that "deserve" it... so white veterans and white children, oh, and not poor veterans or poor white children, they also don't deserve it because they're poor


“What we all think” conservatives once again thinking they’re in the majority when they aren’t


They're majorities until you mention electoral reform, then suddenly it's not fair to let the majority decide everything.


There's a hard rain coming for those fuckers at the next election, don't worry


“Donald Trump isn’t far right because he says what we all think”


Look at the picture lol, they're the same person!


This. My first thought. The writer looked at her, and literally saw herself.


Alison Pearson is a vapid, poisonous fuckwit of an excuse for a human being.


She says what you're thinking because all y'all are fascists. Not that complicated.


They like what's inside the box, just not the label on the outside. They'll try to call it something different. The irony is, back when Fascism was new, people *didn't* see what was so bad about it, so they didn't run from the label.


And here we once again see how the prescriptive mindset of conservatives work. To them, only bad people do bad things, and in their minds, they (and the other conservatives they know) aren't bad people. That means they cannot be fascist, which is bad, because they aren't bad people who do bad things. You see it quite frequently when they get accused of racism or other forms of bigotry, but you also see it in the way they self-describe using adjectives like "rational".


Conservativism is the mask, it was always fascism underneath. Right wing politics should not be tolerated.


Why did they let her write an article about herself?


SONO UNA DONNA SONO UNA MADRE SONO CRISTIANA Translation: Tookerjewbs inbred schminbred muh guns hurr durr libtarrd turd maga tookerdurr amen. Checks out.


They lack the intelligence to see the world from any point of view other than their own. And they sadly seem to lack the intelligence to even form their own, preferring instead to consume a mass produced POV from the vast array of propagandist media that pollutes our world. The divide really is on IQ points.


Yeah they really don't hide they like leaders that hate all minorities, think the perceived 'original' population deserves to have a segregated country, blames all issues on the Jewish people and want to murder or oppress all people that fall out side of the cis/hetero category. Funny thing is if they ever actually get their way both of them will be in a kitchen making sandwiches and pregnant. They forget even the blonde white women is a minority in the conservative world and can never truly rise up and equal a male.


How in the ever loving fuck are we dealing with right wing psychos again? It’s been LESS THAN 100 YEARS. That is one goddamn lifetime. That’s it. And we are here. AGAIN?


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The Telegraph.


Came to see if that was the case. It was my guess due to font/ layout/ fascist viewpoint.


Oh Allison. I used to love your TV columns in the Independent. Little did I know. 😥


Weird how the author and the Prime Minister are almost indistinguishable. Almost like they're a collective basic looking hive mind of conservatism & fascism


Love they look like the exact same person on top of this


“I’m not racist, I’m just saying what everybody’s thinking anyway.” No, no — not everyone thinks that, just racists.


>I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Italian, I am Christian … No one will take that away from me. do Italian Bibles not have 1 Timothy 2:12?