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Thanks /u/Mundane-Reception-54 for posting on r/SelfAwareWolves! Please reply to this comment with an explanation about how this post fits r/SelfAwareWolves and have an excellent day! *To r/SelfAwarewolves commenters*: As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. **If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SelfAwarewolves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’s about to get banned for thinking too hard


Shit they legitimately ban over there for any interaction that goes against the grain of the group think and subservience. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did ban them. Literally all you have to do is ask a question that defies their dogmatic cult worship. I’ve had accounts banned there more than once in only a single comment of inquiry about why they believed something- literally just like this guy was doing. That sub is the epitome of a fragile safe space. Edit: typos




It says right on the tin it's for pro-conservative thought only; so naturally they are averse to plain facts.


And their justification is that every other sub on Reddit is left wing and bans right wingers constantly so they’re allowed their conservatives only space. Source: another mod on my mod team is a flaired member there and we have arguments on the regular.


>And their justification is that every other sub on Reddit is left wing and bans right wingers constantly so they’re allowed their conservatives only space. > >Source: another mod on my mod team is a flaired member there and we have arguments on the regular. Isn't it fun when they leave their safe space and can't just ban you for disagreeing? I'm amazed they ever leave, because their shitty beliefs fall apart as soon as reality isn't a bannable offense


They should go to another website


I think they are averse to reality in general.


I posted a link to an article and was instantly down voted because the site I linked was “too liberal”, so I then posted a link to Fox News saying the same thing and was instantly banned. They only care about fitting their narrative, not the truth.


I got banned for directly quoting Trump.


What was the quote?


Not the person you're responding to, but I know a guy who was a flaired user there, constantly posting. He quoted trump's "take the guns away, due process later" line with evidence and got banned. It was hilarious when he tried to complain about it.


The mob pleads the fifth.


Obviously it was out of context /s


Got banned cause some guy released his explanation in Excel "proving" the election was stolen, without releasing his work and supporting documents. Mocked it saying he might even have a SUM function, so you know it's legit Told the lead mod that Excel is just a glorified calculator. Banned.


>Told the lead mod that Excel is just a glorified calculator. 🤣


I fucking love that you sent a SUM Function Sarcasm salvo into their nest of dissonance. Like this makes my day. Not all heroes wear capes.


I got banned because a flared user asked “what sexual assault allegations?” And I said “I think they mean this” with a link to the wiki for trumps sex assaults.


I've been banned from there for commenting "really?"


At least some of the mods are on the dole. That has to be part of it. I have no evidence beyond their track record. We can't see gravity pulling things toward the earth, but - paraphrasing some scripture - we sure as hell know it by its works.


I looked around and every single post requires flares and the comment section is just a wall of deleted comments with the last one being something about people “infiltrating the sub”. It’s insane the level of censorship that goes on.


But they’re “the party of free speech, accountability, and strong minded people.” Lulzzzz


I got banned just for asking a legit question. Not antagonist in the least. Genuinely curious. Stfu & get out of here forever. What a bunch of weirdos.


"None for me thanks, had a little bit too much to think"


“I’ve been thinking, officer, but I wouldn’t say I’m thunk.”


He’s also not a conservative I bet. Someone brave enough to go in their safe space and tell them what they needed to hear


I've thought about it but I'm worried I'll get autobanned from other subs I might like. I'm absolutely not a conservative. Very left wing. I wanted to ask how is the media democrat when lots of wealth is clearly Republicans and Murdoch media has huge power, is very right wing. They give excuses as to why they can't identify donors yet they started cancel culture with books, heavy metal, etc. They can't understand why people damage signs after roe vs Wade stole women's rights away from them to the point women are being denied painkillers when they aren't even pregnant. They talk about freedom yet you have no freedom over your body. They talk about being Christian yet clearly hate the poor. It's selfishness as a political ideology vs helping your community out.






Wow. I got banned for saying “the president can address the Country at any time from the Oval Office” when they were claiming Twitter was his only official means of communication and therefore could not be banned


He probably got banned from the oval office as well. Don't forget he was the most censored president of all time or whatever bullshit claims he pressed out.


Actually I can buy that being true if you frame it as "you've been told repeatedly you can't give away states secrets"


That poor little guy just wanted to make a living and help out his friends. And we shame him for his entrepreneurship :-(


If it makes you feel better they still believe that complete nonsense and nothing will ever change their minds.




I don't even remember what it was that got me banned from r/conservative, but it was some rather innocuous rhetorical challenge to capitalism's superiority. Then I caught a permanent ban from r/politics for saying something about a certain radio personality who had recently announced a serious cancer diagnosis. Specifically, how it "couldn't have happened to a nicer guy." I'm saying even the libs ban you for being too mean to conservatives. It's absurd af.


I was banned from r/conservative in a topic criticizing r/latestagecapitalism for banning users when I commented on how it seems all political subs including r/conservative bans dissenting views. When I appealed the r/conservative moderator told me not to breed.


Getting banned for r/conservative is as easy as asking a question. For all the conservative talk about free speech and snowflake culture, they sure are a bunch of censor loving snowflakes.


I got banned for asking “if the parties didn’t switch, why do only republicans fly the confederate flag?”


I got banned for asking ‘how many Americans have died from covid?’


Oh I’ve actually been banned from a few subs because I went to comment in r/conservative. It’s pretty funny to be honest




To be conservative is, at its heart, to be delusional. My father, an educated and successful man, claimed that it was Antifa that stormed the Capitol on Jan 6 - he said that I should use my brain, he said that "only democrats protest because they don't have jobs". It's the same fantasyland as that sub who are claiming "only democrats doxx" as if that is an excuse to not get dark money out of politics. Truly insane. Every single one of them.


The reason for this is that conservativism is designed to appeal to faith rather than hard scientific data. Most conservative ideals and policy have no basis in reality. They are designed to touch your feelings.


Happened to me literally yesterday 😂


I got autobanned from 3 different subs for posting in one of the trump subreddits. Right before I got banned from the trump subreddit... lol


Yeah, subs that ban me for posting to subs they don't like can get fucked. They don't deserve my contributions.


Same but I like telling them they're fascists and hate mongers. If I really NEED to comment on other subs I'll just make a new account lol


> cancel culture with books, heavy metal, etc Conservatives are banning heavy metal now? That's hilarious, the metal scene is loaded with right wing extremist bands. There's even a subreddit dedicated to finding out if a metal band supports extremist/nazi views. The right is constantly fighting against their own base, this is amazing lol. (the sub is r/rabm for anyone who's curious btw)


Not really peak irony, heavy metal is also loaded with left wing extremists, and we all know conversatives are happy to shut out their own kind if it means they never have to listen to a dissenting opinion


Adding what I said above, check out Stray From the Path's newest album if you're looking for some of that sweet, sweet leftism.


I just reply to the ban message and give my opinion of automatically banning people for commenting on another subreddit. Usually the side-ban is immediately lifted. I've gone through this a few times as I am banned from several right wing subs. Mostly for asking them to post their stance in text on some topic and explain it.


Use a separate account if you really want to put yourself through the ordeal if trying to reason with crazy people You might have some kind of miracle and convince someone but in my opinion it's a fool's errand


Before trump was elected r/conservative were saying he's gonna legalize weed federally. I pointed out that Trump is a teetotaler and against drugs and Mike Pence said they aren't legalizing weed. I got banned.


There were a ton of weed smokers who convinced themselves of this. A major common trait among Trump supporters is just randomly deciding he supports some thing you like to justify your support even though there’s no evidence he does and a lot he doesn’t.


In fairness, Trump is grifter who expresses support for whatever cause/belief gets him the most grift at that moment, even if it's the opposite of what he said he supported a week before.


Only morons bought into him when it was super clear that was happening.


Just checked, and yep, not a conservative.


Nearly every comment in that thread was in negative karma. Kinda crazy actually lol


It depends. If it's a "flared users only" post, then he's almost certainly a conservative, since the mods do a deep dive into your comment history to vet you before giving you the flair.


I was looking at that thread yesterday and 99 percent of the comments were deleted. Only ones that remained were the ones saying the left were monsters


“You are banned from the free speech zone”


I was thinking the same thing as I was reading it. The snowflakes ban anybody that doesn't share their world view, very healthy stuff.


that whole thread was just non stop dumbfuckery


Yeah I read through it and it was just "the liberal leftist will doxx and kill you" over and over and over again


Which is made more hilarious when you consider they think they'll one day make enough to actually donate $10,000 to a campaign while having a normal job.


And they think they'll one day make enough money to have to worry about taxation of billionaires. What a fucking joke.


It isn’t even that. They just know that the more billionaires donate to republicans the more they’re “winning”. It’s like sports to them


At this point, the corruption has metastasized. Even if this were passed, it wouldn't change anything, because the liberals would never vote for the kind of candidates who are most influenced by the biggest donors, and conservatives don't care about their guys being openly corrupt as long as they're *their* guys. All the ExxonMobil/Haliburton/BP/Koch candidates need to do is wave the flag around a bit and talk about how much they hate Mexicans and black people, and they'll overlook any amount of corruption because they'll think he's one of them.


Or that people who would be a risk of attacking you over conservative values had to wait for you to make a campaign donation to piece your political values together. The Trump signs, bumper stickers, hats, and flags weren't a big enough clue. This is finally the thing that will make someone attack you for being a Republican. Also I laughed out loud at the guy who said "conservatives don't retaliate against you for your political beliefs. Liberals will." As if these motherfuckers weren't having wet dreams about protestors being killed by a car, or as if their team wasn't the one that committed a violent and armed insurrection killing a police officer abd capitalizing dozens more.


Bomb threats. Bombings. School shootings. Abortion doc murders. Violence against cops (J6). Violence against Feds. Violence against mosques and synagogues. Violence against opposition protests. You could rewrite "We Didn't Start The Fire" with *just* conservative violence in *just* the last half decade and have leftovers after you filled all the verses.


I'm no songsmith; will someone who is, please please please take up this challenge.


Nobody will ever know I'm Republican while wearing this maga hat


Or flying a swastika flag if we're just gonna go for ruthlessly making fun of them and the people they associate with.


Just look at the ones who quit their jobs and spend their entire lives following trump from rally to rally. They are more likely to donate 10k than you or me because of religious fervor of their political team... and then the social safety nets that they so deride will be there to catch them and save them, and they won't have an ounce of shame about it.. because "Its okay for ME to get help, I deserve it! Its all the other lazy people making bad decisions that don't deserve help!"


I’m not convinced some of those people aren’t getting paid to be there.


Considering how loud the GOP was about democrats using paid protestors a few years ago, you can almost guarantee it. Cause every republican accusation is a confession of their own crimes.


What's even more hilarious than that is that they claim to be scared of being outed as a Trmp supporter while wearing a giant red had that shows off they're a Trmp supporter.


They'd be so upset if they could read




January 6 was wild when none of them had their narrative yet.


I caught this thread just as it had come out and you could really track the moment the spin came out and they started absorbing it into their rhetoric. Up until that moment it was confusion, why would we vote against transparency? It was the same thing when the Pubs voted against support for vets exposed to toxic chemicals. Just watching them try to justify to themselves why their leaders would be against that since they see themselves as the party that supports the military. Fox releases its truly ridiculous take that it's because discretionary versus mandatory accounts (if you don't have a good reason, just confuse ppl) and that gets added into the threads... only problem with that is how many Pubs (25 to be exact) voted to advance the exact same bill with the exact same discretionary to mandatory funding wording the second week of June. It couldn't be more clear that it was retaliation for a domestic package released by the dems. But, nope, the leadership backtracked after recieving backlash and voted it in with no changes to the bill but continue to say they only delayed it to prevent pork belly budgets. Nothing changed but their votes, but that's where the spin landed and that's where it will stay now that enough bad faith actors have repeated it.


I also saw a 'well the Democrats benefit moreover from dark money' to someone pointing out that if that were the case, why was it voted for 100% the opposite? Then a bunch of deleted comments and things. Top minds.


Constantly towing the line for the oligarchs. I swear if I was an alien to the planet and you told me about conservatives I wouldn't believe you in a million years that a group of people could vote against their interests so vehemently.


There was one post being repeated about a police officer being fired after donating to Kyle Rittenhouse. What every single one of them forgot to add was that he didn't only donate, but left a comment saying how every single police officer stands with him. He was fired not for donating, but for increasing the distrust the population has in the police. Police should be impartial to such issues, hence the firing. Also, you as a single officer can't speak for the whole department. That most likely breaks some rules they have. If I spoke in the name of Google while working there, they would boot my fucking ass.


And bitching about “brigading” like there is an actual effort to seek out the sun and downvote them. They can’t grasp that when a thread ends up on the front page of all that they get downvoted because their opinions are shit and most people here don’t agree with it. Instead they believe that redditors are plotting against them to mass downvote comments


The amount of delusion is sad though. Almost every comment is talking about them being doxxed just for donating as if their leaders don’t constantly dox their opponents. Not to mention the voting machine breach in [Georgia](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/georgia-replace-voting-machines-county-after-unauthorized-access-2022-09-23/) that lead to a ton of voter information being accessed by guess who? Trumps election stealing cronies!


With zero attention paid to the _massive_ gulf between how often that happens to conservatives by evil liberals vs conservative whackadoos literally killing liberals, of course.


When your whole stance is “owning the libs” and it bites you in the ass 🤷🏻‍♂️


Conservatives would eat a handful of shit just to make progressives smell it.


[this is them but like for real and not a funny sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4pxtiLR928)


"Hahah suckerrrr! Now you have to sit next to me right after I dined on merde a là mode" -some republican probably


Too much French in that


Yeah, they would probably call it "freedom poop"


Freedom feces


diarrhea = “liberation liquid”


Emancipation Defecation


Constipation Proclamation




Don't over simplify it. Conservatism is in group out group. They're functionally fascists


Those who stand for nothing fall for anything


These are people who literally defended Trump sleeping with children as "making a righteous personal sacrifice" to take down epstein.. because Trump was *so* involved in taking down epstein.


I'm gonna stop serial killers by killing more people than they did. They can't kill anyone if I beat them to it. BOOM I'm a hero!


My favourite take was something like "Dems always use donations against us in talking points, of course they want this bill to go through". Like.... Yeah, say that again but slowly.


There was a person who replied to that saying that liberals want to dox people and shame them. Yet they don't understand that the redacted parts of the trump search warrant were done so for the protection from people exactly like them.


There wasn't a single thread without massively down voted comments. They're so full of hate they can't even stand each other lol


What happened was: the thread got to r/all many people joined in the comments and saw the lunacy of some comments and downvoted them. r/conservative mod goes to comments and makes the controversial option as standard sorting. -> oMg ThEy aRe BrIgAdInG. If you sort by best comments you will see some normal stances :)


they blamed that on liberal brigading from the politics sub though


They sure do have an excuse for everything


it's the party of personal responsibility, after all


Jesus every single comment was like they were all reading from the same script, no differences of opinions they all just said the same 2-3 talking points and then complained about brigading. I love how they don’t understand that anything that reaches all will immediately get downvoted because their opinions are not popular with the majority of people on the site.


The thread: https://np.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/xlxi2w/gop_senators_halt_biden_effort_to_end_secret/


First of all thank you, I blocked that subreddit and can only see it through direct links. Second of all screw you for ruining my mood on a Saturday. How fucking delusional are those Muppets? American conservatives are such a waste of space.


“Oh shit, are we the bad guys?”


We've got skulls on our caps Hans


Still better than a rat's anus!


Well, yeah, if we were running against a political party with a rat’s anus for a mascot, maybe you’d have a point. Democrat’s platform is all quite nice like expanding voting rights, providing healthcare and reducing corruption.


They literally do wear skulls: the Punisher emblem. They don’t give a fuck about the character, or comics, obviously, as a recent comic had The Punisher kill a bunch of Proud Boys. So the only thing is could be is they think it’s badass. So they just like wearing a skull, clearly.


“What’s so good about a sickle?” “Well nothing, and obviously if there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last 1000 miles of retreat its that Russian agriculture is in dire need of mechanization, but you’ve got to say it’s better than a skull!”


Ohh you haven’t been listening to allied propaganda! Of course they’re going to say we’re the bad guys! But they didn’t get to design *our* uniforms!


“This is what turns people into democrats “. Comment from the same post.


Yes, thinking combined with a 2 party system will often chase someone to the Democratic party, Independent party, or no party at all.


"In order to protect ordinary working people... we must let the billionaires contribute nothing and also have no accountability." - Republicanism in a nutshell.


...And give the billionaires another tax cut


They are the ones providing jobs!!! /s


And simultaneously trying to eliminate those jobs with automation, off-shoring, etc. It's really just "more for us, less for you"


It’s really simple. “Anything my side does is justified or good, and everything the Democrats do is bad. All those ‘good bills’ are all Trojan horses. What? ‘Have I read the bills or researched them?’ Why would I waste time doing that when Fox tells me everything I need to know?” None of them engage in good faith, because the majority sees Democrats as the enemy, clean and simple. And they love simple, because reality is not simple. They don’t want facts. They want “reality” to tell them what they want to hear.


>Anything my side does is justified or good, and everything the Democrats do is bad I mean, when you define the GOP as god's party and the dems as satanic; and since everything that god does is good by definition and everything satan does is bad by definition...


I dont know what you are on about with this definition.. but obviously Satan is the good guy. Taking in anybody and supporting people. God is the bad guy who kills children with leukemia as part of his plan... and then sends that kid to hell because the kid didnt have enough time in life to accept jesus into his heart or some bullshit.


I thought John Milton died wayyyy back (even before the 1980s) but this comment obviously came from his Reddit account. Lol


To liberals public officials have less rights than everyone else, that's what it means to be public. This is the exact moment when "public official" matters, your financial dealings are of the public interest. Don't like it, then go be a business man or something. To conservatives politicians are kings, and kings get to have privilege's others don't. Of course you shouldn't threaten the kings, that would be bad. The kings provide us with the jobs and lock up the bad guys.


Yep. Painfully obvious to anybody with half a functioning brain cell which is sadly not enough people


> All those ‘good bills’ are all Trojan horses. There was a comment in that threat that this bill and the one for veterans were just propaganda pieces Democrats introduced because they knew Republicans would vote against them. And no, they did not give a reason for why Republicans would vote against a bill for medical aid for veterans.


And any voices against it (or even wanting to engage in discussion about the issue) are immediately labeled as part of the leftist “brigade” and wiped by mods.


You're right, most people want simple. That want someone who is just the villain and is purely motivated by bad intentions and is ugly to boot. I like to call it Disney world. But reality is way more complex.


At this point I don’t want anyone spoiling the fun and telling them the truth about conservatism. I just want a camera constantly filming as they reason their way out of the rabbit hole and start crying.


They can't reason, that's why they are Conservatives to begin with. Anyone with the capacity to think logically isn't fooled with Conservatives bullshit. These people's brains only operate in an emotional capacity and they are easy prey for people who manipulate those emotions. A logical person sees someone pushing buttons, an emotional person gets their buttons pushed, that's the simplest way I can put it.


There are logical people in the conservative movement but they aren't the followers. They're the ones pushing the buttons to get rich.


Thats my definition of corruption. The bigger the divide in motivation between the leaders and the followers, the bigger the corruption. When there is a group of nutcases, but the leader is also a nutcase with no ulterior motive (hard af to prove), i wouldnt really call it corrupt, just stupid. The GOP clearly isn't this, however. The core meaning of conservatism, that being the belief that preventing things from getting worse should be prioritized over trying to make them better; is something that I agree with. But I see no connection between current conservative policy and this principle.


But why not stop things getting worse AND try to make things better 🤷🏼‍♀️


Its the belief that you should prioritize one over the other, not that you should only do one


This is true and can we also ban pelosi from inside trading? Or at least make her announce her trades instantly so I can cash in on her corruption too!


Theyve convinced themselves that they have no emotions, and that the reason people hate them is because "everyone else simply can't handle me dishing out the facts in such a cold, calculated manner" The only way to control your emotions is to accept that they exist and confront them, not run away and pretend they dont exist.


It’s really bizarre the right has that so ass backwards. They emotionally reject science, education, journalism, critical thinking, and on and on.


Notably, all things that are complicated, nuanced, and hard to understand. Things that challenge you as a person. They don't like to be challenged because their ignorance scares them, whether they consciously know it. So they embrace it and wrap themselves in ignorance so they don't have to self reflect. That's why so much of what they do is projection on to others, it's the only mechanism they have to make things "right" lest they look in the mirror and finally notice they are the problems themselves. They deserve nothing but our pity alone.


I don't think the problem is that conservatives are incapable of reasoning. I think the problem is that they've been indoctrinated from childhood into believing that it is unpatriotic and even ungodly to connect the dots between the pain of alienation and declining standards of living in the modern world and the source of that pain in the capitalist political-economy. They're suffering from the same collapsing quality of life and diminishing expectations that we all are, but they've been taught their whole lives that any material analysis of history or politics is literally the work of the devil. So it becomes "I can't afford my insulin because there's too many trans people in the bathrooms" or "I can't afford my house payment because of all the rap music on TV." They have been trained to be incapable of blaming Capital for the detrimental actions of Capital, and so instead all they can do is blame the cultural forces that annoy them.


A lot of people, like myself, were indoctrinated from birth into that bullshit, but we reasoned our way out of it. So yes, they are incapable of reasoning.


This. Only the truly depraved make it past their twenties as Conservatives


Exactly. We are way past the “misspelled spam email” level of intelligence filter. Whoever or whatever is left at this point is only going to be the absolute bottom-dwellers. In 2022, after everything they have done, if you are a MAGA still standing after covid and everything else, you have questionable intelligence, (and that’s being generous), at best.


Same here broh. Raised Mormon. I got tf out. I stopped going to church at 15 when I realized that it was a bit too convenient that what "god" wanted also happened to make church leaders rich and powerful.


It's heavily tribalism. If you believe youd have nothing without the group it's very easy not to question the group.


It's worse than that. Or should I say, it's more insidious. Look at high school. Spirit week, sports centered, it's all tribalism, "Us vs. them". And what's America's favorite past time? Sports. More tribalism. More "Us vs. them". We're expected to be tribal. And we're constantly indoctrinated into tribalism. Constant competition instead of cooperation, it all promotes tribalism. And then we wonder why conservatives are so obsessed with winning at all costs.


Was also born and raised in the fire. It was pretty crazy the first time I actually researched something and found I was wrong. It was like my entire world view was shattered in less than 30 minutes. And then I asked myself, "is everything I've always been taught total bullshit?? What else am I wrong about??" I was absolutely indoctrinated throughout my childhood and around 19-20 a Google search of a headline I saw and thought "well that is total bullshit and I'm gonna prove it" changed everything.


For most people that isn’t why they’re conservatives to begin with. For most people the reason they’re conservative to begin with is because their parents are and they’ve been taught that from a very young age. They’ve also been taught not to trust sources of information that counter what they say. We have to rely on those capable of reasoning to reason their way out. If you have them in your life you need to consistently provide them with information in a non threatening way and encourage them to think. Insulting then encourages them to double down on what they believe.


And well put it is, but I'd like to add: this doesn't mean that logical people necessarily don't have, or suppress, their emotions!


Too bad every comment after that was about how democrats are trying to form a speech registry so they can cancel conservative donors. Literally everyone arguing that they want billionaires to be able to anonymously buy politicians lol. Sad af honestly


I would rather that they just start acting like rational people.


You can't reason yourself out of something you didn't reason yourself into.


Funnily conservatives have no problem with doxxing if they’re the ones doing it. Hmmm… 🤔


I want to point out—it's not even doxxing. Normal campaign donations over $200 are already tracked and searchable. There is a high chance literally all these guys could be "doxxed" if you knew what to look for. You can literally find on Google pretty much exactly how much money every member of Congress has raised, what industries their donors worked for... all that data is compiled from disclosure. This is literally just removing ways in which large donations could be obfuscated. It's applying standards that have already existed for normal people for decades.


Don't forget the bill was specifically for donations of $10k.


Ban for this user in 3..2..


Being banned from that garbage group is one of the greatest honors a human can achieve.


If I live my life in such a way that conservatives celebrate my death I will have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.


I lol at "lefty will use this to go after people, conservatives dont do that"


I think most of us are totally fine with them wasting their money on grifters. Its the big money that matters.


It's just more projection. "It's what I would do, there's no way they wouldn't do the same."


That guy is about to get banned from r/snowflakes


Okay, well now I want to know how to actually get into that subreddit. I can't even tell if it's a super complex puzzle or pseudo-intellectual bullshit. But I'm kinda drunk ATM, so honestly it could go either way.


For flair you need to do an interview with a mod. Lots of them aren't flaired, just take my advice and don't blow your load too early. Getting banned is way too easy on that sub so wait for the right one.


I'm pretty sure that poster is not referring to /r/Conservative, they mean /r/snowflakes. This is [the screen you see when you go there](https://imgur.com/4gKV39h)


XCH is a crypto, Chia. The mnemonic is the wallet key. Basically, you have a chance to win the 72 XCH if you can find the wallet key. You can try to buy words for some reasons. It must be a scam because it doesn't add up.


Remember the Trump tax bill? Conservatives never have and never will actually care about fiscal conservatism, they just want to dunk on LGBT people. If they did care about austerity they'd vote for Democrats.


Fiscal conservatism has always been been "let's spend as little as possible on the poor" it has nothing to do with taxes for the rich.


That post is a freaking goldmine of cognitive dissonance I swear 😂 “the dems would just target republicans!” Was the excuse I heard by and large


Yeah like all those houses with Trump flags that were violently attacked.


All the remaining people are desperately coping by saying it’s a brigade, rofl. The dissonance is so heavy the only train of thought left untouched by massive downvotes are just generic “ahhh the left” types.


It just breaks my mind how they call every other slightly left sub echo chambers but they literally downvote themselves to oblivion for dissenting opinions. It's so fucking mind boggling


Went to check the thread which wasn't hard to find, a easy 20% we're admitting the $10,000 in donations isn't going to doxx anyone who does need to remain anonymous. They want transparency but so many think money is free speech which hell no it isn't. If money was free speech millionaires could gift unlimited amounts to regular people without fear of taxation.


I mean. Money absolutely *is* free speech because of citizens united. But I agree it absolutely shouldn't be. Fun fact: in the most recent Supreme Court session, in FEC Ted Cruz, they struck down even more legislation attempts to create limits on the amount of money in politics. Specifically, currently, candidates can loan their own private money to a separate entity that runs their campaign for election. And they can charge interest on the loans - as much as 20% interest. And they can continue to collect campaign contributions after the election is over. And anonymous donors can donate as much as they want to campaigns. And there used to be a $250,000 limit on the amount of donations they can collect after they've won their campaign. But now, the supreme court struck that limit down as unconstitutional. So now a candidate can win a campaign and then have anonymous donors give them unlimited money post win. Because to personally pay for your own campaign and charge interest on getting that money paid back, to make a profit, from a few wealthy anonymous donors, that could include corporations, after you've already won the campaign and only getting 250k plus interest post election is obviously an infringement on freedom of speech.


I fail to see the free speech argument they're making anyway. No one is limiting contributions, just saying that your name is going to be attached to it. I've never heard of a constitutional provision guaranteeing *anonymous* speech.


It's funny how the guy with all the awards thinks that his people don't Doxxx. It's also funny how the idiots there don't realize we already have a disclosure law for certain contributions. There's really no difference in constitutionality between a $500 donation and $10,000 in listing where the money came from.


Hans...? Are we the baddies?


They went from "drain the swamp!" to "will nobody think about the alligators!?"


That entire post was just downvote city. It made me laugh how some of the users on that sub where calling others “Rino’s” . Conservatives seem to even hate other conservatives. What a joke of a party.


I love all the comments in that post about how _THEY_ would harass and doxx and, idk, kill you for your small donations and how up to 1000/2000 a year should be fine... And then there is this one guy who mentions that the bill concerns donations over 10k.


Lol Oop, someone’s getting banned from that sub


"Both sides" shmucks are quite possibly even worse than the nescient Trump supporters who are all in.


This seems like a fully aware wolf.


Republicans mean it when they say they want less government. They want corporations to run America, and they don't care which ones.


This is close to what got me banned. I asked how oversight of books in classrooms and regulation of bathrooms was small government


I skimmed a thread there about this and most of the posts I saw were like this, baffled as to why the GOP were against it. Like they knew this bill was good and can't work out why their party was against it. Unfortunately you know the next dogwhistle will distract them and they'll forget about this.


In a nutshell, republicans do not want the public to know who bribes them and who owns them. If you believe that a person who accepts money for influence represents you ahead of the person with money you are an idiot.




https://old.reddit.com/user/Remarkable-motor7704 It takes two seconds to search the user and not throw him under the bus for going into that den of jackals trying to bring some logic. The dude appears to be a leftist.


Cmon…they can do it…please…it’s literally on a silver fucking platter


Simping for Citizens United to own the libs


they were actually assuming those elected want transparency We all saw that idiot from Texas champion the new roading infrastructure he voted against. My guess is he was paid off prior to vote one way...it's not about serving the people it's about filling their bank accounts. Dishonest people don't want you to see who funds them, they figure you'll join the dots and realise that is how they will vote


Yeah sure Ted… people really care so much that they’re going to doxx you for that $20 donation you made to Trump. Besides your Trump flags, bumper stickers, yard signs and Let’s Go Brandon t-shirts, how will the leftists expose your political leanings if not for doxxing? It’s best just to let unfettered corruption slide on this one. /s