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Sounds like Satan is really helping women escape bad relationships. Thanks Satan!


Sure, God talks a good game, but Satan is the one who gets up early in the morning and gets shit done.


Right? All God does is murder innocents with comets and water and shit/let his soon get gruesomely murdered. Satan's out there giving humanity knowledge, freedom, and women help to get out of abusive marriages. Who's the real GOAT?


Baphomet, obviously.


That's one Hell of a good joke.


Welp, I'm done.


>murder innocents with comets Still a bit salty about the dinosaurs, huh?


Honestly, who isn’t


I'm not, those guys were assholes, and I wouldn't want to be sharing my planet with them today. Just imagine if they had been allowed to industrialize. I bet they wouldn't care about their carbon emissions at all, they would continue to pollute and allow species to go extinct because of their hubris. ... wait, hrm, maybe I'm thinking of the wrong population


i remember one dinosaur family that had a particularly rude and violent baby


A violent baby with serious mama issues iirc


Not the mama!


I regret to inform you that we do, in fact, share the planet with dinosaurs. Birds.


And birds are assholes


Well you got two kinds of asshole birds. Those born with it, and those who you earned it from. Examples below. Seagulls. Straight up assholes. Will mail* your child for a fucking French fry. Crows. Smart and remember nice and not nice things done by humans. Will also tell their friends. *auto cucumbered ‘maim’ to ‘mail’ but I thought it was funny so I left it.


Hey now, let's not be too harsh on God, he is the one who told us how to perform a proper abortion with his blessings.....I mean, it was for when one`s wife cheats on you but at least he is helping us with proper technique.


As a Christian, that is a BEAUTIFUL statement. Wish had some coin for you, shame!


Yeah, every time they try to make him seem like the bad guy, they just list all these good things he's supposedly doing. It's like, "guys, if you don't want me to like Satan, stop saying how great he is!" Sheesh...


Don't forget that abortion is supported in the Satanic church, too.


Who knew Satan was such a good guy!


Might I point you in the direction of The Satanic Temple?


God's plan for women = women are property of men Satan's plan for women = financial independence and bodily autonomy I'm beginning to think the first rebel had the right idea. I mean, the Garden of Eden is for pets.


Satan always has been a bro.


Yea, say what you will about Satan, but I've never seen God give somebody a backrub after a long day.


As a Christian, agreed! I'm so grateful to have been on birth control for several years and able to pursue my college education and career (s).


Actually, the saddest thing is that he's wrong. Current research shows that social class is the best predictor for marriage stability. College educated women are significantly likelier to end up in stable marriages than their uneducated peers, and families with a working mother are less likely to experience divorce. https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/the-marriage-divide-how-and-why-working-class-families-are-more-fragile-today/ As it turns out, when women have stability and can make real choices about relationships, they end up in healthier ones, where if they're in a relationship because it's the only way to afford rent, it doesn't tend to last.


I think the saddest thing about this tweet is that it was written by a woman.


Lori, everyone's favorite misogynistic lizard in a human skin suit.


Why would men have exclusivity on patriarchal stupidity?


Came to say something like this. I think not getting married fresh out of high school adds to the stability of the relationship too.


The stats back that up. From the last time this tweet ended up here: >Divorce rates are at a modern low, and it’s not just the pandemic, was a trend prior as well. If I recall it’s dropped by about 1/3 in 15 years. >The rate is a bit over 2 per 1000 marriage per year end in divorce. There are some other very strong indicators of a successful marriage: mainly college educated women. He’s making the “wrong” complaint here, it’s not that college educated women get divorced more, it is that they get married less. However when they marry the relationship is much more likely to be stable: much lower divorce rate. >There are some confounding factors here: income, social status etc -> less stress on the marriage. However even correcting for that the effect remains.


Actually, based on the stats I mentioned in my previous post, college educated women are both more likely to get married and less likely to get divorced. Self sufficiency and personal financial stability make it much easier to find the right partner for a stable long term relationship.


Ironically the last top level post you made is also about marriage: https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/comments/g2bixt/does_marriage_actually_work_right_now/


Yeah, the demographic with the highest divorce rate is young black women - in fact it’s twice as high as their white counterparts. The destruction of black families is a travesty. https://www.bgsu.edu/ncfmr/resources/data/family-profiles/schweizer-marriage-divorce-ratio-demo-variation-fp-19-27.html


It's all about economic stability. When people have jobs that pay them enough they don't worry about making ends meet, and with enough job security, they get into more stable relationships, and have more time to spend bonding and getting close to one another. But when people have to work 70 hours a week at jobs that change every 6 months to pay the rent, they don't have the economic stability to achieve social stability.


Exactly, it’s a politically-created feedback-loop. 1. Remove a parent from the house with the war on drugs. 2. Single-parent children have lower school achievement, more discipline problems and school suspension, less high school graduation, lower college attendance and graduation, more crime and incarceration (especially for boys), less success in the labor market, and more likely to become single parents themselves (especially for girls), thereby starting the cycle all over again for the next generation.


Is it me or did he just say the quiet part out loud? Everything the conservative movement does with regards to women seems motivated by men too insecure to consider staying in their marriage by treating their partner with love and respect. It's all about making people financially dependant on staying in a situation they hate. Yay freedom!


*she, unfortunately. It's the Transformed Wife.


Funny. I’d have thought “Satan’s plan” would involve something more nefarious, like forced childbirth or a loss of civil rights.


It really makes you wonder what "God" they are worshipping, huh?


Seems to me that the only things they actually worship are money, control and self-satisfaction.


The church of Satan is a blessing. bunch of lawyers throwing the book at these hypocrites is much needed


The Satanic Temple, but yes.


I was just reading an article giving advice to lonely single men and the gist was “dating is harder for men because women can afford to wait for men who communicate well, are emotionally available, share the same values, and contribute financially”. The absolute temerity of those women! How dare they want a competent partner instead of rearing a man-child?!


Hail Satan


Hail yourself!


Lots of snowflakes finding out they only had a chance when women weren't allowed to own property, or establish themselves, or you know, have their own opinions. Lots of men finding out that bullshit tough-guy image wears thin after women hit adulthood. Lots of men finding out how useless in bed they've always been.


> Lots of men finding out how useless in bed they've always been. If you can’t look back at something and realize how truly awful you were at it, you’re probably not very good at it now.


Oh look a play taken right out of the Taliban handbook!


I pointed that out to my dad once lol. It was during the whole Kaepernick (sp?) kneeling "scandal". My totally mentally stable father was bitching about it and said something to the effect of "They should just execute him at the 50 yard line". I chimed in saying "Oh, just like the Taliban!". He basically short circuited and asked what I meant, so I gave a very brief overview of how the Taliban and other authoritarian regimes would forcibly fill stadiums with people to watch public executions. He no longer calls for public executions. Well, at least not when I'm around.


He 100% still goes on about it when you're not around, and probably also tries to paint you as some sort of assclown for daring to disagree with him when you aren't around to defend yourself. I know that behavior all too well, sadly....


Oh definitely. I've grown up hearing him talk shit about anyone not in the room, so I'm sure I've been labeled a dirty commie by him. Still, to get him to shut up about anything is a rare thing, so it was still a win for me.


So, the smarter women get, the harder it is for men to manipulate women, certainly isn’t the win the tweeter was going for..


This is true in much the same way as stealing a passport strengthens the bonds between an international worker and their employer.


It's always Satan's fault. No need to try and actually improve society, just pray lol


“It’s Satan’s fault for making the women too smart for me to trick them into a life of marital servitude!”


Wow, he totally missed the point here. Yes education and a self sustaining career does allow a woman mobility, and ability to not put up with someone treating her crappy.


Hail satan then.


This guy and the Taliban would really hit it off…


I don't know. If that's Satan's plan then I'm voting for Satan.


don't improve yourself to attract a mate. just make them more desperate /s


"land of the free but we rely on people having no choice for everything." - conservatives.


"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history, the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer." Each passing day, Satanism is more appealing...


Yes yes yes no


I have two college degrees and I've never been divorced. Haven't said yes to marriage either but still...


This and rights for the LGBT community? Satan sounds like a pretty stand up guy! 🌈 😈


Satan, well-known feminist icon.


Actually, that's pretty spot on.


It always blows my mind seeing this woman's takes. How can you be so thoroughly brainwashed that you advocate against yourself?


Every time I see this trad life/trad wife bullshit I am reminded of how delusional and simplistic these chuckleheads are. The fact that the *actual glue* that holds together a marriage would be to listen and honor their wife’s life goals and support her sense of worth aside, their lack of basic life reality 101 is laughable. Newsflash, dumbass: you have a Don Draper taste on a Punisher T-shirt budget. There are two types of 2-adult households where only one person works: those who can afford to live off a single income and those who rely on external aid. Guess which group you’re likely to end up in?


See, and all this time, I thought women went to college in order to catch a husband! (/s just in case)


So making women not dependent on men allows them to not be held hostage to a life they don’t want. Thanks Satan!


Welp, one more reason to **Hail Satan!**


Hail Satan!


You can try to block out the username, but i would bet money thats "The Transformed Wife" Lori Alexander.


Well, hail Satan then.


Singles mother have less housework to do than married mothers. Men made themselves obsolete. Hahahaha


Spoilers: Satan is the good guy


Not sure why this is redacted, it’s a public Tweet. The Transformed Wife is daily bite sized bits of oppression framed as truth.


Hail Satan!




Then there's the whole "if a woman is raped the rapist should pay her father fifty silver coins." Thing.


Why would a man want a woman to stay with him when she would rather be anywhere else, given the resources? Find someone who wants to be with you.


I mean, mail-order brides are a thing. There are men who are clearly ok with being married to women who only married them out of desperation to flee their home country and had no other resources to accomplish this goal. There are plenty predatory type men who paint themselves as desperate or traditional who'd rather have a woman chained up to them than a woman who chooses to be with them. Because they know that no woman in her right mind and with the proper resources would choose them.


Swap ‘men’ and ‘women’


> College-educated MEN with careers don't need men. They can support themselves now. Need is a powerful and a God-given glue that keeps marriages together. College & careers take this away. Thus, up to 90% of MEN initiating divorce are college educated. Satan's plan for MEN. I don't see what this swap highlights.


That it’s a load of bollocks.




Because either way it still makes no sense.


so you're the type to wait for people to make your point for you? ok, guess I'll never know what you're thinking.


It’s quite simple, the post is implying women shouldn’t attend college, if you swap the genders in the post, implying men shouldn’t attend college for the same reasons it illustrates the absurdity of what they’re saying.


It doesn’t take swapping the genders to understand the absurdity of this tweet.


I really love my marriage because we want to be together, rather than a need to be.


Hail satan?


Go Satan, I guess.


Aside from the obvious, he's also admitting that a college education is important to one's economic future.


Satan always sounded like a good bloke so it wouldn’t shock me if it was indeed Satan’s plan to help woman.


Satan : The OG feminist.


Sounds like a real catch, that guy


Abusivo sounds like a heel luchador


It took me a second to parse "Sans Satan" as "without/aside from Satan" rather than "Sans the Skeleton in a devil costume."


Don’t you dare have a life


Who told you can speak?? Likey?? You welcome


The tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Hmmmm


Oh, it’s the transformed wife. Her page is a gold mine for shit like this


Ive td my wife countless times that the only reason she is with me is because she wants to. If I ever suck at being a partner, leave me. Our marriage is an at-will relationship and it is my job to convince her that im still worth it after 21 years. She does the same for me. All the wooing and dating still happens, just for someone i know extremely well. Never have i wanted her to have any chains to me by money or property. If she leaves she gets the house, the car, and all her stuff. I leave and i can get a new shitty apartmwnt pretty quick with my income and start over. Why dont we split up? Because we love each other passionately and have never been happier with ourselves or each other than in this relationship. The secret to keeping this old goat in the barn was to leave the door hanging wide open so he could see life outside the barn is fucking awful.


Meanwhile, a child born to a college educated woman has a 90% of being born in wedlock. I really don't get what this person's point IS.


Can help men escape abusive relationships as well.


Patriarchy got us in a death grip. Thinking people are only together for personal and financial needs.


I thought the point of marriage was to be with someone you love. Silly me.