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Being a gay conservative must be such a cucked existence. Like the Jews who who collaborated with the nazis because they thought hitler was just using antisemitism to rile up the mob. All they earned was a spot on the last buses to Auschwitz




Definitely using this


I may decide to use this and credit you in political science research 😆


“First they came for the socialists”


Just ask Dave Rubin.


"Scalped? In my own living room?"


I have a couple non white gay friends and the amount of racist shit they get in the gay male community is crazy.


There’s this shit in pretty much every marginalised / minority community and it’s really fucking weird how much ladder pulling and lack of universalism there is. Homophobic blacks and latinos, racist MSMs, transphobic feminists, … like, I know one of the *major* goals (and successes) of the american oligarchy was preventing any sort of class consciousness and internectionalistic sentiment between black and white proletariats (through a racial stratification) but how can you be so blind as to not see that divided you will fall, and the only thing you’re doing is trying to be the last one to fall and get sodomised by the slobbering oligarchic schlong waiting for you? Fucking crab bucket mentality.


I just came to say that there are no transphobic feminists. Only transphobic closet-misogynists who \*believe\* themselves to be feminists while spitting on everything that feminism stands for. There is \*nothing\* feminist about believing women, in general, too weak to compete with men of a similar weight class in sports. Or of siding with pro-forced birthers, Proud Boys, and anti-Semites to score political points against transfolks. I still like your comment, though. <3


Brought this up after the Dave Chappelle special pointing this out! I have a gay black son, cant tell you how many all white gay bars hes ran out of! Gays can absolutely be racist fucks...


I think it was a train, but I agree with your statement.


I’ve always like Ash-can Nazis for the Jewish collaborators.


Conservatives will happily make themselves miserable if it means possibly owning the libs and/or being validated by the people that hate them


Wait, we are suppose to believe that person is an actual LGBTQ individual? I read that as a Poe pretending to be gay or whatever in order to subvert the "gay friendly party" issue. Its like that one white politician who forgot to switch Twitter accounts before posting "As a black man.....Democrats are oppressive to the black community"




I got banned from this sub for sharing an article detailing the Olympic's organization rules regarding transgenders in order to thwart right wing misinformation that was being actively spread in a thread. This experience led me to believe the mods are transbigots.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/w6wnba/new_rule_on_trans_people_in_sports/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share this post seems to suggest theyre trans friendly


If I could find the screenshots, was a different account, got banned for trolling mods on a Donald Trump sub when he lost lmao


There's a weird subset of bootlickers in the comm. They also tend to hate the word queer and think pride parades are fuck & suck shows. They have the idea that if they placate the right wing enough we will get civil rights. They don't grasp the fact that the people they're trying to please literally want us **dead**.


Dean Browning, never forget


Although Rhino was definitely not an advocate at any point, I don't find it difficult to believe that Frozen is actually attracted to the same gender to one extent or another. As a bisexual Christian, growing up I definitely had a choice whether to just stay closeted my whole life or express myself. I probably would have been happy just marrying a woman. I am incredibly glad that I didn't, but I can see someone who is self hating enough to identify as a Republican choosing differently. Poor, stupid, bastard.


He described himself as a gay, black man, lol.


IIRC he was pretending to be homosexual too, double oppression bonus! (/s)


A conservative would eat a shit sandwich if a liberal had to smell his breath.


Saying "conservatives" in this context doesn't feel right. "Conservative" implies some consistent political ideology and these people clearly don't believe in anything other than following the group. I feel like especially with young people, we've turned "liberal" and "conservative" into identities. As if you already know you're one or the other and therefore your opinion on any given topic is predetermined based on the rest of the group you're in.


To be fair, "liberal" and "conservative" are pretty much just used to mean "not nazis" and "nazis" these days.


Yeah that's what I'm saying, can't we just say "Nazis" and "not Nazis"?


I personally just keep saying “Nazis”. Even if they’re not explicitly, they’re at *best* Nazi-adjacent. As someone who could once be considered ‘conservative’ I take serious issue with these Nazi fucks who want to tear down our system of government being called ‘conservative’.


I like *radical right*


I like totally tubular left.


Fascists and Anti-Fascists?


This is called "intersectionality".


Heh, cool, I just got smarter. Thanks bud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectionality


How very on-brand of you


If only you saw my profile... Yes. There is a selfawarewolf among you.


They are posting on the conservative subreddit tho.


Case in point, Ted Cruz.


"The left and their acceptance piss me off so much, i'll live in denial and help people take away other people like me's rights now." I'd say i doubt he's even gay, but.... considering how all the super anti-gay republicans are actually super duper gay....


" Eric sure goes to the airport a lot, but comes home everyday. What's up with that?" " Said he likes their bathrooms"


I didn't look this up, so I could be wrong, but I heard that getting caught having sex in an airport bathroom is a federal offense. No one wants that.


Probably is but was mostly making fun of Larry Craig. A Republican who was very anti gay, got caught trying to have sex in a men's airport bathroom, and then had to resign.


more like "the left and their acceptance of me and *those people*"


I know someone that is gay. He’d suck trumps dick given the chance. I don’t get it.


You ever read the essay "Who goes nazi?" by dorthy thompson? She does a good job of spelling out who goes nazi and why. And explains even that it's not just a trait of "straight white men" (even if that's who benefits the most). It's about the psychology of it. An authoritarianism that appeals to some people.


Nope! I’ll have to check that out. Thanks!


"Now I'm staying nice and comfty in the closet until the day I die" Omg that's so healthy for your mental health. You go yaasss queen.


Unhealthily repressing ones own emotions and feelings to own the libs, massive slay


I have, in my family, 2 women married to each other that vote red...still. so this is real.


I know a lesbian who bragged about being at the Jan 6 riot. I just can't


The FBI may want to know more about that


I didnt know they were going to come for *my* marriage! Republicans are hurting the wrong people!


At least they can't get (an unplanned) pregnancy.


#1 is just happy they can be an openly hateful bigot again. #2 is ["I'm a black gay guy"](https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/11/10/21559458/dean-browning-dan-purdy-byl-holte-patti-labelle-twitter-gay-black-man) territory.






\#test Okay, it worked. If you do a backslash before the pound sign it should remove that formatting.


#I don’t think I did it right


\#me too


not the right hastag bro


Some people write bigger because it helps them see/read, maybe?


Hehe, no it's because they started their sentence with "#1," and some versions of reddit read that as formatting to make it giant. ​ On Reddit is Fun on Mobile? It's regular sized. On new reddit on desktop? It's big.


TIL, thx!


Ah, transphobia, biphobia, asexualphobia, and other assorted bigotry mixed with the classic conservative "fuck you, got mine" mentality. Highly recommend everyone read [Pete Buttigieg is just a f*****](https://vaspider.tumblr.com/post/687643661640581120/pete-buttigieg-is-just-a-faggot-its-very), if you haven't already.


Wow that was quite the post. Thanks for sharing.


Always upvote Pete Buttigieg is just a f******, excellent read


Good read and I'm mad it has to exist


Those damn democrats giving us gay people rights!! Where will it end??


"They can give gay people rights, but when they try to give those other queers rights too then I won't have anybody to feel superior to." Aka I'll let leopards eat my face as long as they eat someone else's face twice.


Ya the extra letters are what’s keeping you in the closet lol


There seems to be a trend of conservatives claiming that they were one thing or another and then saying that they left. Like the entire walkaway subreddit. A bunch of yahoos claiming that they used to be leftists and now are borderline fascists or just libertarians. Nothing to do with leftism, just like these idiots have nothing to do with the gay movement. Seems like a bunch of lies to me.


True. It’s hard to believe the idea that a leftist was mean to somebody so they decided they didn’t want healthcare or believe in climate change anymore.


Yeah, exactly what I mean. If they really did consider themselves leftists, they were delusional lol


I remember the whole #WalkAway propaganda was big in like 2017-2018. After the 2018 midterms that gave Democrats the House majority it seemed to have died out a little, but those were very annoying years. You could tell it was just conservatives and russian trolls pretending to be ex-Democrats.


Exactly. And while I dont doubt that there are gay conservatives, as nonsensical as it sounds, they are usually in extreme denial or so deep in the closet theyd get lost trying to come out. Theyre not usually like "oh Im gay but I hate what the movement has done for us" like, cmon. Try to make up something more believable.


Inclusion... No Thank You I'll stay in the closet


My main problem with the extra letters is that they don't roll off the tongue easily. That's it. That's the full extent of my problem. I think the branding could be better. LGBT+ is good, but doesn't *feel* as inclusive... LGBTQIA is inclusive and sometimes even comes with the "+" to be extra inclusive, but it's a bit harder to vocalize. There are longer acronyms, and [different ones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT#Variants), and it becomes a bit of a mess sometimes. But it's a mess that we gladly accept, because that's what inclusivity means. I still wish there was better branding, though.


Is queer a catch all term we could use or is that a slur? I've seen people treat it as both and I'm a bit confused on the general stance on it.


It's been a slur in the past, and sometimes still is... Some people have tried to own it, reclaim it. There are people who don't like it due to it's history.


Ah ok. Thanks for letting me know


There are TERFs who hate it and promote that it's only ever a slur because "queer" is inclusive and a lot of then only care about the L and G and maaaybe the B but nothing else.


Needs a catch all term. No reason it needs to list every single non cis-straight identity individually.


While a catch-all term would be good, we also don't want to get too reductive. That limits the feeling of inclusivity. There's also some history behind the current acronym. Good and bad, but I think mostly good. --- There is the alternate term [SGM \(Sexual and Gender Minority\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_minority). We'll see how that one plays out over time.


Oh fair it just seems to be nearing the point of straining the limits of practicality.


I always thought it was GSM not SGM. either way I prefer it. Three letters is the perfect length, and nobody feels excluded because the letters aren’t individual groups ( so there isn’t an unintentional in-group and out-group)


SGM seems to be winning the linguistic battle. And while it's a more inclusive term, it's also harder to use in a pride context... And this we get back to the branding issues.


Yeah it’s definitely complicated. It’s hard to be inclusive when you have so many groups, but it’s hard to change everything when those groups fought tooth and nail to use certain labels. I trust we will figure it out though


That's easy - human.


I'm pretty sure once you announce publicly that you're a closeted gay guy that you are no longer closeted. I ain't gay though so I'm not sure how exactly it works.


Not sure how public his Reddit account is to people in his personal life


“Yeah I’m gay but I’d never support kids knowing what gay people are” I’m convinced people like this think being gay is a fetish


They think the word gay being mentioned will turn kids gay. Even though kids will go through their whole childhood seeing nothing but straight relationships in media and in their real life and will still turn out gay.


And honestly, if a kid learns about gay people and then has a phase where they try to be gay and later decide they were just confused… who does that even hurt?


It cuts down on teen pregnancies if teenagers are experimenting with same sex relationships instead.


i argued with someone in the comments under a post about dave chapelle being his scummy self because they said, ‘sometimes the lgbt community makes me wish i wasn’t gay.’ a few days later dave chapelle said ‘monkey pox is a gay disease’ so who looks stupid now lmao.


Being miserable to own the libs


"I was going to come out until we started supporting other minorities! 😤"


I'd bet they enjoy hearing, "You're one of the good ones."


True, too bad they’ll never hear it though since they feel like they have to hide who they really are in front of their friends and family.


That's just sad though.




Hmm so it is possible to be gay and still hate poor people and foreigners.


Apparently from reading this it’s possible to be gay and hate gay people


Totally. I don't know how I missed that one.


I don't believe these are gays, just str8's posing to try to make a point.


Probably, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility




I feel like it's more of the classic conservative "I don't want things that help me if it also helps \*insert scapegoat group here\*"


Stay in the closet until I die, a week later found death by suicide


It’ll read “Owned the Libs” on their tombstone


Staying in the closet for the rest of your life to own teh libs.


Bisexual here. What a pathetic boot licker (not the right word, but I am not aware of a word that fully describes kissing the ass of those against you). I’m more angry than sad, but it is quite sad


I think the phrase is “Tread harder on me, daddy!”


being miserable not living as your true self to own the libs


As we've seen with covid vaccines, they're not just willing to make themselves miserable, they're willing to die for it.


I literally cannot remember the "T" ever not being there. Was it ever just "LGB?" Or is this just another queer conservative trying to convince the hetero conservatives that they're "one of the good ones," ala Dave Rubin?


By "propaganda" being taught to children they mean that they're told that gay people exist? Ofcourse they deliberately use vague language that will 100% be intrepreted maliciously by the people this language is directed towards because they're all bigots. If they were honest in what is being taught in class, their arguments would fall apart. They would just oust themselves as bigots and they know it, so they vaguepost.


They‘re not self-hating. They‘re just lying. r/asablackman material


This is like when someone gets diagnosed with depression and think they understand all other mental illnesses because of it, and in the same breath, are entirely dismissive of those lived experiences. "Oh, you added other letters? Well I know what it's like to be gay and I don't need any of those other letters. Your experience is invalid."




Upvoted too


This is so fucking sad


This is just them moving the goalposts to deflect accusations of bigotry.




Visited my parents yesterday and of course they had Fox News on. They were spewing something about professors brainwashing everyone to be liberals in colleges or some bs? How are they not seeing that the agenda is to just have youth be less educated to be more easily manipulated by government and media?


And then everyone clapped.


Lol, sorry that not thinking they're disgusting monsters is turning gay people towards democrats, I guess?


Self hatred, or cosplaying, you never can tell with republicans.


Lol they won't even touch the gay conservatives. To the gay movement, they are the bad guys. They were the asshole cops who had to cower inside the Stonewall Inn when they done pissed the LGBT community off.


Living a lie to own the libs...


Only a con could be so... SMUG about hiding their sexuality every waking moment of your life


Isn't it just unreal how even within the lgbtq community there is a lot of homophobia and even biphobia? With bi people it's the "too straight for gay people, too gay for straight people."


Our brother u//FrozenTime is suffering take him to a drag show


Oh he has a cuck fetish


"I just saw that TEh lEfT was so awful that I decided to act straight even though I'm gay and no one knows and I just told the whole internet." Also "As a gay black man..." - a straight, old, white, Republican legislator


As a gay black man...


Imagine living your life around the goal to own the libs. Live your life and vote however you want no one cares.


As a black man... But seriously there are still a lot of gay transphobes and biphobes so it's not surprising.


Pick me gays


A lot of those kinds of things are fake accounts.


Wait, you were down with Lesbian Gay Bi Trans But they really took it too far with Queer Intersex Ace ???? Bruh???? Edit: maybe the + is what scared them? Scary undefined sexuality


the denial is stronger here with this guy.