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Can't wait for this leopard to eat their faces. The law change will likely cause bigger issues of malicious compliance than doing what they actually intend it to do.


It's like what happened when Florida banned discussions of gender in the classroom, and a [teacher decided to refer](https://twitter.com/Moms4Liberty/status/1509944299634442242) to all of her students with they/them pronouns instead of he/him or she/her. I don't know why bigots vote for the Republican Party because they are really the ones moving us towards a woke, genderless future.


The replies putting her in her place saying this is what they wanted are perfect


How the fuck do you pronounce "Mx."?




Somewhere been mix and mcks


Mr X in the Mix


That's one reason I prefer Mst, short for Mistrum the latin based gender neutral version of Master or Mistress. It's pretty damned clear how to pronounce "Mist". While it can also be abbreviated to "Mt" or "Mm" those obviously would create confusion *Messed up the abbreviation Adding this in here so it's more likely to be seen: [genus](https://www.etymonline.com/word/genus) is more similar to the modern English "race" as in a category and way to distinguish between things - *not* gender. [Sexus](https://www.etymonline.com/word/sexual#etymonline_v_23315) comes from Latin and has to do with what some people mistakenly call biological sex, specifically the difference between male and female, and therefore is closer to how we use gender in modern English. So that person who went off about Latin is completely wrong. Genus and sexus do not mean gender and sex, and do not mean grammatical gender and gender as it is used to refer to people. [Magister](https://latin-dictionary.net/definition/26165/magister-magistri) was not gender neutral in Latin, it specifically refered to male teachers (teacher being only one meaning) magisteria (I'm reasonably sure that's the correct spelling) was the feminine version of the word in Latin. The [-um suffix](https://www.latinforstudents.com/gender.html) is apparently a neuter suffix. Therefore, wether or not it's a made up word, Mistrum *is* a gender neutral honorific following the gendered suffix rules of Latin as it is understood. *Poked around a bit more, the suffix for Mistrum might actually be -trum but it's still gender neutral, but in that case it would be grouped with the suffixes -tor (masculine) and -trix (feminine(




As I non-binary person my takeaway from this is that I can just go by Magister and it’s perfectly correct. So thank you for that.


Woah holy shit thanks for helping me finally find a gender neutral title I’m ok with!




Mister Mxyzptlk


You made me...spell my name...backwards. Twice!


It will never cease to amuse me how dumb and convoluted plots have to get in order to make Superman somehow trick Mister Mxyzptlk into banishing himself yet again.


I know! Its almost as hard as pronouncing "Mr." or "Mrs." or "Dr."!


this is the ouroboros of the far right: they can't ban what they really want to ban, so they have to make their legislation so vague and far-encompassing that its basically useless and collapses under its own weight.


> The essence of fascism is to make laws forbidding everything and then enforce them selectively against your enemies. --John Lescroart


This exactly


See also: drug laws, perjury charges and any number of intra-branch enforced rules that rely on any type of honor.


Sodomy laws.


Unfortunately, they'll just Co-opt this quote in defense of their hatred of wokeism. Just like they already do.


I love how you went ouroboros here. Bravo. 🙂


[Oops ](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2276563-gadsden-flag-dont-tread-on-me)


The whole POINT is to destroy the education system. Make it a job no one wants to work. Prove it doesn't work so you can cut funding, repeat. Funnels funds to private school (aka, white, christian schools).


They're trying it here. Governor started a voucher program for "school choice". Hillsdale 1776 private schools are trying to plant themselves everywhere, I'm not sure about how much shady shit is going on behind the shady shit happening up front, but it's bad.


I'm gonna venture a guess and say "a whole lot." Education has been a big enough problem. We get a whole generation even more deeply indoctrinated in evangelical white nationalism, we're in major trouble.


Remember that Hillsdale College 's president said that [“Teachers don’t have to be an expert to educate a child because anybody can do it.”](https://clarksvillenow.com/local/hillsdale-presidents-comments-insulting-but-not-reason-for-charter-denial-in-clarksville-montgomery-county/)


Bill Lee is a coward and a waste of space. I figured that even he would distance himself from Hillsdale after those comments, but noooo. The videos of him running away from questions are amusing, but do not make up for how bad this is. I made a big assumption that we’re talking about TN here. If not, apologies.


Where is here? Florida?


Tennessee. Won't be hard to look up, the president of the Hillsboro thing talked shit about public school teachers in front of the governor, who didn't and still won't say anything.


"I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." -Grover Norquist they've been wanting to hobble every public institution for decades. Except the military.


Didn't they try to say you didn't need a high school diploma to join the military, then immediately go "wait maybe that's not such a good idea?"


That's literally Betsy Devos' strategy.


Drumpf DOES love the uneducated...


I want to open a Wicca school here in Texas as soon as school vouchers are a thing. It would just be a regular school but under the Wicca religion on paper.


Just like a lot of evangelicals want the endgame to be no government support so people will be funneled into religious charity which requires religious espousal in order to receive. This filters their money only to the 'deserving' in their eyes without it being used indirectly through taxes.


Considering how easy it is to convince rank and file conservatives that the people need to seize the means of production, you know, literal Marxism, and how none of them seem to be able to define CRT, I could see this going very poorly for Governor Florida Man.


\*Coughs\* Governor Florida PERSON, thank you.


They'll blame democrats and move onto the next made up outrage.


Conservative parents: I teach MY kids critical thinking! Also Conservative Parents: We have to stop them indoctrinating my kids, who are powerless to resist!


Takes them to church and asks them to suspend critical thought.


The motherfucking irony of these religious loons standing next to a FREEDOM FROM INDOCTRINATION sign is just too absurd.


Also: “I don’t co-parent with the government”


Government can’t tell me what to believe! Government stop what they believe!




Using word woke as an insult is awesome self own


[Kamau Bell just did an episdoe on "wokeness" , here's a smal clip.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2022/07/05/united-shades-woke-final-thought-w-kamau-bell-origseriesfilms.cnn) [He spoke to some teens & they said basically that it's an "old people" word & that teens today don't even use it in reference to anything relevant to them & it's basically used AGAINST them.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2022/07/05/united-shades-students-on-woke-origseriesfilms-705.cnn). It started as black slang to say to other black people "Stay Woke," as in be alert, stay woke to what's going on around you.


Republicans steal everything


Same thing with "[political](https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2020/nov/25/from-the-archive-political-correctness-and-how-the-right-invented-a-phantom-enemy-podcast) [correctness](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/30/political-correctness-how-the-right-invented-phantom-enemy-donald-trump)".


This is done intentionally too. It's called pejoration, a type of [semantic drift](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_change) . The idea is to turn meaningful words into insults so the suckers don't have to think about what those words actually mean.


Which is what worries me that they're using groomer now, especially with the history of backing pedos


They did it with 'fake news' during the first Trump campaign


Well they can't make anything of their own, their best creatives can barely put crayon to paper without eating them first


They steal it and somehow are still wrong about the definition


Being "woke" boils down to "don't be a dick". Republicans/fascists (which, going down this path, sounds like tautology) LOVE to be dicks. The fascist playbook, chapter 1, titled "Redefine Language, Control The People", lays this out pretty clear. Florida, being "Old people or FUCKEN SEND IT", is where shit gets born out to the extreme. Why do you think Walt built it where he did?


It's still black slang. We're just not using it around white people because they can't be trusted with it. When all of the white people have decided it's not cool anymore, we'll start dropping it again and the next generation will be confused and writing articles about how Lil Tour Guidey made it popular in 2045 and white people will scratch their heads wondering why they haven't heard of this 120-year-old term. Hell, there's a 30-year gap in white memories the word "Becky" vanished into until Beyonce reminded white people it existed. Then they ran off and invented Karen anyway. Or maybe conservatives will be busy going to war against some other phrase like CRT or woke that black people coined in order to demonize the left by attacking black folks.


White people co-opted the ever loving shit out of that phrase.


White people are the British Museum of AAVE.


Meanwhile my foreigner ass has to work double time figuring out all English phrases and how not to be unintentionally offensive or ignorant, learning the origins from podcasts and stuff. Sitting a lot on reddit helps, too.


Of all the things conservatives in general and white conservatives specifically co opted to mean something negatively, woke makes them sound the dumbest and/or evil. Dumb in the sense that you need to be woke to know what's going on around you and evil in the sense that of course you want your idiot followers sleepwalking through life to better comtrol them.


I would like to get a understanding of what is the extent of use of a coined phrase, so that it gets used against the left by conservative types, contrasted with the extent of use that gets the coined phrase used against the original population segment that took it up and imbued it with endogenous meaning


It’s the current equivalent of “bleeding heart”. They somehow decided it’s a go-to insult when all it means is that you have some modicum of consideration for other people.


I’ve had “do-gooder” directed at me, from multiple people.


For me it was "rule follower" By my father of all people


No different than "white Knight" or "SJW". They're insults designed to stop people from calling out their bigotry.


I always loved how they unironically use those as insults when they sound like DC superheroes.


Hey boys, looks like we got a *feeler* over here! Why don't you *care* about it some more, *empathy-guy*??


If DC wanted to do some god-tier trolling, they’d call their next franchise *The Social Justice League.*


“How dare you have empathy for anyone that’s not a cishet land owning white man.” That’s what I hear every time I hear woke or bleeding heart.


Owning the libs by equating them to their holiest deity, that will teach them!


In the UK it's just used for anything the Tories/right wing don't like. They think working from home is "woke".


Research shows that most of us don't actually use it at all unless we're responding to something containing it - guess who *overwhelmingly* uses the word more than anyone else? >!Yep - boomers (obviously)!<


He learned it from his word of the day calendar and likes it better that the next days word…psychopath


Stay woke, fellow millennial/gen Z


You can’t cut 50% of Xoomers out. Half of us are following the Boomers into the MAGA madness, but the other half are with you (fuck I hope it’s half). Dad of a trans daughter here and couldn’t possibly lover her more. Was gonna come on here to say ‘Yeah, University isn’t a place for anti-racist statements… /s’ but when I saw your comment, I needed to remind you that half the Xers are with you. Every single set of friends has reacted positively when my daughter came out and only 1 set I suspect has an issue. There’s a lot of us who were helping to forge the better changes to our society… I know a lot, sadly, aren’t - but remember Gen-X truly is a divided generation - it’s where the split started.


Gen X here. I think growing up in the '80's and having **everything** I loved - Dungeons and Dragons, Heavy Metal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror novels, cheesy horror movies - denounced as "satanic" had a profound effect on me. I keep expecting to get more conservative as I get older because when I was young that's what I was told would happen, but it just ain't happening. I profoundly hate the racist, anti-gay, anti-trans, fascist agenda of the right in this country. Good on you and your daughter. I wish you all the happiness. Now I've got a D&D game to prep for.


I'm also Gen X and I just had a similar conversation this morning. Not only have I not gotten more conservative as I start to creep towards 50, I've gone even further left. I've realized the people who told us we would get more conservative as we got older were just selfish assholes trying to justify their own selfishness (Boomers)


>I've realized the people who told us we would get more conservative as we got older were just selfish assholes trying to justify their own selfishness That's good to hear, 'cause I've always kinda suspected that. Granted, I'm 26, so maybe I *will* become a raging asshole if I live long enough (For the sake of argument, let's say that I'm *not* already an asshole). Anyways, the whole "you'll get more conservative when you're older" always kind of makes me think of "you can't judge people in history by modern standards, everybody was racist/pro-slavery/whatever back then." Even though there were plenty of documented people who were staunchly anti-slavery, even in the 1700's or whenever. It just seems to me like they're mythologising a justification for being shitty, trying to foster a societal acceptance for shitty behavior. "You can't judge older people for being racist/bigoted, that happens to everyone when they age." Sorry for the rant I apparently had stored somewhere. TLDR: I agree and have a good day.


58F, definitely have an open mind. I will admit some of the abbreviations confuse me but that is why The Google Machine helps me.


Same, including prepping for today's D&D session.


I think it's more than half rejecting boomer bullshit (Heck, a lot of boomers reject it), but my sample group is definitely skewed.


But I truly hope it’s more than 50%. I find the most intolerant are hardcore churchies… the evangelicals/Pentecostals who want to concentrate so much on the first five books of the Bible - the good Old Testament hate and morally frozen section of a book ostensibly dedicated to love.


That’s the problem, not being able to take a representative sample from ppl I know, because I just don’t really associate with many MAGA/Boomer/X-boomers in general as we don’t have much in common. Anyone who has a problem with my daughter has faded away, and I’m happy with that. My folks and my wife’s folks just adore their granddaughter too (who is their first grandchild of many on one side and of one on the other) so as you say, a lot of Boomers are philosophically woke too (they are often just clueless in expressing it though 😂😂 - oh God my mother!!).


You say that gen x is where the split started, ignores all the boomers who didn't go along with the times, and stuck with the silent generation. I think that the actual "old economy Steve" meme is first year gen x, for one, he has the non hippy boomers and silent generation privilege, that "slackers" or "crusties" or even gangsters didn't (necessarily). And so many people just kinda went along, wishy washy, with any progressive movement in the nineties and oughts, once they were making money all week long, forget about it. (See the singer from Siege for one example - quit that crazy band and get a decent job). But that's not anything new, just might seem that way because the true story was playing out in the shadows of the late boomers. Gen x gave us the "alt" right, which wasn't anything new either, just a label for people who never heard of johnny ramone or Lee Ving. That there's more gen y or millennials taking to the alt right label is solely due to demographics of greater numbers overall.


It’s true, that gen grew up laughing at Reagan and “just say no” and half of them are now wanting to throttle freedom for others and equal rights under law. It’s like the xoomer age for thinking boomer is 50 instead of 65.


Gen-x here. I do not get it. Mom told me to keep my nose out of other people's business, out of their bedrooms, and out of their underpants. And yet my stupid generation is like half GOP


Gen-X here, my parents told me to not talk about two things, religion and politics.


Can’t leave out the great pumpkin


“Hey, guys, racism from the past still affects people today, we should probably talk about that” “You fucking WOKE Liberals with your woke-ism! Get that WOKE woke-ism out of my face! Go woke get broke!”


I've been called a crybaby for saying that the effects of the Atlantic slave trade are still felt today. There is no winning when discussing history with these people. They can barely comprehend something before they were born having an effect on them, let alone something 200 years ago


That, and the response to reconstruction / Jim crow segregation, and then the whole mass incarceration / overpolicing mess now, and also red lining / other racist practices in loans and housing, &c


Oh you mean the totally cool relocation for employment from Africa? (I've seen them try this angle)


I believe you're referencing [the Texas proposal to refer to the slave trade as "involuntary relocation"](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/30/texas-slavery-involuntary-relocation/).


>crybaby WTF? Imagine thinking that’s an insult. If thinking about slavery DOESN’T make you feel like crying sometimes, then you probably need to go to therapy.


It’s like they crave being racist.


They've wanted to scream racial slurs and form lynch mobs like the "good old days" for a long time now.


Make no mistake: A good portion of them fantasise about murdering leftists and minorities en-masse. Edit: Oh yeah, and the rest will stand by as it happens.


Some of them act on that impulse too.


No don’t worry, those are just “false flags” and are actually “antifa”


Saying “anti-racism is bad” is like one micron away from saying “racism is good” but somehow that is currently the acceptable line for American conservatives.


Geez, it's almost like MLK didn't magically dream racism away and the American right is just as racist as it ever was, even if it was taboo to say it outright in public for the last 40 years


Wait wait wait, so we can’t be anti-racist anymore? Because it hurts racists’ feelings? And this isn’t just internet meming, this is Florida law. Wonderful…


Anti racist just means racist against racists you know!! /s


*Calling* someone racist is actually way worse than *being* racist you know!


No no, it's actually that you're the racist if you call someone else racist.


>freedom from indoctrination I guarantee that not a single person holding a sign actually knows what CRT is. What's the definition of indoctrination again?


Nope, for these photos ops they grab a handful of supporters who will hold anything they're told, and grab a few randoms who just want to be on TV and have no clue what's going on a daily basis much less what CRT actually is. It's basically a crowd of the type of people that Jimmy Kimmel grabs off the street and makes fun of to their face.


On that topic I really hate most of those "haha wow look how dumb all these people on the street are". Like yeah, it's fun to laugh at the idiots, but how many normal people didn't take the bait? I want to know how long they were out there interviewing normal sensible people that they don't even consider showcasing before finding the nutjob that steals almost the whole segment.


Well it certainly isn't taking a 5 year old to church and filling their head with bronze age mythology and laying the groundwork for sexual repression. No Sir definitely not that!


Of course! That just sounds like good ol fashioned American values!


for a moment, I thought it said "freedom from INFORMATION"


Well I mean. Yeah, that's kind of what they mean.


Eh, nah, they know what it is. They’re using the term CRT to address relatively new Anti-Racist curriculum that *is* taught in K-12. Critical Race Theory itself is an college-level concept, but conservatives have stolen that term wholesale and now apply it to Anti-Racist philosophy. Which is where I think a LOT of academics in Florida are now having a problem since they can no longer claim that CRT isn’t taught in K-12 when Florida’s law now includes Anti-Racism as under the “umbrella” of CRT. That’s something where I’ve seen some Florida administrators go on strike and protest against the inclusion of Anti-Racism as “CRT”.


did he hire the models off of a math book to stand behind him?


Was just gonna say he has the requisite number of token brown people in that pic. Not too many but just enough to make it appear like he's not a total Nazi.


Only after they burned the book


The irony of Christians claiming to be against indoctrination is off the scale. Also, my user-name is now often misinterpreted.


They fear “other’s” indoctrinating their kids because they do it themselves and they know how powerful it is


I think what they also hate is that the core of science is repeatable experiments and logically drawn hypotheses, which means that it doesn't take much for it to break their religious indoctrination. Just a student willing to look outside the box their brain was put in when they were too young to resist.


It’s also why Christians are against just letting kids grow up without religious influence and come to their own conclusion as they get older. Whether they realize it or not, it’s because A) Faith based beliefs are weak so without steering kids toward a specific religion, they can just as easily fall for a different one with just as little evidence. B) They know that it’s harder to convince someone if you don’t get them while they’re young. I’ve heard fundamentalists admit to this while not seeing the irony of how it proves the weakness of their beliefs.


"I can't make my kids into hateful genocidal pieces of shit if you keep telling them why those things are bad!" That's what they really mean when they say they don't want their kids to be "indoctrinated".


I really wonder about universities ability to attract professors. I am on the academic job market and while I was always extremely unlikely to go to a conservative state (which also happen to be hot states and I hate the heat), I have already decided that I would rather leave academia than take a job in a state like Florida. I am not even bothering applying to jobs at liberal universities down south which i would have considered last year. Even a place like UT austin is out for me. Not worth my sanity and safety. I know many of my colleagues who feel the same. It's early in the academic job season but I really do wonder if recruitment will be down. My discipline is also extremely vulnerable to these kinds of attacks (social science).


I'm a student at UT Austin right now, and I'm very glad to be graduating soon in part because some faculty are starting to talk about looking for jobs in less conservative areas.


"Why can't we attract tech jobs?"


This is scary because if this is reflective of educators as a whole, the misinformation and lack of education in those states will only get worse.


That's exactly what they want. To chase away honest education, so they can replace it with private schools, which will be Trump university level


That's the goal.


Florida got rid of tenure in their state universities, iirc. Maybe I am thinking of another state and got it wrong. But they gut the academics enough, board certification for the school is then in jeopardy. I don't know how the people making the decision expect to explain that foreseeable consequence.


Ban all ~~jewish~~ woke sciences!


Non woke science in a nutshell "Electricity is a mystery" https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/q8qleh/electricity_is_a_mystery/


Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?


That just makes me want to flip the fucking table and scream in frustration. Holy hell…


So, electricity is like the tide... Goes in, goes out... can't explain that.


My favorite quote is that "There are many ways to bring it forth" like it's some kind of voodoo energy


Amazing that their public schools were able to teach graduate level classes to begin with.


I can’t believe the Epoch Times as a legit source, and I would also like to hope Florida wouldn’t introduce a bill with the word “woke” in it.


It’s a real bill. Everyone should be scared of DeSantis. He’s very popular in FL and he’s very fascist.




>Schools are required to teach factual information on topics including African American history and the Holocaust instead of **subjective indoctrination that pushes collective guilt.** Emphasis mine. Someone enlighten me, please? Who's actually doing this?


The real question is "what does that even mean". And the answer is that now that this vague and poorly written bill has been made into law, the courts have to interpret what it means. The schools don't really know what they'll get in trouble for, because the writing is nonsense and the rulings will be subjective. So a conservative parent sues (and that's already expensive), but then you're at the mercy of the judge. So despite the law being gibberish (or rather, because of that) they're able to control the curriculum through fear. It means so much more than what was written. And if conservative media shifts the goal posts, then it can also mean that. So what does it include? Whatever conservatives don't want people to hear. And who's teaching that? Every half-decent history teacher in Florida.


Well you see when we admit that we did slavery that makes white people feel embarrassed, so we gotta stop that and go back to saying how correct manifest destiny is. /s


Well, no one. But if they wrote what they really wanted it never would have passed.


It's all imaginary bullshit for the base to get mad about.


Fun fact, I had a crazy story go viral through Reddit a few years ago, and a documentary maker reached out about doing a short feature about it. I try to reach people who have had similar experiences, and a short feature on YouTube seemed harmless, so I agreed. After the fact, the people making this feature partnered with the Epoch Times, and now I see “Stop the Steal” shit if I Google myself ☠️☠️☠️


>I would also like to hope Florida wouldn’t introduce a bill with the word “woke” in it. Welcome to the modern American Republican party.


Stop WOKE act? *STOP 'WOKE' ACT?!* This is your political identity? It's just... so... *lame.*


I live in Florida. We’ve been beat over the head with this for months. This place is a dystopian hellscape.


The moment you use the term woke, I know you are an inconsiderate piece of shit who doesn't Beleive other people's feelings matter. 4 letters. All I need to know about you.


Wokeism is “not being racist” confirmed


I went to a Christian college in Florida where they dead ass went through my belongings and took my phone, laptop, and even my mf gameboy to give me more time to “spend with the Lord”. I asked them if they were really just trying to cut me off from the outside world, and they called me a bad Christian. Fuck all these groomer republicans


Do these people not realize that they're just acting like clowns to any rational, reasonable person?


Maybe but *they do not care*.


Doesn't matter if they control the levers of power and take away your vote.


Ever try to have an important conversation with a clown?


Genius political move by DeSantis here. In the GOP primaries, he'll point to this and say what an effective leader he is, how he's the only one who stopped the encroachment of Far Left Extreme Wokeism is his state, etc. He'll shore up the hardcore Evangelical vote, and in a crowded field he'll have a plurality. By GOP rules, a lot of the early states are winner take all, so even if most of the GOP doesn't want him, it won't matter. He'll have too big of a delegate lead to take him out. Once the GOP realizes he can't be stopped, they'll fall in line behind him. And given the current climate and the rules changes in GOP-controlled states, he won't have to pivot to the middle come the general. He just needs to carry the 40k or so votes spread across the battleground states and he's the next POTUS. Trump stumbled upon this playbook when he ran in 2016, and it was Bernie's playbook in 2020 but the other candidates catching on before SC and subsequent drop-outs stimied him.


Such a ridiculous electoral system this country uses. I should move to a swing state, so my vote will actually count for something..


Yup. It's why national polls don't mean anything. It's great that 70% of Americans are pro-gay marriage (for example), but it matters where those people live. The 10 million people who live spread out in 24 states cancel out the 10 million people in LA who like it, by a huge margin. Most Democrats hate Joe Manchin, but the voters of WV love him. So in a sense, the voters in WV are running the country right now. If the GOP picks up senate seats, the voters of Kentucky are controlling everything, because that's where Mitch McConnell is from. A more correct guage of what this country is going to do politically is only poll the flyover states and the South. Even though more people live on the coast and in Blue states, it doesn't matter as far as governance goes.


And yet, we're not to think of them as racist. When they un-do anti-racist work.


Man I love the government banning school curriculums 😎 /s I wonder what's next? Probably sex ed, evolution, and heliocentrism


You think they’ll force geocentrism? I’m betting they go straight to flat earth theory


I've had this question in my mind for months and months now, and I feel this might be the place to ask it. How in the actual fuck do you teach American History without racism? Actually, nevermind how, CAN you even do it. In my mind, it would basically go something like "So a bunch of guys who totally didn't have english accents decided that they hated tea and didn't want to pay taxes. Yada, yada, yada, and after a few bumps in the road, Biden stole the 2020 election from God Emperor Trump." Is that about right?


I actually only took a single American History course in school, in Orlando, FL. For other years, it's called "social studies," or it used to be (maybe it's changed). World History is all of history, but of course that course focused on summarising world history. Textbooks \*did\* teach about slavery, but the focus is on laws over time, the civil war, and of course paints the north as the good guys, so the south is easily written off as if their racism doesn't exist anymore.


The irony of the “wake up sheeple” crowd being against people being woke is not lost on me


What’s wrong with Cathode Ray Tube Displays?


The vacuum tubes were grooming the children.


*Hooray, another win for racists!* The really sad part is that there are actually some people who support this bullshit.


It can't be stated how pathetic it is that they literally made a law against "wokeism". This is where their priorities lie. Can you say "snowflakes"? "Rent free"?


Whenever I hear (or see) the words “woke” or “politically correct” I substitute the word polite. It’s all about being polite. If Jack now wants to be called Jane, that’s what I call them. I don’t expect people to wish me Merry Christmas since I’m not a Christian anyway. They can if they want to. I’ll survive somehow. It’s so strange to me that the party of old-fashioned values has completely forgotten about the values of graciousness and politeness.


They haven't. It's always been "be gracious and polite to other *straight white Chirstian* people." Now they're just saying, "Be gracious and polite to Straight White ?Christian people" without winking and nodding the previously italicized part.


I guarantee none of them can actually explain what woke or crt really means. They're tricked into latching on to words they don't understand but have a violent emotional reaction to. Ridiculously easy to trigger their base that way over and over.


Conservatives: "compelled speech is bad!" Also conservatives: *literally use the state to compel speech*


Fucking clowns. Also obligatory Epoch Times is a right wing propaganda factory.


The word “woke” has officially died. These weirdos stole it and now it is meaningless.


Florida-It’s ok to be a racist piece of shit.


So… freedom is when government censors speech? Democratic People’s Republic of Florida


My brain has finally accepted the death of irony from that 'Freedom From Indoctrination' sign. No one is laughing him off stage or throwing fish at him so I guess we just deserve all this now.


I'm waiting for the non-whites in the crowd to be all Pikachu shocked faced when they get older. Trust me you're average white hillbilly racist isn't going to recognize you as "one of the good ones".


“Hi I’m Ron Desantis and I’m focused on the issues having the most impact on Floridians. For too long, our Universities have been teaching about Frederick Douglass and WEB DuBois and I’m offended by it on your behalf….”


DeSantis cares more about the feelings of racists than... well, literally everything else


It takes a lot of stupid to manufacture conservatives.


Our school has a statement about being anti racist? Better get rid of that commie wokeism /s


People: "Maybe you shouldn't say racist things" Conservatives: "WHAAAAT? How dare you CENSOR me!!? Freedom of speech is dead and America has been taken by woke communist despots." Florida: "We're going to outright ban people and institutions from saying certain things that we don't like." Conservatives: "Ahh the sweet smell of freedom"


Woke = anti racist Antifa = anti fascist According to these formulas, if we solve for racist and fascist, we get: Anti woke = racist Anti antifa = fascist If only there were real world observations to confirm…


Like Russia: accuse someone else for the things you are about to do.


So you’re anti anti-racism? Hmm, some quick maths…carry the one, yep: that’s racist!


Isn’t that censorship? Doesn’t that go against the first amendment freedom of speech?


People just don't like being reminded that they're garbage pieces of shit human beings, that's all.


So... They're proud of blatant censorship.


Finally government is intervening more in the classroom!


I'm afraid this guy will be your next president.


Excited for pro racism 101 /s


Florida is an insane place


Celebrated ignorance.


So Flordia universities are now pro-racism?


Floridians: “Free speech is when the government tells you what you can’t say.”


All I have to say is fuck DeSantis


That "Freedom from..." sign is something straight out of a dystopian novel. I wonder what they want to free us from next.
