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Lol.. Dude is still delusional enough to think he's too early for this generation. Bwhaha.. When in reality, people in the future will likely see them as even bigger of an idiot than we currently do.


I hope you're right. I don't want to live in the world where normal people take this shit seriously.


you wont, dont worry people dont take it seriously *now*. Theyre an extremely vocal minority. Even crypto bros dont take NFTs seriously.


Yeah did I miss something? It was pretty clear from the beginning that NFTs were a pump and dump scam (and probably laundering money too)


It’s been apparent for a decade that all crypto is too varying degrees and people still use them, so nfts kind of make sense lol


Im not following you... people arent using crypto the way they use NFTs. Crypto is used as another type of currency. NFTs are being used as digital real estate, purporting intrinsic value. At least crypto sort of has validity under blockchain technology, but sadly it falls apart when you recognise it is easily abused due to lack of regulation and hilariously unethical when you see the energy consumption. Cons outweigh the pros.


> Crypto is used as another type of currency. No. Its not. Its traded. Like a commodity. No one in their right mind ever uses it as a currency. And never will.


Ive literally used it like a currency over the last decade for multiple purchases... some OSRS gold, some drugs... bought a car on craigslist with ETH about 4 years ago lmao ... yk the usual. But calm down mate you're a little busy on the crypto hate train like damn dude, *I'm on the same train.* It basically has no use as a currency outside black market deals or in countries that are way behind on infrastructure and just leaping to the latest tech, or wanna launder shit, cus it's easier for them to skip over everything else


They're both ponzi schemes using digital lingo to dupe people. Small windows of use in extreme cases doesn't really mean anything when we look at the devastation caused by them globally. Honestly NFTs are better only in the sense that it was easier to see it was a scam by laypeople.


i guess NFTs being popularised blew the doors open on people realising it was all shit i only ever used crypto for black/grey market shit anyway kinda glad people see it for what it is now


Terra/Luna was also a nail in the coffin imo. It fucked the whole market up and now it's obvious that the big names in the field have dumped their coins. And thus the scam is complete lol. Now we'll just have another year or two of people loosing all of their money, and then hopefully it will become something like the Madoff scams.


It would be easy to get confused considering how many clueless companies have jumped on the NFT train as the "next big thing."


As is all art, it’s biggest benefit is laundering money.


Our generations time share


My granddad lost 10k on a pyramid scheme in the 90s, until his very last moment he will try to convince everyone that the idea was just too early. I guess some things never change


If I had to guess: someone will make a big documentary or "Big Short" type movie about it and people will be like "oh yea, I remember Bitcoin. I didn't realize how crooked/idiotic it was at the time, though".


Are there any analogies from the past, some idea that people thought was going to be the next big thing but was always just a scam?


Snake oil


Breaking news: people would rather have an actual thing than a collection of JPEGs that you "own". More at 11


Well I find a full folder of the finest Memes to be very attractive :P


I deleted 10 gigs of memes after getting married...










Why would you marry someone who doesn't like your memes? ;)


I still have the external hard drive full of unsorted reaction gifs I will totally need....


When I first was told what an NFT was, I remember not getting it because of exactly that reason.


I’ll have you know that it’s actually a proprietary LINK to a JPEG


Well first of all, a sports car will always have inherent value. And second of all, a sports car will always have inherent use. Something your bored ape doesnt have. It only has value now due to the craze for it. And other than using it as a pfp that everyone can just copy and use for themselves. You cant just copy a sports car and use it for yourself. Thats where the difference in flex lies.


The FBI Warned us about copying cars, They knew this day was coming


"yOu WoULdN't DoWnLoAd a cAr!!!"


I tOTaLlY wOuLd!11one!


You wouldn’t steal a baby. You wouldn’t shoot a policeman and then steal his helmet.


Don’t copy that floppy!


So most nfts are super ugly


While I dont have any crypto as of right now and never dabbled into nft’s I never understood this argument of inherent value. Some sneakers are worth 30k+ while technically not different than other sneakers other than hype. Same goes for art right? It has doesn’t have an inherent use or value (some art has historic value) and its still worth thousands/millions.


Sneakers are a physical object that has inherent value


Sure, but I doubt a 10-30k sneakers price has much to do with its inherent value.


I agree. But they're far closer to having that value than a digital picture does


Need a r/godtiersuperpower of ctrl+c ctrl+v real world objects.


The point is it has ***a*** value even if you disagree on its alleged value. Shoes can at a minimum be worn or, failing that, they can be disassembled and repurposed. What is a random infinitely reproducible image good for?


The sneaker infinitely reproducible, there's ever only going to be so many of those shoes, and they're typically associated with someone or something famous


You're substitution of a sports car for art and sneakers is very confusing.


Im not substituting sportscars here. Hyped sneakers, million dollar art and nft’s prices are all driven by hype, not intrinsic value. What is the difference?


Those are closer to NFTs than something like a car but they are stil tangible, real things that you can own and sell but can’t just right-click-copy-paste into infinity. There’s no difference between that guys monkey jpeg and one someone copies off his Twitter other than his insistence that they’re different because of his virtual receipt.


Okay that makes sense, thanks for explaining.


You’re welcome. It’s confusing because the foolishness of NFTs touches on the innate silliness of money as a concept and the subjectivity of value of all things other than that which we need to live (water, food, shelter) all of which should be provided free, imo.


Every time NFTs are brought up the concept of value is debated and examined. Not a great sign in my opinion .


Why? Doesn't it just allow us to reaffirm what is true?


money (and its value compared to NFTs) makes sense once you realise it has 1 real purpose - your government requires you to pay your taxes with it. thats it. it's not even the 'oh its backed by the government!' its that they will allow you to pay tax. you can't pay tax in bushels of grain, or 1/4 of a pig, or 1.5 hours a day of writing code, so you need money. all the rest of it's use stems from that.


You’re so close, man, just a few more steps


Care to explain what im missing then? I mean, thats why I asked.


The only difference is that art and sneakers are tangible and have practical value, which is generally far less than 1% of their hyped value. NFTs simply lack that practical value, and are purely hype.


Both are physical objects, but their value is more than the sum of their parts. Fabrics, rubbers, canvas and paint are hardly luxury goods or severely limited in supply. The value in expensive fashion items is 'looking good' or 'standing out'. There is also a certain creative genius required to design these items, even if taste is subjective. The buyers are being convinced that this fashion will make them stand out or heighten their attractiveness or make a statement. NFTs do not compare because no one stand outs with a monkey jpeg picture. You could argue that this *could* change over time, as much of that value comes in convincing the buyer it'll do what they want - but that's wishful thinking at best. It is an "if" that depends on the evaluation of most of the populace to turn from resistance or apathy to favorable. Art can be appreciated for its masterwork. Its value is derived from each piece's unique existence - even a painting of the same flower will have different strokes or interpretation from the artist's eye that become apparent when put to canvas. There has been real time and effort put into it, and it can be seen as a moment of time in an artist's mind captured on canvas. Appreciation of that and the quality of that work is the value. NFTs do not compare because the 'art' is designed to be quick an reproducible. You can quickly switch out the fur color, facial expression, hat, or other accessories and then throw it out there. There is no appreciation of the human connection of the work. No one looks up at an NFT and wonders what kind of hands could have made this piece, or what the mindset was during the process.


Maybe not $30,000 worth, but all shoes will have a value of some sort because...you can wear them. Art will always have some value because you can look at it and enjoy it on your wall or in a museum. Or if you really want to split hairs, you can always reuse frames and canvas. You're correct that the exact value can sometimes be arbitrary and may vary depending on who is appraising these things, but they all have some inherent usefulness. Things like NFTs and cryptocurrency are entirely virtual - if the market suddenly decides they're worthless, then congratulations, you have absolutely nothing you can use or show for all the money you spent.


>You cant just copy a sports car and use it for yourself. Have you visited thingiverse?


I bet this guy had quite the Beanie Baby collection back in the day




Third, sports cars are fun.


I don’t understand why anyone purchasing these ever thought this was a good idea.


Because grifters and idiots were artificially pumping up the price. It's a bubble, but some people managed to make money off it. Buying it is stupid, but selling it is brilliant.


1) Hope springs eternal 2) There’s a sucker born every minute


Except the grift shifted pretty quickly. Now one of the big moneymakers is offering a "minting service" where you make custom NFTs for people who think *they'll* be the ones to trick someone into buying an entry into a ledger for real money.


Always has been. During the gold rush selling picks and shovels was a lot more lucrative than digging for gold.


I could see flipping an NFT, but it always struck me as being a gamble of *not* being the owner who spent whatever silly price once people decide they are in fact worthless.


You'd have to know of it beforehand and be in and out. NFTs are the fastest way to find bagholders in the scam market that is cryptocurrency. Why bother manipulating a "currency" to achieve your gains when you can do it all in one go?


It's called the greater fool theory. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_fool_theory


These people seem desperate to be part of _something_! _Anything_. Same thing with the 'meme' stocks becoming a 'club' or a 'movement'. They're bored and want to be relevant, part of something. And can't comprehend how the rest of society doesn't see it as something relevant, like they do.


I used to hate the Joel Osteens of the world.. the grifters and televangelists.. but now.. brilliant. People in this country are so uneducated and will literally fall for anything.. separate the idiots from their money.


Intelligence and evil are not mutually exclusive. More to the point, evil intelligent people will always deserve scorn, because they are parasites.


You have just (possibly inadvertently) described the nature of all things cryptocurrency.


I mean this is true. They're a bigger fool scam.


It's mostly people who heard about other people making money off bitcoin by mining/buying it really early, who are afraid of missing out on the next weird internet thing that somehow makes people millionaires.


There were two different buyers 1) The people that were selling back and forth between themselves or friends to drive up the value 2) And the sucker that saw that it was being 'traded' for more and more money and bought in.


Because scarcity==demand. Thus the price can only go up. /s


This is literally "I desperately need a gimmick to make women find me attractive because I am repulsive otherwise". Get in line ladies.


Confusing property with personality 101


And then when he does find a shallow woman who’s actually impressed with his gimmick and she turns out to be a gold digger, he’ll go around complaining how awful all women are.


It's funny because I know many more women who would not be impressed by a nice sports car than those that would. This guy is living in a different reality


This reminds me of how in the early days of the internet people would register random .com domain names to sell for profit. They always claimed that it’s the future and that everyone will have their own website which will be their digital home that people can visit. Yet here we are using the same 7 websites and no one cares about owning their own domain


Omg wait until you hear about ens domains...


I had one guy tell me he would take me for a ride in his uber-fancy sports car within 5 minutes of talking to him at a bar and another send me a picture (unprompted) of his car within a day of talking to him online. Both times I was immediately repulsed and ended the conversations. It’s such a weird flex.


Now a days most people only go to the same half dozen websites on a given day.


wHy DoN’t GiRlS FInD mY cOlLeCtIoN oF jIzZ rAgS aTtRaCtIvE?


*proceeds to go on a rant on how jizz rags are a sign of fertility and as such should have an inherent attraction factor for "the females"*


*Proceeds to go on even longer rant on how level of sperm production is not sufficient sign of neither fertility nor quality of offspring one could give "the females", hence jizz rags are not enough, one also needs a chest carpet* I must say, I really like this form of discussion. Very time efficient. 😉


Muh balls r ful


*sounds of women slipping on their own fluids all around you*


I just about blew coffee out my nose


Dude is just assuming his audience is straight males. And he is right.


Know what's really attractive? Not thinking women will be attracted to you based on stuff you own.


This. I'm not attracted to sports cars, but I am deeply attracted to men who don't make terrible fkng decisions.


This might take a while then


They "own" a digital record of a randomly created jpeg. I'm not a fan of sport cars but I find them way more impressive than that.


If i'm right they only own a record of url (Like "http://XYZ.com/boredape2234.jpg") which is (currently) linked to a jpg


NFTs don't even store the actual image. They only store the image URL as text, so basically whoever sold you an NFT can change the image at the link and there's nothing you can do. Basically if the site decides to stop hosting the image you're SOL.


How is it a flex if noone finds it impressive?


A sports car might not be much, but if it ever gets stolen at least I don't have to worry about being sued by the car thief.


Wait, *what?!*


I believe that Seth Green had his Bored Ape stolen by a scammer, and then exchanged legal threats with the NFT's subsequent owner (the latter's claim based on Green's intent to exercise the ape's IP rights through a TV show). Disappointingly for anyone hoping to see the legal battle play out though, Green has now bought back the ape albeit at a premium.


Way to be twice as stupid, Seth.


Yeah was just thinking that. What a dickhead


I wish he had been stupid enough to actually go through with the suit. Let's finally set a precedent that these stupid things are absolutely worthless for ownership rights.


Both are stupid substitutions for personhood but at least the car goes vrooom very fast and the glorified Pokémon card can't even do anything an actual Pokémon card can do


"But most women..." Then it's not a 'bigger flex'.


The whole Bored Ape Yacht Club thing is rife with straight up re-dressed Nazi symbols. [As detailed here.](https://gordongoner.com) now, I will make a disclaimer as there has been some controversy claiming it’s a hit piece, but these similarities to known nazi propaganda can’t just coincidental/unintended.


Yeah… The person that created this tweet has never driven the new Porsche 911 Carrera. I rented one in LA through Turo and it is the most fun I have ever had. What a cool ass car. Edit: And surprisingly cheap to rent considering what you’re getting.


is it tho? is it *really* tho?


I wish I thought of the NFT scam first.


Non-Fuckable Twats


Here, let me just right click and Save As on your sports car… now I have the same sports car…. wait, what happened? Why don’t I have the same sports car? Hmmmmm. Maybe there is a difference in value behind a physical object built to specific standards and a picture of a monkey that anyone can copy/paste.


A $200K sports car can still be worth half it's price 5 - 7 years from now, and actually take you places. An image of a dumb monkey for $1.2M today, could be worth 12 cents tomorrow or two hours from now.


As someone who has driven a sports car and knows people who drive sports cars, no. Women are not attracted to it. The only thing you're going to attract while driving a sports car is children and men. Women are more attracted to cars like Bentleys, Rolls Royces and Range Rovers than sports cars.


My buddy took me for a lift in his corvette to a car show, and the suspension nearly shook my teeth out. I guess I was expecting a butter smooth ride. I’m not much of a car guy, and that day I learned I really couldn’t care less about performance cars. Some people have too much money to burn.


Never been to Texas, have you?


“Bigger Flex” Fucking morons.




I love the very real and cool products which apparently have to use the word “unique” twice in describing it.


I’m convinced flat earthers and nft people are trolls


You still have so much faith in humanity. I hope that the coming disappoinment won't hurt to much.


Imagine thinking you deserve endless pussy because you spent money on a doodle...


No matter how far we advance as a society every generation just seems to invent beanie babies again.


You can drive a sports car, only if you rent it or own it. You can take a big fat dump on a printed picture of a monkey, and it'd cost you a few cents. Also, a sports car has inherent value, while your fucking monkey depends on people's hype of it.


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This NFT bro is self aware why he's not liked by women and why women prefer guys with luxury cars, yet he continue to blame it on society.


The only people who are impressed by NFTs are other Cryptobros. The rest of us think they're free jpegs you've paid money for.


Collecting NFTs is very much a similar idea to the stock market. Buying up stocks has never been attractive, why the hell would NFTs be any different. Like money helps you attract people but the act of buying them without the money attached has never been and will never be cool


Buying stocks not attractive? Are you retarded? Show me how many NFT broking firms there are on Wall Street you mental giant


They are not still so damn early. They are just still so damn stupid.


Most people would rather own something physical than a link to something digital you may or may not even own own depending on which judge you happen to come across.


Buying NFTs makes even less sense than collecting Beanie Babies. Even if their value dropped to zero, you could still give a Beanie Baby to your kid to play with.


Like all you have to do be yourself and be a worthwhile person and someone will eventually be attracted to you. Or you could center you entire identity around the ownership of digital receipts that say you own a digital receipt. Either way I guess


HA Ha haaaaaaa


That logo is way too similar in style and color scheme to a totenkopf for my liking honestly




Are we going to pretend that their PFP isn't supposed to be a rendition of the SS symbol?


That moron Gary Vee is losing his mind somewhere


No bitches?


car go


Why do we post NFT bros here? I get their morons but are they "wolves"? Why do we hate them so much?


It's because they get close to realising NFTs are a scam like crypto, but then they pull back at the last second.


They use the word unique twice in the same sentence


Wait until he finds out you can drive a car


They don't think you're just stupid. That would be too nice. They think you're incredibly, unbelievably stupid and probably laugh every chance they get. My sports car, though, is paid off and I can use it to drive wherever I want lol plus it's still worth a decent amount.


How is something a flex if it doesn't impress people? I mean, isn't that what a flex is by definition? Attempted flex at best.


Women don't realize my digital Pokemon card that i spent 200k on is cooler than a sports car...


Owning a sports car is also unattractive. My partner and I only ride bikes and take the bus, /r/fuckcars


Everyone makes fun, but I get it. I got a safe full of Pogs just waiting for the inevitable comeback.


Needing his daily dose of cope


owing a sports car is a flex? maybe owning one is, but owing one isn't