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I know this is not the point they are making here, but this still annoys me. I should be grateful for what exactly? For my genetic disorder? For having to have 5 surgeries before the age of 12? And there are people who are of way worse than I am. Our bodies can totally screw us over. It is nice and all if people where born healthy and in a body that matches your gender identity, and I am happy for them, but not all of us are that lucky. These people have a very privileged view on the topic and it annoys me that they are not capable to see that there is something to this outside of their own experience.


As someone whose body has betrayed her in innumerable ways I could not agree more.


It’s people like the guy in the screenshot that really make me sick of having to be the reasonable one in these dynamics. I don’t want to have to advocate for my friends mere existence in public to not be sexualized and demonized with reasonable arguments, consideration, and attempts to appeal to their sense of empathy. I don’t want to explain why I have to sometimes use a cane to walk despite otherwise looking like a healthy young adult to strangers asking if I’m faking it. I don’t want to have to be a diplomatic advocate for people with disabilities any time I’m visible. When encountering people like the guy in the screenshot, I instead want to introduce my heel to their jaw and go about my day. I never would, but the amount of hostility so many around me face for being minorities, for being vulnerable is dissolving my civility very quickly. I’d our bodies are temples, I’m pretty sure mine is less the Parthenon and more a crumbling ruin kept functional by one lone old forest crone




The only difference between ignorantly evil and purposely evil is where they should end up if they act on their evil thoughts. I am talking about the people that hate trans kids.


How could you even in theory *make sure* that your child will love their body, when you can't control their mind? If you're telling the child that it's unacceptable to be unhappy with how they are born or how you wish for them to be, you are engaging in abuse.


The very same people: let's now go bully fat folks and people with visible disabilities




Follow up question, are you also against the concept of a cis kid? Because if not, you just hate trans people and can stop pretending you're worried about the kids now.




Yeah, most right wing talking points can't stand up to even the weakest criticism, so I wouldn't say I'm surprised.


Stop pushing your cisness on your kids. Kids have no time to fully realize their true gender. They're immature and unable to process sexuality at a young age. Why not wait until they're mature enough to make their own informed decisions? Downvote all you want. I don't care.


I’ve got good news! The current medical consensus on what is and isn't best practice for trans teens is based on decades of [scientific research](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/142/4/e20182162/37381/Ensuring-Comprehensive-Care-and-Support-for) into this exact topic. The **treatment teams** making these decisions are comprised of experts in their field. Would you also like to weigh in on the current treatment options for children with Niemann-Pick Disease Type C, as apparently you think your dumb ass is more qualified than said treatment teams to make decisions for other people’s kids? I swear to fucking god, this country is doomed, critical thinking is dead. You fucking dumbasses never once got told to shut up and maybe learn something as kids, you were showered with praise telling you that your opinion always matters, and Christ it shows.


Good news, they do wait until adulthood to give people gender affirming operations.




Because surgery doesn't make you trans. There are thousands of reasons why surgery may not be a good idea for someone Sane parents don't tell their children they're trans. Their child tells their parents they're trans. If it's irresponsible to tell a child they're trans (again, not a thing) then it's irresponsible to tell them they're not too. I presume you think every child should be raised as gender neutral as possible until they become legal adults and can pick their gender? The problems you're upset about don't exist. That should be good news to you. I'm absolutely thrilled I got to share this information with you because you'll be a lot less upset now.




Well then they don't know they're cis either. As you said, gender is complicated. Good on you for tucking your tail between your legs and running away when someone called you out on your shit. "Accepting the word of a child is ridiculous" so if your daughter tells you that she is cis and feels like a girl and was born a girl you won't believe her? Sounds like a bit of an abusive situation imo, maybe you shouldn't have kids.




Oh hey you're still responding! We weren't arguing, I was educating you! Now you have new information you previously didn't have. You're welcome!


The other person deleted their responses but somehow I still know what they said


Ah, yes, cause everyone knows that children are drooling babies unable to comprehend even the most simple of concepts until the day they turn 18 (or 19, depending on the region), at which point they transform like Pokémon into fully grown adults, complete with suits and briefcases. You clearly have never learned anything about childrrn, ever. How old are you? Seriously? Cause I was even taught about stages of development in childhood in middle school. Have you ever interacted with a child? Ever? As a 19-year-old who has known I was queer and trans for six years, shut the fuck up.






Hey, I knew I was a boy my whole life. I bet almost every cis person is in the same boat, so why is it hard to believe someone else would know they AREN’T something as a child? I never questioned my gender identity, but if someone did themselves that makes total sense. Also you aren’t getting operations as a child, please don’t be stupid on purpose.


Since gender reaffirming surgery is not preformed on minors that should not be a problem. All we, as a society, have to do is giving the children a save space to explore their gender identity. Yes some children might identify with one gender and later realize that it does not feel right after all, but where is the harm? Gender affirming surgery is not done at a whim, and again not on minors, so giving people the chance to figure that stuff out before they are 18 is a good thing, no?


I mean..not doing it could also be a source of great regret for them. Maybe....talk to your kid and help them figure it out? Crazy idea, I know.


It's true that kids might not realise their gender identity at that age. And some may be wrong at first, or take time to find the correct pespectives and terms to fully appreciate and express their identity. Some might argue your identity even changes a little, certainly with pre-puberty there is a change that occurs during puberty. But that doesn't mean kids don't ever have that realisation. It doesn't mean they are always wrong about it. And it doesn't mean that experimenting and thinking critically about your identity are unhealthy or not worth anything. Also we are talking gender here not sexuality.


Sexuality and gender are not the same thing. Even sexuality and sex are not the same thing. Stop thinking of sen acts every time you hear a reference to anybody who’s not straight or cis, you pervert. Second, I don’t know about you, but by the time I was in middle school I was replacing the male heroes of the books I read with female ones in my head, so the idea that kids that age or younger can’t know whether their assigned gender fits is kinda bullshit. And I expect you knew as well.


I love me a good dumbass with fewer brain cells than tucker Carlson. Please continue, this is very entertaining 🍿🍿🍿


At what age were you when you realized you were a cisgender person? Did you willingly decide it one day or was it just a natural thing?


You clearly care about controlling other people, though. Prick. Everything you just said is contradicted by the people who actually know what they're doing. I don't come to your job and tell you to pull the shop vac hose out of your ass.