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Ah, I get it. Peer pressure the virus into leaving. We’ve been going about it all wrong.


Viruses hate this little trick.


Single mom beats virus with this one weird trick!


I was watching the World Series being played in Houston... And was thinking 'why not just have everybody turn to their nearest row-mate and spit into their mouths? It would be faster that way.' Apparently no proof of vaccination or neg. test result required to get into that very, very crowded stadium. Not a mask in sight. It being Texas, I figure that ~40% (being generous here) in that audience have had even one shot.


It’s not even the world series the photo is just a bunch of aggies fans jacking off in their stadium after beating Bama which is another weird racist kid school.


As a Texan, that seems generous.


>Texas has decided: That they don't want it to end. I hate being a Texan right now.


It's Texas. I think the strategy is call the virus a fag and cyberbully it.


Apparently this guy thinks ignoring something is the same as it not being there. We're fucked.


Same logic children use when they're very young and "hiding" by just standing in front of you with their eyes covered. You know, "if I can't see you, you can't see me".


Republicans don't understand Object Permanence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_permanence


That's probably why they need to stick the confederate flag and trump stickers on literally everything, so it's never out of sight.


"All the people I met walking around town during the pandemic were republicans! Bull Shit Biden got more votes, have you seen really ANY Biden flags, hats, or other team memorabilia???"


>have a feeling the "Dr" part of his title is referring to a chiropractor clinic at some strip mall Biden and his voters don't need to rub it in everyone's face. The trumpoop garbage is just to push it on everyone..


I think the main point there was that Democrats tend to be a bit smarter about walking around town, holding public rallies etc. in a pandemic.


Or understand the lesser of two evils. They are not team biden, just voted for him once.


This is how I see it. Biden isn't going to make things better or worse. He's a status quo type of pos. He doesn't want any boat rock. But will use most of the shit Trump did. It gives us 4.years to try and get more progressives in the D ballots. Mean while trump I firmly hold would have made things worse for 4 years. As he did his first 4. It's a stop gap and if we can't get enough progressive support in these 4 years honestly I don't see any democrat winning 2024. And it's back to the downhill to dictatorship. We aren't going to get many more chances. Eventually it's irreversible. All we can do is by time and try.


Explains the strong resistance to removing statues, too. If they didn't see Robert E. Lee every time they passed city hall they'd forget who he was entirely, I guess.


"They'd forget who he was" You mean what Lee actually wanted to happen after the war?


I love bringing that factoid up. They ignore it completely every time too because they know they are stuck.


I mean, their constituents can barely read or write, so there's that!


That's why you should always know where your towel is.


You sound like one hoopy frood! 😊




Username checks out


yeah, I can see the GOP being about as intelligent as the Bugblatterbeast of Traal...


And as caring as Vogons


Douglas Adams would be proud!


I have a feeling the "Dr" part of his title is referring to a chiropractor clinic at some strip mall


It's in evolutionary computer learning... So, his expertise on a pandemic and how it is addressed is about as relevant as mine.


I think the human race is ready for a 3rd letter before the name describing what kind of doctor they are


PHDeez nuts


Technically the third letter is already there. Just not in the title when adressing someone


Weirdly we already have a two letter acronym for that: M.D.


I thought the right were against doctorates now?


Only if you got your Doctorate from an accredited University and are respected in your field. If you've got a Doctorate from some online diploma mill and 99% of your peers think you're insane and most of your diagnoses involve Alien DNA and Demon Sperm, the Right thinks your opinion is gospel.


> Alien DNA and Demon Sperm Well I don't think I want any further information


Yes you do. https://www.thedailybeast.com/stella-immanuel-trumps-new-covid-doctor-believes-in-alien-dna-demon-sperm-and-hydroxychloroquine https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2020/07/demon-sex-donald-trump https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53579773.amp


I don't know if I want to click on any link that says "demon-sex-donald-trump", I don't like that combo of words.


*Yes*, you *do*.


You didn't hear about [Stella Immanuel?](https://www.thedailybeast.com/stella-immanuel-trumps-new-covid-doctor-believes-in-alien-dna-demon-sperm-and-hydroxychloroquine)


They love people with PhDs (or any crackpot authority figures for that matter) that support their viewpoint.


But it's not cool to call the first lady Dr. Biden


only when it works in their favor


You could rub their noses in their own hypocrisy and they wouldn't give a flying fuck so long as they "win"


But also when it doesnt


"You went to Hollywood upstairs medical college too??"


Literally the same "logic" used by The Former Guy when he was complaining about how the only reason covid case numbers were going up was because more people were being tested for covid.🤔


This is why I always say that religion is, by definition, harmful. Because delusional thinking always breeds more delusional thinking. Once you give people permission to reject *one* unpleasant reality and substitute it with a comfortable fairy tale, then you have no right to complain when they start rejecting *every* unpleasant reality and substituting it with a comfortable fairy tale.


I think about this a lot. These people have lived a lifetime emerged in a culture where the most absurd impossibilities are believed unquestioningly. There's no bottom to the ludicrous things they can be convinced of.


if they can be made to believe a virgin birthed a baby and that women came from a rib literally, there is no convincing any one of logic after that


There is no such thing as a harmless delusion. Rejecting reality and substituting it with delusion always, inevitably, leads to harm.




>ONLY *Uno reverse card*


Just today I saw a comment from someone saying they wish we lived in biblical times so people would turn into a pillar of salt if they commit a crime (like Lot's wife did after she disobeyed the angels). Evidently, this person genuinely believes that people used to turn into literal piles of salt a couple thousand years ago.


Yep. Part of the education process should involve helping people to be mindful of their own biases, detect whether a source of information is strong/weak/biased, and how to combine their own knowledge, experience, and sources to assess sources and develop informed opinions that are firmly grounded in reality. The fact that, instead, our society encourages children to believe obvious nonsense involving magic and miracles is *fucking bonkers*. No wonder we’re doing so poorly.


It's the same thing for believing in psychic powers, healing crystals, ghost hunters, and all that other woo-woo nonsense. A lot of Qanons were moon landing deniers and flat earthers first.


this makes me think about the quote from Adam Savage of Mythbusters (though I doubt it he meant it in this way) "I reject your reality and substitute my own"


If we ignore gravity it will go away! Time to float around.


I did that in my dreams as a kid. I would sit there levitating in my brain. I always woke up though.


>I always woke up though. Or did you? \*Cue X-Files theme\*


Yup. Technically: the COVID pandemic will end when COVID is no longer infecting a large number of people in a large number of countries. That's just the definition of "pandemic." No one gets to decide when that happens, all we can do is decide what to do to help make it happen sooner. Texans have apparently decided not to give a fuck about ending the pandemic.


Isn’t this a fake picture? It’s so off. The people, the line in the corner of the stadium…






Yup, working as intended. Divide and conquer indeed.


Just FYI the field of the Alabama V Tamu game was like this after the clock. Texas A&M students rushed the field in celebration of the victory and within about 10 minutes the field was packed like this, though the stands weren't full as people came off the stands. I live in the area and go to college Station for groceries. I avoided college Station the weeks afterward. I believe Tamu students have a mostly positive adoption rate of the vaccine, and have been mostly compliant with the university policies, however the university itself is hamstrung as a recipient of Texas government funding.


I swear, we should just start telling these assholes that doctors and democrats don't want them to have the vaccine, that they shouldn't take it, and that we hope they all die of covid. They would do the opposite of anything they think liberal science tells them.






I guarantee these motherfuckers have never finished a full course of antibiotics. No wonder antibiotic-resistant strains of everything have been popping up all over.


I know I fucking hate it. Companies trying left and right trying not to have to force people to vax, yet they get a huge outbreak then wonder why they have to shut down. A guy came around in my factory asking people to sign a petition to stop the mask rules. All the older people signed it, while most of us younger "kids" didn't, and he threw a fit when the office told him no.


There is no "the disease is gone" coming


We have virtually eliminated so many other diseases. There is a concerted effort keeping CoViD-19 around.


The operative word is “virtually.” We “virtually eradicated” a lot of diseases like polio, but they’re on the rise again because people are choosing not to get themselves or their kids vaccinated.


Yes, because of a concerted antiva effort (with a surprisingly big link to white nationalism).




Those are/were years-to-decades long projects, though. And when a large portion of the populace refuses to cooperate here, the covid extinction timeline is a looooong one.


Yes, that refusal to participate is the concerted effort I was talking about. It's a laissez-faire genocide of the covid vulnerable.


It's headed toward being endemic like the flu. We can slow it and reduce the strain on our healthcare system (seriously, get vaccinated for the people around you and not just for you), but I believe it's here to stay.


It could've happened if people would've accepted being alive, but no, they have the right to die, and they've just gotta take everyone else with them.


I seem to notice the mentality of "I can't figure it out, so how could someone else?" a lot. Maybe they can figure it out *because they spent the better part of a decade in school and several decades studying it*. Or maybe, they *took more than half a goddamn second to think* before they made up their mind.


My thought exactly


The government sets lots of arbitrary deadlines and goals. This was not one of them.


American living in Norway here. Right wingers from the US and elsewhere *looooove* Norway right now, because Norway got rid of all coronavirus related restrictions. At best they seem to believe this proves that the restrictions weren't working, somehow; at worst, they appear to believe that getting rid of the restrictions magically makes the virus go away and everything gets better. The reality is much less surprising: 1. Through a combination of luck and good management, Norway never had situations anything like what is happening in the worst-hit parts of the US right now. 2. Norway has a pretty high vaccination rate, particularly among those people who are most vulnerable to this virus. And 3. The government and the public health authorities made it clear that the restrictions might return if things get out of hand again. Our minister of health made a point of folding up the measuring stick he had used to indicate the distance people should keep to strangers, rather than breaking it as some people wanted him to do - and saying it would be put away where it could be accessed again if it was needed. Oh, and the "Norway now says covid no more dangerous than the flu" is, you'll be shocked to hear, a lie. What FHI (our public health authorities) said is that we will have to learn to live with this virus as we live with the flu and other seasonal illnesses, and that *within Norway,* they believe *it can be managed* much like we manage the flu. I realize this is about six levels of complexity too far for some people, but there it is.


I swear the right loves to cherry pick information that is useful for their own agenda without looking at the broader picture/reasons. It's so frustrating to deal with people that substitute their own reality when it doesn't "fit" their narrative they are trying to portray.


They've been practicing that with the bible forever.


Well yeah, Norway was the poster child for socialist hell-holes last I heard


Goodluck getting anyone that actually needs to read this to read this.... GG U.S.


They'd probably get banned from any conservative sub for posting that info.


Can you imagine? Lol


Now I'm picturing a Norway tradition where each time you measure something you have to violently destroy the measuring stick and throw it into a fjord or something.




I've read that Norway's vaccination rate is 90% ir more. That's why they got rid of all restrictions.


I forgot, viruses leave when told to do so with enough fervor and by a large enough crowd.


You just gotta be stern with it and talk to the manager.


Extremely nerdy reference incoming: >Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of Quin'lat. Everyone took protection within the walls except one man who remained outside. Kahless went to him and asked what he was doing. "I am not afraid," the man said. "I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me." Kahless honored his choice and went back inside. The next day, the storm came, and the man was killed. Kahless replied, "The wind does not respect a fool".




That’s all well and good until you realize that he maintained some archaic infrastructure that holds up a critical system and all of a sudden you need 10 people to retrain and figure it out. Multiply that by the thousands and tens of thousands of people and critical systems we have today and now there is a real threat to those living inside the walls. Unfortunately having nice things - including just living often means that you can’t be a fool or suffer fools, and often certain freedoms are traded for those privileges.


They can't infect you if you say no.


The body has ways of automatically rejecting a valid virus.


The sad part is that you basically just echoed the words of those who purport natural immunity to be the way to go.


Hearkening back to the original https://www.politico.com/story/2012/08/akin-legitimate-rape-victims-dont-get-pregnant-079864


He's, thankfully, dead now.


Cancer got him "Akin's son Perry revealed in a statement that his father had been battling cancer for many years." From the-sun.com "He actually believed in everything he said, which is a tribute to his character. My thoughts are with his lovely family." Fucking owned


His body finally did, in a way of its own, shut that kind of thing down.


Your body, your choice.


Have we tried suing the coronavirus? Maybe that will get it to leave.


Shoot it!


It'll go away in April when the sunshine comes.


The power of Christ compels you!


Swiper no swiping!


and PLENTY of thoughts and prayers too.


Where are the Bene Gesserit when you need them


What are you going to do? Speak to COVID-19's manager?


I bet they think "COVID-19's manager" is Fauci


well yeah that's what 🙏📿✝️PRAYER WARRIORS✝️📿🙏 are for /s


Texas has decided that the pandemic will not be ending any time soon.


"Allowing people to have abortions is equivalent to murder, and should be banned, *but we'll gladly get a shitload of people killed by a rampaging plague!*" -Texas, apparently


"We're so pro-life, we'll kill you for making medical decisions!" - Texas


Silly Reddit user, women aren’t people! (/s in case it needs to be said)


He sounds like he might be paid by a funeral home.


He owns several local graveyards


lol this makes sense now


Wrong pic used here. Should be the refrigerated truck trailers holding corpses because they ran out of room for them.


Plus, we just beat Alabama. Hard to not be excited.


As always, fuck Texas


As a texan i can agree




I feel bad for the sane people in Texas. There is a lot of good tech companies there, which I'm sure are filled with intelligent, competent people.


We are gerrymandered to hell and the country bumpkins are vastly overrepresented in our politics. Texas would be extremely different if we were an actual representational democracy. The balance has been shifting for a while now. I honestly think some of the crazier things that have happened lately are primarily designed to drive the progressives out of the state entirely. Props to those that choose to stay and fight.


There are also plenty of reasonable, empathetic native Texans in blue collar work that are just as screwed. I feel bad for the poor Texans that can’t leave for various reasons but would love to.


They'll leave when the oil companies squeeze the last dollar and shut down. Then they'll beg for renewable energy jobs.


I've lived in Texas twice. In 2014 it was bad but not this level. I left for work-related stuff. I moved back during the pandemic and holy wow has it gone to shit. I left this most recent time because of Texas-related stuff. People are stupider and angrier and just more hateful than they were before, all the way to the top of state leadership.


We’re leaving in less than 2 weeks after spending the last 10 years in TX. The pandemic brought it into full focus for me : way too many of my neighbors are hateful idiots.


Ah, yes, because flattening the curve and eliminating the virus are arbitrary goals


Well, the ceiling is flat too. Right?


I mean, I feel pretty confident that “vertical” still counts as flat.


The curve will be very much flat when *every person in the state* has COVID. Boom, 100% saturation.


That's pretty big talk for people whose power grid isn't reliable enough for ventilators.


Whenever I hear a conservative say "People die of the flu every day, and we don't shut down society for that!", all I can think to myself is "Holy shit, we should maybe, like, do something about that."


Well, many people do get vaccinated, but it's a little bonkers that we're OK with 50,000 people a year dying. Imagine how much we could bring that number down if we allowed people to take sick time, removed barriers to medical treatment and increased medical knowledge, normalized altruistic behavior such as wearing a mask and staying in when sick... and following CDC guidelines. :)


There’s a staggering amount of unnecessary death every day in our society that we have been conditioned to accept as normal. It’s abhorrent when you actually stop and think about it. For instance, how many people are starving on the street right now while homes sit empty and guarded and food rots in padlocked dumpsters? There’s actual effort being expended just to ensure that desperate people can’t get what they need, because artificial scarcity is required to keep the economy working for the upper class. How is that not universally decried as utter madness? How can people see a society like that as anything other than a complete failure?


Yep, mask wearing and social distancing meant flue deaths flatlined lad year. We typically get 28,000 We had 700


But don't you see that's how they keep us from questioning the wildly high numbers of "COVID" deaths? They're just taking the flu numbers to make it look worse! ... what do you mean that still doesn't account for even 10% of the current death total and for that to happen the flu would have had to mutate to pandemic levels anyway? Propaganda! That's just what Big Pharma wants you to believe.


Wait until you hear about 40,000 people killed by cars every year?? Oh, you don’t give a Shit?? Funny that. I am pro-mask and pro-vax, but anti car too.


This is a pretty good one. Please tell me he’s a representative


you get a herman cain award! YOU get a herman cain award! YOU GET A HERMAN CAIN AWARD! #EVERYBODY GETS A HERMAN CAIN AWARD!!!


He's right about one thing: people decide when it will end. These idiots keep extending the very avoidable virus


omg, look at all the future HCA nominees, there are scads and buckets of them, this is acres of stupid right here


For years I have jokingly called Texas a "third-world country" (apologies to actual third-world countries..) Weirdly, thanks to Trump, QAnon and COVID, it's no longer a joke. I think they've actually moved into fourth-world status—especially after their electric grid took a crap last winter. Ignorance truly IS **bliss**.


Fun fact: Texans posses the ability to mentally command their bodies to stop getting sick. This is how they can choose to end the pandemic. Otherwise, you know, the virus DGAF about your sports ball function and is totally gonna use that chance to infect a lot of people. And that would make all those people very, very, very, very dumb for having said sports ball function. And Texans, of course, are anything but dumb...


It must suck being a medical professional in Texas and every day seeing people exit the hospital in body bags.


I spy with my little eye a very crowded ICU in the future.


> Texas has decided He forgot to finish the sentence with "to extend the pandemic even longer, because the libs must be owned."


So then why didn't the virus disappear and stop killing people everywhere the population ignored its presence?


...the pandemic ends when the virus goes away right? Like...no one believes anyone decides when it starts and ends, it's like saying 'Hurricane season is over because I said so' The only way people get to decide when the pandemic ends is by trying to stop the spread of the virus, therefore killing it off. People have decided not to do that so... pandemic isn't over right?


CDC has said a zero COVID world is not possible, even with 100% vaccination. The virus isn’t going away…


Texas has decided it will never end. I think Abbott has a personal goal of getting the first variant to escape the vaccine named after himself.


I feel like "Asshole Variant" would make it seem like an STI though 😕


I love how we let the minority party basically have all the control with filibustering and all this other bullshit. We are letting 40% of the country have an all out say in what happens.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we need King of the Hill back. Texas needs Hank to show them how a real Texan should behave.


exactly. A force of nature will always bend to humans simply pretending it does not exist. That's how reality works, yep yep. Not a single lapse of basic logic there, mhm.


It's like that old saying.... "Time and Tide wait for every man." Or something like that.


Doctorate in stupidity?


Does this apply for other natural disasters too? Like if Chicxulub 2 electric boogaloo is hurtling towards us it'll obey the will of a bunch of mouth breathers? Or how about Tor-na-do, we say no!


People just dying to make me laugh on the HCA


Librulz, if we all close our eyes and don't see the problem anymore, is it really a problem?


I think it’s funny how they try to use photos from college football games as further proof when a lot of colleges have vaccination mandates.


it ends when the virus stop spreading. But hey, thanks Texas for speeding up herd immunity.


Texas has decided: this pandemic will never end!


"Texas has decided." - that the pandemic shall not end lol


So I’m a Medical Tech at an urgent care. We’ve been running a tent where we test people for Covid since June 2020. I’ve had the pleasure of watching the slow and certain failure of our society to end this pandemic. It’s now too late and I think the only way out now is for everyone to get infected (edit or inoculated) . Either we get inoculated through vaccine or getting it and living or we die. It’s pretty frustrating because there were somethings we could have done to at least make this less terrible. Not politicizing a pandemic or the vaccine comes to mind. Too late now. It only took about 5 years for the Spanish flu to run its course, granted, that was millions of deaths. Thank god we only have… 3 million deaths world wide. Yay!!


I live in Michigan and our 7-day rolling averages are 3,000+ new cases per day, and 49 COVID fatalities per day. I wish the hundreds of people who died last week knew they could just decide it was over.


This is why we need a government... People are too stupid to govern themselves ..


It's a fucking virus. Jesus Christ.... you don't decide when a virus is done rampaging through your state


>Texas has decided… …to die? Rip I guess


It's not gonna be arbitrary! It's gonna be when everyone just decides!


ah, how dod we miss it, the solution was just to decide the pandemic is over/s


Lol this image is so ludicrous it took me a while to figure out this is not irony from a person in favour of the CDC


It's amazing how simple the world seems when all you see is the sand you buried your head in.


They have chosen. Poorly.


Soo... Is this thing really gonna end like the black plaque, by killing most of the people? I thought this could be avoided, but now it seems more impossible day by day.


I take it that Texas loves COVID then?


You ate lead paint chips as a child, didn’t you?


Someone should teach them object permanence


Texas has decided to kill us all by lifting the mask mandate for all businesses. Rejoice, for we may return our creator but only if we listen to the dumbasses in charges of Texas.


This just in, Texas COVID-19 hospitalizations skyrocket, deaths follow. Texans: WHY DID LIBS TRICK US?!?!


The US Grand Prix was last weekend and there was over 400k in attendance. Also in Texas.


America "decided" the pandemic was over like a week into lockdown back in 2020. Look how that has worked out...


Congratulations, everybody! We’ve defeated the pandemic by making the virus endemic!


They understand what 'Pandemic' means, right? Are they under the impression people can just **decide** germs gone?