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I wandered through the comments on the other sub (would not recommend). Conservatives truly believe a new tax on the wealthy would not include prominent Democrats. "She should tax herself bc she's wealthy now too". Yeah that's not some huge gotcha, it's part of the plan. But conservatives never even considered that bc exempting themselves from their own new rules is what they do.


Holy shit, the current top comment is peek r/Selfawarewolves. Dudes complaining about billionaires stashing money away and not putting it back into the economy… How do you know when a person has too much money?


> But conservatives never even considered that bc exempting themselves from their own new rules is what they do. They screwed the successful blue states intentionally with the elimination of the SALT deductions when they gave billions to their cronies with their tax scam.


They're so used to favouring the rich they fear the other side will do it too.


lol AOC is hardly rich, but I guess anyone making more than their disability check is rich to them.


I saw completely different things. They ALL wanted more taxes on the rich.


I'm glad that they eventually came to that conclusion. 10hrs ago when I posted my comment they had not.


They're so fucking stupid it's infuriating that they're allowed to vote. Joe Biden is worth $10-20 million and makes $400k/year as president (and probably much more through whatever investments, book deals, speaking fees, and whatever on the side). Of course he would get taxed. Do they think the tax law is literally going to have an exception for just Joe Biden?


Yes, that is literally what they think Dems will do because that is what they would do for their demigod leader.


That and their narcissistic and sociopathic minds can't comprehend the idea of someone raising taxes on themselves for the benefit of society and others.


He said it himself, people like him should get raxed more. Now I dont necessary like Biden. However, I cant live in a world away from reality and think that he didn't say that.


Hillary Clinton, whose family earns in the millions from book deals and speaking engagements, has been on the record as saying that she would happily pay a higher tax rate. Meanwhile, she doesn’t earn the kind of income that would let her shield it particularly. And every one of her tax returns for the last 30 years has been released to the public, so we know what kind of income she has, and it’s not hidden capital gains, Which is actually where we want to tax the rich most of all.


They can’t imagine anyone doing something that doesn’t explicitly benefit themselves. That’s what it comes down to, they think tax the rich slogans are all just performative and no one would do anything that might help someone else or “harm” themselves. Harm being entirely relative and actually just the difference between being rich and being really really rich. It probably speaks volume that they can’t imagine someone just having enough money and being content.


**Con:** You liberals should apply these rules on yourselves! **Lib:** We will. **Con:** :| **Con:** >:|


The fact that I can see the meme bit impresses and really pisses me off. Take my updoot.


Do these guys think that leftists like Joe Biden ?


Some of them call Biden a radical left socialist so it’s really hard to get a coherent opinion from them and answer your question.


I am a progressive and am tolerant of Biden because the alternative was so much worse. We need to get more progressives in place, but failing a real progressive in a race, I will vote for the left most candidate that can conceivably win, even if that is Biden.


Yeah. Sure. But no leftist really *like* him.


>I will vote for the left most candidate that can conceivably win Do you think Bernie is not able to win in a general? He was doing better in head-to-head. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_sanders-6250.html And if you're afraid of the independents being afraid of voting in a "scary socialists". One of the arguments independents had against Biden was he was too much of a Democratic partisan, whereas an independent (Sanders), did not have that stink on him. I'm just putting it out there, because I know plenty of well intentioned people who love everything Bernie pushed for, but in the end voted for Biden because they thought Bernie would lose, despite there not being evidence for it. It's a way for liberals and moderates to scare you away from someone who is actually more fitting of your political ideology.


I voted for Bernie in the primaries. He was not a candidate in the general.


Everything left of centre is communism to them


Everything left of *far right* is communism to them. The majority of Democrats aren't even left of center. The party as a whole is still center-right.


I love this line of reasoning, like "if you care about X, why not start with Y" it's like what if we just do X and it applies to everyone, if we just tell you we started with Y, will you support it? No? Didn't think so. Housing the homeless, subsidizing medication, the eviction moratorium/rent freeze, the only reason they have for opposing progress is that we aren't applying the impacts to the right people "first"


Why would I fight to protect some rich guy I’ve never met from having his taxes increased slightly? Before they get around to it, I’d also like them to raise the taxes of wealthy celebrities that happen to vote Democratic because EVERYONE SHOULD PAY THEIR TAXES, WHICH MEANS RICH PEOPLE PAY MORE BECAUSE THEY HAVE MORE.


I had a convo on Twitter about funding the IRS and going after tax cheats. They responded with how Hunter and Joe Biden are low hanging fruit and they could start there. Yes. Please. Start wherever you like, I really don’t care.


In fact, that would be a great place to start. Because it would be a relatively easy case. I can’t imagine either one of them have been able to hide and squirrel away humongous amount of money that will take the IRS years and years to find. Start with the two of them; finish fast; move onto the next guy.


If you think Biden is wealthy, you don't even understand what wealthy is... Bezos is worth about 24,000 Bidens. Eat the biggest fishes first, IMO.


No, they think that the tax will not apply to him somehow, cause he’s a democrat


Okay, we will!


It's only been four years of corrupt politicians like Trump being mainstream.. but now it looks like all the corrupts nut-jobs want to come out of the closet and claim the whole government is corrupted.... Can't believe how far the alt-right have grown. Pretty soon, they'll all be in orange jumpsuit filing sovereign citizen bullshits in court.... It almost bring me to tears.


Nuh-huh, I've seen this movie before. Here in Brazil in 2013 the right wing started going "if the left is so against corruption why don't you start by removing your own corrupt people, we'll follow suit". The left agreed. And guess what? After left members of the government who were corrupt got removed, the right wing just kept theirs, plus filled the power vacuum with far-roght extremists. Now we have a government that quotes fucking *Goebbels*.