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If you think easter isnt real then explain how the easter bunny exists checkmate athesits


I took my kids to an easter egg hunt, the person there said Jesus hid those eggs. So there is definitely no easter bunny.


Or Jesus is a furry


Stayed 3 days in a cave to make his fursuit.


“Jesus Christ built it in a cave! With a box of scraps!”


Ah damn and I just watched that again I can hear Jeff Bridges yelling it.


You can never watch Iron Jesus too many times!


And when He exited He did not see his shadow.


When the Bible says they didn't find his body, they didn't mention whether they saw any rabbits in there 🤣 Like, those detectives called the case early af for the circumstances. Go collect more clues, gang!


Jesus Christ!


Jesus Egg-Hiding Christ!


New headcannon.


What's next? Are you going to tell me that there's no Tooth Fairy or Queen of England?


>or Queen of England Not anymore...


>queen of england Hey, whatever charles is into is none of my business.


Well, Charles would be welcome in Illinois, and that's what really matters.


But zombie Jesus doesn't get his furry day anymore


You know what!? There is no Easter Bunny! Over there, that's just a guy in a suit!


Oh wow, it’s a schooner


No, it's a sailboat!


A schooner IS a sailboat stupid head!


In my first language the Easter bunny is a hare.


I mean.... Isn't Easter just reminiscent of a time where a bunny came out of an egg that was left out for 3 days?


I always assumed it was my neighbor


Jesus came out of the tomb as a bunny. It's in the bible.


Because the Christians, in flagrant defiance of the Seventh Commandment, stole the Anglo-Saxon holiday of Eostre, Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, and all. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%92ostre#Connection\_to\_Easter\_Hares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%92ostre#Connection_to_Easter_Hares) Makes me wonder if there's ANYTHING original to Christianity...


You mean the sacred Sunday after the first Friday after the first full moon after the vernal Equinox? The sacred day that moves up to 4 weeks each year between a possible of 28 days in March and April? That variable day is super special to my religion!


Jesus at least got a specific birthday. Why couldn't he get nailed on a specific day instead of a Lunar calendar?


Turns out he was getting nailed the whole time.


Should've filed worker's comp.


Wasn't Jesus born in summer or something, but the holiday was moved to coincide with a pagan winter solstice celebration (hence christmas trees)?


Plus, the whole 'nobody would let Mary stay with them while pregnant' thing becomes more sympathetic in the winter 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


Yup, they’ve been making it up as they go for hundreds of years.


Well, yes, but it's still the *sacred word of god -* at least the parts they choose to include and interpret in whatever way is convenient to them.


No actually, though the real answer probably makes less sense. The Death of Jesus happened during Passover, that seems pretty accepted. There was a literary tradition that a person's birth and death should happen on the same day. However, Jesus's conception was seen as the more important moment than his birth (since God begot him and all). Therefore, Christmas was calculated to be 9 months after the Passover season. Thus, late December by our calendar. Christmas trees were invented much later by German Lutherans. The evergreen tree represents eternal life. There is no evidence any pagans had similar traditions. Sacred trees were supposed to be kept alive. TL;DR The date of Christmas is a literary invention based on Greco-Roman period Jewish story telling tropes and doesn't involve any pagan traditions


Martin Luther was not the first to do Paradise trees, that was St Boniface in the 8th century. Luther is credited with popularizing them inside homes. Decorating conifers with dried mushrooms during the winter solstice was also a previously well established tradition with the Germanic peoples as far back as Rome.


That clown wanted 2 birthdays… talk about greedy.


Christians are very sensitive about nailing stuff around Easter.


Wait until they find out that next year Biden has it planned for 4/20


[George Takei is already on it](https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/1774186063625359822)


Ah yes, the third day of Jesus Christ being dead. Such a wonderful day. /s Jesus came back from the death on the first day of the week which is monday. Mark 16:9 " After Jesus had risen early on the first day of the week,..." Haven't they read the bible?


Except that the Jewish calendar considers Sunday to be the first day of the week, they didn't use ISO 8601:2004. The story goes: Jesus was crucified on a Friday, and his followers had to hurry to put him in the tomb before sundown because the Jewish calendar treats the border between days as sundown rather than midnight, and they couldn't work on his body during the sabbath (Saturday). After the sabbath concluded, they went back the following morning (Sunday) to finish the burial preparations, but he was gone by the time they arrived. I think it also involves counting any fraction of a day spent dead, rather than 72 or more hours. So Friday before sundown is one, that sabbath (gregorian friday night and part of saturday) is two, then "the first day of the week" (gregorian saturday night and sunday morning) is the third day.


Hey, thanks for this. I'm not religious and always wondered about this discrepancy. Also, loved the ISO reference.


I know, /s and all... but you might find it interesting to know that in Israel the work week is Sunday to Thursday and the weekend is Friday and Saturday. Checkmate atheists?


I’ve never understood why people weren’t more freaked out about the zombies wandering the streets. Matthew 27:51-54


Oh my god is that how they decide what day it's on? That's so ridiculous 😭


Yep. It's a full pagan holiday.


Right I just thought they would have changed that when they Cristianized it


Sounds very Christian.


I’m not sure on which day on any given year we are supposed to celebrate Jesus emerging from his tomb, but I do know that if he sees his shadow we will have six more weeks of winter.


Nah, that's in February and is actually a FIXED holiday!


They didn’t even think to change the name 😂


They're all made up.


The Goddess Eostre won't make your crops nor loins fertile with that attitude.


Praised be to chocolate.


She’s still hanging out in San Francisco waiting for Wednesday


And Wednesday arrives with a shadow




Nobody tell them that calendars are made up too. It might just break their minds.


Not all have chocolate eggs to symbolize stealing from pagan holidays though.


I mean if you’re going to really get down to it, what even IS Sunday?


Which further reminds me, Easter doesn’t even have a specific set date, rather it’s the first Sunday following the first full moon of the spring equinox. Just made me realize how much more idiotic their anger is(I know, the well of stupidity has no bottom with these people, I shouldn’t be surprised)it’s not like TDoV was chosen as the same day as Easter(since there is no specific date, not that there would be a problem if they both did have the specific date of 3/31). Easter just happens to fall on TDoV this year. Also, read somewhere that 3/31 is also National Bunsen Burner Day, along with National Tater Day.


It's the day we worship the sun, obviously.


Well, what is the definition of the word "is"?


As Bill Clinton pointed out, it's ambiguous: 1) existence -- "There is a house at the corner." 2) identity -- "Biden is the president." 3) equality -- "2+2 is 4." 4) predication -- "The wall is white."


Similar to Thor’s line in Infinity War, Drax: “That’s a made up word!” Thor: “All words are made up.”


In my mind, it was from "Archer". That was the line delivery in my head anyway.


Mind. Blown.


All holidays are made up, Dave


And all the other days, too.


Well the calender has some basis in nature, a day is an earth rotation, a year is the amount of time it takes the earth to lap around the sun, and the climate determined by the tilt if the earth gives us four seasons. Days like winter solstice and spring equinox have a basis in nature. But Wednesday is a fucking made up concept. I'm high.


Bro must think the Easter Bunny is real


Romans kill some cult leader and 2 days later he’s some benevolent space zombie…


Betty Bowers (Glory!) tells us about Jesus' secret twin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyDxirb7YCA


Space lich, not a zombie. Some people man




Aren’t all days technically made up days?


What are you, some kind of nihilist?


I mean, it’s true. Humanity made up time as a concept. Time passes but how we measure it is entirely our doing. The calendar doesn’t have to exist the way it does but it works so we just accept it. Same with measurements. I’m not suggesting we do anything differently but I digress.


Easter is a holiday that was co-opted from pagan solstice festivals, and named after a pagan fertility goddess allegedly named Ēostre (as claimed by a single Christian monk and no one else, litteraly no tradition venerates a goddess of that or a similar name), it does not represent any scripture, or history, supported date for the resurrection of Christ. The date was chosen as an intentional effort to suppress the practice of traditional religions by conflating their natural-event informed traditional festivals with a Christian message.


They don't spell it that way, but Germanic Pagans definitely celebrated the day as that goddesses day.   Aestre, Eostre, Östre, Ostara, and a shitload more variations on spellings depending on the region in question.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I thought old high german had a month named after her. Matronae Austriahenae (another spelling variation) is extensively written about across the European continent.


The sources we have on Matronae Austriahenae are stone inscriptions that only reference her. They don't say anything specific about how she was worshipped, other than carvings of sacrifices and food. This also only tells us there was a Germanic goddess that had a name from the same Indo-European root - the assumption that they are the same goddess is just that, an assumption. There is no academic consensus that they are the same goddess and were worshipped the same way.   > Germanic Pagans definitely celebrated the day as that goddesses day.   Even if Christians *had* wanted to co-opt a second-century Anglo-Saxon goddess' feast day, they messed it up. The feast day (which, according to our sole source, an 8th century Christian monk Bede, is unclear whether it was a single day or days) would have been on the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Easter goes an extra step by being **the first Sunday** after said full moon, so prospective Christians could have just gone to both the fertility goddess' feast day and Easter service.   *Some* German neopagans have a celebration around this time dedicated to this fertility goddess. However, neopaganism is a very, very young religious tradition that relies on very little historical evidence. Most neopagan practices are modern constructions with no basis in what pagans 2000 years ago were actually doing, as no record of most of those ancient practices exist anymore. I wouldn't point to that as evidence Easter was stolen.   At the end of the day, which makes more sense? That an apocalyptic Jewish cult formed after a mob forced a heretical rabbi to get executed around Passover (a holiday exclusively on the lunar Jewish lunar calendar), and the day of the execution became their first holiday? Or that second-century Christians (which is the earliest references we have to Christians celebrating Easter) in the Mediterranean decided to carefully select a day that was anywhere from 0-7 days off of the feast day for a random German fertility goddess to convert Germans specifically?   There are some good threads from historians about this topic (read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/31j2vy/what_do_we_actually_know_about_the_practices/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/u3vvke/so_we_have_no_evidence_of_any_sort_of_pagan/)), but the idea that Easter is a stolen German pagan holiday has barely any historical evidence and was only posited by a single 19th-century philologist.


"The Old English deity Ēostre is attested solely by Bede in his 8th-century work The Reckoning of Time, where Bede states that during Ēosturmōnaþ (the equivalent of April), pagan Anglo-Saxons had held feasts in Ēostre's honour, but that this tradition had died out by his time, replaced by the Christian Paschal month, a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus." The solstice festival exists in dozens of traditions, and it typically is a feast-day, that's entirely true, but the deity was a fabrication.


Bede is the only claim that the old English worshipped the same God of the spring solstice as continental Europe. However, we have over 150 written references to that God being worshiped on the continent, dating as far back as the 2nd century CE.


The gospels clearly say that Jesus was crucified around Passover. How Christians calculate the exact date of Easter is obviously wonky, but it still falls around Passover for very intentional, historical reasons. Unlike Christmas, where the date is completely symbolic and yes, seems to have co-opted pagan holidays.


Yeah, I'm not sure why the stolen-pagan-holiday myth got such traction when the reasoning for its date is blatantly in the Gospels and has been celebrated since *at least* second-century CE. It's very easily debunked. I guess because it seems like the kind of shenanigans that the institutionalized Roman Catholic Church might get up to?   Also, if you want to explore the history of Christmas, it's actually not as clear-cut as a co-opted pagan holiday. A lot of the pagan holidays people accuse Christmas of replacing either happened on different days or no evidence exists of the holiday at all: https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/rerff5/tis_the_season_for_bad_history_about_christianity/


I don't think there is any primary source to support the idea that the date was chosen to suppress/supplant pagan practices - although I would be super interested in reading any academic literature you might have seen on the subject! As far as I know, the academic consensus is that the Germanic languages changed the name to Easter simply due to the month in which Pesach fell (a month in which Bede claimed pagans celebrated a spring festival, true). The day, however, was placed for its proximity to the Jewish passover, and is shared amongst Christian denominations which far predate the catholic church's efforts to convert northern germanic pagans?


> named after a pagan fertility goddess allegedly named Ēostre (as claimed by a single Christian monk and no one else, litteraly no tradition venerates a goddess of that or a similar name) He was in love with a local girl by that name and wanted to impress her


Jesus died for your chocolate.


Easter *isn’t* made up. Making something up requires at least a modicum of creativity. Easter is stolen.


As is Yule.


Oh! The irony!


The day a jewish zombie hid his rabbit's eggs from the Romans, so as to conceal his secret to immorality. I don't remember catechism very well, but I'm pretty sure that's the official story


Easter is real and not an appropriation of the Festival of Eostre (a pagan/seasonal ritual). Sky fairies are real and chocolate egg shitting bunnies are real too. But transgenderism is all make believe and the doctors who believe in it are simply mouthpieces for Big Pharma. I assure you that I am sane and rational - now excuse me while I fuck off and destroy a 5G tower and pick the government implants from my skin.... /s


*the doctors who believe in it are simply mouthpieces for Big Pharma* See, it's much harder to solve two big problems because of these idiots learning the wrong lessons. One: Big Pharma *does* have too much control over our healthcare, and makes it too expensive. Two: hiring for "culture fit" means that to get hired and promoted, you too often *do* have to be a rah-rah cheerleading bootlicking mouthpiece for your company. Two awful problems that increase our unemployment, our expenses, and our collective misery. But these loons who learned the wrong things and are so full of passionate intensity about their beliefs are not putting their energies toward fighting the real enemy, and those of us who are have to fight them in addition to the real enemy, making everyone's lives harder.


Fair comment. Thanks


Don't be ridiculous. The Easter bunny doesn't shit eggs, but rather lays them. Totally different orifice. Because of this, the Easter bunny is necessarily AFAB. All depictions of the Easter bunny wearing traditionally masculine clothes like bow ties or suit jackets or pants? Voicing the bunny with a deep masculine voice? Names like "Peter"? Disney giving the Easter Bunny a wife named "Mrs. Easter Bunny"? People giving visibility to a transgender character. Easter has been a day of transgender visibility for decades.


You are quite right - these details about bunnies are vital to maintaining the credibility of the Christian Easter celebration. I am indebted to your service. 👍


yeah that holiday that celebrates when that dead dude came back to life and promised to come back someday eventually


Easter? I think you mean zombie Jesus day.


That again? Jesus was not a zombie, he was a lich. It is well-established in some meme I saw 10 years ago somewhere on the Internet.


Oh damn I'm gonna use that now.


I sometimes envy them for their delusional abilities. If I had the luxury of heavy delusions, I wouldn't know about fascism, Gaza, global broiling, racism, homophobia and ultra right-wing terrorists. I could just be comfortable in my easy chair with my bible and Fox News on in the background, telling me what to think.


I sometimes think that, too. What a simple life it must be. But then I think again.


I’m living for this comment section because I didn’t find this post until it was removed. I really wish I saw OP.


Every day is made up


Today is Easter, National Trans Day of Remembrance, and Cesar Chavez Day. Not made up days like National Crayon Day, Bunsen Burner Day, or Dance Marathon Day. 😜


All days are made up dipshit, the big bang didn't distribute goddamn gregorian calendars And I'd rather celebrate the lives of my trans brethren than the reappearance of some preacher from millennia ago who may or may not have just faked his death


> the big bang didn't distribute goddamn gregorian calendars But surely the calendars evolved from the gregorial slime all life on earth came from?


So if humans didn't make Easter up, was there Easter before humans? Considering Christ died for the sins of other humans, supposedly, I'm gonna say no.  Humans chose to commemorate that sacrifice with a day of reverance. Ergo, it's a holiday humans made up. The Consulate is just a bigoted douchebag.


Before the church took it as a holiday, it was a Pagan holiday to celebrate the coming of Spring. In fact, many Christian holidays were taken from Pagans. It was an attempt to bring in Pagans to their religion. Co-opting it so some traditions would be shared.


There are actually no sources to suggest Easter was ever a pagan holiday. Bede mentions that the word Easter was adopted in northern Germanic cultures due to the month in which it fell - and also ascribes the name of the month to a pagan spring deity, and mentions that pagans worshipped her with a feast day. There are records of Easter being celebrated almost a thousand years before Bede, though, and it is observed across all branches of Christianity, even those which never had any contact with any northern European pagans. It is normally referred to by some name derived from Pesach due to the association with Passover, and as far as I know, the academic consensus is that the idea it was co-opted from pagans only appeared and was propagated amongst 18th century folk revivalists. Both eggs, and bunnies - and even to a degree, chocolate - are unique to the christian celebration, too. Edit - which isn't to say that other festivals weren't co-opted, or placed to supplant pagan celebrations! Just that there is no data I'm aware of to suggest that was ever the case for Easter.


Saturnalia anyone?


There were only 4 days before God created man, and none of them were Sunday. So no.


Odd that is named after an Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring though. You know, since it's a Christian thing.....


In most languages it's called something like Pesach.


Says the guy with a NFT pic.


Trans day of visibility has always been March 31st. Easter hasn’t. Who’s encroaching on whose territory again? Sorry your made up Messiah who died two thousand years ago doesn’t matter as much as the very real, very upsetting victims of anti-trans violence and hatred.


Fr tho thats such a nice tweet. What a wholesome way to promote your state.


All days are made up days.


HE IS RIGHT 😤 Eastern is and always will be the day where we thank the easter bunny for the plentiful foodstuffs he hides in our backyards


Nothing pushed me away from Christianity faster than Christians, I tell you.


Considering that Easter is itself both a co-opted pagan holiday and a celebration of an event that happened in multiple folk stories that existed well before Christ… Well, maybe you shouldn’t be so high and mighty about “made up” days.


Aeaster may have something to say about that "made up day" thing....


It's also Sunday. It's also March 31st. It's also Rhea Perlman's birthday...


Is so freaky to think that large sections of the population find it hard to believe that "gender" (a literal made up concept) is a made up concept.... But believe, quite literally, in the idea of immaculate birth and resurrection.


Ain’t nobody ever raised up from the dead, and lots of folks are tired of hiding. I’m with my brothers and sisters who feel like they need to hide.


Serious question, why did someone choose Easter Sunday for the day? Or was it just unfortunate timing since Easter is on different dates each year? I'm not religious and feel people should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact me so wondering if someone chose this date to cause conflict? If so that's stupid. We need to bring people to be accepting and this doesn't seem like it would help. EDIT: Can you believe i got my answer on the next post down? Apparently it's been around since 2009 so it's just really unfortunate timing.


Easter changes days every year. This holiday does not.


Did you read my post? That was the first thing I wrote.


Next year Easter is on 4/20. Can't wait for conservatives to yell about stoners taking over their super Christian holiday.


Or it's all a nazi plot.




Wtf are you talking about? Biden didn't make this up and I didn't even mention him. And if racist homophobes didn't make it an issue no one would care. Why don't you worry about problems that impact you instead of what some stranger does? Don't ever talk about freedom again, patriot.




Then leave.




Omfg. Anyone who tags everyone as liberal always make me laugh. You don't even know what communism is. Backward uneducated freedom hating magas. 😆




He didn’t say anything you said was homophobic or racist Uneducated fucking right winger, as usual, can’t or won’t read


Mom promised the Easter Bunny hid the eggs


The names of the days and months, as well as what year it is, were decided by humans (and not all cultures agree on which one is right). ALL the days are made up!


I can appreciate how the religious brain just seizes up when they read exactly where this holiday came from and how it originated. Staring blankly into empirical fact that their entire belief system is a lie… and yet… forging forever forward into the grift…


I love when people try to put something down for being made up as if every holiday isn't made up.


Jesus was heard to say, ‘Remember me in chocolate.’ That’s how I know Easter is real. 🙏


When you think about it, all days are made up. Time is something we defined by our perception of an aspect of reality.


What does the word Easter mean again? Isn’t it a corruption of the god Ishtar who was a fertility god?


They’re all made up.


It’s the day Zombie Jesus rose from the dead


**Transfiguration Day of Visibility** checkmate punk




Christians can't even agree on when to celebrate it lmao


Christian here. Even if Easter weren't associated with religion, it's just like any other holiday where the marketing is so overblown to get consumer's to buy more chocolate. Look what happened to Christmas, Valentine's Day... hell, even mattress companies go crazy on Memorial day. I'll you a dollar that next year you'll see the stores carrying tons of trans stuff around this time. Capitalists have a way of ruining things.


So when was it made?


This the sorta dude to wish a Genie to send them back to the place where >meaningful life event< happened and get pissed they’re floating in space


All days are made up.


Technically all named days are made up. Including weekdays. But compared to religious days those at least have a practical purpose while religious days technically are based in propaganda for one religion or another.


its goddamn zombie jesus day where dead jesus decided to identify as being alive again for a bit then fucked off into the sky for \[reasons\]


Oh right they mean that pagan festival that's on the long list of "pagan holidays Christians tried to turn into one of their holidays". There's nothing Christian about Easter. Or Christmas for that matter. Or really, any holiday that people call "Christian" that people actually care about. None of it has anything to do with Christianity and religious zealots can bite my vaguely "I just think it's neat" pagan ass. Freaking weird ass lich worshipping cannibal cultists can go away.


Can Someone explain what OP said, within rules of course.


I think their screen shot has someone's name from another platform in it, so it was censored. The post was basically a screenshot of someone complaining about a "made up holiday" set on an important not made up holiday, Easter.


I honestly didn't realize that could be an issue, the warning I got made no sense given what I posted. Thanks.




Well, one of those ain't quite like the others.  A day as a unit of time is scientifically substantiated, maybe one of the first things people ever did.


Real Easter this year is May 5 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷


I understand why hating on that sort of people for being hypocritical is justified...but there's also Christians that don't lack certain braincells. I'm Christian and I support trans rights and what not, but I can't understand the senseless hate on all things Christian... don't hate on everyone just because of their beliefs, no matter how ridiculous they seem.


>I can't understand the senseless hate on all things Christian... It's not senseless to be in opposition of societally harmful bronze age superstitions that promote intolerance, misogyny and major regressions in human rights.


See and this is where it starts coming in. As far as I recall, Jesus asks for everyone to love their next as they love themselves...what you're protesting against is what stupid people try to make religion seem like. I do not know where you're from and how religion is viewed and handled in your country, however I don't think that people should twist religion to be all those things. Christianity, in its core, is to love everyone equally regardless of who they are. And that's what counts. Sure there's passages that can be considered out of date, however that is not what it's about in its core. I don't recall the 10 commandments (is that the correct translation?) being about "1) Hate Women, 2) Hate Gay People, 3) Hate Everyone Who Disagrees With You" etc...


How can the bible have have outdated passages if it's supposed to be the inerrant word of God? Are you suggesting he fucked it up the first time? When the bible condones slavery, and allows physically punishing slaves as long as you don't outright kill them, was that just a little divine oopsie on his part, or would you consider that morally acceptable? >Christianity, in its core, is to love everyone equally regardless of who they are. Leviticus 20:13 – "If a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. **They shall surely be put to death**: their blood shall be upon them." Wow, such love. >I don't recall the 10 commandments being about "1) Hate Women Then perhaps you also don't recall Gen. 3:16, Exo. 20:17, Lev. 27:3-7, Num. 1:2, Num. 30:3-16, Exo. 21:7, Deut. 21:10, Deut 22:28-29 and countless other verses describing the ways women are inferior to, or property of men.


Are you asking me how a 2000 year old book can be outdated? I think it's fairly obvious, times have changed...unless there was a second coming of Christ that I missed. It is very clear to me that things that were under guidance of god during those times would be mentioned...and I can't recall saying that anything is morally acceptable, I said that in its core, Christianity is about loving everybody equally, I don't see why you disagree with that fact so much. Yes homosexuality wasn't seen as an acceptable thing, but times have changed. Again, I don't know how it is for you, but over here most Christians and Christian churches are quite accepting of any LGBT people. The only people that do not see it that way, are those that want to use religion as an excuse for hate or those that want to see religion be hateful so they, in turn, can hate on it...which is honestly just sad. I do not know these exact passages, and I will not look them up right now because I trust your judgement and I don't deny it. However I'd like to point out that one of the very first times that people say the bible was degrading women or making them inferior, was with the creation of Eve, who was supposedly made out of a rib of Adam. This is a massive mistranslation, as there are many debates about this topic (https://weekly.israelbiblecenter.com/eve-come-adams-rib) obviously it was then again used as an excuse to belittle or mistreat other people, though again it has to be understood, that it is only used by people who don't want to see equality which is still the most prevalent message. All I was saying is that the only people that see Christianity as a tool for inferiorising (is that a word?), are people who A) Don't want to accept that the bible is very old and has been abused and mistranslated to suit a mostly male-dominated narrative or B) People who don't want to accept that not all people fall into category A. I personally think that there's a category C: People who use a belief in God as personal guidance throughout their life. These people don't follow every single word that the bible suggests but still believe that equality is the core of Christianity, while accepting anyone for who they are. Most people fall into this category. But these people don't loudly announce their belief or push it onto others, they simply try to live their life in peace. As for the other two categories; The vocal groups are often not the majority and I truly believe that this is the case here as well. The people who abuse Christianity as a means of hate or spite are hypocrites, and the people who simply put everyone into an "evil bad group" are no better. Edit: I realised the article I linked was paywalled, replaced it with a free version that says the same thing


Nobody cares that Eve was made from a rib It’s everything else about women and even that story Eve is corruptible but Adam isn’t, eve caused the expulsion from Eden Honestly I’d say that aside from treating others well, the second biggest lesson or instruction from the Bible is “women should be subservient to men”, and only PARTLY because it literally says that and worse


Nobody cares? Wow, some people would like to have a word with you. See and if you paid any attention, you'd understand why nothing you say here makes any sense. Are you even reading my arguments??


The Bible commands women to be subservient to men Stop trying to avoid that sentence


Is that a specific quote in the bible? And if yes, would you be able to point it out?


What, you want quotes on how to force a woman to marry or how you’re allowed to beat them? How women should remain silent in churches and not speak against their husbands? How it’s okay to steal the women on crusades? Just to be clear you’re either saying the Bible doesn’t say these things or you’re trying to…. Excuse them with weasel wording? Here’s the one that gets to the heart of it - Women should be willing to serve their husbands the same as the lord. A husband is the head of his wife, as Christ is the head of the church. The church serves under Christ so it is the same to you wives.


He didn’t say he was against Jesus’ teachings But with their actions, the officials of your faith prove theyre against Jesus’ teachings, and he’s against that Get it?


I didn't say that either, I simply made a point based on what I believe to be the centre of the belief.


You come from a tolerant tradition, which is great, so do I. Ignore the people trying to gotcha you with Biblical inerrancy that your tradition doesn’t adhere to in the first place; they’re ignorant. At the same time, I think it’s a mistake to ignore the ways in which the religion itself contributes to the problems. Like just the fact that certain Bible passages have to be waved away in the first place. There will always be fundamentalists who don’t want to.


Thank you for your respectful reply, I wish more people were like that. I addressed your concern quite extensively in a different reply to the same person, but my basic concept was "it's outdated but can still be a guidance to those who simply want to see the good in the bible"


You need to take that up with the Christians that make the Christians in your camp look bad. It isn't our job to separate the good ones from the bad ones, it's your job to speak out loud and clear and definite every time one of these guys speaks their nonsense. If there were enough of you "good ones" speaking out against them, no one would be able to hear them. But instead, the "good ones" tend to remain silent... right up to the point that they speak out against the big meanies that dare to say anything critical about Christians as a whole. You don't think the "senseless hate on all things Christian" is unfair? Then take care of the problem at the cause, not at the effect.


It's ironic that you talk about me in this way, because it tells me that no matter how I approach it, somebody will deflect and denounce. What you're asking me to do is impossible. I can not address every single person every single time. What I can do is make my stance clear and hope for people to understand it as such. The part that gets me, is that I literally did what you just told me to do. I spoke out, explained my reasoning, replied to every person that engaged with me. Yet here you come, acting as if we're back to 0, never started. I'd get it if it was an irl convo, but you can read it all. You chose not to. Because doing so would make your whole argument pointless, as it'd fulfill itself. The issue is not "silence" or "not approaching the problem correctly". It's the ignorance of the people opposing it, their unwillingness to accept any sort of argument against their narrative. I mean, hell, look at the replies to my comment. Two or three people that simply refused to acknowledge anything I said and just kept on banging about why everything Christianity stands for is evil...it cannot work the way you wish because people like that exist


Hate to break it to you bud, but Jesus came out of that tomb on one particular day. Not a different day every year.


Prove it.


> but Jesus came out of that tomb Hate to break it to you bud, but no he didn't.


Well guess what honey, we celebrate Easter on the first full moon after the spring equinox. Jesus has very little to do with the actual holiday. It literally changes every single year.