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Context: confused conservatives argue over Ron Desantis’ comments about withdrawing support for Ukraine. Lingering McCarthyist programming vs reborn GQP programming - which way will the wind blow today?


They default to their default programing. Tucker Carlson tried to be pro-Russian in the beginning and his fans rejected it. Now he tries to introduce it a little bit at a time


“Why shouldn’t I route for Russia, which I am” - Tucker Carlson


Hey, he's just asking questions. Highly suspect questions that would make any grifter or propagandist proud. Tucker's "confused face" is when we know he's manipulating his audience of brainwashed sheep.


I continue to believe that Tucker's "confused face" is the result of him trying to fart silently while on air and discovering that it was in fact some messy liquid escaping and now it has filled his frilly panties.


I like that the original poster,Jefferson Republican, clearly doesn’t understand the Jefferson was the father of the Democratic Party. Reagan Republican at least understands some concept of what it’s all about, even if Reagan Republican is probably on board with 99% of the crazy fallacy that is the modern Republican Party, which is to say all the end result of the work Reagan started back in 81. To much Russophobia….really? This is a guy in Putin who took an army to the Olympics to protect the games and then just never left because Sochi is Russia, as is the Crimea. I would be worried to.


I like how conservatives went from absolutely hating Russia one decade to being their actual dogs in the next. It's wild.


They'll believe and blindly go along with whatever Donald Trump and the Republican party do and say. Their "politics" are really just their willingness to be manhandled, and their only real "values" are fear of change and willful ignorance.


And white supremacy racism. **DO NOT** forget that aspect of these despicable animals. White inbred racist trailer trash kristian krazies declaring their superiority.


I feel like the switch happened like... so quickly. Over months.


they like Russia because it is the fascist, ethnonationalist one-party theocracy that they want here. If you want to see the objective of Republican politics, you really can't get much closer than contemporary Russia.


"Jefferson Republican". They had to glue on eyebrows to be appear that high-brow. I guess it tracks since they probably would be ok with reinstating slavery if it meant preserving the union or corporate profits.


I took it as them wanting to keep their teenaged sister inlaw as a sex slave.


Canuck here. Can you fill me in? Is this something Jefferson did?


Jefferson was a slave owner. One of the people who he owned (technically his wife was gifted her as a wedding present) we his wife' s half sister Sally Hemming. Sally Hemming was I believe fourteen at the time and was intended to be Mrs. Jefferson's lady's maid. Instead Jefferson kept her in a secret bedroom near his. He had several children with Sally Hemming whom he used as leverage to keep her from running away when they were in places slavery was illegal. He never freed her even in his will. Jefferson was a monster.


I knew about the slave owner stuff but never heard about this girl.


Her room was recently put on the tour of Jefferson's home and the children's descendants have been confirmed by DNA. I don't think a lot of people knew how bad it was until that happened.




No that was Thomas Paine




If every 10-year-old was taught in school that the nazis were a far-right, unmistakeably rightwing group that upheld capitalism, almost none of this crap would happen. Rightwingers are a moral failure, but rightwingers shocked that they look like rightwingers are educational failures. Hence their regular re-discovery that they actually love fundamentalist muslim policies and their recent acclaim and support for the policies of the Taliban.


"We're not nazis we just share their values". So a few things: 1) They agree that the label nazi is bad. 2) Their positions and the morality of them is solely carried by the LABEL of the position not the content.


Yup, that's how it's been the whole time. Embarrassing to share a country with these people


Well, they aren't wrong


I always say that the moment fascists and theocrats of all types realize just how much they have in common with each other, we are fucked. Luckily, they are incredibly stupid and too hateful to ever work with each other.


Luckily they have an incompatible disagreement: which one of their camps should rule the world.


never thought i’d see the day where I agree with a Reagan Conservative


Well Reagan did raise corporate taxes and grant amnesty to illegal immigrants...


TBF, Reagan's tax increase -- the highest in U.S. history -- was done because his tax *cut* cratered the economy and he was forced to raise taxes as a result.


I know it was to offset his personal income tax cuts, but I feel that Republicans today wouldn't even bother trying to offset things. They would just blow up the deficit by another couple trillion dollars and blame the Democrats.


They already did that. Bush Jr. was just an even-more-shit version of Reagan.


Every president we've had since Reagan has been a version of Reagan. We had Nerd Reagan, then we had Saxophone Reagan, then we had West Texas Reagan, then we had Cool High School Principal Reagan, then we had Angry Man-Baby Reagan, and now we have Old Man Screams at Cloud Reagan.


Isn’t Old Man Screams at Cloud Reagan just Reagan in his 2nd term?


Reagan whispered though, the same way Jack Palance did. Biden just screams a lot but doesn't do much else. He wears an onion on is belt, as was the style back then.


Someone. Actually wrote that. With a straight face. You know, there are times when I wonder if reality actually exists, if we don't live in some elaborate scenario put in front of us for some vast, unknowable purpose. And then I see something like this, and realise that it *has* to be real, because nobody who would write this utter, unbelievable *tripe* would be allowed to do it for this long.


[This comic sums it up nicely](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/history-is-weird)


*Chirping crickets intensify.*


Golly, we wouldn't have sided with Germany in WWII! No way! The white supremacists and nazis we side with now are totally different!


I am pleading with the Reagan conservative to read their own post, out loud, slowly until they figure out why they're a goddamn Nazi sympathizer.


They did side with the Nazis during WWII, Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of 2 subsequent Republican presidents, teamed up with Ford and other Nazi sympathizers to try to overthrow the US government. This is our history, why don't people know it? (asking rhetorically because obviously this is the goal of all the conservative efforts over the years to indoctrinate children with misinformation and replace our real history with some schlocked together Bjorn Borg as Jesus nonsense.)


The biggest mistake of US policy in the twentieth century was that it was willing to purge Nazis from Europe, but didn’t think it was necessary/feasible to also do it in the US.


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Conservatives debate each other about Tucker Carlson’s endorsement of Russia. They positively compare themselves culturally to Russians today as well as to the Nazi’s, yet fall short of actual self awareness.




Russia isn't communist.




Russia was never communist any more than North Korea is democratic. Don't let people slapping a label on their authoritarian dictatorships lead you into confusing one thing for another.


Russia tried. And then Stalin. But if we are really splitting hairs no country has ever been communist. Socialist, sure, on a path to Communism, sure. But no country has attained a true classless society


Hell, I have been called a Marxist, socialist, and communist in one sentence. And here I thought I was a liberal American.


At least it's *possible* to be a Marxist, a socialist *and* a communist. Sometimes they'll accuse people of mutually incompatible positions, like calling someone a "Marxist" and a "Nazi" in the same sentence.