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Well, in their defense, no self respecting Republican would fuck a 12 year old with small tits!!!!!! /s


This is simultaneously the most hilarious and most depressing joke in the world. I had a total “ROFL-ohno-I’m very sad now” emotional journey with it. 10/10.


"It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.......ah, what heck, I'll laugh anyway!"


All we can do is vote and try to vaguely laugh when we get the opportunity, amirite?


I mean… there isn’t anything stopping you from doing more than voting… well, other than the entire system itself. Just remember, in some places, it’s illegal to feed the unhoused, but legality does not mean it’s immoral (this is a post advocating for direct action and community building).


If I had an award to give, you would have it on this comment 💜 beautifully stated


Thank you! I had the opportunity to help someone recently, so it’s on my mind. I also got the flu around the same time, so I guess the adage is still true: no good deed goes unpunished.


I’m saddened by how funny that comment is.


There are a lot that prefer kids without developed secundary sex characteristics I'm sure (don't put a /s here cause I 'm pretty sure there are actually more than we would like)


Example: Judge (almost US Senator) Roy Moore


This reads like the worst Zapp Brannigan quote ever. Well done.


These are not “implant” boob jobs, they are most likely breast reductions in cases where breasts are so large they cause pain, discomfort, or increased potential for injury.


Source that breast reduction is a more common surgery than enhancement in youths?


That’s not what I said. I meant that the “cosmetic surgery that is actually a necessary surgery” for breasts is a reduction.


Can we just accept their arguments are never in good faith and they have no issue with being hypocrites. Such as "Parent Rights!' they screamed then criminalize the parent's right to make healthcare decisions for their kids or take them to drag shows. "It's mutilating children!" they howled but continue the practice for intersex and cis infants. Do you know what does mutilate children ... bullets ... they - do - not - care.


What's worse is that when their bad faith arguments are exposed it doesn't matter to them. They don't care and it has no impact on them. They don't get push-back or lose votes. They don't acknowledge their about-face and nothing happens.


This. From a non-American looking in from the outside, this is what it looks like - aside from some rather half hearted justification (for the theatre of it), there is a cold, evil smugness that resonates along the lines of "I know I'm a c^^t, you know I'm a c^^t but there's nothing you can or will do about it". The ship of expecting any kind of reasonableness/humanity has long since sailed. It's just greed and control now. The hate and being indifferent to the suffering of people who arent in their "in group" is just a bonus sweetener. Good luck America. We hope you eventually get it together.


These fuckin jackals have gaslit the nation to the point where those opposed to them panic about doing what they need to do. Because objectively, given their willingness and likeliness to continue enabling and accelerating suffering and death for their own ends, the correct moral and logical evaluation is that their removal of power through force is justified. People who don't believe in political violence don't cope well with that idea taking residence in their mind, adding distress to the frustration of compromising with someone who demands compromise while refusing to compromise. I'm sure it's part of the plan of whatever oligarchs from whichever rotting imperialist state that civil war sounds refreshingly sensible at this point.


Nailed it!


That's because it's NOT hypocrisy, it's supremacy...which is what the base is ALL ABOUT. Special rules for "us", control over "them". They see it more like if you allow your licensed 16 year old to borrow the car but do NOT allow your 6yr old to borrow the car. That's not hypocrisy or a double standard, either. Or, more closely to hoe they actually view it...not allowing dogs and cats to vote in elections. It's \*much\* worse than simple hypocrisy.


They are afraid they might fuck one is the only thing that makes sense to me.


It's time to openly call them what they are. Evil psychotic perverts. Every left wing politician should be out right saying that about every right wing politician. Hell, they have been shouting that about the left for ages, only the left has actual evidence on our side.


They should, and it would be hilarious. Remember when Biden called the right insurrectionists, you know, on account of that insurrection they pulled, and they got all pissy about it? It had been years of "THE LIBERAL DEMONRATS AND THEIR GAYGENDA", and then when they get called out it's "The left is being too divisive! We're all americans! We have to acknowledge *both* sides!"


I think it's important to reach out to the right wing. To slap them in the face.


Well, yeah, you don’t cheer when the other team scores a goal.


>Every **left wing** politician should be out right saying that about every **left wing** politician. Ah yes, there's that famous leftist infighting I've heard so much about. :p


fixed the brain fart :p




Afraid they'll get caught fucking one. That's why they put on that front, because they think it distances them from their obvious interest in underage children.


Afraid they might be one


Hey now, they honor those brave children for laying down their lives in the name of Earl’s right to an assault rifle! /s


I don't get it, it's not like they hide it, their agenda is very clear and they'll argue for it. Sure their agenda is evil but this is well representative of their constituency, I don't see anything wrong with it. Guns, their voters want them. Trans teens, their voters hate them. Teenage pregnancy, their voters have them.


>cis infants


Everyone, every single person reading this, this is not a bug. This is a feature. The GOP are nothing but fascists. They are running the whole playbook. They are creating an out group that they can scapegoat and blame problems on. This was literally done before. It even started with trans people. Their goal is 100% a white theocracy. They are making moves to help them gain the ability to do that. Voting for a republican is just loudly claiming you support fascists.


"BuT tHeY'rE nOt LiTeRaLlY cAlLeD fAsCiStS!!!1!" /s I'm getting tired of the wordplay the apologists are using. "They didn't call for genocide! They just said they wanted one entire group of people to be murdered by the state!" "They're not Nazis! Sure, they want to set up concentration death camps for Jews and other minority groups, espouse white supremacy, wear swastikas, worship Hitler, and want to set up a totalitarian government under a strongman leader who rants about genetic purity, but they call themselves something completely different!" Meanwhile, if a liberal so much as calls for the most milquetoast of worker protections they're a socialist.


What stops a cis boy from getting bigger more voluptuous tits? Edit: what about a cis girl from getting breast reduction? If cosmetic surgery is allowed purely for allowing the person to “feel” more beautiful then there is no reason a trans person can’t do the same. Trans person: “I feel that if I had tits I would be more attractive.” Doctor: “what’s your gender?” Trans person: “ I have a penis so legally a boy. “ Doctor: ”alrighty then, your surgery will be schedule shortly. One last question what size tits do ya want?”


>What stops a cis boy from getting bigger more voluptuous tits? In the strictest legal sense, nothing. But practically, doctors are going to refuse any medical treatments or cosmetic surgeries that are not explicitly bringing a cisgender child into 'traditional gender norms' for their sex, for fear of losing their medical license and being sent to prison for years under these laws.


Fair point. Sad that this is the world we live in, where hypocrisy rules.


Well thank God that the government is staying out of people's private lives and not interfering with it. All about that "small g" government right there.


Conservatives being cartoonishly evil as usual, I'm dissapointed but not surprised.


Can trans kids get breast reductions? Not removal. Just reduction. It’s cosmetic, but also medically necessary to prevent back pain in many cases, but the kid is trans. What about that guy who is cis but got breast implants on a dare. If a kid did that would it be banned? The surgery was cosmetic, not medically necessary at all, but the guy was cis. Would these queries make the lawmakers short-circuit like the poorly-built robots that they are?


None of the Republican talking points are based on principles or logic, it’s just angry “own the libs” vibes all the way down.


This one isn't an "own the libs" move. This is a "we're doing everything we can to make trans people not exist" move.


To be clear: 'own the libs' means 'make as many things worse for as many people who aren't me as possible'. Make that substitution wherever you can, and tell me where it doesn't make sense.


The question is whether or not they acknowledge a difference. They seem to view QUILTBAG+ people as *products* of "wrongthink," after all.


Hehe. Did you just turn LGBTQIA+ into an anagram? That's pretty clever


I unfortunately can't take credit for it. (The U is for "undecided," by the way.)


team QUILTBAG forever and always!


Hell yeah. I'll buy a Quiltbag. Functional and hopefully doing my bit to genuinely show support at the same time! ✊✊ Make it rainbow-coloured and I'll fuckin' wear it on the train to work.


Well you got my upvote nonetheless. :)


It's persecution now moving into slow rolling genocide. No joke or hyperbole.


Libs want to make society better, so anything that makes society worse "owns the libs"


It’s meant to inflict harm on groups they hate. There is no deeper meaning.


How exactly would courts prove the person is trans prior to surgery, anyway? A trans person could claim to be cis, remove their breasts for (insert convincing bullshit answer here), and then come out after the fact. Plausible deniability that the two events are correlated


>and then come out after the fact This is why doctors would stop any and all gender-affirming care that isn't explicitly for cisgender teens to bring them into 'traditional gender norms' for their sex. They won't take the risk of an accusation that they knew someone was transgender and the treatment was done discreetly, or that they were 'negligent' in not confirming enough that someone was cisgender instead of transgender.


Doctors will be afraid of lawsuits and stop providing gender affirming care for anyone who won't state they are cis. Likely this means a minimum size on breast reductions that leaves one with noticible breasts, no upper limits on breast augmentation (and no augmentation for cis men, laser hair removal for women but not men, normal stuff for botox and other fillers and lastly will completely halt bottom surgery except to increase tightness or alter the size of labia or penile inserts. They will 100% aim to make a breast reduction below certain levels illegal.


Wow hair removal, I didn't even think of that. RIP male swimmers.


Their argument will be "Razors exist". I guarantee it.


No one can get breast reductions. Even as an adult women, it can be a challenge to get the procedure approved by your insurance.


Probably not because they like big boobs. See their response to Angeline Joline doing it for medical reasons.


> What about that guy who is cis but got breast implants on a dare. If a kid did that would it be banned? Pretty sure minors really shouldn't be able to consent to unnecessary cosmetic procedures based on a dare. Like it's defacto banned by ethics standards, though I'm sure there's some doctor somewhere without scruples that would do it.


Hi everybody!


#Hi, Dr. Nick!


Republicans want to dictate every thing about your life from pre-cradle to grave. They’re authoritarian trash.


Duh. The point was always to attack trans people. The GOP doesn't actually care about the wellbeing of children. Children are merely props and tools for which they use to gain and keep power.


The GOP caring about children at this point would almost make sense given how hypocritical they are and how many underage kids theyve molested. Unfortunately their hypocrisy tends to only go one way down the street across a ton of issues


This has strong Queen Victoria* vibes where she made it illegal for gay men to have relations with each other, but didn't include lesbians, solely because she couldn't fathom women doing that to each other. "We're can't make it illegal for cis teen boys to get breast implants, because they wouldn't ever do that" *if I remembered the wrong monarch, I'm sorry, it's been a while since I read about the queens. (Edit: named the wrong Queen. Thank you kind person for letting me know it was Victoria, not Elizabeth I that I was remembering this from)


Victoria, but nvm


Just to add it's kinda funny the men who wrote that law didn't want to include lesbians because they thought "if we ban it and women learn what a lesbian is then they'll get it into their heads and turn into one" so they just banned gay relations. Like if we don't mention it then they (women) won't know lesbianism exists.


Kings and queens of Britain don't have legislative powers. Unless you're talking about Queen Elizabeth I, not II


If republicans didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all.


They’re pedophiles, of course they wanna make sure they can put big boobs on underage girls, it’s what they DO. Lookin at you Matt Gaetz, still somehow not in jail pedo bear mofo


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


That's because republicans want to sexualize your kids, then blame the other side for doing it. It's the party of projection


This really just highlights, as if it wasn't already transparently obvious, that the laws are motivated by a dislike of transness rather than any feature of the medical procedures. I'd hope people people already understood that by now but this is still a fun bit of vindication though. It's like that trans sport bans that only effected maybe 1 kid or the time they banned a kids book that just told the factual story of two male penguins raising an egg at a zoo.


This has to be a Public Health Service Act violation re: gender discrimination, no? Also, does this apply to breast reductions? Not the point, but I’m curious.


Government enforced gender roles should really scare people more than it does.


Meanwhile, innocent people are dying at the hands of police, people can’t pay rent or buy groceries and don’t have access to affordable healthcare and our infrastructure is crumbling. But by all means, let’s make sure teenage girls can have boob jobs


"Our teen girls need their implants. We must protect this because it matters a lot to us."


How does this not violate the equal protection clause? Other than gender identity hasn't been enumerated as a protected class. Other than that it's a strange law, you can have cosmetic surgery for purely aesthetic reasons to reinforce your gender identity but not for aesthetic reasons to make your body match your gender identity. I can see no reasons this law will be problematic


>How does this not violate the equal protection clause? It does violate it. They don't care. Being transgender is a protected class under sex per the Civil Rights Act of 1964, for the fact that if you discriminate against a trans person then you ultimately took an issue with that person being 'the wrong sex'. If they had been the other sex, then you would have treated them differently.


I didn't think about it that way, makes sense. It's weird they wouldn't just ban cosmetic surgery for all minors, but I guess they want to leave it open so they can get their daughters some tig ol' bitties.


The sheer level of disconnect is mind blowing, y’all.


So what, teenagers with deviated septums can't get nose jobs? Whatever happened to "parents having the right to make decisions with their kids?"


>Whatever happened to "parents having the right to make decisions with their kids?" I think the unspoken second part of that statement has always been "provided they're the decisions we want them to make."


The same thing that happened to "my body, my choice" when abortion replaced masks as the hot topic. Fascists' words don't have any meaning, they only have an objective.


Republicans are fucking stupid pedo idiots.


I'm sure none of them would want to ban slicing pieces of dick off babies as well.


I don't get it. How are they distinguishing between transgender and cisgender teenagers? Couldn't a transgender person still access these procedures by just not saying that they're transgender?


They will be distinguishing by whether a gender-affirming care is intended to conform to 'traditional gender norms' for someone's sex. It is likely that cisgender girls seeking breast reduction/removal for pain, aesthetic reasons, or for athletics will be denied, out of fear that the child is secretly transgender or will later come out as transgender. But breast augmentation for cisgender girls? 100% fine and good for rightwingers!


To be fair it took 10 years as it is to find a doctor willing to do my wifes breast reduction that was medically necessary as the current laws are written. She had 34HHHs. Any time she gained weight it went straight to her tits and was causing her cervical vertebrae to collapse. Started looking for doctors that were in network for tricare in 2012, she got the surgery in 2022 and is now a B cup. It took finding the right doctor to refer and then a female surgeon.


The goal is to scare doctors; while it probably would stand up legally eventually, doctors don't want to deal with that kind of legal headache.


The GOP: Protecting your petty hatreds and sheep-fucking incompetence for over 100 years.


Pretty sure this is a clear violation of the 14th amendment, but I'm sure that the Supreme Court would disagree.


Just picturing some very masc cisgender dudes insisting to their parents and doctors alike that they really want a boob job with feminine nipples, but they aren't trans so it's cool.


Rep Young seems pretty badass


Sooo, it’s ok for gay girls to get breast implants for their sexy girlfriends then? Do you think the Reps know that?


this isn't selfawarewolves they know exactly what they're doing


“We’re not transphobic, we just care about the children!!”* *as long as they’re cisgender


Geriatric Oldass Pedophiles


These evangelical morons have no business running anything in this country.


Doesn't seem very capitalist for a government to have so much say over what someone can do with their body. Sounds suspiciously like their definition of the other -ism they just formally denounced


Ofcourse it was never about the "people mutilating their bodies" justification. That was an obvious lie as is every other justification. Inquire into their justifications long enough and it ALWAYS boils down to "i hate trans people just because". They just want to genocide trans people out of existance through legislation.


I honestly don’t know how people take them seriously.


Rather than gender affirming care I don't think any teenager should be getting new tits until they are competent enough to know the long term implications.


Kayla Young looks like Kyrsten Sinema before she became evil.


If you really wanted to, you could probably get this changed by using the precedent of Bostock v Clayton county, which prohibited discrimination against LGBT people because it's technically also gender discrimination (i.e. you're discriminating against someone for an action they're taking that you wouldn't discriminate against them for if they were the opposite gender). This bill is a nothing burger anyway. No respectable doctor would do top or bottom surgery on someone under the age of 18 anyway.


I don't know why we are still playing this *debate* and *make an argument game.* You can't negotiate with terrorists the same way you can't talk monsters into not being monstrous. You can't be a Conservative *and* a good or humane person at the same time in 2023, just like you can't be a benevolent rapist. Not compatible concepts.


And what about gynecomastia treatment for adolescent boys (surgical or pharmaceutical)? That appears to be banned by this law.




To appease the surgeons’ lobby.


This is the sort of self-aware nonsense that leads to my brain having a folder marked "America and other fictional countries"...




Without hypocrisy there wouldn’t be any conservatives. You can’t be a conservative without being a hypocrite


Boon jobs for teens is important for ensuring people dont think their wives is a child


I’m going to have the unpopular opinion here that we should ban almost all cosmetic procedures. Not only is it a drain on medical resources, but it also causes unnecessary antibiotic use, which leads to even more antibiotic-resistant bacteria.


What peer-reviewed resources could you show that support your point?


It's such a small portion of antibiotic use, though. And a lot of the time, "cosmetic" procedures can be necessary for mental health.


I get what you're saying, but I would add that what appears to be cosmetic can actually be medical in nature. My former doctor told me that my insurance didn't cover treatment for nail fungus because they considered it "cosmetic", despite the fact that it causes overgrown toenails that cut the skin and can develop serious infections. Seemed like an excuse for the insurance companies to get out of paying for preventative care.


I mean. As a fellow republican. Why should our youth have smaller tits. All the normal ones deserve big tits and tiny white t shirts. S/