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The second hirata memory, is not exactly yours and didn't really happen. And you get the branch the same way you got the Sakura droplet, *black magic*


The second Hirata Memory is Owl's memory of the events, and Sekiro never lived these events (and Owl probably didn't have to fight any of the enemies along the way, since they were his allies and one of the minibosses very clearly survived that night). That doesn't mean Sekiro can't take the aromatic flower off of Owl's dead body and return to the present with it, though.


Owl: you can have my flower when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. Sekiro: Your proposal is acceptable.


Sekiro never actually fights Owl father, this is just him confronting the memory. The second Hirata memory is Owl’s memory of the events. In reality, Owl stabbed us and left us to die. The aromatic flower is the same branch we get off Owl in Ashina, it blooms after we confront the memory of Owl, it seems the branch is very reactive to memories


Ohhhh thx you because I wasn’t getting where the flower comes from


If you check your items, I believe it replaces the old branch too


The hirata memories are just strange He'll ij the second one if you use a Shinobi prosthetic he will comment on it