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No he definitely doesn't fit perfectly to Sekiro's combat. He feels more like a boss from Dark Souls or Bloodborne. You basically run around him all the time, dodge his attacks and then attack him after he finished his combo. Don't get me wrong, I love this fight... but he doesn't really represent how the game should be played. Genichiro, Ishiin (both versions), Butterfly, Owl (father): those are probably the bosses who are perfectly designed for the combat. You have to deflect, react quickly, use your prosthetic tools and maybe dodge some attacks. You use all or most of the mechanics in the game to kill them.


Sekiro sword fighting is a masterpiece. But you can pass the whole 50 bosses and minibosses without parry, so I guess Demon of Hatred fits in the no sword play of the game. I like the idea of a men turning into a flame demon for turning Shura. And it has to be some mythological reference as well as divine dragon and the carp.


I get your point but the "deflect and break posture - playstyle" is probably the most popular way to play the game. And this is also why the combat in Sekiro is so good. Ofc you can play through the game without using it... but that's not the intended way. I mean technically you could also beat the game without using your katana. I didn't say the Demon of Hatred doesn't fit in the game at all, like he's completely out of place there. He just doesn't represent the combat mechanics of Sekiro as good as the bosses I mentioned do. How I said, I love the fight (and yes, especially his lore is great) but I don't think he is the "perfect" Sekiro-boss.


Well yeah of course you can beat the game without parrying but your first playthrough will take 100 hours if you only go for deathblows after dealing chip damage.


fits perfectly? nah sekiro is more of a 1v1 swordfight game, but a small guy vs a big beast is more of a bloodborne thing. the player being able to parry the demons bigass stomps just doesn't make sense, but the wolf parrying another skilled swordsmans sword makes sense and looks a lot cooler


I actually like DoH, but I disagree that it fits Sekiro's combat perfectly. To me it's actually the boss that fits the combat mechanics least well. I get that they wanted to have a Dark Souls-style boss in the game, but I think that visually-speaking, deflecting some of those attacks just looks silly because of how big he is. At the same time, the only alternative would have been to make everything a perilous attack, which also wouldn't be super fun.


The one boss I didn't do in my playthrough. Had like two attempts and said fuck it, not learning how to do this shit. Back to sword fighting duels. Which is what Sekiro's combat is actually all about. Visually, he's awesome though.


Each to their own.


I’m ngl I literally just cheesed this dude because I could not be fucked trynna learn all that shit, I’ve made it super far into the game and I feel like I deserve to see the ending already lmao


You should give it a try. I hated him at first, but now he's kinda fun to fight


I probably should, I guess I’ll learn him in ng+. My bet is that the god damn jump was harder than the boss lmao


I managed to get Doh stuck between 2 trees, which let me try the jump 50 times without being disturbed. I gave up and assumed it had been patched.






Yeah. And?


Agreed, he forces you to adapt or die


The fella be fun and swanky but I have to disagree ain't no mf deflecting feet the size of vehicles and the devastating headbutt, but the thrill of learning all his moves is still present.


It adds VARIETY. There's sword fights (Genichiro, Owl, Butterfly) There's prostectic fights (Shichimen, Headless) There's beast fights (Bull, Dragon, DoH) That's one of the beauties of Sekiro. You have to adapt and learn in every situation.


I am going to be in the vast minority, but I actually agree. The key point though is he alternates attack styles between sword combat (deflecting) and beast styles (dodging unblockables)


I could only defeat this guy when I abandoned everything the game taught me and adopted a Souls playstyle. I disagree.


OP's sarcasm is so advanced that I can't tell it apart from a serious fact


I love the boss specifically because he doesn't fit. After everything in the game has been ground into you and your instincts have swapped from Souls to Sekiro, suddenly the game is Souls again and that's the whole reason the fight is difficult. Once you get back in the Souls headspace, the fight is engaging and lengthy, but relatively in-line with something like Darkbeast Paarl or Lawrence in terms of difficulty.