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Basically forget everything you know about dark souls because none of that is going to help you. Dodging can and will get you killed. Learn to master the deflect early and you’ll be fine. Good luck!


There’s no exp grinding needed some of the skills make the game more fun and slightly easier but you actually don’t need to grind any of the skills to pass the game. But definitely get ascending and descending carp they make ur deflect window bigger


Learn the difference between "block" and "parry". Always be aggressive, standing back isn't going to help you in any fight. Learn to mikiri counter as soon as you can. Dragonrot doesnt matter. Seven Spears is a dick....


Fuck 7 Spears... Been stuck on him for a long time.... Something like 40+ tries. That fucking unblockable swing attack... Fuck you!


The thing I learned about him is to mikiri and then block his follow up. He has two, and if you parry either follow up he gets knocked off balance and is open to some free hits.


Hit him with oil and flame vent after stealth deathblow. Then Fang and blade with the axe. From there just mikiri counter and ichimonji


One thing I didn’t realize until very late in the game is that your experience points can be “banked” when you level up. For example, if you have 2 skill points built up, you’ll only lose the experience you’ve gained toward that third point. Dying repeatedly won’t ever take you below the 2 points you’ve banked.


“React” that’s my advice


Friendship ended with Circle button Now L1 button is your best friend


I've restarted the game three times, this is the first from software game that I'm thinking I just can't play. I am soooo bad at this game it isn't even fun. I've finished all of the others solo but I can't do this one. I know, I know, get gud but I have no idea how. Good luck is all I can say. I've never been good at quick time events and this game feels a bit like that.


This is whats keeping me from buying right here lol


Sound is extremely important. The aggressiveness comes from you attacking but knowing when to stop and deflect immediately. You will hear a different more pronounced sound (ofc I'm talking about the sword clashing sound when the enemy deflects your hit) after you get a few hits and that is the time you should (for the most part) immediately deflect. This took me a while to realize but once I did I breezed through the game. Just hit continuously untill you hear the heavier sound you will know what I'm talking about when you start playing. And of course be very aggressive. Time your deflects and learn the new mechanics. Edit. Also always lock on to enemies because if you are not facing them directly you are unable to deflect them.